Connors' Devils (Devil's Riot MC Book 5)

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Connors' Devils (Devil's Riot MC Book 5) Page 7

by E. C. Land

  “Umm, yeah, that hasn’t happened, but I am totally exhausted. Thankfully, I’m off from the hospital until the first of the year and I intend to catch up on lots of sleep,” I say, sitting down.

  Laughing, we all begin talking with them telling me about the charity event coming up this weekend and all that is planned for it. I can’t wait to take Logan to it. Izzy really outdid herself in planning every detail for it. I’m proud to say I know such an amazing woman who could put together something so magnificent for those who could benefit from it, especially when she looks like she could pop at any time. Though I know she’s got another two months or so to go, the doctor in me wants to tell her to take it easy.

  The five of us are so busy talking that I’m struck dumb at the sight of both the men who’ve started breaking down my walls standing very close to a woman I’ve never seen before. When she touches Dragon’s chest, I feel my own chest ache.



  When I texted Doc earlier this evening about the party, I never expected shit to turn sideways, especially with Micky showing up. She’d come in right before the party started, asking if she could speak privately with a few of us brothers. Twister reluctantly agreed after Izzy pushed for it. Evidently, she knew what this was about, otherwise Micky would have been out on her ass for the shit she pulled on the Prez and his ol’ lady.

  I never thought Micky would be one to apologize for her actions, which is why she asked to speak privately. According to her, she’s learned she doesn’t want to be the person she became and is working on turning her life around. She’s even planning on heading out to Australia, wanting to start her life over. Why she feels she needs to go to another continent to do that is beyond me but I’m happy for her. I can appreciate the fact she had enough balls to come in here and apologize.

  That’s why Dragon and I stopped her right in the hall to the party to tell her just that. Before the whole shit happened with Twister, the two of us used to talk to her some. When she moves away from us, I scan the room, expecting to find our woman but don’t.

  Glancing in Dragon’s direction, I nod toward the girls’ table to see if they’ve seen her. By the time we get to their table, Horse, Twister, Thorn, and Rage are all sitting with their women, who are all staring daggers at us.

  “What’s with the death glares?” I ask half-jokingly.

  “You really want to ask that question?” Kenny spits out.

  “Sweetgirl,” Horse says warningly to his ol’ lady.

  “Don’t ‘sweetgirl’ me, Horse. No, we have a right to be mad at them for what they just did.”

  “And what is it we’ve done,” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest, waiting to hear what she has to say. Glancing around the table, all of them except Izzy are staring between the two of us. Izzy, however, looks guilty. What the fuck?

  “Maybe your brains are still all out of whack from your surgery, but it seems to me you were pursuing a woman I thought of as a friend yet just now, you let some whore rub all over you both. I mean, seriously, do you not have respect for a woman like Connors or are you wanting to keep your options open?” Kenny throws out as she glares up at the two us, putting her hands over her rounded stomach.

  “Whoa, hold up,” Dragon speaks up next to me. “You’re pissed over the fact we were telling a woman congrats on doing something with herself rather than spread her legs anymore for anyone willing?”

  “Careful, brother. She may be out of line but she’s my ol’ lady,” Horse says firmly.

  “I’m sorry, y’all, I couldn’t tell you at first,” Izzy finally speaks up quietly.

  “What are you talking about?” Cleo asks, her face filled with confusion as she looks at Izzy.

  Izzy looks to Twister, who nods his head.

  “Don’t you look at him, sister-in-law.” Kenny narrows her eyes at Izzy and her brother.

  Sighing, Izzy begins talking. “Earlier today, Micky came by and asked to speak to me.”

  “What?” all three women screech at one time.

  “Yeah, yeah, I know. Well, anyway, she apologized and explained the night Twister threw her out the club she realized she’d hit her lowest point. And now she’s moving to start a new life,” Izzy says.

  “You mean a clubwhore actually decided to stop spreading her legs to get what she wants?” Lynsdey questions.

  “Yep, and she came here tonight wanting to make amends with the club before leaving,” Twister says for Izzy.

