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I Will Love You (Forever and Ever #23)

Page 6

by E. L. Todd

  Dad leaned toward Lexie. “He’s jealous I can beat him at arm-wrestling.”

  “I’m sure it’s close though,” Lexie said.

  “Let’s wait for him in my office,” Dad said. “My wife is there.”

  “Okay.” She walked out with him.

  I sighed then got changed, irritated that my parents were determined to make Lexie a part of our family. They refused to listen to me when I said we would never last. They would find out the hard way.


  Mom and Dad took their places on the opposite side of the net.

  “Do you know how to play?” I asked her. “I could teach you a few things before we begin.”

  “Conrad, I know how to play.” She sounded slightly offended.

  “Just making sure…”

  “Just because I’m a pretty girl doesn’t mean I don’t know how to play sports.”

  “The question wasn’t offensive,” I said. “I was just curious.”

  “Let’s just say you’re lucky you’re on my team,” she said. “Otherwise, I’d kick your ass.”

  “Feisty…” But I actually liked it.

  “Damn right.” She served and hit the ball hard. It went past my parents so quickly they couldn’t even follow the ball with their eyes.

  “Damn,” I blurted. “Where did you learn to serve like that?”

  She shrugged. “Practice.”

  I grabbed her ass playfully and gave it a squeeze. “I wish there weren’t shorts underneath this…”

  “When we get back to my place there won’t be anything at all…”

  My cock twitched.

  Dad threw the ball at Lexie. “I didn’t realize we were playing with a pro.”

  Lexie caught it then got ready to serve again. “Just wanted to prove a point to Conrad.” Then she served the ball, and this time it was gentle. It was easy for my mom to hit back and we rallied back and forth.

  “Got it,” I called as I ran for the ball.

  She sprinted in front of me then slammed it hard toward my dad.

  It bounced passed him.

  “I said I had it,” I said in irritation.

  “Couldn’t risk it,” she said with a shrug.

  I swatted my tennis racket into her ass playfully. “You’re lucky you have gorgeous legs.”

  “I think it’s my gorgeous pussy you care more about.” She shot me a look then walked away.

  Man, I wanted to fuck her.

  And she knew it.

  Dad served the ball and it went right past me because I was checking out Lexie.

  Lexie sighed then we lost the point. “This is why I have to do everything.” She retrieved the ball then tossed it over the net.

  “Well, stop distracting me.”

  “And how will I achieve that?” she asked. “Wear a Stormtrooper outfit?”

  My head snapped in her direction. “No, that would make it worse actually.”

  She rolled her eyes and moved to her side of the court.

  How the hell did I find her? I couldn’t believe I just walked passed a bathroom and heard her moan inside it. And now, months later I was still taking her hard on my sheets and she’d become one of my closest friends. I was even closer to her than I was to Roland. There were things I told her that I never mentioned to him.

  “Get your head in the game, son,” Dad called.

  “I could miss every shot and we’d still win,” I countered.

  “We’ll see about that.” Lexie walked to the net. “Cassandra, you want to switch?”

  “Sure,” she said. “I would love to play with my son.”

  I cringed. “Mom, no.”

  “Too bad,” she said as she joined me.

  Dad gave Lexie a high-five. “Let’s kick their ass.”

  “Backstabber,” I called.

  “Good luck winning when you’re missing every shot,” Lexie shouted. She served the ball at me and it whizzed by. “One point for us.”

  I growled then retrieved the ball.

  “Switch places with me,” Mom said.


  “Honey, I love you but you aren’t very good.”

  I sighed then traded places with her.

  We rallied back and forth, and my dad and Lexie handed our asses to us. The score wasn’t even close.

  Dad and Lexie both did a ridiculous victory dance.

  “You guys look stupid,” I said.

  “Someone is a poor loser,” Lexie jabbed, still dancing.

  Dad started doing the robot.

  I turned to Mom. “And you’re still married to him?”

