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Dirty Dark Prey: A Dark College Bully Romance (Elite Royal University Duet Book 2)

Page 13

by L. J. Woods

  “Thank you? What am I supposed to thank you for Isaac? Tormenting me and torturing me? Is that what you want? A fucking thank you?” I’m so mad I shrug his robe off me and I forget I’m half-nude as my words fire off. “How about a fuck you?” Moving closer to him, I start swatting at him, letting it all out. “Fuck you for manipulating me. Fuck you for humiliating me.” He grabs my wrist and I fight against him, a fluttering through my body that can only be the anger spilling over. The frustration. The sadness. “Fuck you straight to fucking hell where you belong!”


  I freeze, my hand landing on his face.

  A low growl escapes him.

  My heart thuds. “I didn’t mean to do that.”

  “Yes, you did.” Putting my wrists together, he pulls me over to the staircase but when I pull back, the force he possesses is too strong.

  “Ow! Isaac, Stop!” I stumble into the iron banister before I hear his belt unbuckle. “The fuck are you doing?”

  The cold leather wraps around my wrists, keeping me in place and when he pulls tight, I hiss.

  “I’ll take my thank you.” He kicks my left heel before the right, spreading my legs, cold air wafting over my body but I hardly feel it. Right now, my body’s on fucking fire. “But I know it’s what you want. Something tells me you have a thing for punishment, Lexi. If you didn’t you wouldn’t have stepped foot in here. Not looking like that. You like the attention. My attention.” My heart pounds as he moves his fingers through my strands, yanking my hair. “So say thank you, Isaac, for not outing who Doctor Donovan is to the entire fucking school.”


  My eyes widen, my hands in fists as a hard sting on my ass bursts into tingles. It spreads through me, heating my core. Igniting me. When I crane my neck behind me, he has the paddle Glenn had in his hand. “Did you really just—”

  “That’s not a fucking thank-you is it?”


  He yanks my hair harder, my teeth sinking into my lower lip. The sting feels so good that I don’t even care that I’m still naked in the foyer.

  “Say it,” he growls, right in my ear in case I couldn’t hear him. “Say thank you, Isaac, for not making this all worse. For not getting you kicked out of my house. My school.” His hand lands on my ass again, digging into the skin so hard I know he’ll leave a mark. So why does it feel so good? “Lexi if you don’t fucking thank me …”


  “Isaac …” I meant to stop him but his name comes out a moan like my body knows I’ve been wanting his touch again. Craving it.

  His lip grazes my earlobe, tingles down my neck. “Thank me for not fucking killing you.”


  This one lands harder and it’s hard not to gasp when he pushes his crotch against my ass. “Are you fucking hard?”

  “As if this isn’t all you’ve been thinking about.” He pushes into me again and the feeling of his hardened velvet cock on my ass makes me arch my back some more. “Cock is always on your mind, isn't it?”

  “That doesn’t mean I want you.”

  “Oh, you want me.” He says with so much confidence it twists my guts as his cock throbs against my ass. “But first, you’ll thank me.” His fingers between my folds, my body stiffens when he chuckles. “Even your pussy knows it.” The more he slides his fingers between my slit, the more I crave it, a shiver through my bones.

  “You’re trying to ruin me.” I hate how sultry my voice sounds.

  “You did that all on your own.” He brings the paddle between my slit, rubbing it against me and fuck it feels so good I start grinding against it. “So are you gonna thank me? Or am I gonna have to fuck you with this paddle to hear it?”

  “Y-you wouldn’t—” The handle pokes at my entrance, and it’s an easy slide cause Isaac is so fucking right. I do want this.

  “You of all people know by now that I do whatever the fuck I want.” That’s when he plunges the smooth round handle inside me, and goddamnit I let out such a long moan that it makes my cheeks heat. “Say it.”

  Isaac’s not a guy to take it slow. He pumps it inside me, my fists tight in leather. I’m completely at his mercy. Again. And I hate that I fucking love it. “Thank you.”

  He chuckles. “Fuuck, you’re such a good girl. A good mannequin. That’s all you are. A doll. My toy.”

