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Dev's Mate (Shifters on the run Book 2)

Page 12

by Serena Simpson

  Her hand stilled when had she become comfortable with being a shifter? It felt right like this was always supposed to be part of her life.

  “Are you alright?”

  “I am. I had this thought about us becoming our animal selves and playing out here together.”

  “I think the more we change, the more we accept who we are.”

  “You might be right.”

  “Do you think they’re reading each other’s mind?”

  “Maybe, of course, they just may be ignoring us.”

  “Who could ignore us?”

  Dev picked something up and threw it at Lore.

  “You’re next Ben if you keep his up.”

  “I find a nice place for us to lay low. His mate loves the cabin and what does he do? He throws things at me and threatens you. I think we should take off and leave him here. I’d take Rissa with us, but I hate seeing a bear chase a car.”

  She covered her mouth to keep from laughing too loud as she picked up her bag and moved towards the cabin. Dev glared at them before he caught up with her and took the bag she was carrying.

  Ben and Lore got into the Jeep laughing.

  “Dev,” Lore called out. “We’re using the delta protocol.” The engine started, and soon they were out of sight.

  “We have a whole week of downtime what are we supposed to do with it?”

  He came up behind her wrapping his arms around her waist. “I have some ideas.”

  “I bet you do.”

  He feathered a kiss against her cheek. “I think it’s time for you to pay your debt.”


  “If I remember correctly someone owes me a home cooked meal.”

  “Aww, that debt.” It felt like a lifetime ago, but he was right it was time to pay up.

  “Let’s explore the cabin first.”

  The living room was cozy big enough for maybe three couples but intimate enough for one couple. The kitchen was larger than she thought. There was enough room for them both to be in there at the same time. There was a small dining room area with a table that could seat six. The first bedroom was big with a master bath attached to it. The other two bedrooms were smaller, but each held a king size bed. There was a bathroom between the two rooms and a door that led out onto the back deck. The cabin was perfectly sized for the two of them.

  She put her clothes in the closet and the drawers. It made her feel like she was staying for a while.

  “I’m going to take a shower before I see what’s in the fridge to cook.”

  “Alright, I’m going to sit on the porch.” He gave her a sweet kiss before he left out.

  The bathroom was beautiful and ultra-modern. That’s how she liked her cabin in the woods to be. She stepped into the shower allowing the day to fall away from her.

  When they finally made it to their destination, if they made it, would they live in a cabin? She wouldn’t complain if they did. In the beginning, the cabin would probably be more rustic than this one, but she could live with it. She closed her eyes as the hot water sluiced over her body and imagined a little boy with his father’s hair and her gray eyes. He would be so handsome.

  Thoughts of Zayro and Ha’cho entered her mind. Would they ever be able to have children or even settle down or would their life be like this, ditching cars and moving constantly? How could you have a life like that? What about children?

  She forced her mind away from that and ended up seeing a picture of Roger in her mind. There was the before shot which was all-American and clean cut. Then there was the tatted up bad boy. He had tried to warn her in the beginning when he was still struggling with who he was. She simply hadn’t understood what he was saying until it was too late. Late at night he would hold her in his arms and tell her he was bad to the bone. She thought it was a joke. The first time he sent her to the hospital his whispered words were ‘I tried to warn you.’

  It didn’t matter after that he matured grew to like what he was doing more and more. He lived for the next time he could hurt her and when he abused her in front of others, he gained even more joy from it. She shivered under the warm water. When she watched those men threatening to hunt down Danny, she knew that somewhere Roger was probably doing the same thing. It was a sickness, she had to believe that because any other thought was intolerable.

  Turning off the water she escaped the shower hoping to leave her memories and thoughts behind. She toweled dried her hair, then she put on a pair of shorts for bed and a tee before slipping her feet into shoes.

  “What are you thinking?” She walked out on the porch and took a seat on the swing next to him.

  “I can’t remember the last time I just looked at the stars. Even before we went on the run this last time. Whenever I was outside at night, I was listening for intruders or thinking of ways I could better serve my brothers. I haven’t really looked at the stars since I was a kid. I can’t blame the military I blame life.”

  “Life has really broad shoulders because it does some crappy things to us, and it knows we are going to point our fingers at it.”

  “It does throw a lot our way. Sometimes I wonder how my life went from living the dream in the military to this.”

  “Did you like the military?”

  “I did. I liked infiltrating drug lords and helping to get the drugs off the street. I liked watching people getting their lives together after they had almost been destroyed. I wasn’t supposed to see that part, but I kept up with the people I helped.”

  “How did you become a doctor if you were trained to infiltrate gangs?”

  “I’m not a doctor I’m just the closest thing we have to one. On my first infiltration, it lasted about nine months about five months in there was a shootout. One of the boys I was trying to get out the gang got shot in front of me, he was sixteen. I still remember falling to my knees trying to help him. When the paramedics came, he was dead. I don’t think I ever saw anyone as mad as that paramedic was. He said to me, ‘do you see this? All you had to do was pinch this off and put a tourniquet here, and he would have survived until I got here. When will you learn that might doesn’t always make right?’”

