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Dirty Dark Prey: A Dark College Bully Romance (Elite Royal University Duet Book 2)

Page 17

by L. J. Woods

  And that’s when it hits.

  My heart pounds, my stomach churning before I heave over.

  And I let it all out.

  The room spins, my hands above my knees, gripping to my slacks.

  This can’t be happening again.


  The front door to the pool building opens, my head whipping up.

  Perez walks in. Sent him my location in the group chat. Ray follows.

  “Everything alright man?” Perez eyes the puddle of puke next to my designer boat shoes.

  But there’s no time for that pussy shit. Wiping my mouth with the back of my sleeve I stand up straight. “We’ve got some work to do.”

  Lexi sits with her knees curled to her chest when we get back inside the pool. Perez barricades the door behind us. Fortunately, there’s only one way in.

  “Motherfucker.” Ray’s eyes widen, glancing from the body to Lexi, her skin going pale.

  Shaking it off like the gangster girl she is, she runs over to Lexi, rubbing her back. She makes sure she’s okay and I’m happy Perez brought his girl. Now I can focus on the task at hand. Getting rid of this body.

  “So, no cops?” Perez asks. “There’s no story we can spin?”

  “You’d think being with Gangster Girl, you’d already know the answer,” I say, both of us standing over Doctor Donovan’s lifeless limbs. “I’m on trial for murder.” The last time we stood like this was when we stood over Marion's body. And that makes my stomach spin some more. My hand swings out to Perez's chest. “You bring the stuff?”

  He reaches into his letterman jacket to pull out a mickey of scotch. Once it’s in my hand, I almost down the entire thing. “Now what? How the fuck do we get rid of a faculty body? Marion was one thing, but this guy?”

  “You got rid of Marion’s body?” Lexi pipes up. “Your ex-girlfriend?”

  I know what she’s thinking but now’s not the time.

  “Unless you have an idea, you can keep your comments to yourself.” Turning to Perez, I down more of the mickey.

  Perez scratches the back of his neck. “What about Kings’ guys?”

  “‘Cause they did such a great job with Marion.” Out of frustration, my foot flies to Doc’s stomach.

  Perez isn’t bringing me any viable options to get Lexi out of this. To get me out of this.

  “I have an idea,” Ray says, Lexi looking up at her with hope. “I’ll call my guys.”

  “August?” Lexi asks and now I can’t tell if that’s hope for help or her lust for muscular guys with tattoos.

  “No, I ... still haven’t heard from him,” Ray’s jaw tightens. “But I’ve been in contact with Gull and Owl.” Ravens.

  Ray’s older brother, August, ran with a gang from one of the shadiest neighbourhoods on the east. They even named it after how shady it is: Shady Shores. And while I hate the way Lexi drools over these guys, they can come in handy.

  They did when we needed them the last time.

  I give the word. “Call ‘em. We’re gonna need all the help we can get.”

  It wasn’t easy getting a heavy body from campus to its resting place.

  We drove two hours to a forest out of town to do it.

  Another hour later, we’re all covered in dirt and mud from digging a hole in the chilly rain. As tired as I am, I’m not quitting until we've completed the job.

  “Won’t he be easy to dig up?” Lexi asks, standing by Gull’s side with mud across her face.

  She’s still in that outfit she insists on wearing and now she looks like a cheerleader gone crazy. I’d be more upset about Gull for standing so close to my … to Lexi. But these guys came through when we needed it the most.

  “Not after what we did to it,” Gull reminds us.

  It was easier moving the body to its resting place once we chopped and ground up most of it. I'll puke it out again later. The most that remain of Donovan are his trunks and the class ring on his finger.

  “You’re so smart.” Lexi looks up at Gull, her eyes on his muscles. She must be trying to distract herself since she’s fucking drooling.

  My jaw tightens. “Didn’t know you can be this horned up over a dead fucking body, Lexi.” The shovel hits the dirt hard as I pat a pile on top of the mound we created. “Good fucking job on being a slut.”

  “Of course you’d think I’m flirting,” she groans. “You can’t even say ‘hello’ to a woman without getting into her panties.”

