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The Aftermath Trilogy (Book 3): The Aftermath [Ground Zero]

Page 30

by Daniel Smith

  “What’s that,” Cindy asked John at seeing a large bloodstained cloth wrapped around something.

  “Venison,” John started to say carefully, but Cindy interrupted.

  “What is that going to cost us and who gave it to you,” she started on him.

  Dan looked puzzled she did not seem angry but not happy either and why did John almost seem scared of her.

  “I got it from Dan and it will only be a few jars of the preserves you make,” John said tiring to sound calm. Dan watched for a few more seconds at their conversation as his mind jumped back to the conversation between Manny and Doug.

  “What’s eating you,” Cindy asked Dan as she looked at him. He looked alarm for a moment getting caught off guard calming down recovering from his thoughts.

  “Nothing just had something on my mind,” Dan said distractedly.

  “Is everything all right,” Cindy asked with concern in her voice. Dan looked at her and John debating in his mind if he should ask about it before deciding to blurt It out.

  “I have a question for you,” Dan asked.

  “What’s that,” John asked looking surprised his wife Cindy looked concerned.

  “Do you know what posttraumatic stress is,” he asked. John looked puzzled.

  “Why do you ask, better yet you should ask Doug,” John replied. Dan replayed the conversation in his mind he had been reading a book in the other room. Overhearing Manny and Doug talking or was it arguing he was not sure Doug had been saying.

  “I think he is suffering from posttraumatic stress.”

  “To call it post all this would have to be over,” Manny said in his calm tone sounding sarcastic to Dan. Doug seem fluster by the tone of his comment.

  “He is young and gone through a lot,” Doug started. Manny cut in before he could continue.

  “Yes he is and gone through more then you know. Because he is young and starting to understand the world. I have been doing my best to teach him what he needs to know to survive in this brave new world and think he is doing a good job of it,” Manny replied calmly.

  Dan rose from the chair he had been sitting when he realized they had been talking about him. Going to the doorway, he carefully peeked in to see Doug just shaking his head in frustration. Manny for his part was smiling. When Manny had told him at dinner that night he would be visiting a few people the next day by himself. He had just nodded and told Manny that he was going hunting. Even with Doug suggesting to do, it another day just made him want to go even earlier.

  “I will do that,” Dan said forcing a smile to his lips. “I need to get the rest of that home,” he said to a concerned looking Cindy as John help him hoist the now lighter but still heavy carcass of the buck on to his back.

  Life was starting to blur for Dan as a routine started to developed for him. Between the road trips with Manny about every five to six weeks usually after an discussion with Sandra where they would go out looking for supplies or other items. Finding the homes and businesses near the town ransacked to time spent in what he considered school. Manny teaching him more about survival and life. To his time spent going out with Sara and her friends. When Manny would go spend time with other adults. To spending time on his own sometimes with friends he had made only broken by a few highlights of events worth remembering.

  Dan had been waiting for James and Marion to come to town they had received word they were on their way to town and had spent the usually warm day with Sara and her friends. They had only been home for about five minutes with Sara going to her room. Dan was standing at the butcher-block table drinking a glass of water when Sandra stormed into the room followed closely by Doug and Manny on her heels. The look of anger on her face obvious as she shouted at him.

  “You went skinny-dipping today,” Dan looked blankly at her as Doug tried to calm her down and failed. This gave him a chance to look at Manny who seemed both amused and concerned by the look on his face. He liked Sandra and was getting use to her outburst at Manny she was almost always easygoing with him. Sandra listened to Doug tell her something finally calming down enough to face Dan once again.

  “You and a group of kids went outside the fences to go skinny-dipping,” she started. Dan open his mouth to answer as she continued.

  “Do you know how dangers that is, what could have happened, I am just glad Sara would not do something that stupid.”

  Dan looked past her to the door were Sara was now standing looking panicked behind Manny, he also caught Manny staring at him. Dan felt the silence build in the room before he answered.

  “No I did not go skinny-dipping,” he answered. Sandra latched on to this like a dog onto a bone.

  “So you are saying the others kids are liars,” she started. However, Dan cut her off before she could finish by putting the half-empty glass of water down loudly on the table startling her.

  “No some of them did go, some did not and I did not,” he said calmly looking at Manny who nodded encouragingly slightly.

  “What on earth where you thinking it is dangerous outside the fence,” She stated. Dan looked at her blankly.

  “I know the dangers outside the fence and I know how to handle them. It was hot today and swimming sounded like fun. We picked a safe spot, we could see the bottom of the stream to make sure it was clear and we had fun,” Dan stated calmly. Sandra paused as she took what he had said in.

  “I think we will go to the store for some dinner,” Manny said as he reached past Sandra to tug Dan towards the door. Sandra turned on them.

  “Wait a minute,” she started this time she was interrupted by Doug.

  “Sandra we need to talk.”

  Manny usher Dan past a frighten looking Sara. Who Manny ignored stopping at their room grabbing a shoulder bag holding their trade goods in it before leading him out the door in silence. They had gone about two and a half blocks toward Main Street.

  “We are honest with each other right,” Manny started.

