The One That Matters

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The One That Matters Page 15

by Elle Linder

  “Two years…dear God.” Marie crossed herself the way her abuelita and mother would do. She might even have to go to the nearest Catholic church and light a candle for Lexi. This call had taken a turn she didn’t like.


  “I’m sorry Lexi. I was just saying a silent prayer for my unchaste daughter.”

  “Okay, so not funny. You’re avoiding the issue; fess up!” Lexi repeated.

  “I don’t know how to talk about stuff or even if I should with my precious daughter.”

  “We don’t have to talk about stuff; just knowing you’ll be with Parker for the weekend is all I need to know. I’m happy for you, truly,” she said in her comforting voice that reminded Marie of her abuelita.

  “You sound just like Abuelita. So wise, understanding and loving. Have I told you lately how proud I am of you?” Marie sniffled. The emotions of the previous week had weakened her fight to hold them in. Lexi had always been a wonderful child—her ‘dream child.’ It was moments like this that she missed having her in the house, and the long talks they’d have, even if Lexi called them ‘chanting.’ During some of Marie’s darkest days, it was Lexi that held her hand, so she didn’t fall into the pit of hell. Marie always said Lexi was her priceless gift from heaven.

  “I know Mom, and I love hearing how I sound like Abuelita,” she said with a smile in her voice. After a reflective pause, Lexi sighed in the way that put Marie on alert. “Have you heard from Jackson?” Marie’s stomach jumped into her chest.


  “I’ve seen a lot of tweets from him on Twitter. I think he’s lonely.”

  “Really? What makes you say that? Should I text him or call him?”

  “No, I’ll text him. If he hears from you, he’ll just miss you, and then Dad will get pissed about his mopey attitude. You know what an ass he can be.”

  “Lexi! Don’t be disrespectful. He’s your father, and you need to show him respect. I know he hasn’t shown himself worthy of respect from you or Jackson, but you’re better than him. Don’t forget that.”

  “Sorry. He just aggravates me. And I hate how he treats Jackson. I’m glad Parker is in his life now,” Lexi said, which surprised Marie.

  “You’re glad Parker is in his life?”

  “And in yours. Why do you sound so surprised? He seems like a great guy. And Jackson has a total man-crush on him. It so cute.” She giggled. “They’ve gotten pretty close over the last month. And I haven’t seen you so happy and relaxed like you were for the BBQ in forever. It was Parker that made you glow, and did you ever look gorgeous.”

  That did it, Marie’s tears rolled down her face faster than she could wipe them away. “Oh Lexi, you need to stop now. My eyes are going to swell, and my face is going to get blotchy before Parker arrives to pick me up. I’ll look hideous.”

  “Not a chance Mom, you’re the most beautiful woman I know. But I’ll stop. I have to go anyway. Have a great time and make him treat you like a queen. You used to tell me that, remember?”

  “I do. Does that mean Isaac treats you like a queen?”

  “He does, and he’s the most respectful guy I know. And so damn loving.” She sighed dreamily. Marie smiled. That was exactly how she wanted her daughter to sound about a guy. “Parker better do the same for you.”

  “I have a feeling he will. Love you, sweetie.”

  “Love you too Mom.”

  Marie looked at the clock. Ann was due to arrive any minute and Parker within an hour. Lexi’s call was just what she needed to take her mind off Parker. However, Jackson was now on her mind. If he was lonely in the Happiest Place On Earth, it would only be because Craig was ignoring him. That thought enraged Marie, and she grabbed her phone to call Jackson at the same time the doorbell chimed. Ann’s impeccable timing likely saved Jackson from being mopey following an impulsive call from Marie.

  “Hey there, come on in.” Marie smiled as she opened the door. “How is it you always walk through my door just when I need you?”

  “It’s a gift,” Ann said. “So, what’s the problem?”

  “Do you have a Twitter account?”

  “I do…Why?”

  “Bring it up so I can see Jackson’s page. Lexi said she thinks he’s having a hard time, and I have to see for myself why she said that.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea. It might affect your mood for tonight with Parker. What time will he be here?”

