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The Assassins of Light

Page 58

by Britney Jackson

  “Because words matter,” Kara told her. “If Talulah acknowledges you as a commander of power, as equal to Aaron and herself, she’s changed the game.”

  Rose spread out her hands. “What game?” she said bewilderedly.

  “Theirs,” Kara said with a shrug. “Talulah’s. Aaron’s. The other leaders.”

  “I have no interest in their game,” Rose muttered, “or any game. I’m just here to save the world, which is what I thought everyone else was here to do.”

  “Good intentions are a lot rarer than you think, Rose,” Kara sighed.

  “Why is Talulah doing this?” Rose asked. “What does she get out of it?”

  Kara leaned against the dresser and crossed her arms, her sleeveless shirt clinging tightly to her lean stomach. “Three hundred years ago, Talulah was rising to power, and Aaron didn’t like how quickly she was gaining power. So, he sent me to sabotage her. I succeeded, of course, and she’s a bit weaker than she used to be,” she explained. She shrugged one shoulder. “So, this is all mostly my fault.”

  “Partly your fault,” Rose corrected. “It’s also partly Aaron’s.”

  Kara nodded. “Talulah is a bit…weak, for a vampire leader, which is, like I said, partly because of what I did,” she explained. “So, of course, Talulah needs to build her power. And in order to win against a powerful opponent, you have two choices. You either make yourself more powerful than them, or you make them weaker. Talulah isn’t capable of becoming more powerful than Aaron. She’s not even as old as I am, and I’m just his second-in-command. And her army doesn’t compare to ours, either. So, if she wants more power, she has to weaken Aaron.”

  Rose shrugged bewilderedly. “How is this going to weaken Aaron?”

  “She’s creating an enemy for him. A real enemy,” Kara told her. “You.”

  “Me?” Rose repeated, throwing up her hands in frustration. “I’m not his enemy! I’m working with him. For goodness sakes, what is with vampires and this obsession with fighting everyone? We don’t have time to fight amongst ourselves.”

  Kara raised an eyebrow. “You don’t think that humans—the species that invented war—fight amongst themselves?” she laughed. “You think it’s just us?”

  Rose nodded. “You have a point,” she admitted, “but still, we have actual enemies to fight. Can’t these vampires put aside their ambition for a little while?”

  “You’d think,” Kara muttered under her breath, “but apparently not.”

  Rose shrugged. “Couldn’t I just…tell Aaron that I’m not his enemy?”

  “After you just attacked him?” Kara said. “He wouldn’t believe you.”

  “He was hurting you,” Rose said desperately. “Surely, he realizes…”

  “He doesn’t care about the reason,” Kara interrupted. She spread out her arms and shrugged. “Not when it comes to this. It’s the one line you can’t cross.”

  Rose shrank back, her brows twisting with confusion. “I didn’t mean to.”

  Kara stepped forward and knelt in front of her. “I know. With any luck, he will see this for what it was: Talulah manipulating us. That’s what I’m hoping. But he’s afraid, and fear brings out the worst in people. And Aaron was already an asshole, so…” She shrugged. “You won’t be able to rationalize with him.”

  “What if I,” Rose mumbled, shrugging, “joined the Tomb of Blood?”

  “It’s a big commitment,” Kara said. “Do you believe in what the Tomb of Blood stands for? Do you trust Aaron? Would you follow his commands?”

  “I don’t trust Aaron at all,” Rose said automatically, “but I trust you.”

  Kara smiled. “I only command the colony when it’s absolutely necessary. You’d follow Aaron’s commands more than mine. So, if you don’t trust him…”

  Rose tilted her head to the side, frowning curiously. “Do you trust him?”

  “I don’t trust anyone,” Kara replied easily, “but I used to believe I didn’t need to trust someone to follow them. Now, I’m in…a complicated situation.”

  Rose watched her, waiting for her to elaborate on that, but of course, she didn’t. “Okay, so what does that mean? We’ll have to do things Talulah’s way?”

  Kara straightened and nodded. “You have the join the alliance yourself.”

  “Why?” Rose sighed. “I don’t have a colony. This doesn’t make sense to me. Why isn’t it just a matter of everyone agreeing to stop the Assassins of Light?”