  Becoming frustrated with this bullshit, Dragon and I need to find our woman. “Where did Connors go?” I ask.

  “She left when she saw the two of you standing with Micky,” Izzy answers, looking down.

  “Fuck,” Dragon mutters.

  “Yeah, she was really upset,” Kenny says.

  “Come on, we need to go,” I say, tapping Dragon’s chest as I turn to leave.

  “Yeah, we need to go set this shitfest straight,” Dragon growls. Through our connection, I can feel him seething at the fact Connors would think the two of us would look elsewhere.

  Walking through the club, I head to my bike. “Gadget, I think it’s time for us to show Doc exactly how we feel about her,” Dragon says as he moves to his own bike.

  “You’re right. It's time to show her just how much she belongs to us,” I nod in agreement with him.

  Connors needs to hear from us that the bullshit she saw was just that— bullshit. Neither of us would look at another woman like we do her. It’s time she learns exactly what it means to be with the Brooks brothers.

  Starting my bike up, I hit the throttle and head for our woman.



  My heart still hurts as I pull into my driveway. How could I be so stupid to think Dagen and Casey would want me? The image of them letting some other woman touch them completely guts me. I should never have let them get as close as they have. I mean, men are all the same, they like to be able to choose which flavor they’re in the mood for. And when it comes to me, I’m no one’s pick. I learned that a long time ago and at the time I didn’t even want to be in the marriage I found myself stuck in.

  Turning my car off, I get out and make my way to the front door, though the closer I get, the further my mood goes south and I don’t want Logan to see me upset. Or my sister. Last thing I need is her going on a murder spree on my behalf. She’s protective over her family, especially since everything happened.

  Sitting down on the front steps, I let memories of the past collide with the present and I’m not liking where I am. In my heart, I know Dagen and Casey wouldn’t hurt me, but I can’t seem to get the sight out of my head. Did they know the woman intimately? Has she seen them the way I want to? Questions continue to fill my head as I sit here in my own misery. I’m so consumed with my thoughts I didn’t hear the bikes pull in the driveway. Not until Casey and Dagen are in front of me, both kneeling so that we’re eye-level.

  “Baby, what are you doing out here?” Dagen whispers, his voice raspy but gentle.

  Shaking my head, I don’t answer him. I can’t. My throat feels constricted from all the emotions running through me.

  “Mo chroí, what you saw tonight wasn’t anything but us telling a friend good luck as they get ready to start a new life,” Casey murmurs quietly as he cups my cheek.

  Closing my eyes, I take a breath. “Did you sleep with her?” I ask, dreading their answer.

  “Babe, don’t do this to yourself,” Casey says.

  “Tell me.”

  “Yes, baby, we have been with her. She was a clubwhore for a while. But you should know that neither of us have been with anyone in over six months,” Dragon admits.

  “I don’t know what we’re doing here.” Opening my eyes, I turn my head as I reveal my thoughts quietly. I don’t even hear Dagen saying the two of them haven’t been with anyone in months. The fact they let that woman touch them keeps running through my head, screaming at me that they won’t be faithful to just me.

do you mean?” Casey asks, cupping my chin and directing me to look at the two of them as Dagen grabs hold of my hand and squeezes it.

  “I mean, look at me. I’m flawed.” I divert my eyes as tears start to fill them. “Compared to other women, I’m hideous. I don’t have a size zero supermodel body. I’m still carrying weight from when I had Logan five years ago, and I have stretch marks over my stomach and burn marks along my body beneath these clothes. Hell, I still carry a mark on me where I was branded like fuckin’ cattle. You really want someone like that? I don’t think so. Not when you can have women at your beck and call like the one who I saw you both talking to,” I say, trying to keep the tears from falling.

  I can’t let them see me break down. Not if they’re gonna leave. I’ll wait until I’m in the safety of my own bed to release them. Nick may have thought he had the power to break me, but he had nothing on these two. Nope, he simply made it where I don’t want to trust my heart to anyone. But Dagen and Casey, they have the power to destroy me completely. I haven’t wanted to admit even to myself that I’m in love with them, but I am. Within such a short amount of time, they have broken down the walls I thought they simply cracked.

