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The One That Matters

Page 29

by Elle Linder

  “First off, we never have just sex. Secondly, I want a taste of these beauties.” He sat down pulling her to him and proceeded to kiss her breasts, making the cutest sounds that melted her.

  “Stop it.” She giggled like a silly love-struck teenager. “You’re incorrigible. I suppose you’d better enjoy these while they’re still yours.”

  He stopped and looked up at her. “What do you mean ‘while they’re still mine’?”

  “When the baby comes I’m transferring ownership over to the baby.” His head fell forward. “Aww, don’t sulk, handsome. It won’t be forever.” She cupped his face and kissed him. Her seductive and slightly saucy charms turned him into putty against her lips.

  After they returned from the banquet, despite her exhaustion Marie stirred with crazy, passionate love for Parker. The way he had held her close the entire night, introducing her as his ‘beautiful wife,’ and tenderly rubbing her stomach, made her gush all night long. The positive response she received from everyone boosted her confidence even more. All her worries melted away and she believed she could handle anything Hollywood threw her way.

  She walked out of the bathroom in nothing more than a red silk robe that barely covered her growing stomach. Parker’s mischievous grin sent shivers down her back. Now, they could make love.

  Jackson had settled into the mansion—his new home—quite nicely and recovered completely from his injuries. He loved his superhero bedroom that was dominated by Professor Pierce memorabilia, and the sleepovers he had with Ricky twice a month were ‘the bomb.’ He was thriving, and so was his relationship with Marie. He was almost unrecognizable. Long gone was the angry, disconnected boy he was a year ago.

  After the accident, he had clung to Marie and didn’t want to be apart from her. As traumatic the accident was for Jackson and everyone else, it brought them all together. But that wasn’t the case for Craig. His injuries were life-changing, both physically and mentally. His careless choice left him paralyzed from the waist down. He had tested at twice the legal alcohol limit for a DUI and had been charged with child endangerment. Between physical therapy and AA meetings, Craig hated life. On top of everything else, his ego took a hit when Sasha demanded marriage counseling as well as individual counseling for him.

  Craig had been home for several weeks, but he wasn’t accepting visitors, not even Jackson. That didn’t bother Jackson one bit, but it bothered Marie. Craig was still his father and she didn’t like him cutting his son out of his life. After several attempts at calling and emailing Craig, Marie felt it was time she went to see him. That would be the topic of discussion this morning. On her drive home from dropping Jackson off at school, she gathered her thoughts to present to Parker.

  “Morning, handsome.” Marie smiled as she walked out to the patio. Parker was sitting in the same spot he occupied every morning after his workout. She bent down to kiss him with her hand behind his neck and held him there.

  “Mmm, morning, baby,” he said against her lips. He gave her stomach a rub and kissed it. “Morning baby,” he greeted the baby sweetly. She gazed at him fondly. Oh, how she adored him.

  Their morning routine of breakfast together on the patio quickly became one of her favorite times with him. There were no interruptions from Jackson or anyone else for that matter. It was a splendid way to start the day, just the two of them. She served him and then herself.

  Parker watched her, and her cheeks warmed. She was gorgeous at seven months pregnant and he told her so daily. She put his plate in front of him and he took her hand and kissed it.

  “Thank you.”

  She stroked his hair and sat down adjacent to him, as she hummed along with the soft Latin music in the background. Every morning Parker had his playlist on during breakfast—a little romantic ambience to start their day. She loved how he enjoyed the Latin rhythms, as she did. It was one of her favorite things about him.

  “I bet you’ll be glad when school is out,” he said, taking a sip of his coffee.

  “Mhmm, it’ll be glorious.” She paused a few beats as she gazed out at the pool. “Um…I wanted to talk to you about Craig.”

  Parker slowly chewed his food, holding her gaze. “Okay, what did you want to talk about?”

  “I think I should go see him about Jackson. He hasn’t answered any of my calls or emails.”

  “That’s not such a horrible thing,” he said, taking a bite of his toast.