  I toss the shovel to the ground as Owl moves towards one of the cars lighting up the area behind us. “We’re done here,” he says.

  Gull nods. “Happy we could return the favour, Johnson.”

  Lexi glares while I nod his way. I’m saving us from our fucking demise and she’s ready to pop off?

  “Will you let us know if you hear from August?” Perez asks.

  Ray whips around at the mention of her brother’s name and Gull nods again.

  Lexi runs up to them, her shoes sticking to the mud. Once she gets to Gull, she throws herself on him, wrapping her arms as far as they can go. “Thank you so much for helping us. You saved us. You saved me.”

  “What’re you gonna do, Lex?” I call. “Suck his cock for it?”

  “Fuck you!” Lexi whips around, her hair sticking to her head.

  “See you at practice,” Perez calls and Lexi apologizes to everyone again.

  If she only knew the shit they owed me for.

  A skunky smell fills the air as I light the joint. I’ll make sure to ash it on Doctor Dick’s grave. Their cars back away but I’m not done with her. Not yet. “You get my closest friends in on your bullshit and all you can do is think about cock?”

  “I was thanking him!” she yells, thunder clapping from above. “You’re right. I did get us into this shit so fuck me for thanking him.”

  “Yeah, I bet you wanted to thank him.” The joint hangs from my lip.

  “Are you jealous right now?” Her accusation makes my gut twist as she walks towards me. “Really? After I killed—”

  “Stop saying that.”

  “Why?” she spits. “I did it! I—”

  My hand comes to her throat. “Stop it.”

  But then I see that twitch of a smile. “Why?”

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  “Is that what it is?” she asks. “You want me to thank you?”

  My cock twitches at her words. With my hand tightening around her throat, I push her to her knees until she’s kneeling in the dirt. Right on top of Donovan. “Yeah, I do.”

  “How?” She blinks up at me like she knows I need an escape and she’s just that. My only escape. “What do you want me to do?” Rain falls on her face, mascara drizzling down her cheek. She’s a mess but she’s … so fucking beautiful.

  “Thank me.” She doesn’t hesitate when she reaches for my slacks, undoing the zipper, my buttons, my belt. My toes curl in anticipation, my cock springing out. Stiff. Throbbing.

  “Like this?” Lexi flicks her tongue against the tip before she wraps wet fingers around it.

  “Harder,” I demand, taking a pull on the joint as her cold hands shoot bullets of pleasure up my core. She squeezes hard, my cock getting stiffer in her hand. “Good girl,” I grunt as she swirls her tongue around the tip. "Good mannequin."

  We’re so fucked up we don’t care we’re on Drake’s makeshift grave as I drive my shaft down her throat. It makes me harder hearing the sounds she makes when her throat tightens around me. Dropping to my knees, my slacks in the dirt, I reach for her ass and hike up her skirt. With a smack, she moans, taking me deeper into her warm mouth.

  “Thank you,” she gurgles. Pulling out, I catch her slobber in my hand before I push my fingers between her folds. She’s soaking when I plunge my fingers inside her, thanking me again. “More.”

  “Say you want it.”

  Her walls tighten on my fingers, making it hard for her to speak. “I … want … you.”

  “Who?” Curling my fingers makes her eyes widen
, her pussy wetter as my cock throbs.

  “You. King Isaac.”

  A groan escapes me before her back hits the mud. Lining up my shaft with her entrance, I tease her wet slit only for a second before I bury my all into her. My fears. My future. My present. All my pent up tension gets plunged deep inside her, my body on fire.

  “Thank you,” she moans against my lips. “Thank you. Thank yooou!” Her nails slash against my back but the pain only makes this all feel good. She feels good. Like a wave of passion and lust. Like everything I missed before.

  My teeth sink into her lip when she cries out, her body begging for more until I’m exploding inside her and growling her name. When I come back to earth, rain drenching our bodies, she stares at me with glittering eyes. And I can’t look away.

  She speaks through her heavy breaths, “Did you just—”


  Pulling out, my heart still pounds against my chest, my mind spinning a mile a second.