  “Five. Please, I don’t know if I can do this with Parker anyway. Not after everything. I must be losing my mind,” Marie said, walking up the stairs to her room. Ann followed, leaving deep frustrated sighs in the air. “If Jackson is on my mind nothing will happen for sure.”

  “Listen to me. You fell apart because you want Parker. You were afraid,” Ann said. “That said, I’ll let you see what Jackson’s been tweeting if you promise to not back out of the magical weekend I am certain Parker has planned for you.”

  “Fine, I promise.”

  “Okay, here you go.” Ann relinquished her iPhone to Marie.

  “Thank you.”

  As Marie scrolled through Jackson’s tweets, sadness overwhelmed her. All his tweets showed him alone—a picture of him eating a Mickey ice cream bar with a vacant expression—him alone on Splash Mountain surrounded by grinning strangers. Tweet after tweet began with, “Just me…” Just me at the pool while my dad naps. Just me playing video games against myself. Just me and room service in my room. Marie crumpled onto her bed.

  “Shit, I was afraid this was going to happen,” Ann growled, taking her phone back. “These tweets can just be random boredom; he’s eleven ya know.”

  “You know that isn’t true. We both know how Craig is. God, I miss my boy.”

  “Pull yourself together. Parker will be here soon, and Jackson is fine. Even if Craig is a douche, he won’t let anything happen to him. In two days he’ll be home, and all will be right in your world.”

  Marie sat quietly for a few beats. “What if I fall in love with him and he leaves me for a younger woman?” Her distress wasn’t only about Jackson; she had other fears inside her.

  “Parker isn’t Craig,” Ann said firmly. “You and Craig were never right for each other. I know you would have moved mountains to save your marriage, but don’t you want real love and passion?”

  “Yes…yes, I do. And that’s why I’m afraid. I don’t want to fall in love with him and then lose him. I don’t think my heart can take it. Why do you think I used poor Seth?”

  “You need to talk to Parker about this. Give him a chance to reassure you. He needs to know what he’s up against…after he’s made love to you.” Ann elbowed her playfully. “Seth knew you were vulnerable and used that to his advantage. I wouldn’t feel bad for a second. As for Jackson, you and Parker can give him a fabulous summer. It will all be okay.”

  Marie paced in the kitchen while she waited for Parker to arrive; it was minutes before five, and her nerves were off the charts. As she thought of the sexy lingerie beneath her dress and the expectations for the weekend, she couldn’t help but be edgy. After one night with her, Parker was sure to shorten the weekend and drive her home first thing in the morning. The knock at the door startled her.

  “Your prince has arrived.” Ann grinned as Marie left to answer the door.

  She opened the door slowly, and there was her prince looking as handsome…and sexy…as ever with a bouquet of tropical flowers in hand. Before she could say a word, he pulled her into an embrace and his kiss was so possessive and sensual she thought she might just die right there. Ann watched with a stupid grin, shaking her head. No question Parker had it bad for Marie.

  The peacefulness she felt entering the mansion with her hand in Parker’s was like nothing she’d ever experienced. How was this possible after such a short period of time? She released the thoughts from her head. No doubting. He put her bag down and wrapped his arms around her again.

  “I’m so glad you came.” He kissed the tip of her nose. �
��I’m going to put your bags in my room, and I’ll join you out on the veranda.”

  “Okay.” She watched him walk up the double-wide stairs in the center of the house. In awe that she was even there again, she looked down the long, arched hall that led to the back the estate. Sounds echoed from the kitchen, and she wondered if she’d see Vicky. The aroma guided her to the kitchen, but Vicky was nowhere in sight. However, a man dashed around the kitchen, cooking.

  “Hi there,” Marie said smiling brightly.

  “Good evening,” he returned. His eyes smiled as he glanced over at her.

  “It smells wonderful in here. What are you making?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  “Oh. Well, can I help you with anything?”

  The short, stocky Latino man laughed. “No, no, I have it covered.” He grinned. Now she was even more intrigued.