  A slight smile stretched her lips. “And you still don’t want to be with that amazing woman dancing with your father?”

  I looked away, irritated to know Dad told Mom everything about Lexie and I.

  Mom waited for me to respond, and when I didn’t, she walked to the other side of the court then hugged my father, giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

  “You like those moves, huh?” Dad asked as he smiled at her.

  “Oh yeah,” Mom said. “It gets me in the mood.”

  “Hmm,” Dad said. “Something I never knew before…”

  I was going to puke. “Lexie, let’s bolt.”

  “Whoa, hold on,” Dad said. “After we shower, let’s get dinner.”

  I just wanted to be alone with Lexie but I didn’t want to be rude to my parents. “Okay.”


  Lexie made my dad laugh so hard wine came out of his nose.

  Mom handed him a napkin but she was laughing too.

  I watched my family interact with Lexie, and I was irritated they were falling in love with her. Actually, they’d already fallen in love with her. She would never be something serious, just a friend, but I guess they didn’t believe me.

  “That’s the best story I’ve heard in years,” Dad said.

  “I have a lot of crazy clients,” Lexie said.

  I was glad my parents didn’t view her in a negative way because of what she studied or the fact she was sleeping with me with no-strings-attached. My parents were open-minded, especially my dad. But I never expected them to adore her.

  Lexie moved her hand to my thigh. “Still in a sour mood from losing?”

  “I’m in a sour mood because I don’t like to share you.” I said it in front of my parents and I didn’t give a damn about it. I’d rather be home with her, having sex and then watching TV on the couch together.

  “Awe,” Mom whispered.

  Dad gave me a knowing look that said, “So not just friends…”

  “Nah,” Lexie said. “I think you’re just a poor loser and you hate the fact your father can dance better than you.”

  I put my arm around her chair and leaned close to her. “How do you know if you’ve never seen me dance?”

  Lexie didn’t have a remark to that so she sipped her wine.

  “And for the record, I am a better dancer.” I pulled away and placed my napkin on the table because I was finished with my meal.

  “I’ll have to see it to believe it,” she said.

  “Then I’ll show you when we get home.”

  “It’s a deal,” she said.

  Dad paid for dinner even though I offered to pay for half then we walked outside and stood together on the sidewalk.

  “Thanks for dinner, Dad,” I said.

  “Thank you,” Lexie said. “And thank you for inviting me to play tennis with you.”

  “Of course,” Mom said as she hugged her. “You’re quite the player.”

  Dad moved in next. “You better be on my team next time.”

  “I would love to,” Lexie said. “It’s better than being on Conrad’s team.”

  “When did I become a punching bag?” I demanded.

  “When?” Dad asked with a laugh.

  “Well, goodnight,” Lexie said. “See you next time.” She stepped away like I was going to follow her.

  Mom grabbed my elbow before I could walk away. “You really t
hink that sweet girl would ever hurt you the way Beatrice did?”

  I didn’t want to have this conversation—now or ever. “Did it ever occur to you that she’s the one who doesn’t want to be with me?” I asked seriously. “Because she doesn’t. She’s made that clear several times.”

  “Conrad.” Mom used her tone of voice she used since I was a child. “That girl is desperately in love with you.”

  My eyes snapped to hers in surprise. “No, she’s not.”

  “It’s so obvious, Conrad,” she said. “I can see it in everything she does.”

  “Well, you’re wrong. Mom, I love you but you’re wrong about this one.”

  “I agree with her,” Dad said.

  “Well, then you’re both wrong.” I moved from her grasp. “I’ll see you guys later.”

  Mom and Dad stayed put, watching me go with sad looks in their eyes.


  “Help me move this couch,” she said when we entered my apartment.


  “So we can dance.” She tried to slide it but the couch was too heavy.

  I moved it with ease then picked up the table and placed it against the wall. Then I slid the other couch to the opposite wall.

