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Love's Dangerous Territory

Page 13

by Love's Dangerous Territory [Whispers] (mobi)

  Tires spinning, dirt flying, Lando hit the gas and the jeep went hurtling out onto the overgrown road. They were safe. One last look back in the rearview mirror had Lando feeling sorry for the enraged animal. The Kodiak was on her hind legs, offering them a roar full of hate and pain, her anguished loss apparent.

  Christy remained sobbing in the corner of the jeep. Though the heat in the vehicle was cranked to full power, Lando struggled to remove his outer jacket. It had dried enough to the point where it would warm her. He tried placing it on her, his hand touching her arm. Christy screamed out, terrified, shrinking back from him. She held her arms once more in a pleading gesture.

  “It's all right, sweetheart, I won't hurt you, it's me, Lando, you're safe now,” he soothed, concerned. He had seen what rape and even attempted rape could do to a woman. She was already so vulnerable. She had already experienced such pain. Lando couldn't help but feel those men had gotten what they deserved.

  Christy looked up at him. Her arms dropped slowly from their defensive position. Lando could see her rational thought return; she knew he wouldn't hurt her. He had saved her, and she needed him.

  “Please, please don't ever leave me,” she said softly.

  Lando knew she didn't just mean now, today. His heart ached. How could he leave her? How could he not?

  “Did he hurt you?” he asked instead.

  “He didn't rape me. You stopped him. But he hurt me, Lando,” she sobbed. “I hurt up inside. My throat aches and my back throbs. My wrists, my wrists...” Her cries cut her words short and she clutched her wrists to her chest with obvious agony.

  Lando also noted a few cuts oozing small amounts of blood from little scratches she had acquired while trying to squeeze through the broken window. He took in her split, swollen lip. Rick's hand prints were still upon her brightly colored, red, bruised cheeks.

  Lando had slowed the jeep's frantic pace that had jostled them over the rough terrain. Upon approaching a larger dirt road, Lando pulled over and stopped. He faced Christy.

  “You need to trust me, sweetheart. I need to see what damage he caused,” Lando said softly. He cupped a hand against her head and pressed his forehead to hers.

  Nodding slightly, Christy sat closer to him. She moved back on the seat, closing her eyes tightly. Lando pulled his coat away from her body; he turned her slightly and inspected the new bright red marks on her back. He rubbed a careful hand over her newly bruising throat and breasts. He checked to make sure the cuts upon her body were superficial and made sure the bleeding had stopped. Softly he kissed her swollen lips. Then very gently and with a great deal of tenderness, he felt up between her legs while offering her encouraging words.

  She whimpered softly, clutching at him. Lando was relieved no bleeding had occurred. He took her into his arms after wrapping the jacket around her snugly once again. Christy placed her head on his shoulder.

  “Please, Lando,” she begged once more. Her tears flowed.

  Bowing his head, Lando sighed softly. He rested his chin upon her head. There was no other choice he could make. Her pleading, as always, unnerved him. “I won't leave you, sweetheart.”

  “Promise?” she asked, holding onto him tighter.

  He could almost feel the hope surge throughout her, waiting for his response. He could see it in her eyes, hear it in the tone of her voice. She knew he would not lie to her, whatever his reply.

  “I promise,” he vowed.

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  Chapter Twelve

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  Lando followed the dirt road slowly and carefully, very aware of Christy's battered and bruised body sleeping fitfully beside him. She was in more pain now than when he had first met her, but instead of wanting to put her to a merciful end, he wanted desperately to save her. She could not die. He would not allow it!

  His gaze shifted to her as she whimpered pitifully again in her sleep. This time she cried out, begging desperately for the mercy of another. Lando knew the man had shown her none. Her horrific bruises told a gruesome tale of one who only possessed evil intent. As far as he was concerned, the bear had been merciful; if given the time Lando would not have been.

  “Lando,” Christy cried. She reached for him even in slumber.

  Lando gripped one of her upper arms and settled her head onto his lap. “It's okay, sweetheart. I'm here. I have you,” he said softly. He stroked a gentle hand down her hair.