  “Parker…he’s still Jackson’s father. If he cuts him out of his life now, the damage could be permanent. I feel like I have to do this, so I know I tried.”

  “Baby, I know you’ve tried. Jackson knows you’ve tried. Craig has made his choice.”

  “Yes but, I still need to do this. If he throws me out, then that’s it. I won’t try again. But Parker, familia is todo.”

  “Family is everything.”

  “Yes! My family chanted that all the time. I have to do this for Jackson.”

  “Okay, I’ll go with you. You’re the most loving, and caring woman. Craig doesn’t deserve your kindness.”

  “Thank you, that’s sweet of you to say, but I think I should go alone,” she cautiously said.

  He leaned forward on the table and took her hand. “No, you won’t go alone. I know you’re stronger than you’ve ever been. But we’re a team. We go into battle together.”

  She shook her head.

  “Marie, I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you or the baby. I don’t trust him, paralyzed or not.”

  “Okay, we’ll go together.”

  Marie was anxious all day, knowing she would be seeing Craig. The last time she saw him was before the accident. Now, he refused to see anyone— or more likely he didn’t want anyone to see him. The only updates on his condition would come from Sasha. After the accident, she would text Parker random updates on Craig. She never called, and he certainly never called her. However, six months ago, if Parker talked to Sasha, it would have sent Marie over the edge. But now, it didn’t bother her. She wasn’t insecure anymore. What she had with Parker was real and unbreakable. She was confident in his love for her and trusted him completely.

  On their way to Craig’s, she wondered if she was making a mistake by going to see him. Life was finally quiet and stress-free with him incapacitated. She hoped she wasn’t opening Pandora’s box.

  “I’m nervous,” she admitted to Parker.

  “It’ll be okay. I’m with you.”

  “And I’m grateful you are.” She smiled. “So, Sasha was okay with us stopping by?”

  “Yes, but she’s not telling Craig. I guess he stays in the great room mostly.”

  “Ugh, he’s going to be pissed. Did you Google the house? You know I’ve never seen it. Not that I cared to. I knew it was better than my townhouse. The kids never talked about it and that told me it had to be great.”

  “Yeah, I mapped it. It’s okay I guess.”

  “Better than my townhouse anyway.”

  “Yeah, but not better than your mansion.” He winked.

  “You know, I knew he was rubbing his new house in my face. He would go into debt for a big house. Why do you think I always had to work? None of that mattered to me. I just wanted to be home with the kids. And now, I’ll get to be home with this little one.” She affectionately rubbed her stomach. “I’ll be able to hold the baby all day long and nurse for more than three months.”

  “You only nursed for three months?”

  She nodded.

  “Aww, baby, that stinks. All you’ve been talking about is nursing the baby for at least the first year. I assumed that’s how long you nursed Jackson and Lexi.”

  “No, just a few months each. You have no idea how much I’m looking forward to doing everything with our baby the way I wish I could have with Lexi and Jackson.” She sighed wistfully. Getting to be home full-time with their baby, that made her feel like she had won the lottery. She thought back to a time in her marriage with Craig when she had thought there might be hope for t
hem. Craig had changed briefly, for the better.

  “Are you okay, baby? You were zoning out.”

  “Yeah, I just remembered when I thought Craig and I would make it.”

  “Tell me about it.”


  It was the day we found out the gender of the baby. It was a boy—Jackson. Craig’s whole attitude changed toward me. Suddenly he was treating me with kid gloves on. He was sweet and attentive...gentle and loving. He blew my mind and my heart started to soften toward him. I didn’t love him when we married. My Latin culture was strict. If you got pregnant out of wedlock, you married the father. End of story. And so I did, even though I didn’t love him. But I refused to believe I couldn’t fall in love with him and have a happy, fulfilling marriage—one that would last a lifetime if I put in the effort to love him. But it was never meant to be.

