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Love's Dangerous Territory

Page 20

by Love's Dangerous Territory [Whispers] (mobi)

  “Tony, I don't think now is a good time,” Wolf said on a surprised breath, quickly running his hand through his hair. Wolf wondered in fascination at Christy's ferocity. He could hear the boy's crying pleas. Perhaps it was just her first attempt at maternal protectiveness. Whatever the reason, thankfully Tony decided to call his men off.

  Wolf approached Christy carefully, wanting to pull her close. Her angered look at those around gave him pause, yet he clutched her to him firmly. She did not struggle in his firm grasp.

  He stroked her back gently and spoke calming words into her ear. Her tense, unyielding body shook with violent spasms.

  “It's fine, everything is going to be fine. They won't hurt him,” Wolf soothed.

  Christy stiffened. “Please let him stay with me. He's frightened.”

  “We need to talk, privately. Tony will not allow anyone to hurt the boy. Will you, Tony?” Wolf shot a fast glance at the man, seeking his help and confirmation. It was not a commanding look. If it had been, he knew Tony would not have been impressed. Surprisingly, this was possibly the closest Wolf had ever come to honestly wanting and needing Tony's aid.

  Tony's eyebrows rose in some surprise, and Wolf knew he was tucking away Christy's importance to himself, Wolf's apparent vulnerability. He suppressed a groan of annoyance. She had picked the wrong time to show her claws.

  “I promise no one will harm Mark. After the events of today you really need to sleep. I can see your exhaustion,” Tony said to Christy kindly, arms splayed. Then to Mark; “Mark, you can have the room right next door from Wolf tonight. But your friend needs to have some rest. Luke hurt her, didn't he?”

  Mark nodded slowly. With obvious reluctance, he dried his eyes, and taking Tony's hand, he left the room quietly, only once casting Christy a frightened glance.

  Once everyone had left, Wolf closed the door and turned to level a dark look at Christy. He snapped the door lock into place. He was angry, very angry. Christy was in for it.

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  Chapter Twenty

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  Wolf advanced slowly, stalking her, while Christy backed away, now fearful. She knew he would not hurt her, yet the look on his face reminded her of the fierce glances Lando had leveled on her when he expected her to obey. She had not obeyed. Now Wolf was angry, very angry. She was worried what type of wrath he had in store for her.

  “Do you have any idea what those men could have done to you?” Wolf snapped angrily while moving in on her.

  “I don't know what happened to me. Mark was so terribly frightened. The last few days have been so hard on him. Luke had been so cruel. When he cried out to me, so terrified, I just lost it. I needed to help him. We need to help him,” Christy implored, backing slowly away as he stalked her.

  “I was hired to protect you. Just you. I'm not Roy Rogers, I am an assassin. My trigger is my finger. I am not retired either, like Lando is. I just blew out a man's brains for you,” Wolf declared angrily. Christy winced. Luke's lifeless body hitting the floor flashed into her mind.

  “Wolf, do you know who that boy is?” Christy asked quietly.

  “No. I don't care who he is. It's not my business, I never asked. You ask too many questions in this business and you don't last long,” Wolf replied. He had stopped only a breath away from Christy's violently shaking body. He stared down into her face. “Lando owes me big time for this. I don't like killing people I'm not being paid for. I took a big chance at angering Tony. Sane people do not anger Tony on purpose.”

  “Mark is the reason Lando left Tony. It was his stepmother and baby sister who were murdered, and I think by Luke,” Christy said quietly, then found herself suddenly running for cover and cowering in a corner when Wolf launched surprisingly into a violent rage. He voiced vile words at loud levels until Christy finally covered her ears. He stormed on and on until Christy was tempted to seek safer shelter under the bed.

  “This just keeps getting better and better!” Wolf stormed furiously. He paced the room, slamming his fists into walls and shaking the furniture in his vicious grasp.

  “Please don't leave me,” Christy whimpered up at him when he stopped suddenly before her cowering form. He glared angrily down at her, looking at her as though he wanted to pull her to him and shake her soundly, his anger so real. Slowly, Wolf took a deep breath, then another. She could see his internal struggle to maintain his reason.