  She starts to laugh. “It’s okay, I’m on the pill. And I’m all checked up.”

  The relief makes me smirk before I’m pulling her on my hardened cock before I taste those lips again. “You have nothing to worry about." Sexual health is on the top of my list. Something we should have discussed before but now I’m way too enthralled in the way she moans against me, our bodies covered in filth. And hopefully not any of Drake Donovan.

  Then it all comes flooding back.

  “I killed him.”

  Her words in my head make me pull away as she narrows her eyes. With a push of her chest, I rise from the dirt. Pulling up my muddy slacks, I move towards the car, our criminal actions replaying in my mind.

  I’m in way too deep.

  Glancing behind me, she kneels in it all, staring at me like I’m about to leave her.

  But I’m in this with her.

  I tilt my head towards the car. “Come on, baby, I have a big game tomorrow.”

  “Y-you’re still going to the game?” Her brows knit together, looking around her. “After all this?” Her shoulders drop like it’s all hitting her too.

  She looks so broken. So lost. I have no choice but to walk right back to her and scoop her up in my arms. “It’ll be fine. I promise.” She wraps her arms around me as I carry her over to the car. I try to ignore what it means when my chest still pounds against hers.

  When I have her strapped into the passenger's seat she looks up at me. “Let’s just go. Let’s just run away and forget any of this ever happened.” She’s panicking. I can tell but it won’t be long before I calm her down again.

  “Thanks to you, we lost valuable time on devising a plan,” I say, closing the door.

  She hangs her head as I round the car to the driver’s seat. The only thing in my mind is making sure I don’t end up behind bars for what I did. Or for this. And for that, I have to please Cassandra.

  Pressing the ignition I give her one last glance before my grip tightens around the wheel. “This ride’s not over. You with me?”

  When she nods, a warmth fills me. And that’s everything I need to take on my next challenge.



  “Don’t they drug test you at this school?”

  Cassandra’s porn star voice pulls me out of the zen this joint was giving me.

  “Did you forget?” Taking a hard pull, I turn towards her, my back still pressed against the side of the rink building. Then I blow a puff in her face. “I’m Isaac Johnson, baby.”

  Girls from the parking lot wave at me as they pass but I glance over my shoulder, looking for someone else instead.

  When I look back, Cassandra has a hand on her hips in skin-tight jeans. She tosses the extensions my dad paid for over her shoulder. “Well, Isaac Johnson will end up behind bars if you don’t do what I say.”

  I’m still on Cassandra’s lease. For now. And the smirk on her face tells me she’s taking pleasure in tearing me down. But with the new surprise twist we had to deal with, getting Dominic on the ice is the least of my worries. And if I'm not thinking about another dropped body, I’m thinking about the one person I shouldn’t.

  “I’m doing everything you asked," I say before I take another puff. I shouldn't be smoking the hell out of this joint but I need it.

  That’s when I hear something in the wind. That melodious whimsical sound that caught me off-guard the very first time I heard it. And like the first time, a knot tightens in my stomach.

  Cassandra’s voice turns into a hum in the background as my head turns to her.

  Lexi walks towards the building in a white, gold and green skirt. ERU Hawks colours. It’s fitted to her body, of course, so is the crop-top above it.

  Wait, was she in my closet again?

  She’s thrown my old letterman jacket over it, the ugly thing I never wear. I’ll admit it looks ten times sexier on her.

  I puff harder, my jaw tightening some more when I see who’s behind her.

  Late for the game, Perez gives me a wave as he hustles towards the rink. His dad’s way up north in rehab so I knew he’d be running behind with the long drive back.

  As he passes Lexi, he knocks into her with his lucky stick and it clatters to the floor. When he sees who it is, his grin widens.

  My eyes narrow.

  Lexi laughs that flirty laugh, her glittery green fingers grazing his arm. And that makes whatever Cassandra’s saying lull even further into the background.

  That is until her sharp nails come to my head. “You hearing me? Or did the pot go to your ears?”

  My nostrils flare. “Don’t put your filthy fucking fingers on my curls again.”

