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Stolen Dreams

Page 9

by Stacey Kennedy

  “He told me,” Kipp answered, not at all uncomfortable with his admission.

  “You all talk about birth marks on each other’s balls?” I laughed. “This is what men talk about?” Men thought women got personal with each other, what a strange piece of knowledge to know about someone else.

  Kipp shrugged, dismissing my amusement. “It came up one night.”

  I shook my head in disbelief, then glanced back at their stunned faces. Finally, it happened. “Oh, thank God. You believe me.” A burst of renewed energy swept through me.

  Max nodded and let out a long, deep breath. “There is no way for you to know these things.” He released another heavy sigh. “I suppose we have to believe you.”

  Zach gave me a wink. “Told ya we’d get them to believe.”

  “Kipp,” Eddie called out. “I miss ya, bud.” His young face looked aged with sadness. The sandy tone of his hair looked as if it needed a wash, and the dark circles under his brown eyes spoke of the truth of his words.

  Glancing away from him, I glimpsed at Kipp, who gave me a soft smile. “Tell Eddie I’m doing all right.”

  “He misses you too,” I replied to Eddie, my eyes stayed glued on Kipp’s, waiting for his reaction.

  Kipp arched an eyebrow. “I never said that.”

  I only smiled in return. Just because he was a tough, show-no-emotion type of guy, didn’t mean I had to comply with it. Eddie looked devastated over the loss of Kipp so my words would console him more. He’d just have to deal with my little word changes. Since this whole adventure began, I felt in control again, something which gave me eons of strength. Feeling mighty from their acknowledgement of my ability, plus my little jab at Kipp, I scooted the chair back. “So, I can leave now, right? I’m exhausted and I’ve already called in sick today. My boss will kill me if I’m not in tomorrow.”

  “No.” Max replied.

  “No?” I repeated, a bit lost and more than a little puzzled. “No what? No, I can’t leave or no, I’m not exhausted?”

  “No, you can’t work.” Max clarified. “Give me the company name you work for, I will inform them you will need an extended leave of absence.”

  “Excuse me?” I snapped, outraged at his dominance. I wasn’t a part of this police force. He may have the authority to boss people around here but that didn’t include me.

  “We will need you on this case,” he answered with certainty. “The only way to talk to Kipp is through you and since he seemed to be onto something, then you will have to stay with us.”

  Okay, hold up. He dismissed my refusal. Apparently, the choice was not mine. Like that was going to stop me from trying to find a way out of this. “But I’m not qualified for a job here.”

  “You are now.” Max pushed his chair back and stood. “I’ll do up the paperwork. You can come on board as a specialist in...” he hesitated a moment then finished, “well, I haven’t quite figured that one out yet, but I’ll come up with something.” He gave me a firm look and added one to Zach. “Now then, tell me what you know.”

  Two incredibly long, boring hours later, my elbow rested upon the table with my hand up against my cheek―even a daydream couldn’t save me from this. Zach, Kipp and I went through all their findings, right down to minute details since day one of their investigation on the Reid case.

  As the conversation went on, Max’s disbelief deepened. When Zach finished, Max leaned back in his chair and let out a deep long breath. “Unbelievable―fucking unbelievable.”

  “Believe it.” Zach rubbed a tired hand across his face. “One of our own shot Kipp.”

  Eddie slammed his chair back and began to pace the room. “Dirty mother fucking cop.”

  Max’s bothered expression turned to one of confusion. “All this you’ve told me led to Kipp being shot?” He glanced to the chair, which I revealed was Kipp’s location. “And you’re sure your attack is connected to the case?”

  Kipp nodded, then snorted apparently realizing no one could see him except me. He met my gaze. “Tell him what we know.”

  I didn’t need him to clarify further as I looked back to Max. “Percy Mills.”

  “Percy Mills?” Max repeated.

  And here we go again, ridiculous repeats that were becoming my new best friend. “Yes, Percy Mills―he’s the killer and also an alias.”

  Max’s eyes lit up. “So, Kipp had discovered all this and thinks this is why he was shot?”