  “Vampire colonies are ancient,” Kara sighed, leaning against the dresser, crossing her arms across her chest. She shrugged. “As an Ancient History student, you know as well as I do that ancient people are bound by tradition. I mean, even I regard certain things with more…reverence…than a modern person like you.”

  Rose nodded in understanding. “Like your oath of fealty?”

  “Exactly,” Kara said. “To me, that’s unbreakable. To you, it’s silly.”

  Rose laughed, “I just don’t think you should risk so much for me.”

  Kara smiled at her. “Well, we’re bound to disagree on some things. With any luck, it’ll lead to some really hot make-up sex one day,” she said playfully.

  Rose rolled her eyes, but a small laugh escaped her lips. “Okay, so, what kind of tradition are we talking about here? If I join, what will be required of me?”

  “Participation in a ritual,” Kara said. “The ritual is basically just a public acknowledgement that you are joining the alliance and that you are willing to work with the other colonies—the Tomb of Blood and the Village of the Undead.”

  “Okay,” Rose sighed, nodding. “And you think that I should join, right?”

  Kara shrugged. “I think it’s your choice, and I wouldn’t want to pressure you to do anything that you’re not comfortable doing, no matter what’s at stake.”

  “But what is at stake?” Rose asked. “What would happen, if I said no?”

  Kara grimaced, clearly not eager to answer that question. “The alliance won’t happen. This is Talulah’s out. She doesn’t trust Aaron, but she’s willing to give you a chance. So, if you join the alliance, then she will, too. But if you don’t, she’ll take that as confirmation that Aaron can’t be trusted, and she won’t join.”

  Rose frowned. “Why would she place so much trust in my decision?”

  Kara looked away and breathed out slowly. “Well, it’s possible that she can see how honorable you are,” she said, but she sounded doubtful. Her icy blue eyes shifted toward Rose. “But more likely, it’s because of me. She believes that if Aaron were planning something, if he were untrustworthy, I would warn you.”

  “Would you?” Rose asked. “Would you risk the alliance for my safety?”

  “Yes,” Kara admitted. She straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin, refusing to feel shame for her decision. “I’d risk it, no matter the consequences.”

  Rose frowned, her stomach sinking with guilt. “Kara…if this war isn’t stopped, the whole world will be in danger. Risking that for me—it’s not right.”

  Kara crossed the space between them. She braced her hands on the bed, on either side of Rose’s hips, and leaned over her, their lips almost touching. “I know it’s not. But I never claimed to be good, Rose. I just claimed to love you.”

  Rose reached out and brushed her fingers over Kara’s face, watching as Kara’s eyes fluttered closed in response. “Then, tell me about the consequences.”

  Kara opened her eyes, her face twisting with worry. “Rose,” she began.

  “I need to know what would happen, if I said no,” Rose insisted.

  Kara straightened. “Without the alliance,” she sighed, “we’ll look divided and vulnerable, especially compared to the humans, who can unite against us by the end of the night, if they need to. We need to show them that they don’t want war with us…in the most peaceful way possible, which is by uniting the colonies.”

  Rose nodded. “But this is also preparation, in case there is a war, right?”

bsp; “Yes,” Kara said. “If there is a war, all allied colonies will have to fight.”

  “Which is what you’re trying to protect me from,” Rose realized.

  Kara sighed, “If you don’t agree to the alliance, you’ll have an out. When the war starts, you can tell Aaron that you didn’t agree to this, that you don’t want to fight humans, and he’ll have to let you go home. But if you join the alliance…”

  “I won’t have a choice,” Rose finished. She shook her head. “I can’t fight innocent humans, just because their leaders were stupid enough to declare war.”

  “Then, say no,” Kara suggested. “No one is going to force you into this.”

  Rose raised an eyebrow. “Not even Aaron?” she said skeptically.

  “I won’t let him,” Kara declared. “This is your decision to make, not his.”

  Rose sighed, “What about the other colonies? Can we ally with them?”