  “Hmm, I smell ancho chiles and lime. Are you making a Southwestern dish?”

  “Ah, the beautiful woman knows her chiles. I’m impressed. Mr. Nichols is a lucky man.”

  “The luckiest, Héctor,” Parker interrupted. “Marie, this is Héctor, my chef. Héctor, this is my Marie.”

  Marie looked at Parker in awe. The depth of his earnest declaration astounded her. Every time they were together he claimed her proudly. And not once did she think he was dishonest or fake in his regard for her.

  “Marie, it’s an honor.” Héctor nodded his head respectfully.

  “Thank you, Héctor. It’s a pleasure to meet you as well.”

  After the introductions, Parker took Marie by the hand out to the veranda. “You didn’t get far,” he teased.

  “How could I? It smelled amazing in there. Do you always go all out for your ladies?”

  “Are you implying I’m a womanizer, ‘cause I’m not.” He furrowed his brow.

  “No, I’m sorry. I was just teasing.” She grimaced. Apparently her teasing wasn’t well received. What a horrible way to start off their romantic evening, with her foot shoved into her mouth. Here Parker was hard at work trying to prove his regard for her, and she poked fun at him. That was going to change, now.

  “No worries, but I do go all out for the one that matters.” He pressed her hand to his lips.

  “Mmm.” She inhaled deeply.

  Marie stopped, stunned. The covered veranda had been transformed into a romantic tropical oasis with floral arrangements and candles. It wasn’t like this the other times she was there. A man of his word, he had gone all out, indeed.

  “Parker…it’s beautiful,” she said as she took it all in. The birds of paradise, lilies, orchids, and plumerias were all breathtaking. The candles in tall wrought iron holders surrounded the space with their warm glow, adding to the enchantment.

  “One thing is missing.” He picked up a remote, and a Latin song played at the press of a button. The instrumental intro spoke to Marie’s soul, and she closed her eyes, absorbing the violins. This man didn’t waste a second wooing her, and she loved it. She opened her eyes to him drinking her in.

  “May I have this dance?”

  “Mhmm,” was all she could muster while her heart overflowed with… love?

  They swayed to the heartfelt song, “No Sé Tú” (I Don’t Know About You). The warmth of his body sent goosebumps up and down her while his muscular arms enveloped her protectively. She adored how he nuzzled his head against hers.

  Marie’s Spanish might have been rusty, but she could still make out the gist of the song. The lyrics as she understood them told the story of a man describing his feelings to the woman he cared about, and he wondered if she felt the same as him. Had Parker picked this song specifically? If he also wondered if she felt the same, the answer was yes.

  Oh yes…yes, I feel the same.

  Following the dance, Parker held Marie’s hand, kissing it often while they were entwined in each other’s arms on the outdoor sofa. Their fingers laced together, while he playfully ran the tips of her fingers between his. The sensations swept her away. No man had ever made her feel so desired, nor had she ever felt the desires that coursed through her body for any other man.

  Héctor brought dinner out at 6:30 on the dot. The presentation of the food was artistically assembled—a chicken breast with an ancho chile lime sauce served with black beans, Spanish rice, and a colorful medley of peppers, and garnishment of lime slices and cilantro leaves.

  “Mmm… Héctor, it looks delicious and smells amazing.” She smiled up at him warmly.

  “I really like her,” he said to Parker.

  “That makes two of us,” Parker returned, with his gaze locked on Marie. “Everything looks great. Thank you, Héctor.”

  “Very good, enjoy your evening.” Héctor nodded and made a quick retreat.

  After dinner, they enjoyed more dancing, tender kisses, and cuddling. Marie had never had such a romantic evening before, and knew it wasn’t over yet. Parker Nichols was definitely on a mission to capture her heart, and she never wanted it to end.

  As the evening progressed, her fears slowly diminished. Just being with him felt natural to her. And it was so easy. Was that how it was supposed to be? The years in a high-stress marriage had made her believe all this was not possible for her.