  Her hand settled onto his thigh and she quieted. He knew his presence helped her to realize she was not alone. He was here. He would help her. To Lando's dismay, Christy didn't settle for very long, as he had surmised she would. She suddenly struggled, trying to pull herself from his grasp. His grip tightened, holding her firmly but gently in place, wondering if she was in shock, fearful she was still in the cabin, thinking perhaps Rick had her.

  “It's me, sweetheart, it's Lando. I'm here.”

  “Please, don't kill me. I don't want to die, please,” she cried out, terrified. “I know I'm in pain, but I'm frightened. I don't want to die. Please, I'm trapped, I can't hide from you this time. I don't want to you to end my suffering, I want to live, and I tried so hard.”

  Feeling his heart wrench, Lando knew he deserved that. She was once again fearful of him. Deep within her frightened, vulnerable mind she would be terrified. He had told her before, the only way he knew how to stop suffering was to end it.

  “I won't ever hurt you. I give you my word I won't kill you. I will keep you safe,” Lando pledged. He looked deeply into her frightened eyes; he released his grip on her, allowing her to make her own decision. She pulled away for only a moment once his restriction eased. He smiled encouragingly at her. To his relief, he saw her understanding; his need to protect her, and her terrified pleas had saddened him.

  “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to doubt you,” Christy whimpered, her tone placating, her abused body slumped against the possessive grasp he once more placed upon her shoulder, holding her to him. “My whole body throbs so painfully. I feel so terribly helpless. Rick was so brutally cruel. He was so much stronger than me. It doesn't seem fair someone so much larger would seek to cause another so much smaller such awful terrible pain and glorify in it. How could he? Why would he? It makes no sense to me.”

  “I'm sorry he was so cruel to you.”

  “You are here now, that's all that matters. I need you, I need you so much,” Christy said as she pulled herself more snugly against him.

  “I'm here, sweetheart,” Lando said gently. I need you, too, a thought said in his head.

  Lando almost slammed on the brakes as the notion came to mind. He had never needed anyone.

  When he had been very young he had tried so hard to win the approval of another, to no avail. She had shoved him away and shrugged off his attempts, showing him nothing but cold disdain. He had stopped trying and never tried again with anyone else. The pain of rejection had been so brutally hurtful. He had come to terms and accepted within himself Christy's overpowering need of him, yet he remained completely stunned at the thought he could somehow need her.

  What could she possibly have to offer him? She was so helpless, so vulnerable. He protected her. He provided for her. He had saved her... She was his! The thought thundered into his mind like an avalanche. She gave him purpose. She gave him a tomorrow. Lando wanted to wake with her beside him. He wanted for the first time in his life to plan for the future.

  He almost shuddered at the thought. A future? His future? Was it possible? He had only ever lived for the day, for the moment, that was all.

  Your life is not just your own anymore, it belongs to another , the voice reasoned.

  No! Lando thought. He possessed her. She was his. How could he, someone so much more powerful, belong to her?

  Is possession only for the strong? the voice challenged.

  Perhaps it wasn't ownership, but a surrendering of the heart. Not possession but passion. Lando wanted more than just her passion. He wanted h
er acceptance. He wanted...he wanted her to...

  “Lando?” Christy said softly.

  “I'm here, sweetheart,” he soothed, jarred from his thoughts.

  “Please, I need to rest,” Christy begged.

  “Very soon, sweetheart, I promise,” he answered.

  It was with relief Lando spied a small cabin in the distance. He drove towards it hopefully. The cabin seemed deserted as Lando pulled up in front of it. He realized most of the places out here were for summer use, or perhaps hunting. Their occupants would have vacated to their homes as winter approached.

  He stopped, gazing up at the small wooden cabin. Carefully, he disengaged Christy from him and stepped out of the jeep. Lando walked up to the door and knocked sharply. No answer. He had expected as much. He tried the door. It was locked, again no surprise.