  “I can't tell you how tempting it is right now to blow my own brains out!” Wolf ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “Damn it, woman! Do you have any idea who that kid's father is?” Wolf demanded down at her instead.

  “No.” Christy shook her head, answering him quickly, her hands splayed before her in a pleading gesture. She had never seen Wolf so irate. He looked as though he might actually harm her. The thought terrified Christy. Her body was already so battered and abused. She couldn't imagine, after killing Luke to save her life, he would seriously consider harming her.

  “You thought Luke was mean? This man is beyond dangerous. When his wife and kid were murdered he went insane, killing at random. You better believe he'll be coming for his boy. We're going to be in the middle of a war zone soon. Damn! No wonder Tony was so desperate to get his hands on me,” Wolf stormed. Christy watched as he struggled to control his temper. His face calmed to the point of once again appearing impassive, or at least he tried to; a frown narrowed his brows. Christy sighed with relief. The storm was apparently over.

  “Well, what did he expect? He killed Tony's wife and daughter. Did he think Tony would just look away?” Christy said, incredulous at the reasoning of some people. She allowed Wolf to take her hand and she pulled herself to her feet. She winced when Wolf swore another vile obscenity.

  “What are we going to do?” Christy asked quietly. She could see his thoughts warring within his troubled mind.

  “I don't know yet.”

  Her eyes followed him as he paced the room, as though forgetting she even existed. She felt for the moment she had best make herself scarce. Christy retreated to the far side of the room and settled, quietly waiting.

  Wolf ran a hand down his face, thinking hard. He had to get Christy out of here tonight, now. When Mark's father showed up all hell would break loose. Christy wanted to protect the boy. She could be killed in the crossfire. If Mark's father proved to be successful, he would not hesitate to kill Christy. He would automatically assume she belonged to one of them. He would enjoy putting her life to an end.

  Wolf studied Christy. Damn! She would go kicking and screaming without the child, he just knew it. Thoughtfully, he wondered if Tony had something he could slip her to make her sleep. If Wolf asked him for it he knew Tony would not hesitate, thinking as long as Christy were to be drugged, Wolf was unlikely to leave. He would not think Wolf would drug her and sling her over his shoulder. Leaving would be harder that way, yet, wryly Wolf thought, he had gotten used to carrying her. She was a lot less trouble when not awake.

  He could see her gazing at him from across the room; he hoped she wasn't figuring out what he was thinking. For just a brief moment his eyes shifted from hers, hoping to hide his guilty feelings. There was no possible way she could guess at his next course of actions.

  “I won't leave without Mark,” Christy suddenly declared.


  “Christy, we need to get out of here,” Wolf said with quiet urgency.

  “Not without Mark,” Christy insisted.

  “What are we suppose to do, grab the kid and return him home?” Wolf asked.

  “Yes,” Christy declared. Her arms crossed over her chest defiantly.

  “Are you insane? The boy's father is a cold-blooded killer, do you think he'll thank us?” Wolf asked incredulously.

  “You should talk, you just blew a man's brains out,” Christy countered smugly.

  “Women were put on this earth to torment men!” Wolf stormed angrily.

  “God has to be a man. No one else b
ut another male could have created something as annoying as men!” Christy declared.

  Reaching a stalemate, the two glared at one another.

  “You promised Lando you would obey me,” Wolf said, lifting an eyebrow. Christy cringed, and it was Wolf's turn to feel smug.

  “He's just a little boy. He's all alone, frightened and defenseless. Don't you have any compassion?” Christy implored.

  “No,” Wolf said stubbornly.

  “Lando would save him,” Christy mumbled.

  “Lando is not here,” Wolf said. “I am.”

  “What if I paid you?” Christy asked suddenly. “Lando isn't the only one who has money. I'll pay you double what he is paying you.”

  “Why do you care if this kid lives or dies?” Wolf asked thoughtfully. The boy wasn't hers. She had only just met him that day. She was likely never to see him again.