  She moved closer to him hugging him tightly.

  “I walked back to that gang house and washed his blood off my hands, but those words haunted me. When they pulled me out, I started studying medicine because the paramedic was right. I thought I was right and that since I was young and strong, I could use that to my advantage to change the world. I learned quickly that strength without knowledge is like trying to fend off a zombie attack with half a sword.”

  She smiled and gave him a soft laugh. “How many others died?”

  “None I learned enough over the years to give them all a fighting chance. When I changed, became a shifter, everything I knew grew, it became more. No way to explain it, I could do more, and I understood more. There was only one thing to do with all of that knowledge, use it to keep us alive.”

  “We’re going to make it. All of us because Zayro was right, each shifter that was created received a special gift. Yours is healing, and it might be the first of many. Let’s go make dinner.” She stood and stretched tilting her head backward to see the sky.

  He was right she couldn’t remember the last time she simply stopped to look up. She took his hand and walked into the cabin.

  “We have chicken.” She was looking in the fridge to see what she had to work with. The management office said it was well stocked when they rented the place and it was.

  “We have pork, beef, seafood.”


  “Really? I’m offering to put together out of this world meals. I can make Coq Au Vin or chicken, cordon blue, or any exotic meal you want.”

  “They don’t have steak?”

  She closed the fridge sat on the floor with her back to it and laughed.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I am, your just funny. You’re not one of those guys that’s into fancy restaurants, are you? You like s
teak, fried chicken or pork chops smothered in something.”

  “Does that make me weird?”

  “No, it makes you almost perfect.”

  “Tell me that after you wash my socks.”

  “Hey!” She jumped up trying not to laugh. “I didn’t agree to wash socks, I agreed to cook. Washing is your chore. Now I am going to make you a steak, with a baked potato and vegetables that will be so tender and succulent that the meat will melt in your mouth. The vegetables will be so heavenly they will tap dance on your tongue, and the potato will greet you with just the right amount of butter that you will fall on your knees and worship my cooking skills for all eternity.”

  His deep laugh came rumbling out making her smile bigger.

  “All you have to do is make toast for me, it could be burnt, but you made it for me. That’s enough to make me worship your cooking skills forever.”

  She put the meat on the counter and turned to him. “That’s why I love you.”

  Her eyes were wide, and she was shaking as she looked at him. He stood up every move was thought out, his body flexed as he prowled across the kitchen to where she stood. He gave her breathing space even as he crowded her.

  She felt vulnerable not in the someone may physically harm me way. She was emotionally vulnerable because his response could destroy her. He could do to her what Roger never managed to do, what the men who captured her couldn’t do.

  “Rissa, do you love me?”

  “Yes. Dev I love you with every fiber of my being.”

  His eyes flicked to the food on the counter. “Let’s eat later.”

  She grinned, that sounded good to her. He stepped back while she put the food in the fridge. She closed it and turned around, he was right there pulling her into his arms. His kiss felt so right. It always started gently as if he needed to be sure that she wanted to kiss him one more time. Then he kissed her deeper, harder molding his lips to hers, showing her how well they fit together as his tongue played a game with her making her hot and needy until she wanted to beg for the feel of his lips touching her everywhere.

  He picked her up and carried her out the kitchen.

  Chapter Twenty

  He placed her in the center of the bed. She laid there trying to control her breathing as he stood on the side watching her. Every imperfection hit her at that moment until she lifted her eyes looking into his. She saw his love, his respect, and his awe that she was there for him. It was there in his eyes and so much more. There was no way to name every emotion, but they made his brown eyes brighter than the stars at night. His eyes warmed her up offering things she could only begin to imagine.

  “I was so sure,” he slipped off his shoes and drew his shirt over his head. “That I was going to be alone until I died. Not because of the animal in me, I never thought a female would want me forever.”

  “Your passionate, and caring, your protective any woman would be glad to have you.” Her hands went to the side of his face dragging her fingertips over his cheeks making them sensitive to her touch.

  “No, I was never any of those things until I met you. I was too deep into my career doing what I thought I loved, then I was snatched out of the only life I ever knew. Tane saved me. You haven’t met him but you will. I think he saved us all. Then you came along rearranging my world with your sweet scent and your promises of tomorrow.”

  His hand caressed her throat feeling the beat of her heart. He dragged a finger downward until it was pressed between her breasts.

  “I thought I was strong.” He picked up her hand looking at the wound that was completely healed. Leaning over he kissed her hand licking the place where the wound had been. She gave a small laugh.

  “It tickles.”

  “I saw the body of the man you killed. Knowing that he pressed you, that he fired at you made me want to kill him again. At the same time, my heart was racing because it could have been you on the ground. The thought was unbearable.”

  He reached down to take the bottom of her shirt in his hands. Slowly, as if revealing a treasure, he had searched the world for, he began to pull it up her body.

