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Connors' Devils (Devil's Riot MC Book 5)

Page 16

by E. C. Land

  An evil laugh comes out of Hydro’s mouth as he throws his head back. “That’s a good one, I wouldn’t survive the seven hells. Really, I already survived five years of it. Now back the fuck up before I do to him what I did to those women. The little fucker should never have been born. You hear that, you dumb stuttering bitch,” he screams, looking into the room. I take it as an opportunity to tackle Hydro to the ground, landing on top of him. I slam my fist into his face. Sitting up, I continue to slam my fist into him over and over until someone pulls me off of him.

  “Brother, stop before you kill him in front of Logan,” Gadget says.

  At the mention of Logan’s name, my vision clears and I step back from the piece of shit. Glancing around the room, I find all the brothers from both mine and Stoney’s charter. When Twister and Stoney step forward as one, they both lift Hydro up off the floor and take him away. Words aren’t needed, and I know exactly where they’re taking the shithead.

  As much as I want to follow them, I know why they did what they did. They’re giving Gadget and I a chance to get Logan out of here and back to his mom.

  Turning my focus to Logan, I lean down and pick him up. “Come on, Lo. Let’s get you to your momma,” I say, gently placing a kiss on the top of his head. Logan wraps his arms around me tightly as he sobs into my shoulder.

  “Hey, buddy, we got you.” Gadget soothingly runs a hand down his back.

  “Alright, brothers, it’s time to head back, Horse and I are heading to the hospital and hopefully not missing the births of our kids,” Twister states.

  “Hell yeah, let’s get going. Tracker, can you be sure to take the garbage and put it in the can until it’s time to take it out?” Stoney asks, glancing over at us as he keeps his words light so as not to cause any more trauma to Logan.

  “Yeah, me and the boys will handle this shit. You go on with them and meet your new grandkid,” Tracker says.

  “Come on, Lo-man, you ready to go for your first ride?” I ask Logan. He doesn’t bother lifting his head, he merely nods. This shit has sent him spiraling backward. Hopefully seeing his momma will help bring him out of it and maybe he will want to talk again. I can only fuckin’ pray he does at least.



  Who the hell knew that both Kenny and Izzy would go into labor not long after the guys left? And on top of that, demand I be the one to take care of them. Well, I mean, I don’t mind doing that. It’s one of my favorite parts about being a doctor, helping two moms deliver their children. I’ve helped with several, even Kenny and Horse’s son, JC.

  “Holy shit, I swear to God, this kid better love me for going through this fuckin’ pain. Why didn’t Kenny tell me the pain would be this bad?” Izzy says, clenching her teeth through another contraction. She went into labor an hour before Kenny when her water broke right in Shadow’s room. She was a little worried being only thirty-six weeks pregnant, but when a baby is ready, they come when they want to come.

  “That’s because she had an epidural with JC the moment she felt the first pain,” I stated, which is true. With Kenny’s first, she demanded one the moment she got to the hospital.

  “Well, dammit, maybe I should get one,” Izzy pants as another contraction hits her.

  “Izzy, I hate to break it to you, but you’re too far along to get one now. You’re doing this without any pain meds,” I inform her as her eyes widen.

  “Fuckin’ hell. If I hadn’t demanded Twister not come back without Logan, I would twist his balls right off.” My heart clenches at her words. Izzy refused to let me call Twister and let him know she’d text him telling him she wanted his head in the game of saving my son. Tears fill my eyes for a second.

  “Thank you,” I whisper, squeezing her hand. Izzy and the other women are one of a kind. Since I’ve known them, they’ve always put others before themselves and I admire that about them. I feel selfish right now, though, for the fact I’m grateful that Twister and Horse stayed back to help Dagen and Casey.

  “You’re family, Connors, and besides, this little girl needs to meet the boy she’s gonna marry,” Izzy groans through yet another contraction. God, I hope they make it here in time before she has this baby. I inwardly shake my head at Izzy’s mention of her little girl marrying Logan. I know she didn’t find out what she was having, wanting it to be a surprise, but they say mother’s intuition is always right.

