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Dirty Dark Prey: A Dark College Bully Romance (Elite Royal University Duet Book 2)

Page 9

by L. J. Woods

  “Is that what I am?” she moans, her tongue swirling around her fingers. I don’t realize I’m stroking my cock until a bit of precum shines at the tip. “Your mannequin?”

  “That’s fucking right. You’ll do what I say, understand?” She nods, pushing her thong to the side and exposing her smooth, shaved mound. “Did I say to show me your snatch, mannequin?” She shakes her head, a bit of a smirk on her face and that only makes me throb harder. “Well, I should punish you. Shouldn’t I?”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she murmurs.

  And my cock hardens even more like it’s begging to burst—but I’m still playing with my toy. My eyes land on the bottle on the table behind her again. “Take the bottle.”

  She glances at it. “Actually, I'm—”

  “Take. The. Bottle,” I repeat, my hand firm around my cock. “You don’t have to drink it but you will lay on the bed and spread those pretty mannequin legs.”

  She nods as I fist my shaft, a call coming in through my phone.

  Angela. I’m not one to ignore a booty call from a sure thing but I need to see this through.

  “What now?” she sounds as turned on as I am, her voice airy as her silky slit shines under her purple lights. It’s glistening, like listening to me has her soaking.

  “Push it inside you.”

  She looks at it. “I can’t.” She bats her eyes, staring into the camera. “It won’t fit. It’s too big.”

  “It fucking better fit if you ever want my thick cock in that little hole of yours.”

  “I’ve never—”

  “Do it.” Fuck, she’s stubborn but it doesn’t stop my cock from throbbing in my hands.

  She breaks character. “I really don’t know if—”

  “Do you want me to tell who you are to every single person on your fan list?”

  “No!” She sits up, her eyes wide. “You said …”

  “What did I say? All it took was five-k to have you like a little mannequin in my hands. You took that mask off on your own. Now. Do what I fucking say.”

  Her nostrils flare but she brings the tip of the bottle to her glistening hole. I sit up, watching her push it inside, her scowl transforming into a look of awe. Cheeks red. Eyes wide.

  “Don’t stop until I tell you.”

  The look on her face is a mix of defiance and desire. And when she fits most of the neck inside, her head falls back, like she’s enjoying it.

  “Such a pretty little slut,” I grunt, only then realizing the huskiness in my voice and the shortness of my breath. Or how fast I'm stroking my shaft. “Deeper. Let me see that pretty face.”

  She moans, locking her eyes with the camera and swirling her tongue over her lip.

  “How does it feel?”

  “It’s so big,” she murmurs. “It fills every inch of me, Daddy.”

  “Good girl,” I groan, her centre looking highlighted and delicious through the glass. Like a dessert under a crystal dome. “Now, bend over.”

  Whatever I ask from here on out she does. Fucking herself with the end of the bottle until she tugs her sheets into her mouth.

  “Look at me.”

  Her eyes lock with mine … Then I see it.

  That same shiver, the same trembling of her body she had in the shower.

  My abs twitch hard, an explosion building inside me and I know she’s making me lose it. The sounds of Lexi's moans make my peak shoot out of my shaft, landing on my taught chest. It drizzles down my abs as Lexi pants, the end of the bottle still deep inside her.

  “Holy fuck,” she moans. “I—That felt so good.”

  My phone rings again but I toss it across the room before I reach for my shirt and wipe at my chest.

  Her face glows, her chest heaving up and down and that sparkle in her eye only makes me want to see that all over again.

  "You ready?" So I demand exactly that. “I’m not done with you yet.”



  “You okay?”

  Ray looks at me with furrowed brows and it doesn’t make me feel any better.

  We’re halfway to the main building and even with classes at noon it’s hard to stifle my yawns.

  “What a whore.”

  “Attention seeker.”


  I’m too tired to even care that students, mostly girls, still judge me for making it through Isaac’s stupid prank. Also too tired to care that I missed my appointment with Xavier.