  “It’s a chain,” Kara explained. “We’re already allied with the vampire colony in London. The colony in London is allied with a vampire colony in Africa. Talulah’s colony is allied with a vampire colony in South America, and the colony in South America is allied with a vampire colony in Asia—the only one left. If we form an alliance with Talulah’s colony, we’re all connected. If not, we’re divided.”

  “So, there’s no other way, then,” Rose realized. She chewed on her lip thoughtfully. “Okay, so, I’ve heard the consequences. Rationally, the next step is to hear the positives. What are the good things that would come out of this?”

  Kara crossed her arms, considering Rose with a pensive frown. “Power.”

  “Power?” Rose repeated bewilderedly. “Do you mean power for…me?”

  “Yes,” Kara said. “Being recognized as a leader—as a commander of power—by Aaron and Talulah would give you influence in the eyes of vampires all over the world. You could start a colony. Vampires would flock behind you.”

  Rose blinked in shock. “But…why?” she sputtered. “I haven’t even been a vampire long. Why would anyone want to flock behind me? I don’t…want that.”

  Kara shrugged. “We’re an animalistic species. Vampires need leaders like wolves need alphas. Not to mention, in situations like this, someone has to be in charge. In a war, someone has to command the warriors. It’s just the way it is.”

  “How could I command anyone?” Rose laughed. “The only thing I know about war is what I’ve read in books. I’m hardly qualified to command an army.”

  “You destroyed an Assassins of Light base by yourself,” Kara reminded her. She said it gently, but Rose still winced at the memory. “You are an army.”

  “I just don’t feel that powerful,” Rose said quietly, avoiding Kara’s gaze. She spread out her hands and sighed sadly, “I don’t want to be that powerful.”

  Kara stepped closer, once again, and she bent forward, placing her hands on the bed, on either side of Rose’s hips, crouched over Rose. Rose looked up at her, startled. “Have you ever thought,” Kara whispered, “that maybe you should?”

  Rose’s brows furrowed. “What do you mean?”

  “Maybe…you should want power,” Kara said. She breathed the words so quietly that it felt as if she were sharing a secret, and perhaps, she was. Kara straightened, suddenly, and then, she retreated from Rose, pacing the hardwood floor, as if she were thinking very deeply about something. “I’m a warrior. I’ve known commanders since birth. My father was one. I know what they’re like. I know how they think. And after all of these years, I’ve come to expect a certain amount of ambition and selfishness from them.” She spun back toward Rose, her intense, blue eyes bright with emotion. “But then, I met you, and I began to think. I began to wonder…if it’s possible for a leader to be compassionate and strong.”

  Rose blinked in shock. “Wait. You think I’m a leader?”

  Kara smiled. “Well, I didn’t swear an oath of fealty to you for nothing.”

  Rose shook her head. “No, no, no. I’m sorry, but you are so wrong,” she laughed in disbelief. “I’m shy. I’m socially awkward. I couldn’t command a fly!”

  “You command the forces of nature, Rose,” Kara pointed out. “The laws of gravity bend for you. The entire world bows to your command.” She smiled affectionately. “The only thing holding you back is you. And your fear of yourself.”

  Nervousness fluttered in Rose’s chest. “I don’t want power. I never did.”

  “But you have it, anyway,” Kara said. “Now, what are you going to do with it? Do you want to waste it, or do you want to do something good with it?”

  Rose looked up at her, a sudden warmth blossoming in her stomach—hope. “Something good?” she repeated. “Do you mean I could help someone?”

  “If you want,” Kara said. “By joining the alliance, you become one of the leaders. You would help make decisions in war. So if, for instance, you wanted to minimize the deaths of innocent humans, you would have the power to do that.”

  “I could help my friends,” Rose mumbled. She glanced up at Kara. “Tell me the truth: if I’m not part of the alliance, will they show any mercy to humans?”

  “To a certain extent, possibly,” Kara said. “Aaron would show a minimal amount of mercy because he’s been part of this world for a long time, and believe it or not, he does care a little for humans. Talulah would show a little bit of mercy. But the other leaders? They’ll call for an equal and opposite reaction. If humans try to rid the world of vampires, they’ll vote that we rid the world of humans.”

  “Genocide of the entire human race?” Rose breathed in disbelief.