  Another hour goes by and her contractions are to the point she’s ready to push. As I inform the nurses it’s time, I start to prep Izzy, and I can see the sadness of Twister not being here yet.

  “Alright, Izzy, you ready to meet this little one?” I ask as the door to the room bursts open.

  “I’m here,” Twister rushes out as he runs to Izzy’s side and holds her hand.

  “Please tell me you got him,” she cries out at seeing him.

  “We did, baby,” he murmurs and I feel relief knowing my son is safe.

  “Izzy, on the next contraction, I want you to push,” I say. She nods, and thirty minutes later, Izzy is holding baby girl Leanna against her chest with her husband at her side.

  “Thank you,” Twister says as I move toward the door.

  “I should be the one thanking you and everyone else,” I tell him.

  “Nothing to it. You’re Gadget and Dragon’s ol’ lady, means you’re family. We take care of our own.” He shrugs like it’s no big deal.

  Nodding, I don’t say another word as I leave them to be with their daughter. Before I can go see my son, I check on Kenny, only to find out that Doctor Taylors needs to take her for a c-section. Since I know she’s in good hands, I make my way to the waiting room to see my son. I can’t hold on any longer.

  The moment I see them, I rush over and take Logan into my arms. Glancing up at my men, I mouth ‘thank you’ to them. They surround Logan and I as we begin to mend our family.

  After a few minutes of holding each other, I ask them if we can go home, only to realize we don’t have a home anymore.

  “Baby, we’ll always have a home with each other as long as we’re family,” Casey says.

  “Is it over with,” I ask.

  “Almost, mo chroí, but for you and Logan, it’s over,” Dagen murmurs.

  Sighing, I nod. I’ll leave it be for right now. All I want to do is get our son home and hold him as he sleeps, knowing he’s safe with the three of us. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a new day and Logan can begin to heal. I don’t have to know what happened to know my son will be scarred for the rest of his life. I only pray that he will see the love we have for him as enough to get him through this.

  “I want to see him,” I demand. Logan fell asleep almost instantly after getting a bath.

  “No,” Dagen says firmly.

  “Don’t tell me no. I deserve to say my piece,” placing my hands on my hips.

  Sighing, Dagen pulls me to him. “Mo chroí, don’t do this to yourself. Just leave it be. He won’t be a problem to anyone again. Well, at least not when I’m done with him,” Dagen grumbles.

  “Please, I need to do this. I have to.” Glancing between both my guys, I take a breath. “Nick took two years from me. Granted, I received one good thing out of that and that’s Logan, but I need to face this once and for all,” I say, determined to get this over with.

  Casey and Dagen share a look. Nodding, they each take a hand and guide me out of the room, then out of the clubhouse, leading me to the shed.

  “Just so you know, baby, I’m completely against this,” Casey mutters as he reaches out for the door handle.

  “I know you are, but that’s because you love me and Logan so much,” I whisper, reaching up and giving him a kiss.

  “Damn right. Dragon and I both love you and Logan. You’re the one that completes us,” Casey declares, pulling me into him.

  “Let’s get this done so I can get back to Logan as soon as possible.” Stepping out of his embrace, I give Dagen a quick peck on the lips before nodding, ready to get this over with. />
  My heart is pounding when I enter the shed only to stop at the sight of Nick dangling from a hook in the middle of the room. Club members surround the room, nodding in my direction as they see me.

  Turning my attention to Nick, I notice his body is covered in blood. You’d think the doctor in me would want to help him but it doesn’t. Walking around the room, I notice a table with all sorts of knives placed on it. Eyeing a long, thick-bladed hunting knife, I pick it up.

  “Baby,” Dagen’s voice cuts through my thoughts.

  Shaking my head, I focus my attention on the man hanging in front of me, the one who not only hurt me but my son. “You think you’re some big badass yet you’re nothing but a monster. You turn everything you touch to darkness. You hurt those who have done no harm and you take the innocence out of those who don’t deserve it. My son may have your blood but he will not grow up to be anything like the demon you are,” I declare calmly as I run the blade lightly along his neck.