  Dan nodded his head getting an idea of what he was going to ask.

  “I see no problem with going swimming on a hot day,” Manny started. Dan stopped him.

  “Manny you know I went to hang out with Sara and her friends today. They thought it would be fun to go swimming outside the fence. When Sara joined in even knowing the risks, I went with them. And to answer your question you want to ask no Sara did not go skinny-dipping,” Dan finished looking at Manny expectantly. Manny for his part walked in silence for a while before he spoke.

  “Thanks for watching over her she is my granddaughter,” he simply stated. Dan felt the tension that was building in his stomach ease.

  “And you’re the only family I have,” Dan said quietly as they walked on. Manny reached up and patted him on the shoulder.

  “We need to stop by the bank first,” Manny said in his calm voice as if nothing had happened. While they walked Dan, wonder about this as they approached the town bank.

  “Welcome,” a man’s voice greeted them as they entered the building. Dan and Manny looked to see a young man in a dark business suit approach them.

  “How may we help you to day? Perhaps you would like to set up an account, store something valuable or do you need to exchange anything for town money,” he said in what seemed like one breath to Dan. Manny pulled a small pouch from his pocket and shook it slightly to create a jingling sound.

  “Exchange please,” he said calmly.

  “Right this way,” the man said without hesitating leading them towards a counter. Manny caught the puzzled look Dan was giving him.

  “Watch and learn,” he said with a wink. The man in the suit continued speaking.

  “The city issues their own currency in printed bills of our own design and minted coins of gold and silver. At a set price by the town for items they need.”

  The man stopped at a wood counter where an older man sat wearing an almost identical dark suit.

  “May I help you,” he said formally as they walked up.

  “Yes” Manny sai
d as he empty the contents of the pouch on to the counter. “I would like to exchange these” Manny said motioning to the small pile of jewelry it contained.

  “Of course” the teller said motioning to a man sitting behind a desk separated from the tellers by a glass partition. The man gathering some equipment before he headed over to them.

  “Good day” the man greeted them as he approached and started to examine the jewelry. He sorted the jewelry according to twenty-four carat or eighteen-carat gold, separating diamonds or other precious stone into piles. He then used the equipment he carried over to examine the precious stones. One-piece Dan recognized as the man placed the ring off to one side, Manny had told him it was worthless when they found it. After A few minutes of doing this and taking notes he said.

  “For all of it, I can give you one thousand in town cash,” he said. Manny smiled.

  “Don’t have much faith in paper,” he said friendly enough but this still brought a frown to the man.

  “I can only do three one ounce gold coins and two one ounce silver coins,” the man replied.

  “For everything,” Manny questioned. The man picked up the one-piece of jewelry he had sat to one side.

  “Except this ring it is worthless,” he said showing them. Manny waited a moment then said.

  “Deal.” As they left the bank and headed for the market Dan examined the gold and silver coin Manny had handed him. The round coin holding the town logo and name on one side with a series of letters and numbers on the reverse side. Dan started handing them back to Manny.

  “No those are yours. I told you the gold and silver we had been getting would be useful,” Manny stated. Dan grunted.

  “Maybe here,” he said slipping them into his pocket.

  “No you will see even with the town logo an ounce of gold is just that. And I don’t think another town or government safe area will care about what’s stamped on it. They headed to the farmers market picking up far more supplies then they needed carrying the heavy packages back to Sandra’s house.

  Dan had just entered the kitchen from showering the hot water feeling great. He had spent the day helping James and Marion out. To see Manny preparing the four large rabbits he had caught earlier, Sandra was busy moving about the room talking to him in Spanish. Before switching to English when she saw him. To him she seemed excited.

  “I hope she makes it,” Sandra stated.

  “Makes what,” Dan, said grabbing a knife and started cutting up some vegetables for the rabbit stew Manny was making. Sandra looked at him stunned.

  “Paramedic training for Sara, she is testing to day for it,” Sandra stated looking shocked. “You knew that,” she questioned. He looked up from his cutting.

  “Yes, but why would she not make it, she is smart,” he said off handily going back to cutting the vegetables as he watched a silence Sandra and a smiling Manny. Manny leaned over to whisper to Dan as Sandra tried sitting at the table looking at the clock. Dan nodded his head leaving the room.

  “She should be home by now,” Sandra stated impatiently as Dan entered the room holding a box and small round can in his hands. Sandra stopped looking at the clock to look at Dan.

  “What’s that,” she asked pointing at the items.

  “Chocolate cake mix and icing,” Dan stated as he handed them to her. Sandra looked at them disbelieving.

  “Where, how did you get these, “she asked.

  “Had them, still had good seals on the boxes. Thought we could have it to night to celebrate,” Manny said turning from the rabbits.

  “And you have been saving it,” Sandra asked shocked.

  “Sure that works,” Manny, said going back to the rabbits as Sandra looked at Dan.

  “That and we never had a working oven. All the stuff we tried to bake came out mostly editable,” Dan said shrugging.

  Sandra looked like she was about to laugh when they heard the front door bang open and a loud.

  “Mother,” Sara called out. Sandra flew from the kitchen and after a silent second; they could hear exciting laughing and happy squeals coming from the front room. Manny turned to Dan.