  “Worked late,” I respond, my body still on fire from last night.

  “Sure did,” Ray laughs. “You look tired as fuck.”

  “Why does everyone keep saying that?” My voice comes out a snip and I must be so exhausted I have the cranks. “It’s either I’m a slut or I’m tired. Can’t I be normal?”

  “Normal” isn’t letting a stranger call the shots on PleasureChat for five-thousand dollars.

  Ray gives me the eye as I enter the main halls, stone walls and hockey posters welcoming us. “You want a drink? I’m sure Isaac has some in his—”


  She pulls her head back, stopping in front of a large display showcasing the hockey team. Isaac’s photo is gone. And it’s likely for the best. He’s the last person I need to be thinking about right now.

  “Is this about Isaac? Ray’s tattooed hand falls on my shoulder. “‘Cause I’m starting to believe you’re bullshitting me about being okay.”

  “It’s not always about him!” Staring into her golden eyes, I want to tell her what’s going on but I know she’s been through a lot of her own. I don’t want to be a burden. On anyone. “I’m sorry, I'll catch up on some sleep."

  Ray sighs, likely not believing me. “Just shoot me a text if you need anything, okay?”

  I nod in return before she takes off to her class. That’s when I notice everyone in the hall staring at me. Now the only thing I want to do is head to class.

  I shouldn’t have taken my mask off for ItsGravyBaby again last night. But with Isaac at my throat, it’s clear I’m becoming desperate for my independence. And while ItsGravyBaby abused his power, I can’t lie, the session was different. Mind-numbing. While it was unconventional, I’ve never come like that during one of my shows.


  “Good mannequin.”

  His voice is familiar. Almost homely, like I’ve known it forever.

  Is that the reason I gave into him? Trusted him?

  “Wooh!” A yell comes from the end of the hall before Flo Milli’s “In This Party” plays over the campus speakers.

  Girls from the dance team run out from a few classroom doors in ERU colours, gold and green. They swap their hips, moving their bodies to the song. A few guys from the hockey team join them, hooting and hollering.

  My body stiffens. If this is a surprise pep rally for the hockey team, Isaac won’t be too far behind. I haven't seen him since yesterday and I want to keep it that way.

  “Let’s hear it for the ERU Hawks!” One of the girls with a gold and green scrunchie shouts. Stacy. She’s on the swim team too. She leads the crowd into cheers and applause, raising her hands to excite students around us. “And the leaders of the squad! Assistant captain, Isaac Johnson and our Bruins-bound captain, Christian Perez!”

  Isaac and Christian join their peers, clapping along, relishing in the praise like the royalty they claim.

  “Excuse me.” I try to scurry over to the side of the growing crowd but it’s too thick. There's a horde of students around me, pushing and bumping me back into place. Looking around, I'm too short to see a way out. I’m stuck until this show’s over.

  “We’re here to cheer the Hawks on to the championships!” Stacy says, her peppy voice booming through the room “So us girls and lads from the ERU dance squad made a little video to do just that!”

  Rolling my eyes, I look over my shoulder and make out a small path to the entrance.

  That’s when Isaac spots me, his eyes locking on mine as a shiver rolls through me.

p; Yep, leaving is the better option.

  Pushing through the crowd again, I apologize as I do, but that’s when I hear it.

  “Okay, Daddy.”

  I freeze, my eyes widening.


  It can’t be.

  There’s no fucking way.

  “It’s so big. It fills every inch of me, Daddy.”

  A glob forms in my throat but the longer it plays, the easier it is to confirm.

  “Whatever you want. I’ll do.”

  “Uh, wow!” Stacy exclaims. But I don’t turn around to respond, I keep running for the door. “What the fuck is this?”

  I’m disgusted by my moans and sounds, his grunts following them.

  I knew that voice sounded familiar.

  Is someone from the school ItsGravyBaby?