  “Why don't you care if this child lives or dies?” she countered. “Unlike you, I possess compassion. I care for life. My father was a doctor; he spent his whole life saving lives. I was taught at his knee life is precious.”

  Wolf considered her offer. Lando was paying him a great deal. Double was indeed tempting. Wolf could retire on what she was offering. “You have that kind of money?” Wolf inquired, eyes now narrowed.

  “Yes. Both of my parents were quite wealthy. I'm an only child. Everything was left to me when they died,” Christy said on an air of excitement.

  “We need to be away from here tonight. I would demand your absolute obedience,” Wolf told her. He stressed the word obedience, his look stern and uncompromising, and Christy swallowed loudly. Slowly, she nodded.

  “I will obey you, I swear,” she promised.

  Wolf studied her critically. She was sincere. Perhaps children could come in handy after all, Wolf thought with interest. They seemed to definitely be a woman's Achilles’ heel. Wolf pondered thoughtfully. He would have to plan very carefully; this would take some serious thought.

  “Get some sleep. I need to think of a plan,” he ordered. He smiled slightly as Christy dutifully turned, headed for the bed and climbed under the covers without a word.

  Christy moved quietly into the dark room. Wolf had awakened her only a short time ago. He demanded she follow him to Mark's room. While Wolf kept watch, Christy determinedly approached Mark's slumbering form.

  “Mark?” Christy whispered softly. She gently ran a soft hand over the boy's warm brow. Mark stirred.

  “Kitten?” the boy said sleepily, yawning.

  “We need to leave here, Mark; we need to leave here now. We are in great danger,” Christy told him.

  “But my father is coming,” the boy said with distress.

  “Your father wants you safe, honey. You are not safe with these men. They are like Luke. I promise you, Wolf and I will return you to your father, but we must leave now. We must be very careful and quiet, and we must do anything Wolf tells us. Do you understand?” Christy told him.

  Wolf had warned Christy if the boy did not obey him he would leave him behind. His first commitment was to Lando. Christy had promised him she would make the boy obey. She intended to keep that promise.

  “You won't let anyone take me away from you?” Mark asked quietly, hopefully.

  “I promise, sweetheart. I will keep you safe,” Christy vowed.

  Mark nodded slowly and Christy soon had running shoes on his feet while Wolf issued a command to hurry. The trio left the room silently, moving swiftly down the hallway. They rounded a corner, heading to the kitchen. Christy stifled a scream as Wolf was suddenly pushed against a wall and pinned. Surprised, Wolf looked into the furious face of an enraged Lando.

  “Is this how you protect her, to bring her into the viper's den?” Lando snarled. He looked beyond furious.

  “No, Lando, wait please,” Christy cried out. She grabbed at Lando's powerful arms, trying to tug him off Wolf.

  “It's about time you showed up,” Wolf said nonchalantly. He appeared unimpressed and undaunted at Lando's anger.

  For a moment all was quiet. Lando was studying Wolf intently. Christy pleaded quietly to him as she tugged on his arm, encouraging him to look past her, and he finally shifted his gaze to note the small boy, who appeared frightened as he tried to cower behind Christy.

  “Now is not the best time; we need to get the hell out of here,” Wolf said calmly.

  “You think!” Lando said sarcastically.

  The room was suddenly lit with a bright light. All four turned to see Tony and his men enter the room. Christy cowered into Lando's embrace. Tony moved slowly about the room, watching her with interest as she was seeking protection not from Wolf. It was Lando she clung to desperately. She moaned in despair; there was nothing she could do now to correct her mistake. Tony motioned to two of his men, who removed Lando's and Wolf's guns. Christy cuddled Mark closely, pressing the boy between herself and Lando.

  “Now this is indeed a pleasant surprise, Lando. I thought perhaps you would be safely in another country by now. Perhaps something is keeping you here?” Tony casually asked. His eyes shifted to Christy.

  “No,” Lando denied.

  “Then you won't mind if the girl is given to Paulo?” Tony said, motioning to the large man. Paulo moved forward, leering and Christy screamed, clutching Lando tighter.