  The evening air turned cold as the ocean breeze suddenly picked up. Marie shivered against Parker, and goosebumps covered her body.

  “Baby, you’re cold. Would you like me to start a fire in the fire pit? Or I could grab a blanket?” he asked, rubbing his hands over her arms to warm them.

  “Or…we could go inside?”

  Enough said. Parker stood with his hand out to her. They walked into the house, stopping in the kitchen first. From the fridge, he grabbed a bottle of Prosecco and a covered silver tray. Next, he took two champagne glasses out of the cabinet. Marie smiled as she watched him; it was clear he wasn’t done romancing her.

  “I’ll take these,” she said, taking the glasses from him. He leaned down and gave her a gentle, sweet kiss.

  “Thank you, baby.”

  The anticipation of what was to come amped-up her heart rate. She wondered if she should talk to him about her fears before or after…after…after they—what? Had sex? Or would he make love to her? She nervously bit her lower lip when his bedroom door came into sight. Did she even know the difference between having sex and making love?

  In his room, there were more flowers, and he started lighting candles that had been placed around the room. With the press of a button, he turned music on…was it Motown? Her heart soared as his arms wrapped around her.

  “How are you feeling?” He swayed with her to the rhythm of the music, but she didn’t answer. “Marie, are you okay?”

  “Honestly, I’m scared out of mind.”

  He pulled back with a look of concern.

  Embarrassed, she put her face in his chest.

  “I don’t want you to be afraid,” he comforted, rubbing her back. “We don’t have to do anything except be together.”

  She popped her head up to search his eyes.

  “Really, I can wait. I don’t want to do anything you’re not ready for.” He cupped the back of her head, pressing his lips to her forehead.

  This man was amazing. Never had she felt so cared for…so adored. He’d wait for her? His patience meant everything. How did she get so lucky? “Can we talk first?”

  “Absolutely.” He took her to the loveseat in his room, poured them a glass of Prosecco and raised his glass. “Salúd.” She smiled, clinking her glass to his. “Mmm, this is good.”

  “There’s more.” He lifted the silver lid to reveal strawberries, whipped cream, and truffles.

  “Wow. That looks amazing.”

  “Help yourself.” He moved the tray to her.

  “Maybe later.”

  “Whatever you want.” He kissed her hand. There was a calming peace in his slate-blue eyes. Just like her beloved ocean, she didn’t need to worry with him.

  How did he know what to say or what to do to make he
r feel good? It was official: Parker Nichols was a top-notch, first class prince and romancing a woman was his specialty. Little did she know that the amount of effort he had put into “romancing her” was not something he ever did for anyone else. It was only her he wanted to be romantic for. Marie had captured his attention from day one, and he planned to win her heart forever. Just like in storybooks and romance novels, he was confident there was a happily ever after in their future.

  “Parker, I want you to know what you’re getting with me. Before we go any further or feelings get too deep.” He nodded. “I had Lexi when I was nineteen. Craig is the only man I’ve ever been with. I don’t know anything about sex.” She blushed, lowering her eyes to her glass.

  He lifted her chin, “It’s okay, go on.”

  “I’ve had two kids. Pregnancy does things to a woman’s body.” She took another drink. “I’m not, I’m not…well, whatever your expectation is…I’m not. Women with firm, perky breasts fall at your feet…that’s not me. And I have emotional baggage from my marriage. You should be running away from me, not wanting to be with me.” Her eyes teared up as she took another drink. “I don’t want to disappoint you. I think we should stop this now.”

  Parker scooted closer, not saying a word, and held her for a while. In his arms, she relaxed as he kissed the top of her head and rubbed her side. All the while Marie wondered what he was thinking. Despite her curiosity, she didn’t think he would run for the hills, or conjure up an excuse to end their romantic evening, and that relieved her.

  “Marie, I’m blown away by everything you said. Do you realize women only want me for my money and because I’m a celebrity?” She sat up. “I’m not superficial and I don’t want an artificial woman. I want real. Genuine. I want you. Let me in. Let me be part of your life.”

  She tenderly stroked the side of his handsome face.


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