  For Craig, having a son was the ultimate. Like for all his buddies, a son would be his legacy, his pride and joy. He’d teach him to play football and baseball. They’d go to games together, fishing, and camping. All his dreams of having a son to follow in his footsteps were about to come true. The day Jackson was born was the happiest day of his life and mine. Craig couldn’t stop smiling or kissing me. He doted on me as he’d never done before, brought me flowers and started calling me honey. I was stunned, the man had never been affectionate. But, the new Craig made me smile and he smiled back. It warmed my heart. I totally ate up the attention and affection, and I had renewed hope in our marriage.

  That first year of Jackson’s life was the happiest I had with Craig. I had finally done something right—I had given him a son. Unfortunately, after Jackson turned one, my ‘happily ever after’ went up in smoke. I went from blissfully happy to filled with sadness and shame.

  Every year Jackson grew older the more Craig’s dreams unraveled, along with his attitude toward the kids and me. Jackson wasn’t an athlete. Jackson was clumsy—a nerd—an embarrassment, and so was I. Craig would rant on and on, ‘Why isn’t Jackson bigger? Why isn’t he tougher? Why isn’t he popular?’ It broke my heart, listening to him putting my precious boy down, day in and day out.

  I didn’t understand him or his expectations. Jackson was perfect. He was funny, curious, smart, and sweet. He had a heart of gold. Video games and superheroes were his passion. Not the Raiders or Dodgers, like Craig. By the time Jackson was six, Craig had disconnected from the family. He started hanging out with his buddies and brothers more often and drinking. When he was home he was angry and unhappy, and so was everyone else. I’m not exactly sure when he started cheating on me. When he left us, I believed Sasha was the first woman he cheated with, but I think there were others before her. I’m sure there were clues I refused to see. I didn’t want to believe I had failed.

  Marie took a deep breath after telling Parker about the only time she was happy with Craig. He squeezed her thigh. Now her stomach was twisted in knots and she was so glad Parker was with her.

  “Baby, if you’ve changed your mind we don’t have to go.”

  She didn’t answer.

  “Damn I wish I could hold you. I hate that you had a crappy marriage, but I’m grateful our paths crossed.”

  “Me too.” She smiled at him. “I’m ready to cut and run, but I honestly feel like I have to do this. I know he’s awful, but he’s still their father. Lexi already ignores him, unless I urge her to see him. I know I’ll carry the guilt around with me if I don’t try one more time. This way if he rejects us, it’s on him.”

  “Well, we’re here.”

  Marie took a deep breath then let it out. This was it.

  Parker knocked on the door and Sasha opened it quickly. The look on her face when she saw Marie’s pregnant belly humbled Marie. It was like Sasha had forgotten about Marie’s pregnancy after her life imploded after the accident. Marie forced a smile, but she felt awkward. Poor Sasha.

  “Hi,” Parker said, breaking the silence.

  “Hi. Please come in.” Sasha smiled pleasantly.

  Parker held Marie’s hand, constantly stroking the top of her fingers.

  “He’s in the back and he doesn’t know you’re coming. Marie, you look beautiful.”

  “Thank you, Sasha.” Marie was taken aback by the compliment.

  They followed behind Sasha. Goosebumps covered Marie’s body as she walked through the house. It was eerie how similar it was to the home she had when she was married to Craig. The same color palette and style of furniture, right down to their placement. Everything was in its place and meticulous. It was almost a replica of her old home and it made her nauseous. It was Craig getting what he wanted.

  His back was to them as they entered the great room. Marie’s heart raced. Craig was in a wheelchair watching TV. Parker wrapped his arm around her waist and it calmed her.

  “Craig, we have visitors,” Sasha announced. When he turned, his eyes traveled up the length of Marie, landing at her swollen stomach. She trembled and Parker pulled her even closer, protectively.

  “What do you want?” There was that familiar tone of irritation she hated. It triggered something deep within Marie and suddenly, she wasn’t afraid. With an air of confidence, she walked toward him.