  The students at ERU have that kind of cash. But why would they want to air it? Why would they want me?

  I don’t have time for questions, I need to get the fuck out of here. Now.

  This is why you never take off your mask, stupid!

  Dropping to my hands and knees, I grip my backpack while I crawl between designer shoes.

  “Isn’t that Lexi Lyon?” Isaac’s voice booms through the hall, stopping my path. “I should know. I live with her.”

  His words hit me like my realization.

  That’s the voice.

  The voice that sounds like home. The voice that made me trust him.

  My body shakes as I push myself off the ground and turn to face the crowd.

  Everyone has their eyes on me, Isaac’s finger pointed my way, signalling me out.

  His lips upturn into that mischievous smirk and I don’t realize how torn up I am until tears stream down my face.

  It was him.

  It was definitely him.

  And I’m so. Fucking. Stupid.

  The crowd parts as he walks towards me, the video in plain sight as Stacy finally hits pause. My face stays in view, frozen with my mouth open and a fucking vodka bottle shoved right up my pussy.

  That feeling slaps me in the chest. A bullet of emptiness. Loneliness.


  I want the floor to swallow me up. I want the ceiling to collapse on me.

  I want to die.

  Isaac’s smirk doesn’t help, approaching me with a sway. “What’s a matter, Lex?” He shoves his hands in his pockets, leaning to the side as he eyes me up. “If you’re gonna be the school slut. At least own it … mannequin.”

  Laughter and chatter erupt as my stomach churns. But he keeps staring at me with that smug fucking smile.

  My legs weaken, knees wobbly.

  That’s when fire rolls through me, heat boiling my skin. Ignoring the tightness in my chest, I let a glob of spit fly from my mouth.

  The crowd goes silent.

  My breathing stops, eyes widening.

  I didn’t mean for that to happen but something came over me, something from within and … Fuck it, he fucking deserves it.

  It lands right on his lip and like the sadist he is, he slides his tongue over it, chuckling.

  “I’ll never forgive you for this.” Heading for the doors, the fire still burns deep within. So I stop, turning around with clenched fists. “You know it takes a slut to know one. Don’t be mad because I’m the one getting attention when you’re on trial for fucking murder!” I make sure there’s volume to my words, reminding everyone that if I’m a social pariah, so is he. His mouth twists, eyes narrowing and I know I’ve got to him. And that’s the only satisfaction I need. “So just … fuck you.”

  When I turn around, Carter stands in my path, his arms crossed. My shoulders fall.

  Has he come to my rescue?

  His shaped brows lower. “I knew something was going on with you two," he says. "It’s true. You are a fucking slut.”

  No way am I in the mood for his shit. “And you’re a fucking loser who takes off a condom without a girl’s consent.” His arms fall. “How’s that for slutty?”

  He doesn’t stop me when I push around him, heading for the doors. I’m gasping for fresh air when I make it into the spring chill. The video, his words, last night all swirl in my head until I get to the bottom of the wide staircase and fall to my knees.

  Blonde hair falls over my face, my nails scratching against the stone as I try to breathe through the tightening cage around my chest.

  Get it together, Lexi. You got this. You know you do.

  “Lexi?” Ray’s voice comes from behind me, her hand landing on my back. “Are we going to war? Who did this? Whose ass do I kick?”

  With a deep breath, I finally say his name. “Isaac.” And my stomach churns again.

  “He wouldn’t—”

  “He would.” Ray’s brows furrow as she helps me up. “Isaac only gives a fuck about one thing. Himself.”

  “What the hell happened between you two? I know you guys go at it but …” I cringe, hearing the words ‘go at it.’ If Isaac is the one behind this fucked up prank, that would be twice that we “went at it.” And I’m not ready to admit that. I don’t know if I’ll ever be. “Tell me what's going on, Lex. If we have to kick his ass we will. I'll even call my guys."

