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Pants on Fire

Page 3

by Schreyer, Casia

“Are you ever serious?”

  “Rarely. Does this have to be serious?”

  “Not at all.”

  They were both smiling now. She leaned down and kissed him until he pulled away.

  “Is something wrong?”

  He tugged the bottom of her shirt. “Take it off.” His voice was heavy with desire.

  “I barely know you,” she laughed.

  “When I met you, you were wearing nothing but a bikini. I want to see those gorgeous breasts of yours up close.”

  Honesty. Desire. How could she resist? And she really wanted his hands all over her. Her shirt hit the floor and he grabbed her breasts, kneading them with strong, soft hands.

  “What? No compliments on my bra?” She’d worn the plum lace hoping he’d get a chance to see it.

  “It covers too much,” he said. With an expert flick of fingers she had the clasp free and her bra followed her shirt to the floor.

  He couldn’t keep his hands off her even though he wanted to sit back and admire the beauty of her. Her stomach was smooth, fit but soft. Her breasts fit in his hands and he squeezed them again just because he could.

  Yes, she thought. This is exactly what I need. She resisted the urge to simply float on the wings of pleasure choosing to give him a good time too. She tugged the hem of his shirt and he released her just long enough to strip to the waist. He was built like a man who took the time to hit the gym at least once a week but he was soft too and she soon found that running her hands over his chest and abs was just not enough. Besides, I can feel just how turned on he’s getting. I might as well give him an invitation.

  She arched her back, placing her breasts at mouth level and he eagerly began nuzzling them. She moved her hands down to his waistband, but found it too awkward to get to his zipper in her current position. She tried to pull back but his arm was like an iron band around her. Her initial instinct to fight free was quickly overpowered by wanting him to keep on teasing her breasts in just that way.

  Desire was clouding over other sense and emotion and Tyler found want moving towards need. He flipped her over and around, reluctantly releasing her breast from his mouth as he maneuvered her around. She made it difficult, fighting to get her arms and body where she wanted them while he tried to stretch her out on the couch.

  He was stronger and she wasn’t putting up enough fight to tell him that she actually wanted him to back off. Once she was lying on the couch he bent over her and returned his attention to her breast.

  “Would you stop that for a minute,” she moaned.

  He smiled and teased her nipple with his tongue.

  She wiggled free and finally got her arms down. He almost protested that they were blocking him from the objects of his desire but her fingers were doing something with the waist of his pants and he was suddenly intrigued. She had his button and zipper undone almost as fast she’d removed her bra.

  “That should be more comfortable,” she said.

  “We could get even more comfortable.”

  “We’ll just see where the afternoon takes us,” she grinned.

  He leaned down and kissed the grin right off her face. She wrapped her arms around his neck and they lost themselves in their mutual passion.

  The first time her cellphone rang she didn’t connect the sound to the phone and he didn’t even hear it. The second ring made her pause and he mumbled, “Ignore it.”

  “What time is it?” She struggled to sit up as he kissed her jaw and neck, his hands still roaming her body. Another ring. She fought her way free only to land on the floor with a thump. The bedside clock came into focus. “Shit, I’m late.”

  She rescued her cellphone from her purse, catching it one ring from voicemail. “Hi, Mom. No, I didn’t forget.” She smiled at him and accepted the offered shirt. “Yes, I know this is important to you.” She spun in a circle, giving him a full view of her half naked body in the process, but couldn’t spot her bra anywhere. She dropped to her knees, crawling with one hand and peering under the couch.

  He watched for a moment and thought, She looks hot with that pretty little ass sticking up like that. He resisted his darker, lust driven, urges, pulled his pants back up, and started checking between the couch cushions. She spotted the plum lace under the white of his golf shirt and he regretfully and obligingly helped her slip it on as she said, “Yes Mom” and “Of course” and “You’re right” in random order over and over.

  “I’m on my way, I promise. I’ll be right home.”

  She yanked on her shirt and smiled at him, her eyes wandering from his face, down his chest and abs to where the little patch of dark hair disappeared under the waist band of his pants and back again.

  “Did you just check me out?”

  She was relieved to see he was smiling. “You’d better believe it. I’ve got a dinner at my aunt’s house tonight.”

  He nodded. “That would get my mom in a knot too. You should go.”

  “I don’t want to.” She sidled up close to him and kissed him.

  “Tomorrow, hiking, cancel your other plans.”

  “I’ll see what I can do, but you don’t know my mother.” Another quick kiss. “Thanks for the romp.”


  “I’ll hold you to that.” She slipped from his arms and out of the room like fog through his fingers.

  He ate dinner alone in the hotel restaurant, thinking about Megan the entire time. I want her. I want her naked and I want to take my time exploring that sexy body. I could spend the rest of my vacation locked in that hotel room with Megan and I don’t think I’d ever get bored.