  “Now, that isn’t any way to greet your guests,” she said with sarcasm dripping from her voice. “We’re here to talk about the kids. You haven’t returned any of my calls or emails. If you think about it, our unannounced visit was brought on by you.”

  He stared at her, his jaw tense. “Maybe you should’ve gotten the hint. I don’t want anything to do with you guys!” he shot back.

  “Well that’s perfectly fine with me, I don’t want anything to do with you either. But this isn’t about me or you, it’s about the kids,” she returned in a strong voice. “If you’re cutting them out of your life, then have the balls to tell them. You owe them that much!”

  Parker and Sasha’s eyes widened in shock. Who was this woman?

  “You bitch, how dare you talk to me that way!” Craig lunged forward in his chair, attempting his usual tactic to intimidate.

  Marie didn’t so much as flinch. She laughed.

  “What the fuck are you laughing at?” he roared.

  Marie saw Parker tense, but she didn’t need him to protect her.

  “I’m laughing at you. Even in your condition, you’ll still screw yourself over because your pride always gets in the way. And that’s just fine with me. Be an arrogant ass. It’s the only side I’ve ever known. But you will not be that way with our children!”

  Craig’s brow furrowed and he said nothing.

  “Now you listen to me.” She crossed her arms over her chest like a warrant officer. “Your visitation with Jackson resumes next weekend and you will enjoy him. You will play games with him and you will talk to him about anything he wants. If you don’t, you’ll never see him again.” She stared at him and he held her gaze. “If my son comes home upset and not raving about what a great visit he had with his dad, it will all be over for you. Do you understand me?”

  Craig only stared at her, speechless.

  “Answer me dammit, I don’t have time for your shit!”

  “Fine,” he grumbled. “But as you can see, I can’t do shit.”

  “You don’t have to. All Jackson wants is to be loved. All he’s ever wanted is for you to respect him and his interests. Now’s your chance.”

  Craig looked down at his legs. “But he doesn’t want to see me, he never has. I know he doesn’t like me.”

  “Have you ever given him a reason to like you? Put yourself in his shoes; would you like you for a father? Just because your blood is in him doesn’t mean a damn thing. You never wanted a relationship with him. You pushed him away. And now you need him and that’s why I’m here, to give you one last chance at being a father to your son. But after this, if you fuck it up, it’s on you.”

  Craig’s eyes shot to her. She had cursed several times and had everyone’s attention. She was the one in control now.

All right. Sasha will pick him up,” he said.

  “No. Parker and I will drop him off and pick him up. So, we’d better pick up a happy little boy, or I’ll come back in here and lay into you the way I should have years ago.”

  He took a deep breath. “Okay.”

  “Okay then.” Marie walked back to Parker and he took her hand. They walked out of the great room toward the front door. Sasha followed behind them.

  At the door Parker turned to Marie and stared into her eyes. “Baby, you were amazing.” He hugged her tightly and kissed her.

  She smiled up at him, stroking his cheek. “It’s all because of you.”

  “No, it’s all because of you.”

  Chapter 26

  Love You Forever

  Summer was in full swing and proving to be eventful and filled with tears, both happy and sad. The day Marie, Ann, and Brooke said goodbye to Tessa, the sobs were heart-wrenching. How could they live without her? She had always been at Marie’s side through every difficult situation. And most importantly, she would stand up to Ann in defense of her. Life wasn’t going to be the same without her.

  The next eventful moment was Lexi’s twenty-first birthday. Parker and Marie wanted to host a small party to celebrate her, and they decided to extend an invitation to Craig and Sasha. It was a gesture to show Marie’s support in restoring relationships. More than anything, she wanted her kids happy and having a relationship with Craig was the right thing to do.

  Parker pulled the Range Rover into Craig and Sasha’s driveway, and there was no whining coming from the backseat. Marie turned back to look at Jackson who was smiling.

  “I can walk in by myself,” Jackson declared. “After all, this is my house too, and Dad said I can come over whenever I want, plus you don’t walk so good anymore. You kinda walk like a duck.” He grimaced.


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