  It makes me smile when she says “we,” and it’s hard not to let it linger at the mention of the two husky men Ray has in her corner. She grew up in one of the roughest neighbourhoods in the east, and with that came a few hunky gangsters. Literal gangsters. Tattoos, muscles and—

  God. I am a slut.

  But when did I ever care?

  I can’t let Isaac’s games and words bring me down. The best way to get even? “I’m going to go to class, and act like nothing happened.” He won’t take this opportunity away from me because he fucked up.

  “Mark my words. I’ll fucking ruin you.”

  But I won’t let that happen. Not a fucking chance.



  By late afternoon it’s clear that “going to class and acting like nothing happened” isn’t as easy as I planned.

  Girls make fun of me, in and outside of class. Guys ask for favours. I can’t even go to the bathroom without someone mentioning the video. The girls from the team who I thought were my friends act like I’m not even speaking to them when I invite them out for lunch. To make it worse, when it comes time for our meet, they lock me out of the pool building.

  I’ve gone from being one of the most popular girls on campus to an outcast all over again. The only thing I’m grateful for on this fucked up day is meeting with my counsellor. I've missed a couple of sessions but I'm confident Xavier will know what to do.

  After making my way through the sea of gawkers in the main building, my name still on their lips, I’m almost at the counsellor’s office when my feet slow. And my eyes narrow.

  There’s a crowd around the door, some professors trying to keep students away.

  Keeping my distance, I look around, gripping my backpack.

  Is this another prank?

  That’s when my jaw drops.

  “Make way!” A booming voice calls. “Make way, please!”

  “What the fuck …” I mutter.

  Xavier appears at the front of the door, his head down as two policemen escort him out of the office.

  “Xavier!” I call, but he doesn’t look up as the crowd follows with their phones pointed at him.

  “Lexi?” A voice comes from the counsellors' doors. One I recognize all too well. “Lexi Lyon?”

  One from my nightmares.

  Turning towards the voice, my chest tightens but my heart pounds so hard I sound like a drum.

  Squinting at the man in the door, I must be so tired I’m hallucinating. The man has an angled jawline, that thick dark hair gelled to the side with that sliver of gray. But as his eyes lock with mine, Xavier Malik passing behind me, it’s clear that I’m living that nightmare. Right now. Right here.

  He grins but it’s not one of welcome. I don’t know what it means. So why the fuck am I wal
king over there?

  Why the fuck aren’t I running away?

  “What’s going on?” I ask some of the students from my class at the door.

  They ignore me, a girl flipping her hair. “Slut.”

  “What, like you’ve never—”

  “Lexi Lyon.” The way he says my name cuts off my words, every bone in my body stiffening. “How nice to see you again.”

  My head whips to him and somehow … he looks better than the last time I saw him. His beard grew thick on his chin, the grays in the middle helping to break up the chunk of black. His muscles are visible through the v-neck sweater he wears, his pecs hard underneath.

  “Wh-what are you doing here?” Clearing my throat, I peel my eyes off his sculpted structure. But his slate-coloured eyes don’t help the twist in my gut. “What happened to Xavier?”

  The smell of leather and honey fills the air before I feel eyes boring into the back of my head. When I look behind me, Isaac leans against the wall, watching the scene with droopy eyes.

  “Wow, Lexi, did you fuck our new counsellor too?” A student asks as he walks by. “Is there a video on your PleasureChat?”

  Biting my tongue, my stomach twists, my eyes blinking towards the man in front of me as I wait for an explanation.

  “PleasureChat?” It's all he asks with a cock of his brow and that tiny smile is enough to make any woman swoon.

  I should know. It made me swoon all over him.

  “Drake, what’s going on?” I ask.

  “Are you my new counsellor?” Stacy appears beside me, fluttering her lashes.

  “I’ll have to check if you’re on my list.” He gives her a polite smile and … wait. He can’t be serious.

  “Well, you let me know,” Stacy says, Drake Donovan already working his charm.


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