  “Perfect,” she said. “Now we need some music.” She turned on my TV and flipped through the channels until she found an eighties music station. She turned it up and the music reverberated off the walls. “Bring it!” she shouted.

  I couldn’t believe we were doing this. I felt a little silly.

  She hit my arm. “Come on!”

  I shook my head slightly. “This is stupid!”

  “Can you dance or not?”

  “Of course I can.”

  “Then show me.” She nudged me with her fingers.

  I still didn’t move.

  “Fine!” She jumped in the air and started to dance like crazy. Her hair flipped around and she spun in the room, being carefree like a bird. She smiled and laughed, having a great time even though she was the only person doing anything.

  I stared at her, watching her come alive. Lexie had been more open with me with every passing day and now she pulled back a new layer. I could see the inside of her, the composition of her soul. She looked stupid and crazy. But I wanted to look stupid and crazy with her.

  I pulled off my shirt then took up the whole room with my dance skills. I spun round then jumped in the air, and I felt free and silly.

  Lexie laughed when she watched me then kept dancing. She took off her shirt because she got hot, and her hair was a mess. She shook her ass then spanked it while giving me a seductive look.

  I laughed then did a move of my own, shaking my hips in a circle like there was a hoola-hoop around my waist.

  She pulled her jeans off while she tried to keep laughing, and she fell over slightly then rolled to her back. Laughing, she kicked them off then got back to her feet when I pulled her up. Then she turned around and grinded against me, giving me her full ass.

  I gripped it while I rubbed against her, loving the lacey pink thong she wore. I fingered it while we moved together. Then she turned around and yanked my jeans off like they were sweatpants. She practically ripped the button as she did it.

  She and I kept dancing, doing crazy moves we would never do in front of anyone else. I’d never acted like such an idiot before, being reckless and stupid. But Lexie made me that way. She forced me to take off the suit and pretend to be a child again.

  At some point, something happened between us. She looked at me and I looked at her. Neither one of us were laughing anymore. The fast-paced music still played in the background but I could hardly hear it. I seemed to be listening to my own music.

  Before I knew it her lips were on me, devouring me. I gripped her hair and tilted her head back, forcing her to give me more of her mouth. Her hands pulled my boxers off then she unhooked her own bra. I pulled her underwear down then lifted her into the air. Automatically, she wrapped her legs around my waist.

  Still kissing, I pointed my cock at her entrance then slid inside her. We were both covered in sweat and exhausted from dancing like tree-loving hippies, but new energy surged through us. I gripped her hips and raised her and lowered her onto my cock. Every time I penetrated her I marveled at how good it felt. I loved her pussy so damn much.

  Her arms were around my neck and she used my shoulders to move herself up and down. She was lighter than a feather, and my large arms didn’t struggle to pull her onto my cock repeatedly.

  We danced together, moving into each other as the loud music played. Even when I got tired I kept going, giving it to her harder and better. She did the same, wanting as much of me as she could take. She screamed into my ear when she started to come but her sounds were muffled by the music. But I could feel her tighten around my dick. Knowing she reached her climax set me off. Together, we came at the same time, clinging to each other as the mutual pleasure rocked through us.

  When we were finished, I still held her close to me, catching my breath. Her head rested on my shoulder like she was tired. I turned off the TV and then carried her to my bedroom. After I dropped her on the bed and snuggled beside her, we wordlessly went to sleep. Even though we were both sweaty, we still cuddled. And Lexie didn’t throw a fit about it.



  Cayson tried to get me to stay home as much as possible. He preferred to have me rest and do absolutely nothing. He only let me go to Trinity’s bridal shower because it was important. But after that was over, he wanted me in bed.

  I was sick of being cooped up.

  I wanted to get out.

  “Why can’t we just get a coffee?” I demanded.

  “You can make coffee here,” he argued.

  “But I can’t make a caramel macchiato.”

  “Well, I’ll get it for you. Just stay here.”