  “Look at us, baby,” Dagen says. I shake my head, not wanting them to see the power they have over me. “Come on, Stephanie. I need your eyes right now.” My eyes go to him at the mention of my first name. It’s the first time that either of them used it. I hate my first name, that’s why everyone always calls me by my last name. I prefer it over both my first and middle name. I mean, who names their kid Stephanie Mercy Connors? It’s like giving the bullies a reason to pick on a kid in school. I was called so many names, and when I began to develop, the guys would call out, Lord have mercy and show me Stephanie’s mercies. How stupid was that?

  “Yeah, baby, eyes on us. Now, I want you to listen very carefully ‘cause we’re not having this conversation again. Am I understood?” Dagen rasps.

  Nodding, I don’t speak as I wait for him to begin. I already know what’s coming, the end of what I want to say was our relationship.

  “Get that look out of your eyes, Doc. We told you a week ago that you’re ours and we’re yours. Now, as for the bullshit you just spewed about yourself, I never want to hear it again. What you see as flaws, I see as beauty. You think Gadget or I aren’t flawed? Because we are. I can’t talk without it hurting my throat. Gadget here has his own flaws. Neither of us are perfect, but we would never cheat or look at another woman. We want you and no one else.” Dragon growls the last part out.

  “Exactly what Dragon said, baby. You’re beautiful the way you are. As for stretch marks and a little baby weight, that’s nothing. Means you carried life within your body and gave birth to a child we both love as much as you. The rest goes to show you’re a survivor and we would never judge you for that. Now, what we would do is kill the son of a bitch who gave the scars to you. No one, and I mean no one, compares to you. So I’ll tell ya now, the next time you think anyone is better than you, Dragon and I will be sure to show you the error of your ways,” Casey says, finishing what Dagen started.

  Speechless, I merely nod my head.

  “Good. Now, it’s time for you to be punished for leaving the party without sorting this shit out,” Dagen growls, standing to his full height before bending over and picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

  Squealing, I kick my legs only to receive a slap to my ass.

  “Doc, I’d suggest you be good and take your punishment or Dragon is gonna make you go all night without coming,” Casey says. Moving my hair out of my way, I look at him as he follows his brother only to see him smirking at me.

  Well, shit, this night is not going the way I expected at all. Actually, I should rephrase that— it’s the way I’d hoped it would be going originally but without a punishment.

  As confused as I should be right now, I just want to feel loved by them.



  The instant we hit my room, Dagen throws me on the bed while Casey closes and locks the door. Lifting up onto my elbows, I keep my eyes on both of them as they stand side-by-side at the edge of the bed.

  “Umm, I’m not so sure about this,” I say nervously even though my body is humming with need.

  “Oh, baby, you’re just nervous,” Casey murmurs as he moves to lean on one side of me. His fingers run along my side and up to the curve of my breast. “You just tell us if you don’t like anything we do and we’ll be sure to stop.”

  My eyes shift from him to Dagen, who still hasn’t moved from his spot, although he has removed his shirt and unbuttoned his jeans. “Let Casey take your clothes off, Doc,” he growls out, his eyes following his brother’s hands.

  Nodding, I let Casey pull my shirt over my head before he lowers my pants, leaving me clad in only my bra and underwear. I move my arms to hide my body from them, but Dagen’s voice stops me. “Don’t hide from us, babe,” he rasps while moving to my other side, settling in with his head so close I can feel his breath against my face. I’m trapped between the two of them as they each run a hand along my body.

  I’m consumed by pleasure as they alternate going up and down my chest and down to the edge of my panties. Thankfully, I’d had a mind not to wear anything ugly. In fact, I had on a matching bra set.

  “You know how beautiful you are?” Casey asks. Moving from next to me, he stands long enough to remove his shirt before leaning over and slowly drawing my underwear down my legs. Once he frees my legs, he spreads them enough to settle in between. “Remember, baby, you don’t like something, all you gotta do is speak up,” he murmurs, his breath hitting me where no one has had their face before. Not even Nick.