  “Know how to preheat an oven,” Manny asked. Dan looked at him.

  “Not a clue,” he said moving back to cutting the vegetables.


  They finished picking up food and some supplies for what Dan considered another road trip. After Manny and Sandra latest discussion two days after celebrating the good news of Sara making it into paramedic training and the chocolate cake forgotten. On exiting the store they overheard two people talking.

  “You know I am good for the seed,” an older man in blue jeans and dirty work shirt was saying to a younger man.

  “I cannot risk credit if you need the seed I need cash only,” he said before walking off briskly. The older man turned and they could see he had a black goatee with wisps of gray in it looking crushed.

  “What seed are you looking for,” Manny asked the man who looked up at them startled as if noticing them for the first time. “We were not trying to ease drop,” Manny said calmly.

  “No I suppose not and serves me right for talking in front of a door,” the man responded coldly.

  “I am Manny and this is Dan,” Manny said smiling as he set the blue reusable shopping bags down he was carrying on the ground and extended his hand. The man looked at him before extending his own.

  “Sorry no reason for me to be rude, I am Alex,” he said shaking their hands.

  “No we heard seeds mentioned and wonder what kind, we have some corn, barley and wheat,” Manny said returning to his calm tones. The man looked stunned at this.

  “How much,” he asked with interest. Manny turned to Dan who looked thoughtful before speaking.

  “Fifty pounds of wheat and barley and one-hundred pounds of corn,” Dan said thoughtfully. The man thought it over as a defeated look came over him.

  “Problem is the last batch of the dead that came through here went straight threw my farm on the way to town. I will barely save enough of the crops for me and my family to eat let alone build a stake for next year and I am low on cash,” he stated.

  Dan remembered last week for over five hours him, Manny, the self-defense force, and other town’s people. Worked fighting off over six hundred of the undead that came up the main highway in a mob.

  “Well we are not farmers and would stake you the seed if you want,” Manny said smoothly.

  “What do you want for it,” the man asked carefully not sure if he should believe in his luck.

  “Next year or the year after pay us back with the same amount of seed plus ten percent,” Manny said. The man looked thought full for a minute then asked.

  “And if I can’t.” Manny smiled.

  “Nothing ventured nothing gained. Do you have the means to pick it up,” Manny asked. Alex smiled for the first time.

  “I have a mule and wagon around back,” he stated.

  “Why don’t you get it and give us a ride home and we will help you load it,” Manny said smoothly sticking his hand out to shake. Alex took it shaking on the deal then took Dan’s to do the same. When he had gone around back Dan turned to Manny but before he could speak Manny answered his question.

  “Are we going to use it. In addition, you will find out a small gift. A helping hand, or even a few kind words can make you an acquaintance, which can turn into a friend and you will never know when they can help you. I think we made a friend today,” Manny finished.

  Alex pulled around the building in a mule pulled wagon that started out a rear end of a Ford pickup truck now converted for use by a mule.

  “Hop in,” Alex said stopping. They rode back to Sandra’s house making small talk before removing the seed from the garage placing it into the wagon. As Sandra exited from the house, Alex seemed stunned to see her.

  “Hello Alex how are you and your family,” she asked.

  “Good and we will be doing great when we plant. There is still time to get a good cr
op in,” he said motioning to the bags of seed. Sandra turned her attention to Manny.

  “All right dad what deal did you make,” she started. Manny just smiled raising his hands in surrender as he answered.

  “A good one for him,” Manny said smiling. Sandra looked at him and Dan shrewdly for a minute before she turned back to a stunned Alex.

  “Any trouble with these two you let me know,” before she turned going into the house. Alex looked stunned now.

  “You did not say you where the Mayor’s father,” he started.

  “Did not think it mattered and you did not ask,” Manny calmly finished. Dan looked at Alex.

  “If you need help with the planting let me know,” he added. Alex smiled.

  “I will I think I have enough family and friends to get it done. But I appreciate the offer,” he said. With one more round of handshakes, Alex started down the street towards his home whistling a happy tune.

  “Good touch, you are learning,” Manny said approvingly.

  Marion and James arrived a day later with Dan and Manny helping them plow fields with Dan talking James into including Alex for no charge. Their road trip forgotten as a few weeks of work past while they sat having lunch one day when James asked.

  “Have you heard of the city’s trip to Jackson.” Dan looked up from his sandwich.

  “No,” Manny said taking a bite of his sandwich. James continued.

  “Yes the city is sending a large group of people to Jackson for supplies,” James said. Manny nodded knowingly and looked at Dan.

  “No one said anything to us,” Manny said to Dan.

  “And the city is offering a good fee to go,” Marion added.

  “Need help,” Dan asked casually.

  “It would be useful to have someone with us we can trust, “James added Dan smiled behind his sandwich. They been sitting at the dinner table that night eating when Manny casually brought up.

  “Me and Dan will be gone for two or three weeks.”

  Dan watched as a stunned look crossed Sandra and Doug face his eyes looked over to Sara, who looked up from eating Luke started talking at a rapid pace.


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