  Lando reached up and ran his hand over the top of the door; he felt great satisfaction when his hand settled upon a key. He inserted it into the lock and entered cautiously. No one was about. It was empty. The slumbering smell of hibernation was already apparent throughout.

  Lando went back to the jeep to retrieve Christy. Very gently, he tucked his jacket more firmly around her and pulled her into his strong arms, carrying her up to the cabin. Once inside, he kicked the door closed and placed her on the couch. It wasn't long before he had a fire blazing in the black wood stove. Lando had covered Christy with warm blankets and noted her body still shook. Inspecting the cottage, he soon found a large generator outside, primed the water pump, and once more had the hot water tank operational.

  “You'll be fine, sweetheart,” Lando said with an air of concern. He desperately hoped she was not in shock. He placed her shaking body into the large tub he had filled, aiding the heat of the water temperature with boiled water from the wood stove and the electric stove in the kitchen. Gently he lowered himself in beside her. The water sloshed to the floor over the rim.

  She was too battered and exhausted to keep her head above the water alone. Though Christy was unclad, Lando had only taken the time to remove his boots, shirt and socks.

  Lando carefully soaped her bruised body while cushioning her head against his shoulder. Using a face cloth, he wiped it around her lips and cheeks, removing the dried blood. He washed each scratch lovingly, cleansing them thoroughly. He gave a deeper inspection of her wounds. He hoped the medicine cabinet would have gauze so he could wrap her raw, oozing, rope-burned wrists.

  When he finished, he held her firmly pressed against his chest. Christy shakily took his hand. She placed the soaped washcloth again within his grasp. Very slowly she guided him lower. When she had placed his hand between her thighs, she grasped his arm while placing her head tighter onto his shoulder, seeking his reassurance.

  Tenderly, Lando moved the cloth between her agonized legs. With his other arm, he pulled her securely to him while he inserted the cloth cautiously up inside her. He understood she wanted the feel of the man gone. She sought to wash away his hurtful touch, his merciless attempt. She was whimpering softly when he finished.

  “He can never hurt you again,” Lando promised her.

  He felt the warm wetness upon his neck as Christy buried her face against him. He knew it stemmed from her tears and not the bath water.

  “No one will ever hurt you again. I swear it. You are mine,” Lando declared vehemently.

  “Don't leave me,” she begged.

  “Never,” he vowed possessively.

  Lando watched Christy as she slept. Darkness had fallen; the light from the flames seen through the glass on the wood stove produced a calming atmosphere. Lando had found a few cans of soup in the cupboard and had tried to coax Christy to eat. She claimed exhaustion after only a few tiny mouthfuls and once again begged to be allowed to sleep.

  Lando was deep in thought. Christy needed a hospital. He felt certain real civilization was within their grasp. He had found extra gas stashed away, no doubt for the generator. He knew Christy needed more help than he could offer, yet he was faced with a dilemma.

  He had promised her he would keep her safe, though how could he when he still needed to testify? He didn't want to be running from both the mafia and the police. He wanted a new identity, a new life. Alone, he was capable of falling off the face of the earth, but not when there were now two of them. That would be no life for Christy. He knew all he had to do was but ask her, though he wouldn't.

  If he took her to a hospital, she would be questioned about him. The police would immediately remove him to another facility. If the papers somehow found out about his identity it would prove disastrous for them both. He knew she would say anything he wanted. She could insist she made it out alone, or that he had perished.

  But his people would know differently. They knew him too well. One look at Christy's innocent face and they would know who had saved her. They would go after her. Even if she were to be placed into protective custody she would not be safe without him. Even if they were placed together, he would eventually have to leave her unguarded to testify. Then they would pounce. They would keep her alive long enough to get to him. They would have, in her, a weapon that could make him retract any and all statements. Once they killed him there would be no hope of her survival. Or worse, they would kill her in front of him.

  Lando understood suddenly on a deeper level the amount of pain his ex-boss must have been feeling. Losing his wife and daughter must have killed him inside. No wonder he had appeared to be walking death. He had loved them both so deeply. Just the thought of losing Christy made his heart ache.