  “Cayson!” I stomped my foot. “I’m not handicapped. My arm will be back to normal soon. I’ve been doing physical therapy and the doctor said I’m doing well. And I’m not going to start practicing pitching for major league baseball so I should be good.”

  He sighed like he didn’t have an argument.

  “I appreciate you taking care of me and being protective but the best thing for me is to get back to normal. I can only sit on a couch for so long. Loosen up.”

  He shook his head slightly. “When you’re back to normal, then I’ll loosen up. Until then…”

  “Well, I’m going out whether you like it or not.” I marched to the door.

  He growled then came after me. “Fine. Just a coffee. Then we come straight back here.”

  “Such a pain in the ass…”

  “What was that?” he snapped.

  “You have such a nice ass,” I said. “What else would I say?”

  He gave me a suspicious look like he didn’t believe me at all.


  We stood in line to order. “This is nice. Look at all these people.”

  “You aren’t a hermit,” he said.

  “I’ve felt like one lately…”

  We got to the counter and Cayson ordered and paid for both of us. Now that we were getting married, I knew Cayson would never, ever let me pay for another thing as long as we lived. I didn’t even bother anymore.

  After we got our drink, we headed to the coffee station and grabbed our straws. I shoved mine into the cup and took a sip. “Man, that’s good.”

  “How much better would it taste if you were in bed,” he subtly jabbed.

  I ignored him and scanned the room. When I saw a man with blonde hair I recognized my heart stopped. “Isn’t that Heath?”

  Cayson looked in the same direction. “Yeah, it is.”

  His eyes looked baggy, like he hadn’t slept in a long time. And his hair was messed up, like he couldn’t stop running his fingers through it. He looked like a mess, to say the least. “Who’s that guy he’s with?”

  “It’s definitely not Roland.”

��s go talk to him.” I darted toward him without waiting for Cayson to reply.

  When we approached the table, Heath looked at me. Surprise came into his face then the sadness returned. He looked like he got ran over by a garbage truck.

  “Hey,” I said with a smile. “How’s it going?”

  “Good,” he answered. “How’s the arm?”

  “Better.” I looked at my sling. “Physical therapy has been going well.” I looked at his friend, waiting to be introduced.

  “Sorry,” Heath said. “Ander, this is my friend, Skye. Skye, this is Ander. And that’s her fiancé, Cayson.”

  We exchanged handshakes.

  “So,” I said. “I haven’t seen you around much…”

  “Yeah,” Heath said. “Roland and I are no longer together.”

  I almost dropped my coffee. “What?”

  Cayson stiffened in surprise. “Since When?”

  “Almost two weeks ago,” he said calmly.

  “He hasn’t said anything to me,” I said, feeling hurt. “I had no idea.”

  “Yeah…” Heath clearly didn’t know what to say.

  “What happened?” I asked. I didn’t bother being polite. Heath was great for my brother. Why couldn’t they work it out?

  “Well…” Heath shrugged. “Roland refuses to tell your parents the truth and I got tired of waiting. He keeps making excuses and I can’t be in a relationship with someone who continually hides me from the people he loves.”

  I felt the anger rise. “I’m going to kick his ass…”

  Heath stared at his drink. “It’s been really hard. I keep waiting for him to call and change his mind but he hasn’t. I’ve moved jobs and apartments and he still hasn’t reached out to me.”

  “There’s got to be some sort of misunderstanding,” I said. “You guys are great together.”

  Heath shrugged in response.

  I eyed Ander, seeing him watch Heath intently. Was Heath on a date? I’d never seen this guy before. I wanted to ask but I didn’t know if that was appropriate. “Roland will tell my parents. Be more patient with him.”

  “I can’t,” Heath said. “And the fact he hasn’t fought for me…I don’t think he cares.”

  “So, that’s it?” Cayson asked sadly.

  “I’m afraid so,” Heath said. He looked out the window and averted his gaze.


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