  Nick’s eyes bore into me as I stare into his. Holding his stare, I ram the knife I’m holding right through his chest cavity and into his heart. “I know you don’t have anything in here. It’s a simple organ that keeps you alive. Burn in hell, Nick,” I say, clenching my teeth as I release the handle and step back.

  Without a second glance backward, I move to my men. “I know you didn’t want me to do it, but I needed this and I hope you understand why,” I whisper.

  “Baby, we get it, Now, let’s go see to our son,” Dagen murmurs.

  Smiling, I take his hand as Casey puts a hand around my waist. We walk out of the shed, leaving my past where it should be— in the past. It’s time to move forward.



  A week has gone by since we got Logan back and in that time he’s yet to talk. He’s used sign language anytime he wanted to say anything. I don’t blame him for not wanting to talk. The shit Hydro spewed at him would have fucked with any kid’s mind let alone what he saw him do.

  Connors wanted to hold off a little bit before telling him about the babies, give him a little time to heal before we rock his world. Since the house is gone, we’re back to staying at the clubhouse until we find another place, one where we can have room for all our kids and any more Connors gives us.

  Shaking my head, I focus back on what I’m trying to do, find Hades. With all the drama out of the way with Hydro and the Dragons Fire, I’ve turned my focus right back to finding our brother. It’s frustrating as hell not having a clue. I’m sure if Emerson could remember the names of the other men that held her and Hades, we’d be able to find him. But that’s not the case. She can’t remember any of the names.

  A knock on the door breaks the trance I’m in.

  “Yeah,” I call out.

  When the door opens, both Dragon and our woman walk in. Smiling, I hold my arms open for Connors to come to me.

  “Hey, honey,” she says, sliding into my lap and placing her head on my shoulder.

  “You okay, baby,” I ask, kissing the top of her head. Glancing over at Dragon, I find him smiling down at our woman in pride. “What’s going on?”

  Sitting up, Connors wraps her hands around my shoulders. “So you know how I’ve worked at the hospital for so long and I’m just tired of the hours? Well, I’ve decided to quit the hospital for good and open my own practice that not only will be a general practice but more of an urgent care where people won’t have to wait for hours to be treated. I’m even going to ask Jordan to come work with me. I really hope she does. I don’t think she likes working at the hospital too much,” she rambles on. I lift a hand and cover her mouth to get her to stop.

  “Babe, that’s a fantastic fuckin’ plan. It’s gonna take a lot of work and as long as you're happy, I’m happy. Fuck, I’m more than happy for you,” I say before slamming my mouth on hers.

  Moaning into my mouth, she moves to lift my shirt. “This has to be quick. I need to get back to Logan, but I need you both inside me now,” she says

  “Well, we can’t leave you wanting, baby. Hop up and get naked,” I murmur, slapping her ass.

  Giggling, she stands and removes her clothes quickly as Dragon and I do the same. I’ve never fucked anyone in this room, but I’d love nothing more than having the scent of us in here.

  Without words, Dragon and I surround her. I lift her up and let her wrap her legs around my waist as I press into her wet pussy in one thrust. Once I’m in, I hold her to me as Dragon gently slides into her ass. When he’s all the way in, we begin to show her why she’s ours. Within mere minutes of having us inside her, we throw her into orgasm, us following her.

  Groaning, I call out her name as I come deep inside her.

  “God, I fuckin’ love you, woman,” I murmur.

  “Marry us, mo chroí,” Dragon rasps out.

  “I love you both so much and, yes, I’ll marry you,” she whispers, giving each of us a smile that means the world to us.

  I can’t believe I could have died before experiencing this, and I’ll be damned if I let another day go by without this. Connors is our woman, as we are her devils.

  Available Now

  By E.C. Land

  Horse’s Bride

  Thorn’s Revenge

  Twister’s Survival

  Reclaimed Boxset

  Cleo’s Rage

  Coming Soon

  Hades Pain

  Coming Soon

  By: E.C. Land

  Hades Pain

  Kenny’s Beginning

  Want to see where it all begins? Check out Kenny’s Beginning

  The beginning of a story is always pretty and delightful. You never realize what darkness lingers in the shadows. At least, not until it rears its ugly head. Truths hide behind unspoken words. Decisions must to be made in the spur of the moment.

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