  His words make it all feel better. “Harder,” I demand, completely losing myself to the feeling of this paddle filling me. The same one he used to smack my ass and rile me up. My eyes widen when his finger toys with my other hole, and that makes my knees weak.

  “Let’s make one thing clear, Lexi,” His voice rolls in my ear. “I make the rules here, not you. Understand? You don’t get to do what you want. You don’t even get to come when you want unless I tell you. You got that?”

  It’s hard to clap back with the way his finger pushes into my ass. At the same time, he keeps plunging the paddle harder and harder. “God, yes!”

  “Louder.” He doesn’t even care that our best friends can hear us.

  My eyes cross, my nails digging into the skin of my palm and it’s easy to take his demands with his fingers pushing further and further. A hand comes to my hair, tugging hard. His hips must be doing the pumping now because he keeps that paddle at that same mind-blowing pace until all I can do is scream again.

  “Yes! Yes! Yes …” My voice trails off as the room blurs, Isaac’s hand moving to my hardened nipple, squeezing it as my voice goes hoarse and the tingles take over. “I’m fucking co-come—”

  Then he stops while I’m right at the brink. “Thank me.”

  I try pushing back on the paddle, but something tells me his touch does more to me than a paddle inside me ever will. And I won’t tell him I’m imagining his cock, but I will tell him what he wants to hear.

  “Thank you.” He picks up the pace again with his finger, the paddle and … there. Right fucking there. The volcano inside me explodes. “Thank yooou!”

  He holds me like the first time. Until I’m done shaking in his arms. Until I’m blasted down to reality and the room we’re in.

  “Good girl.” He unties my wrists, and when he does, I collapse against his back. "Good mannequin."

  He pivots me towards the stairs, my legs weak before he sits me on the step.

  When I look at him, wondering what the fuck we did, he just smirks and walks away.



  “You’re getting there!”

  Dominic gives me a half-smile, his puck in the net.

  Perez glares. “Hardly.”

  Shooting Perez a strained grin that begs him to “help me,” my phone vibrates against my leg.

  Cassandra Lyon: Hows training?

  My headache vibrates against my skull and the text underneath doesn’t help to drive it away.

  Alexander: We need to talk about a video circulating ERU of you and Cassandra Lyon’s daughter. ASAP.


  My grip on my stick tightens.

  Every time she comes to mind, I see her naked in my head. Or in my clothes, or spread for me on camera. A girl hasn’t taken up this much space in my mind since Marion.

  My stick drops to the ice. “Perez, can you hold down the rink?”

  His brows furrow, sliding up behind me and leaving Dominic to slap at the pucks we have lined up. “You wanna talk, man?” Perez's hand comes to my shoulder but I brush it off. “Last night got—”

  “Nothing to talk about.”

  There’s only one thing on my mind and that’s feeling better. If I’m gonna get Dom to perform, I need to get his sister out of my head. I need to get last night out of my head. And there’s only one way to do that.

  Alcohol and drugs.

  He doesn’t press as I make my way to my locker, a pang in my chest as that sweet scent hits me again. Her smell.

  Fuck her.

  You almost did.

  But I didn’t. No matter how much I wanted to. That’s a line we can’t cro

  She’s trying to get me locked away. She thinks I’m a murderer.

  So why do you want her?

  Slamming my hand on the locker door next to mine, the sting runs down my arm before I reach for my blazer.

  It's high time for a fix.

  Pushing my hand inside the pocket, my brows furrow when I find it empty. So I check the other. Still nothing. Tossing everything out of my locker doesn’t help me find anything either. And when I shake my blazer and slacks, nothing falls out. “Fuck."

  Grabbing my car keys off the golden hook, I head straight to the parking lot, my feet hustling to my ride. Once inside, checking the glove compartment comes up empty too. “What the fuck is happening?” My stash is always stocked. Gin. Vodka. Weed. Ecstasy. Valium. Cocaine. Everything!

  How do I handle this shit without some backup?

  Banging on the dash makes me feel better. For a second. Then I check my glove compartment again to be sure.

  You look like a fiend.