  “Most vampire leaders are ancient,” Kara said. “They’ve been separated from humanity for a long time. They don’t share your sympathy for humans.”

  “I can’t let that happen, Kara,” Rose whispered. “That’s so horrible.”

  “In war, people always fall into the it’s-us-or-them mindset,” Kara sighed. She shrugged helplessly. “I’m not saying it’s right, but it’s how people think. The Assassins of Light want genocide of the entire vampire race. So, in response, most vampires will want the same for humans. But with power, you could stop that.”

  “Then, I don’t have much of a choice, do I?” Rose said. “I have to join.”

  “You always have a choice, Rose,” Kara said. “If I had a vote, I’d vote for the one that kept you safer. But if you choose to join, I’ll support that, too.”

  “Kallias would have a fit if he knew I was considering this,” Rose sighed.

  An amused smile pulled at Kara’s lips. “I won’t tell him, if you don’t.”

  Rose stood and crossed the space between them. She looked up at Kara, offering her a regretful smile. “I’m sorry, but…I have to join the alliance. I can’t give up the chance to help people, just because it makes me uncomfortable.”

  Kara cupped Rose’s face in her hands. “Don’t apologize for being brave, Rose. I told you that I’d support you, no matter what you decide, and so I will.”

  “You’re not angry that I’m making your job more dangerous?” Rose said.

  A seductive smile curled slowly at the corners of Kara’s lips. She dropped her hands, resting them on Rose’s hips. “Oh, Rose, don’t you know?” she said, leaning in closer, until their lips nearly touched. “A bit of danger turns me on.”

  Rose started giggling, “You can’t be serious for ten minutes, can you?”

  “Nope,” Kara said. She stepped back, toward the bathroom, and raised an eyebrow. “Now, since I’m turned on, would you like to join me in the shower?”


  The Alliance

  Kara stopped in the doorway, toweling her dark, wet hair dry. She hadn’t bothered to get dressed after her shower, so she stood there now, unabashedly naked, watching as Rose dressed, water dripping from her hair and sliding over her skin, pooling on the hardwood floor beneath her feet. She tilted her head to the side, a wicked smirk tugging at the corners of her lips, as she blatantly stared at Rose’s backs
ide. “I remember those jeans,” she murmured, her low, sensual voice catching Rose off-guard. “You wore them at the Tomb of Blood, the night you stayed back with me. They got wet when I was teaching you how to fight.”

  Rose blinked in surprise and looked down at the blue jeans that looked almost identical to every other pair of jeans she owned. “How do you know that?”

  Kara’s smile widened. “I remember how your ass looked in them.”

  Rose laughed, “I don’t know if I should be impressed or appalled.”

  Kara strode over to her, tossing the towel onto the bed, as she passed it. She leaned in close to Rose, her wet, violet-scented hair falling forward. Her lips tilted into that sexy smirk, and her warm breath fell against Rose’s lips. “Oh, don’t act like you don’t do it, too. I’ve caught you staring at my ass a few times.”

  Rose’s face reddened. “What? I…don’t know what you mean,” she lied.

  Kara chuckled and held Rose’s face with one, still slightly damp hand as she captured Rose’s lips with her own. She explored Rose’s mouth slowly with her tongue, tasting the spearmint on Rose’s breath, and then, she ran one of her hands down the curve of Rose’s back, her fingers gentle and persistent, as she pressed Rose’s jean-clad hips against her bare hips, feeling the roughness of her jeans against her wet skin. She moaned at the sensation, as Rose’s soft, clothed body pressed against her, as Rose slid her fingers into Kara’s long, drenched hair.

  Kara’s hands roamed Rose’s soft curves, her fingers sliding down Rose’s spine, until she cupped Rose’s ass in her hands, grinding her hips against Rose’s.

  Rose gasped, stunned by the sudden rush of arousal that poured through her, burning her skin, aching and pulsing between her legs. She showered Kara’s shoulder and neck with those sweet, gentle kisses that Kara loved so much, as she fought against the overwhelming desire inside of her. “You need to get dressed,” she said breathlessly, even as she ran her hand over one of Kara’s breasts. She bent her head and kissed Kara’s other breast, causing Kara to hiss in pleasure.


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