  The first lick of Casey’s tongue against my slit forces my body to arch, giving Dagen the chance to remove my bra. Turning my eyes to him, I see him watching his brother pleasure me and it’s a sight to see. His eyes fill with lust the longer Casey continues his slow torture of licking my pussy.

  Feeling bold at the pleasure Casey is giving me, I reach up and cup Dagen’s head, pulling his mouth down to mine. He groans against my mouth as I moan into his when Casey latches onto my clit and begins to stroke my pussy with a finger.

  Dagen lifts his head, leaving me breathless. “Babe, as much as I can feel it through my bond with Casey, I need to have my own taste. Why don’t you help him out of his jeans while I devour your pussy?” Moving down my body, he takes a nipple in his mouth and another in his hand, pinching it between his fingers.

  I cover my mouth to stifle a scream from coming out. These two are going to drive me crazy as they continue their assault on my body. Casey gives me one last lingering stroke of his tongue and then he slowly moves up next to me, kissing my body as he goes. Dagen does the same as he moves down to settle between my legs. I can barely hold my eyes open as I see Dagen staring at my pussy.

  Turning my gaze to Casey, he leans back to remove his jeans. I shouldn’t be surprised he’s gone commando, but I suck in a breath and my eyes widen at the sight of his dick. No way will that fit inside me let alone two of them. Holy shit, it’s like the size of a python. I notice a gleam of silver showing under the head. I think it’s called a frenum or something else, but I don’t know, this is all new to me.

  Keeping my eyes on the piercing, I tentatively reach my hand over, running my fingers along his length.

  “Don’t be afraid to grab it, baby. It won’t bite you,” Casey chuckles as he moves to kneel on the bed close to my head. “I want you to take me in your mouth. Fuck, I’ve dreamed of it since the first time I laid eyes on you two years ago.”

  Throwing caution to the wind, I open my mouth and suck him in deep, moaning at the taste of him as I begin to bob my head back and forth, taking him to the back of my throat each time.

  “Oh, fuck, yeah, that feels good,” he groans, cupping the back of my head. He starts to guide me, showing me what he likes.

  Moaning, I swirl my tongue around the head each time I pull back.
  “Fuck, I can’t take it anymore. I need to be inside you,” Dagen growls from between my legs. He moves back, releasing himself from his jeans before driving his dick inside me.

  With Casey’s dick filling my mouth, I scream around him at the instant orgasm Dagen gives me.

  “Hell yeah, baby, keep sucking me while he fucks you,” Casey says as he fucks my mouth and uses one hand to pinch my nipples.

  “I want you to come on my dick, mo chroí,” Dagen rasps as he pounds inside me. His thrusts are erratic and I know he’s close to coming.

  “Baby, I want you to swallow my come all the way as the both of us come,” Casey groans right before he spills in my mouth. Dagen’s dick twitches inside me as he stills, coming deep within my pussy. What I didn’t expect was to come with them. Screaming, my vision blurs at the intensity of my second orgasm.

  Both men collapse, keeping me tight against them as we all try to regain our breath. With Dagen’s dick still deep inside me and Casey against my back, I have to admit this is exactly what I’ve always dreamed of having. I just never knew it would take two men for me to feel it.

  Two men that I’ve fallen deep for. Smiling to myself, I curl up between them and let sleep take over.



  Last night, as fucked up as it was at the party, I wouldn’t change it for the world considering how the night ended with Gadget and I finally taking our woman. Hell, we ended up waking up several times throughout the night to pleasure her. Gadget and I took turns fucking her, each time making sure she came more than once. I swear, her pussy and mouth are more than I ever dreamed of. And in my dreams, it was fuckin’ hot. The real thing has nothing on it, though. The first time we had her last night, I couldn’t stop myself from taking her while she was sucking Gadget’s dick. Through the bond we share, I could feel the sensations against my own and I wanted to be inside her when I blew my load.


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