  “Exactly,” I replied, not needing Kipp to answer. I was sick and tired of repeating myself―over and over again. I didn’t need his words to relay the information. I’d heard it more than once, I was a damn expert on this case now. “And that’s what got him shot.”

  Kipp looked to me, annoyed. “I never said that either.”

  “Yes, I know,” I replied with a sigh, “but I knew the answer, so why wait? Repeating myself all the time is like that annoying kid who always mocks what you say. It’s not fun.”

  Either he liked I took control, or enjoyed my snappy response. The smile which grazed his lips was more than aroused, it was full on lustful.

  Oh no you don’t. I wasn’t going to embarrass myself all over again by melting in front of everyone. No thank you. Without pause, I focused my thoughts on what it’d be like to stand nude in the Arctic. It did just the trick.

  But as a deep throaty chuckle escaped Kipp, it only made me work harder to keep the heat at bay.

  Bless Max for speaking up. He looked down to his watch. “It’s close to midnight.” He rubbed his hands across his tired eyes, then slowly raised his gaze to Zach. “I suspect there’s more you need to say here?”

  Zach nodded.

  “Right then, come back in the morning.” He gestured toward me with a nod. “Bring her with you. Eddie and I will come on board on this case.” He stood from his seat, then began to walk toward the door with Eddie following behind.

  After the men exited, I glanced between Kipp and Zach. “I wasn’t kidding. I want to go home.”

  “Not home,” Zach replied, with a firm shake of his head.

  A pout rose on my face. I huffed, crossed my arms across my chest and even stomped my foot. Yes, I was capable of such things when sleep deprived. “Where then?”

  Kipp’s expression swept with raw intensity, he gave a sexy grin. “To my bed.”


  Chapter Ten

  My eyes had to be wrong. I stared, drooled and stared some more. Reaching up, I gave my eyes a hard rub, blinked a couple more times but the image before me remained.

  “You have wanted this, haven’t you?” Kipp’s voice was rich with lust.

  I could only nod in response, incapable of speech.

  He stood at the end of the bed, naked and erect. His upper body made up off wide shoulders that melted away to arm muscles no one could deny were a piece of God’s handiwork. His chest bulged with two impeccable square muscles. I craved to run my hands along his flesh as my gaze made its way down to the hard lines of his abs.

  My entire body quivered in excitement as he started forward. Apparently, he’d wanted this too. His thick dick was so hard it never moved from its eager position while he made his way closer toward me.

  He met the edge of the bed, placed a knee on it and I forced my gaze away from his spectacular erection. The grin on his face could do more to me than his body ever could.

  Instantly, a rush of pure need took me to a place my mind couldn’t process or contain. I raised myself off the bed, took his delicious face in my hands, which seduced every part of me, and only a hairsbreadth away from his mouth, I purred, “Make me forget why it’s wrong to love you.”

  “I will do that and more.” He closed the distance between us to capture my lips, regardless I knew something was off here. How could he touch me?

  Of course though, I didn’t much care. I was lost. Taken by the way his wet tongue swept across mine in slow steady movements, his soft lips moulded with mine as our mouths mirrored each other in gentle embraces. He raised his han
d to the back of my head, angling his to deepen the kiss. His breath was rough through his nose as his lips became firmer, guiding me to feel the strength―the presence―that lived within this man.

  I felt it, not only with his mouth against mine, but in his muscles as I moved my hands from his face and ran them gingerly along his biceps, sending each one to flex in response.

  He began nibbling through the kisses, taking my tongue into his mouth to suckle it, and with a deep groan, began to devour me as if he had waited a lifetime to have my body just like this.

  My only response was to whimper in need for him. Never had I felt this kind of arousal from kissing. The longer it went on, the more I wished he’d get on with it and take me until I saw stars. But as he drew away from my mouth, I met his ravished gaze and an undeniable truth lived within. He had only just begun. His desire to taste me, kiss me, have me in his arms had consumed him, and now that he could do so, he wouldn’t waste it on hurried wants.