  Taking a deep breath, my back hits the seat, planning my next move. Then I see something shimmer out of the corner of my eye.

  Turning to it, my gaze narrows on a strand of blonde hair in the passenger seat and … I don’t remember giving a blonde a ride. I don’t remember giving anyone a ride since I came back.

  The clacking of heels comes from ahead. As if I need confirmation, when I look up, Lexi’s walking into the school. Her blonde hair blows over her shoulder with a fresh dye. Her lilac tank doesn't hold in much of her rack and that matching skirt hardly contains her ass.

  My jaw tightens.

  It’s like she wants to rile me up. And like she knows I'm watching, her eyes lock on mine before her glossy lips upturn. There’s a sway in her step, one hand on the door, the other reaching into her pocket and pulling out … my fucking flask.

  Climbing out of the car and slamming the door, my eyes stay on Lexi as she slips into the main building. Taking the steps two at a time, I rush in behind her as everyone looks my way.

  Don’t make a scene.

  With a breath, I nod to one of the profs as I spot a blur of blonde and lilac. She’s heading towards the cafeteria and I follow, keeping my hands in my pockets so no one sees how tight my fists are.

  You can get your fix somewhere else.

  But that’s not enough.

  I need to make her pay. For coming here. For snitching me out.

  For last night.

  Stalking behind her, my eyes stay on her ass through the brightly-lit caf. The skylight shines on the room that’s as lavish as the rest of this town. Velvet booths, glass walls and modern art.

  Bumping into a white-clothed table, Lexi looks behind her, silverware clattering to the floor. With this many people around it's stupid to do anything but stay on her tail and wait for the moment to trap her alone. She must know it with the way she smirks.

  Turns out, I’m the lion. And she’s my prey.

  It’s like we’re playing our own little fucked up game and no one knows it but us.

  My heart pounds against my chest as I grow closer, Lexi bumping into a server and apologizing. She skips ahead, but when she turns around this time, I see her teeth sink into her lip.

  She likes this. And I hate that it makes my gut twist.

  Lexi approaches a table of polo players, Carter leaning against it in a v-neck and his stupid suspenders. As she passes, she pulls a plate to the ground like it’ll stop me. It doesn't, but it draws attention to me that I don’t need.

  “Aren’t you hitting that?” Someone from the table asks Carter as I approach it.

  “No, she’s a fucking whore,” he mutters, his eyes on her back.

  My feet slow, that vein in my neck pulsing.

  Before I can even register my movements, my custom loafers pivot towards their table. And my hand comes to his chest.

  Plates and cutlery clatter when his back hits the table and fuck … now I’m making a scene.

  Staring Carter in his eyes, I give one last warning. “Leave her the fuck alone. You understand?” He raises his arms in surrender and when I look back at Lexi, she’s watching us.

  Pushing Carter on the table, she steps back as I make my way towards her.

  She wiggles my flask. Tempting me.

  She always tempts me.

  “Lexi!” One of the guys from the party calls to her, sitting at the next table I’m passing. “Show us your tits!”


  The room turns red as my feet turn to him. Grabbing his shirt, it twists in my fist before my other lands through his face.


  I’m on top of him in a flash, my fists flying into his face, my hands turning wet and bloody.


  Her voice makes me freeze, stopping me from pounding into his face again. Looking up, a crowd stands around us and that’s when I realize Glenn is the one catching these blows.

  It's not like he doesn't fucking deserve it and the only reason he got this far was my trial. But since I’m here … I give him a kick as he groans. Fixing my jersey I lock eyes with most of the guys around me. “Let that be a warning to everyone else.”

  Lexi’s frozen by the door, her plump lips open.


  Grabbing that skinny wrist in my hand, I pull her towards the door. “You wanna talk? Let’s fucking go.”

  “Stop!” She yells but she hardly fights as I drag her towards the nearest classroom. “You can’t blame me when you’re the one throwing fists.”

  “Yes, I can. And I will.” Pushing open the first door I see, I don’t care who’s in here, I’m dealing with this now. “Get the fuck out.” I'm happy to see there's no professor as everyone scatters. All but one girl towards the back, behind a sewing machine.