  “As I stared down at his body I knew I was weak. I would have been devastated if something happened to you. I wasn’t sure I could go on, but I was sure I would take everyone who ever hurt you with me. He was lucky you killed him. I would have made him beg for death.”

  His finger was circling her nipple, not touching it. Every time he went around the pulse between her legs would flare, and she fought the need to squirm. Her nipple was puckering with the desire for him to touch her.

  “I like this bloodthirsty side of you.” Her voice was shaky, needy, even as it hitched in her throat

  He flicked a finger over her nipple, and her hand clutched the sheet to keep her from coming off the bed. How could a simple touch drive her crazy?

  He switched nipples leaving the one puckered and begging for his touch. Her hips lifted a little thrusting against the air. A frustrated groan came from her as he circled the other nipple not touching it.

  Her hand came up, she wanted to cup her breast.

  “Don’t make me tie you to the bed.”

  Wetness flowed between her legs making her moan of pleasure leave her aching and wanting more. If anyone besides Dev had threatened to tie her to a bed fear would have walked up her spine. With Dev, she wanted to go search for a shirt or a tie.

  “Mmm,” he breathed deeply. “You like the thought I’ll make sure our headboard and foot board will accommodate that.”

  She was beet red, and she knew it, but she couldn’t deny it. There were so many things she wanted to try with him.

  He leaned over and took her nipple into his mouth sucking hard before he bit it. Pain followed by a rush of pleasure went through her body. He was like a drug, and she was his addict because she needed him to do it again. He bit the other nipple, and she screamed not caring if anyone could hear her. A rush of pleasure took her over, and she shook. How could such simple actions bring her to the brink before pushing her over?

  She pushed at his chest until he sat back.

  “Your turn.” Her voice sounded thick to her own ears, but she needed to touch him, to show him what she felt. Words were good, but actions were better.

  Her body was still shaking as she went up to her knees. A light laugh came from her when she almost fell.

  “Lay here.” She rubbed the spot where she wanted him. If only she had the ability to drive him crazy like he did to her. It didn’t matter she would show him she cared, that she loved him, even if she wasn’t as smooth as he was.

  “I never got to explore the male body. Touching was rarely encouraged in my relationships.” Her fingertips went to the base of his throat. The sexy little indent there seemed to be calling her name. She stroked him fascinated as she noticed his breathing was just a little bit faster. She would have missed it if she hadn’t been staring at him.

  Leaning down she licked it and heard the low grumble of a moan coming from his lips. The sounds men made should be captured and played at random times just to make females hot. If the sounds he made came over the speakers at her government job, there would have been a stampede to get to the bathroom.

  Laughter poured out of her before he moaned again redirecting her thoughts.

  “Something funny?”

  “No, I was just thinking of ways we could get rich without having to leave the bedroom.”

  “I like how your mind works.”

  She dragged her fingers down the middle of his pecs feeling the warmth that assaulted her.

  “I always thought when I meet him, the one, I would take my time and explore his body.” She laid both hands over his pecs and began to slowly pull them down until she was covering his nipples. The palms of her hand rubbed against him until she felt them harden into tiny points. The feel of his nipples against her palms was making her want more.

  His eyes were a little glazed as she played with his chest. Moving one hand, she leaned down and lick
ed the nipple before she sucked it into her mouth. His hips thrust up meeting the air as she groaned. She took the nipple between her teeth and began to play with it. His hand came up to capture her hair, holding her tightly against the nipple that she bit.

  “Harder.” It came out on a ragged moan, and she bit him again. The sound of his pleasure filled the room.

  She was doing this driving him crazy like he had driven her. Her lips curved in a bigger smile as she went to his other nipple. She licked it loving the flavor of his skin before she sucked it into her mouth. A soft hum came from her allowing the vibration of her voice to flow around his nipple. He held her head closer as sounds of appreciation came from him. She bit down, and he roared his pleasure the sudden change of sensation throwing him over the edge.

  Her fingers ran down his abs getting to them as her tongue followed tasting him. Making sure she knew every inch of him.

  “Rissa,” her name came out in a groan, she looked lower and licked her lips.

  “Yes?” Her hand was tangled in the hair between his legs. How was she supposed to know that this nest of hair would excite her? Her fingers went lower until she allowed them to trace over the tip of his penis.

  She licked up the seed that was leaking at the tip of it. A hiss came from him.

  Her tongue moved from his tip sliding up his thick cock enjoying the feel of him as well as the thrust he didn’t seem to be able to control.

  “You’re playing with fire love.”

  “Burn me.”

  She lifted his thick cock and licked the underside of it from tip to base before she took his balls in her hand and caressed them. Her tongue licked at them. His hands flew to her waist putting her on her back before she could blink.

  He had her legs spread wide, he pushed into her causing her to moan when the tip of his cock rubbed against the rings of her pussy spreading her wide before he pushed all the way in. A moan of pure pleasure came from her as he slammed home.


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