  With his eyes focused on mine, he began to move slowly down my body. I shuddered, my breath froze in my throat as my nipples tightened with a desperation only his mouth could relieve. As he nestled above my chest, his playful grin declared he was going to entice me to the point of insanity. He leaned down and with a light lick on the swell of my breast, I was sure I was already there.

  I reached up, took his hair in my hands and squeezed, begging him to come at me harder. To end the anticipation that tightened my thighs and made my clit throb in need.

  He let out a low growl as he took a little bite of my skin then with the softest touch, licked my nipple. My back arched as a gasp of pleasure raged from my throat. Kissing his way over to the other breast, he repeated the move. Now, I was trembling, quivering in requirement. My body burned as my stomach fluttered with butterflies.

  “Now I have made you ready,” he said, huskily as he dove in to suck a nipple into his mouth. He placed it between his teeth, squeezed gently, but it was just the relief I needed. I tangled my fingers within his hair as I held him there and forced him to give me more.

  Holding my breasts in his hands, he switched between them, pleasuring each one deliciously. It left me moaning, gasping and lifting my back off the bed. He was confident―sure about his movements. There was no gentleness about him. No hesitation. When he acted, he did so with poise and an arrogance that I surely believed he was due.

  Not until he had his fix, and I was flushed with uncontrollable arousal, did he leave my breasts. I watched him kiss hungrily down my stomach and I didn’t hesitate in his advance. I widened my legs, drew them back against my body, and gripped my knees to spread myself wide, allowing him full access.

  He didn’t waste a moment and placed his hands under my ass, raised me up and angled my body up to him. Then, he licked from the bottom of my pussy all the way to the top. I almost died, but that would end this which was something I didn’t want. Instead, I gasped a sound which was a reflection of my burning body.

  He took my little nub between his teeth and when it settled, he sucked. I shot into a sitting position as I blasted into an orgasm that sent me quivering in all the right places.

  When my breath returned and my mind was able to hold coherent thought, he placed his hand against my stomach, encouraging me to lie back down. When I complied, he released my clit, and with quick flicks, he teased it. Already sensitive from my release, I was left squirming, sucking in deep breaths of near laughter.

  With his hand still on my stomach, he held me still. His other hand, he slid one finger inside of me. I moaned with pure satisfaction. This is what I needed, the force of something driving me, filling me. I wanted more. He didn’t deny me and removed the finger to replace it with another. When it glistened with moisture, he returned both inside of me.

  His fingers were thick, strong and just as large as any man I’d taken to my bed. He began stroking as his eyes burned. The blue was darker and the brown was all but gone as his huge pupils spoke of his desire. I moaned along with his movements. Little noises that spoke of the happiness I felt having him here, looking at me like this.

  A knowing grin rose to his face, and he curled his fingers. A loud gasp of surprise escaped my mouth. In one swift move, he found my G-spot, a place I thought was foreign to me. I thrust my hips, demanding he play with it.

  “No one has pleasured you right,” he said, equal parts haughtiness and satisfaction.

  “Don’t stop.” I grasped the sheets with my hands.

  He put more weight against my stomach with his hand, angled my body further as he kept his fingers deep inside of me and flicked the sensitive spot. I let out shuddering breaths, squeals—everything that screamed of a complete loss of control.

  “M...m...more,” I begged.

  His eyes burned deeper, his jaw clenched tight as he took it upon himself to send me to Heaven. He slammed his fingers inside with the palm of his hand banging against my nub. My entire body tightened and my head arched back as I sucked a breath down deep into my chest. My legs extended, my toes pointing straight out as my body teetered between life and death.

  Not until I felt the damp sheets beneath me, did a sense of life return. My breath whooshed out as my eyes fluttered open. My body was heavy, tingling with erotic fulfillment.