  We’re in one of the fashion design rooms. I can tell by the fabric and machines spread on shiny wooden tables.

  “What? You gonna fuck her in here?” The brunette at the back asks as the machine whirrs. She doesn’t look up as she tends to her project. “Everyone gets a ride on Lexi Lyon.”

  Letting go of Lexi, I approach her, grabbing scissors off a table as I do. She still hasn’t looked up but she will. “Dude, what the fuck—”

  The whirring stops. Plugging out the machine gets her to look at me and that’s when I place the sharp edge of the scissors by her throat. “Say some shit like that again." She looks up with wide eyes, dropping the fabric. "I dare you."

  “I’m sorry!” She scoots back in her chair, a shake in her voice. “Relax, geez.”

  “Now, get the fuck out. Don’t tell anyone what you saw or I’ll tell everyone you fucked me while dating Hoffman.” She glares but she does as she’s told, using whatever dignity she has left to scoff on her way out.

  “Was that necessary?” Lexi asks as I slam the door. “The hell’s gotten into you?”

  “Me?” Scissors tight in my hand, I step towards her. “What the fuck has gotten into you? You’re the one breaking into my locker and my car, stealing my flask and my stash." Stealing my mind.

  “Can’t take what you dish?” Lexi slurs. “You started this. And really, it’s just whiskey.” She tosses the flask and it slaps against my chest before it clatters to the floor. Based on how hollow and clanky it sounds, it’s empty.

  “You’re fucking drunk. Again.” I kick it back towards her and it hits the tip of her heel. Those same nude slingbacks she wore when we first met. “When you give my shit back, you give it to me the way you took it.”

  “Guess the King of the campus doesn’t always get what he wants.” I take another step forward. Lexi's eyes move to the scissors in my hand as she takes another step back, swaying as she does. “Not my fault your dad keeps spare keys.”

  “Not my fault you’re a fucking alcoholic.”

  Her cheeks redden and a smirk pulls at my face before a spool of thread hits my chest, bouncing to the floor. “Fuck you!” She throws another. Then another, but I keep moving forward, dodging the on
e that flies by my tensing jaw. “Don’t judge me! You’re drunk all the time!”

  “Believe me, it takes one to know one, baby.” Measuring tape flies at my head next and I duck before I keep moving forward. Step by step. “I’m through cleaning up your messes, Lexi.” With another step forward, she takes another back, my heartbeat pounding. “You wanna know why I drink so fucking much? Because you’re ruining my fucking life.”

  “You’re doing a fine job of that on your own.” Her eyes land on a tomato pincushion but I lunge for it before she does, my hand falling on top of hers. That burn tingles my skin again.

  “So I’m the one who gave your mom the evidence she’s blackmailing me with? So I can fight for my life, while you’re strutting around ERU like a fucking—”

  “Don’t you say it!” She pulls her hand away before they both come to my chest. A spark spreads through me that only makes the fire within me blaze. “And I didn't give my mom anything.” A handful of erasers fly at me next and when it hits my chest, it doesn’t sting. It fuels me. “Fuck you, Isaac. I wouldn’t do that. Not to you. I’m not out to get you like you are to me.”

  “Then why the fuck are you still here?” My voice fills the room. I’m reaching my limit. “To be a fucking slut?”

  She jumps at my booming words, her diamond eyes widening. That fear in her eye lingers only for a second before her hand swings at my face. Leaning back, I grab her wrists and push her into the desk beside me. Fabric and tools clatter to the floor before I bring the scissors to her throat.

  “You’ve been on my fucking nerves since you stepped foot in here.” Trapped between me and the desk, she tries to push back, but I push harder. “I’m not an idiot. You want to see me burn.”

  “I want to see you do better!” Unable to break free, she kicks at my crotch and that makes me stumble back, dodging her heel.

  “If my mom’s blackmailing you it’s because you let her.” Her hands come to my chest and she uses that stumble to push me into another desk behind us, the scissors falling from my hand. “But instead of telling me so I can help you, you made me the enemy.”


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