  She rolls her eyes, sassy like her daughter. “Coach Rose says Dom isn’t playing tonight.”

  I shrug. “He’s not ready. The kid has two left feet, he only learned how to hit a fucking puck”

  “I don’t have time for a Karate Kid montage, Isaac. I need him on the ice. Talk to your captain.”

  The captain is too busy flirting with someone who’s not his girl. What the fuck are they even talking about? Why’s he grinning so hard?

  “Perez also doesn’t think Dom has what it takes to play right now," I say. "This match is important to him.”

  “Well, then I guess you need to become Captain.” Reaching into her Hermès, she pulls out a cigarette. Long and thin like her.

  “Captains can’t make changes to the roster, Cassandra.” With all the hockey dads she’s fucked in her time, I’m surprised she doesn’t know how this works. “He’s lucky to be around the Hawks at all.”

  “But they have influence right?” She gets closer, desperation in her wide eyes. “Don’t they get their faces everywhere? Deals with the school and all that? And right now, you need a good image, don’t you?”

  Right now all I care about is why Perez has so much to say to my—Lexi.

  Flicking the joint to the ground, I’d have another if I knew it wouldn’t make me slower. And hungrier. So I reach for the flask inside my sports jacket instead. With all this shit on my mind, my game tonight is already off. Hockey’s meant to chill me out, give me something to slap around with the guys. But tonight, with Lexi smiling into Perez’s eyes, with murders piling up in my history, tonight is different.

  “People don’t change you know,” Cassandra says, leaning against the wall with me, she puffs her cigarette. “If that were true, I wouldn’t be blackmailing my fiance’s son to get my son where he belongs.” When I glance at Cassandra, she stares at Lexi and Christian too, still laughing like they’re in a fucking sitcom.

  His hand comes to her arm and my muscles tighten. “You mean so you can get the money you think you deserve?”

  “Dominic was never good at keeping secrets,” she laughs. “Why do you think I kept him away so long? Oh, and let me make one thing clear.” She shoves the glowing red ember of her cigarette at my face, hovering it between my eyes. “I have every right to that money. When William died he left me nothing for my troubles. So as I see it, f
air’s fair.”

  Another laugh comes from Lexi.

  “So keep your eye on the prize, Isaac,” Cassandra spits. “My daughter is a fleeting target. As captain, coaches and faculty will listen to you. Since you’re already the assistant captain, you’re halfway there. So figure it out.” I dodge the poke of her cigarette. “Your life depends on it.”

  Flicking her butt next to my joint, she walks away as a long black bus pulls up.

  The Westlake U Bears.

  Christian notices and hustles inside the rink. Lexi’s eyes land on me, and then on her mom. Her brows furrow but I’m the one who should be asking questions.

  We’re both distracted by the ruckus the Bears make as they storm off their bus, cheering. The blonde Viking-looking motherfucker with a ‘C’ on his jersey gives Lexi the eye as he passes. And when she smiles, my skin heats.

  “Damn, the girls here are primo,” Viking says, locking eyes with me. He smiles as if he knows my heart is pounding against my chest. “Primo sluts.”

  “Unfortunately for you, our girls chase the finer things.” I make sure he gets a slice of my elbow as he makes his way towards the door.

  “Try stopping me when you’re behind bars, Johnson.” That grin grows across his face.

  “I can stop you now with my stick up your ass.” Whatever’s boiling inside me explodes and I grab my stick off the wall before I step towards him.

  He laughs, looking around at his team. “Look at this murderous monkey.” Then he scratches his pits, imitating a gorilla.

  “What the fuck did you say?” I meet his chest and he meets mine before I pull my stick up to his neck. “If you want me to go gorilla I can fucking do that you racist piece of sh—”


  A sleek white sneaker hits his head.

  “The only gorilla here is you, you asshole!” Lexi yells. “Who the fuck says that?”

  A smile tugs at my lips but before I can turn around Viking makes a beeline towards her.

  Not a fucking chance.

  One hand on his jersey, the other arm pulls back, hand in a fist. He’s about to swing first before Lexi’s other shoe hits his head.


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