  I blinked slowly. Kipp was now above me, his gaze needy and wanting as he knelt between my legs. He placed his hands on my knees, bending my legs back along my sides to open for him. Then, he took his erection in his hand and I glanced at it. The tip was buried inside of me. I’d never seen anything so beautiful. Against the sculpted lines of his abs, the hairless skin made his dick look all too appetizing. I craved to taste it, touch it, but the strain it obviously suffered made that impossible. He couldn’t wait any longer to have me.

  With a slow, gentle movement of restraint on his part, he slid the rest of the way in. His eyes closed, his moan ruminating through my soul.

  It spoke of a truth that what I felt, he felt too and his expression shined of rightness. I raised my hands to cup his face as he began to move oh-so-slow. His mouth parted. His breath warm across my face as his eyes filled with lustful intentions. More than that, something far deeper, a gaze of love bore into mine.

  Without a single inkling of warning, he slammed into me with the full strength of his body. I screamed a sharp sound of surprise and almost in pain of intense pleasure. He slid out only to slam back into me, harder this time. He waited only a moment for me to gather my breath before he did it again.

  Again and again.

  The bed banged against the wall. I began to shake to my very core as he tormented me with his body. I was panting, crying out, unable to do anything else. Not capable to focus on one thing, powerless to make sense of the sensations I was experiencing. Everything was forced alive. My body was connected by a warm glow of energy. An enlightened state of being.

  “Not yet,” Kipp growled, breaking me away from my state of bliss. I let out a sharp cry as he abruptly stopped his movements. “I will finish you,” he reassured. “But I want to watch you ride me when you do.”

  I didn’t hesitate. I lunged forward, pushed him back so he was sitting, climbed on top of him, took his erection in my hand and lowered down onto him. With his hands on my hips, I wrapped my legs around him, held onto his shoulders as he began to rock my body against him.

  Slowly, at first.

  “Feel how hard you make my cock.” Kipp’s growl deepened, his hands tightened further around my hips.

  God, I felt it and more. “Go harder,” I demanded, meeting his gaze in a challenge to make good of his promises.

  A slight curve of his mouth, the slow hooded look in his eyes, told me I might just regret my words. He began raising me to the very tip of his dick then slammed me down on top of him. His dick now lay against the perfect place inside of me and each thrust rubbed against my G-spot, played with it, stimulated it. My eyes began to water. I wanted to lower my head, melt into his embrace so I could save myself from the intensity capturing
me, but I couldn’t look away from him. Not now, with his eyes raging with more passion than I thought lived in one person. Not when he looked at me as though he was undeserving of me. Definitely not when his eyes said when he was done with me, he’d only want more.

  He rocked me harder against him, the hardness of his dick growing in size. “Tess,” he said in a shout.

  “Kipp.” My shout equalling his. Suddenly, everything around me started to blur. His movements became urgent, his expression tight and filled with the tension of his impending release. “Tess.” His voice was loud and demanding―not at all lustful.

  Wait! What?

  I shot straight up out of bed, glancing around. I tried to make sense of what just happened, attempting to settle my heart which was beating out my chest.

  Kipp loomed over his bed, his hand reached out as if he wanted to touch me, but he immediately pulled it back. “You okay?” Concern was heavy in his tone.

  “What?” I exhaled, breathless.

  “You were moaning and saying my name. Did you have a bad dream?”

  Holy shit, it was a dream.

  I’d heard of erotic dreams. Hell, I always wanted one, but not with the man in the dream staring at me, asking why I was yelling out his name. “, it wasn’t a bad dream.”

  Kipp’s worry settled into a smile. “Everything all right then?”

  I nodded, glancing down to the bed, unable to meet his gaze, pulling my bottom lip into my mouth to bite on it. “Everything’s fine.”

  “By the look on your face it was a good dream. Wanna share?” His tone was deep and rich.

  Oh yes, it was clear he knew my dream was sex related. This ghost was knocking me off my game. For years, I prided myself on the ability to show nothing on my face. But with him, it was impossible to do so. I needed to correct this problem. “I was dreaming about my ex-boyfriend.”

  His expression said he didn’t believe me. The grin on his face grew. He nodded toward the door. “Just meet us out there when you’re ready, we have to get going to the station.”


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