  Well what a surprise, you do have a heart in there after all, a voice sounded wryly.

  Yes, indeed he did. Perhaps he'd had one all along. Even if he were to lose Christy he still would not slaughter a defenseless woman and her helpless baby for revenge.

  Lando wondered if the boy were even alive.


  Lando moved swiftly to her side and brushed back her hair. “I'm here, sweetheart. You're fine.”

  “Please lie down with me.”

  Very carefully Lando eased himself beside her. Thankfully it was a large, overstuffed couch. He would have been hard-pressed to nestle his large frame down with her otherwise. Careful of her battered and bruised form, Lando held her to him. Her soft weeping subsided, and once more she slept.

  Lando remained awake, still pondering their dilemma. They couldn't stay here forever; someone would find them eventually. They couldn't seek help or someone else would find them. Lando felt like bellowing in frustration. How could one tiny woman complicate his life so thoroughly? What was he going to do? How could he possibly keep her safe? How on earth could he stop another assassin when he could not be close by?

  Hire your own, the voice said thoughtfully.

  Lando almost jerked himself upright. Of course! He had known of men sent to protect the family of others when they were unable to. It happened all the time in his circle out of necessity. Who better to know and understand an assassin than another assassin!

  Lando settled himself down. Absently he stroked Christy's forehead when she stirred slightly. Lando knew of a man; he would be perfect. He hired himself out, preferring no ties. A real loner. His price was even steeper than Lando's had been. But Lando didn't care about the cost. The man had a good reputation; he would honor his vow. After all, you wouldn't last long in his field if you suddenly opted for more money and went back on your word. Decidedly a very dangerous game to play with people who played for keeps.

  It would be tricky contacting him. He would also need to be certain he had not been one of the men ordered to cause his own demise. He didn't want to walk into a set trap.

  Christy once again stirred. Lando sighed softly. It was going to be a long night. Although feeling restless himself, he closed his eyes after soothing Christy's fears. If he were going to keep them alive he had best get some rest; morning would come all too soon.

  Lando realized he could not risk moving Christy. The problem of how to get the hel
p he needed weighed heavily upon him. Once again sighing softly, he drifted slowly into slumber. It had been a long, grueling day and he never remembered ever feeling this tired.

  Well there was that one time...the voice quietly remembered. Lando was asleep.

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  * * *

  Chapter Thirteen

  * * * *

  “Lando, I feel ridiculous,” Christy complained.

  They were in the jeep, driving slowly. Lando was still mindful of Christy's sore body. He looked over at her and smiled. He resisted the urge to laugh. Most certainly she looked ridiculous, yet he was positive no one would ever recognize her. The cabin possessed only men's clothing and they must have been very robust men. The shirt she wore looked like a tent on her slight frame. Lando had used rope to keep her pants up. Every time she stood they had dropped to her ankles. Though Lando didn't mind that, he felt she was still too battered for any type of play.

  On her feet, she wore three pairs of thick, mismatched socks. It still did not keep her from clomping in the man's size eleven boots she sported on her tiny feet. On her head, she wore a dark blue cap to cover her hair. If they were to run into anyone, Lando didn't want word of what she looked like finding its way into dangerous ears. He wanted her completely unrecognizable and he felt he had succeed quite nicely.

  “Don't you think the soot was overkill?” she also whined, glancing at herself in the rearview mirror.

  At that Lando did laugh. He had smeared the soot over Christy's chin and upper lip, hoping to give the appearance of a five o'clock shadow. Instead, she looked like a very messy youth.

  “I'm sorry, sweetheart,” he soothed, noting her now dark, glaring look. “Once we get back you can have a hot bath.”

  “Why couldn't I just have stayed at the cabin?” she asked. “I appreciate your deep protectiveness and that you want me close every single second, but if you keep this up we may develop issues.”

  “I have already explained to you you're not well enough to be left alone,” Lando said tightly.


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