  After dinner he wandered into the lounge to catch the game and nurse a beer or two. There were a half dozen other patrons in the bar with him, most of this his age or older, all focused on their beers or the game.

  Around ten, after the game when the sports network was playing its highlights of the day program, a group of eighteen-to-twenty-four year olds came in to play pool. One of them put some current dance music on the jukebox and the quiet dark of the bar disappeared under the driving bass and drums.

  Four girls flocked to the bar to order shots with strange names and neon coloured cocktails. He spared them a glance, noted the abundance of their make-up and scantiness of their clothes and dismissed them as just as shallow as every girl he’d dated – before Megan. Curiosity satisfied he turned back to the television and ignored their hushed conversation and their giggles.

  He sensed more than he saw the blonde that scooted up onto the stool beside him and looked up, making sure to keep his face neutral. She was lovely – blonde hair teased up, stunning blue eyes, about a mile of leg and more than a handful of chest.

  “I haven’t seen you here before,” she said, flashing him a smile.

  “I suppose you come here all the time?” he asked dryly.

  “Every weekend!” More smiles. “You wanna buy me a drink?”

  Tyler finished his beer. “Nope. I’m as drunk as I plan to get tonight. I’m going up to my room.” He eased from his stool to find her hand over his wrist.

  “You should stay, shoot some pool with us. It’ll be fun.” She licked her lips and her vivid red lipstick glistened invitingly.

  He shook his head, pleasantly surprised that the room didn’t spin since the two beers he’d planned on drinking had turned into four. “Sorry, pool’s not my game.”

  “I could play anything you want,” she said, leaning forward to show off her ample cleavage.

  She probably would, he thought and snuck a subtle look down her shirt. Nice, but she’s not Megan. He smiled at the pretty blonde. “Thanks, but no thanks.”

  “Come back down if you change your mind!” she called as he walked away.


  Megan sat in one of the tacky floral print chairs in the lobby reading an outdated fashion magazine. When Tyler finally came down she glanced up at him then back at the article she was reading.

  “Hi. Come here often?”

  She smil
ed. “That is so overused.”

  “Tell that to the busty blonde who tried it on me last night.”

  Megan felt something very close to jealousy grab her gut and squeeze. “A very pretty, young, busty blonde with blue eyes and red lips and not enough clothes?”

  “You know her?” Tyler sounded surprised.

  She shook her head, eyes still turned down though she was no longer reading. “I know the type. How did you and Busty Blonde get along?”

  “I turned her down flat, not my type. Are you ready for hiking?”

  As quickly as the tightness in her stomach had appeared it was gone. She tossed the magazine aside and leapt to her feet, the sudden change in her demeanor obvious even to Tyler. “Absolutely, let’s go!”

  She drove them a few miles south of the city and parked in a small lot with a grouping of picnic tables off to one side. Rolling grass land, scrubby trees, and fields of corn and grains stretched out around them but Tyler couldn’t take his eyes off Megan. Her legs were toned and they looked great framed between shorts and runners. And her shorts reminded him of just how cute her ass was, and suddenly all he could think about were the horrible things he could do to her. He could happily walk to the end of the world with that ass in front of him.

  He realized Megan had started off down a well-worn foot path and scrambled to catch up.

  “I thought you were chickening out on me,” she said.

  “What? After I got all dressed up just for the occasion? Not a chance.”

  Her laughter sounded even better out here in the open air. “You look good, Tyler. Casual suits you.” In her opinion it did more than suit him. He had great arms and the t-shirt clung just slightly to his muscled chest in a very appealing way. The light breeze ruffled her hair making his face look softer, warmer. Of course out here in the sun his tan glowed so maybe that was why he looked so warm and inviting. She kept walking, trying to pretend that her heart was pounding from the exercise and not from desire.

  By the time they reached the top of the only hill for miles she wasn’t pretending anything and they both stopped at the top to catch their breath. Fields of half-ripe wheat and corn spread out in a patchwork blanket stitched together by tree lines and gravel roads.

  “This was worth the walk,” Tyler said. He pulled his shirt off, wiped his face with it, and tucked it in his back pocket.

  Megan’s breath caught in her throat but she managed to say, “It’s my favourite view,” without stuttering or blushing. She looked out over the fields again and located the Old King’s Bridge just ahead. She frowned. “I don’t like the look of that.”

  He almost asked ‘what’ but caught sight of the clouds resting low on the horizon and stretching high into a no longer clear blue sky. “It’ll break this heat,” he said.

  “Yeah, but there was no sign of that storm when we set out, so it’s moving fast.”

  “So, no King’s Bridge?”

  “You can see it from here,” she said and pointed.

  The rickety foot bridge was not what he had expected. “That’s King’s Bridge?”