  “Leave her,” Lando warned, stepping in front of Christy. Tony's face alighted with a dark, evil, calculating smile. He raised a hand, stopping Paulo's ascent.

  “It would seem to me, Wolf, either your girlfriend is confused or she has been cheating on you,” Tony mused thoughtfully.

  Wolf sighed softly. “It's always been a rocky relationship,” he said nonchalantly.

  “Whose baby is it she is carrying?” Tony inquired.

  Tony chuckled with glee when Lando's eyes shot up with concerned surprise. The Mafia leader couldn't contain the fact he was overjoyed. All could see Lando was suddenly terrified, an expression none before had ever seen crossing the deadly man's face. He gripped Christy even tighter, his hands pulling her even more snugly against himself with an air of desperation.

  “I don't suppose the police will be bothering me again, will they, Lando?” Tony asked smugly.

  Tony gave a nod of his head and Lando was grabbed roughly by two large men while Paulo grabbed up Christy into a powerful embrace. Mark tried desperately to help her but was also picked up off his feet by yet another man, his struggles also in vain. Guns remained trained on Wolf. He stood angrily with his arms splayed, unable to offer aid.

  “Don't hurt her!” Lando yelled, struggling violently. He stopped his struggles as Paulo put a huge hand to Christy's throat, the threat unmistakable.

  “Lando,” Christy whimpered, terrified. She slumped against the powerful man, crying softly, her arms dangling at her sides.

  “I have no intention of harming her, Lando. On the contrary, you have just given me a replacement for my own tragic loss. I had always felt you were like a brother to me. We are family. Now your family will be my family. She is a pretty little thing,” Tony declared. He approached Christy and ran a soft hand along her cheek, wiping away her tears. Christy looked imploringly into the man's soulless eyes.

  “Please, Tony,” Christy whimpered up at him, terrified.

  Smiling softly at Christy, Tony commanded Paulo to remove his hand from her throat.

  “See how simple that was?” Tony said gently. He once again stopped another tear's descent while she remained immobile. “You only need beg my mercy and perhaps it will be given.”

  “I will kill you if you hurt her,” Lando snarled in rage, his fists balled.

  Tony turned cold eyes on him. “You are in no position to demand anything from me. I will do as I wish with the girl and the baby. They are mine now. I don't think she will be needing you anymore.” Tony nodded his head at the men who held Lando. “Get rid of him.”

  Christy screamed while Mark howled out in fear. A gun settled onto Lando's temple.

  Suddenly, gl
ass shattered and guns sounded. Wolf had been right. Once the boy's father showed up they would end up in the middle of a war zone.

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  Chapter Twenty-One

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  Paulo dropped Christy to the ground, drawing his weapon. She landed painfully on her knees. Lando smashed a cruel fist into first one man, then downed another with a solid kick to the man's jaw. Christy moved quickly as everyone else dove for cover. She could see Mark's small form crouched under a buffet table, his tiny form huddled into a small ball.

  She crawled to him. When she reached him, she pulled his frightened body closer. The sound of blasting guns resounded off the walls. Windows crashed and the glass on the buffet above Christy's head exploded, shattering down onto the floor in tiny shards.

  “Mark, come,” Christy demanded shakily. She needed to get the boy out of the room. She had seen Lando scoop up a gun from Paulo's now motionless body. He had gestured for her to run, then took cover as more shots were fired and other men charged into the room.

  Christy moved as swiftly and cautiously as she could while trying to shield Mark. They entered the living room, huddling behind the furniture as they continued to find the safest shelter, hoping to leave the fiasco behind them.

  “I want my daddy,” Mark cried, clutching her tightly to himself.

  “Be still, honey, we will be okay,” Christy said, trying not to sob her own reply. She could hear men screaming in pain as gunshots were rifled off at a furious pace.

  The two of them scurried to huddle under a coffee table, shaking violently. Two men came flying into the room, brawling viciously. Mark cried out for his father while Christy screamed for Lando; in great fear, both woman and child clung together.


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