  “What were you expecting? A marvel of modern engineering? That creek there runs through pasture land – good for watering cattle, not good if you need to move them. The farmer decided to build a bridge for his cows, but it was well known that he was hopeless with a hammer. His response to everyone’s jesting was ‘Just you wait, I’ll build a bridge fit for a king’. To his credit it was a solid bridge, not attractive or straight thought, but his neighbours called it King’s Bridge.”

  “And the name stuck.”

  “Stuck so hard that the village got named Kingsbridge and no one wanted to change it when we became a city.”

  He gave his head a shake. “I love it. It’s …”

  A distant rumble, like the sound of a truck on a gravel road, cut him short and her frown returned.

  “At least downhill is easier than uphill. Let’s move it.”

  To their credit they were over halfway back to the car before the first drops of rain hit them. The thunder drew closer, rolling along the fields like the low growl of some savage beast. The sky was steadily darkening and the rain, which had been slow, fat droplets, soon became sheets of fine water pellets beating down.

  They were within sight of the car before the sky really opened up but those last dozen yards were enough and they were both soaked. Sitting in the car with the rain pounding the roof and windshield, Megan started laughing. Tyler looked at her, and then smiled. Her hair was plastered to her neck and forehead in dark strands. Water literally dripped off the tip of her nose. Her shirt was soaked and it clung to her breasts in the most enticing way.

  This is Megan. This is the truth of her. Some strange, inviting, blend of funny, friendly, and downright sexy, Tyler thought and he felt a burning ache in the pit of his stomach as his heart thundered from exertion and emotion. God, I think I’m actually falling in love with her.

  “Oh, well. It’s not the first time I’ve been caught in a rain storm,” she said as her laughter died away. “We look ridiculous.”

  “You look beautiful.”

  She looked away from him. “I’ll get you back to the hotel.”

  “Will you come up? At least to dry off?”

  She heard it in his voice, that same subtle longing that used to creep into her mother’s voice whenever her father called to say he was working a double. A quick glance at him revealed nothing, no heartsick expression or wide, love struck eyes.

  Don’t read into this Megan. He’s a great guy but two weeks isn’t enough time to fall in love and it’s only been two days!

  “I think drying off would be a great idea. Besides, if I go home my mother will scold me for not checking the weather before going out.”

  “She didn’t get wet! I should be the one scolding you!”

  “No! Please don’t start that!” she chuckled and pulled into the visitor’s lot. She ignored the smug look on the desk clerk’s face and disappeared with Tyler into the partial privacy of the elevator. He quietly took her hand in his.

  “Do you have any other plans today?”

  She shook her head. “Nothing at all.”


  Chapter 3

  As soon as the door was closed, he grabbed her, spinning her around and kissing her hard before she could regain her footing. He kept kissing her, keeping her pinned against his chest until she stopped struggling and started kissing him back. She shivered and managed to pull away.

  “Can we dry off? My clothes feel cold and damp.”

  He peeled his shirt off, let it hit the floor with a wet thump, and took a purposeful step towards her, his eyes intent on her face.

  This is what it feels like to be hunted, she thought as she backed slowly into the room. There was nowhere to run, not if she actually wanted to escape, but she suspected that he wanted her to at least try and her heart was pounding at the very idea.

  He followed, each step measured and exact, and when she bolted for the bathroom he sprang forward, catching the door on his forearm and pushing his way in. She smiled meekly at him and handed him a large fluffy towel from the rack. He swatted the towel away, grabbed her, and kissed her again, though he had to admit that her shirt was cold and clammy.

  Breaking the kiss so suddenly it left her breathless, he grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. Her bra was one of those unflattering cotton things that women wore while working out and it followed her shirt over her head and onto the floor.

  “Now to warm you up,” he said. His voice sent shivers down her spine. There was something primitive and demanding in the deepness of his voice and the way he stared at her.

  “I’m all yours,” she whispered, desire making her breath catch in her throat.

  “You’d better believe it,” he said and yanked her forward so her body slammed against his. The kiss was fast, hard and left her reeling. She had no choice but to follow as he led her, a little too quickly, to the bed.
r />   He basically tossed her onto the overstuffed comforter and some sort of reason kicked back in. “You’ll get the bed all wet!”

  She had hoped to slow him down, hoped he’d let her off the bed long enough that she could catch her breath and try for a little control in this game. Of course he just gave her a smug look and stripped her shorts off.

  They caught on her shoes. He muttered, “Shit,” and threw the offending footwear, and her socks, across the room.

  At least the shoes had bought her enough time to sit up. “Tyler …”

  He covered her mouth with his, savouring the taste of her, then pulled back. “Sorry, I wanted one last kiss, in case you’re going to tell me to go to hell.”


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