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Dirty Dark Prey: A Dark College Bully Romance (Elite Royal University Duet Book 2)

Page 20

by L. J. Woods

  “Bullshit, you want her,” I scoff. “The whole world can see it. Even Ray.”

  “Are you on something?” He brings his face close to mine and I push him back. He hobbles. “You’re not as innocent as you want to believe, Johnson. Sure, you’re there when King and I do some fucked up shit, but you’re as fucked up as we are.”

  “That concussion did go to your head.” If I didn’t need a drink before, I need it now. “I’m not the one who helped King's girlfriend kill a man. Two! My best friends are fucking murderers and I had your backs every fucking step of the way. And here I am paying the penalty for it. So you know what, Perez? Fuck you and your fucked up accusations.”

  “That’s rich,” he chuckles as I start stalking past him but his voice gets louder. “Especially when you’re the one who killed Doctor Donovan.” I stop in my path. “Or did you forget about us digging his remains a grave a week ago? You put the peanut butter into his drink. Not her. So you can fall off your fucking high horse and come back to reality.”

  Whipping around, I approach him and he hobbles back on his crutches. “Keep your voice fucking low, Perez.” His eyes widen and Perez has a body as big as mine so I must be coming off a lot more threatening than I realize.

  “Why?” That’s when I hear her voice. “‘Cause I'll hear?”

  Fuucking fuck.

  I don’t have to look behind me to know who that is.

  “You set this shit up, Perez?" I growl.

  “You are fucking delusional,” he chuckles. “I wouldn’t do that, but I can’t say the same for you.”

  “And I’m supposed to believe that? After all you said?”

  “Are you kidding me?” Lexi’s voice sounds strained and tired. “That’s what you have to say?” When I turn to look at her, those jewelled eyes water. Then she turns on her white sneakers. “You guys are monsters.”

  “Lexi …” I take off behind her, leaving a chuckling Perez but she doesn’t slow down.

  It’s only now I’m realizing how unlike herself she looks. She’s in a mere t-shirt and sweats, most of her hair browner than blonde but my stomach still twists when that ass sways from side to side.

  Focus, Johnson.

  “Lexi, don’t walk away from me.” Pulling on her arm, there’s more power in her body when she pulls back.

  “Don’t fucking touch me!” Her eyes widen as if she’s afraid of me.


  “No, you listen.” Her nails are short and unpainted when she flips a finger in my face. Her entire body shakes, her voice too. “I don’t want you anywhere near me. You’re bad for me. You’re straight-up bad. And I’m not going down with you.”

  And for some fucked up reason, call it desperation, I place her cheeks in my palms and plant my lips on hers.

  It crushes me when she pushes back, slamming on my chest. My eyes narrow. “What? You prefer being with someone like Perez?”


  “Then what the fuck is it Lexi? I’m fucking trying here!”

  “That’s the problem. You’re not trying at all.” She pulls her arms back, a tear streaming down her face. “There’s no fixing what you did.”

  I’m afraid to do anything more as a small crowd forms around us.

  The sound of Perez’s crutches past me and he follows her into the rink. And she’s right, I’m not sure if there’s any coming back from this.

  I’m in no mind space to play a hockey game with whatever the fuck just happened.

  Three periods in and we’ve only now just tied the game at one point each.

  I’m too distracted by what was spilled on the locker room floor. By Lexi sitting way too close to Perez.

  They have every reason to push me aside and fuck each other’s brains out. And something tells me they will.

  I’m way too drunk to be on the ice but I’m not sure if anyone knows it. Instead of facing my problems, I’ve been downing my Gatorade mixed with vodka at every chance I get.

  The puck slaps my stick, pulling me back to the game, the crowd cheering around me. My blurry vision settles on Glenn, ready for the pass. Slapping the puck, it’s not enough to make it before a Tornado intercepts. Hustling to get the check, I use the anger to floor the guy with the puck, and Glenn’s able to drive it into the net.

  Our side goes wild but this game isn’t over. Let’s bring this thing in.

  When I’m back on the ice, there are only a few minutes to spare and the Tornados pull an empty net. It’s not enough to save them. The puck comes to my stick and I see a straight shot to it. No goalie. Easy.

  The crowd goes wild and from the corner of my eye—


  Lexi and Perez are headed to the exit.

  And that’s when I fumble. I’m so distracted, my skate gets hooked in the other and … I’m heading face first for the ice. My body slams onto the rink, sliding across the ice as the crowd goes silent.

  Then boos erupt.

  A Tornado is quick to the puck as I push off the ice, standing in time to see the Tornados score.


  They tie the game again with only a few seconds to spare.

  “Way to go, Johnson,” Glenn skates past me and when I look towards the stands, Perez and Lexi are gone.

  Coach lays into me before we enter into overtime but I’m out of fucks to give. I sit it out and I’m surprised when Coach puts Dom in.

  I’m even more surprised when he makes the winning overtime goal.

  The crowd goes wild.

  The boys pick up Dom by his legs, raising him in the air as they skate around our side of the net. At least Cassandra will be proud.

  Coach walks over to me, keeping his composure on the ice like a true veteran. “Good call on the Lyon kid, Johnson. You’re off your game but you’re proving yourself a good captain.”

  “Who would’ve thought you’d fuck it up,” Hoffman skates over to me with a huge smile on his mug. “And the rookie would save us?” The guys all surround us, waiting for me to relish in our win.

  “Give me a sec.” The cheers and hoots from the guys blur while I toss my stick on the ice.

  Hawks fans cheer me on when they see me in the corridor but I feel far from victorious.

  Especially when I get outside and see Lexi peeling off in Perez’s ride.

  “Maybe Perez is the better man.”

  “At least he knows how to treat a girl.”


  Turning around, Coach Rose stands behind me. He followed me off the rink. “I know things were rocky, but we still got a win for the series.” He smiles the biggest smile I’ve ever seen on him. Ray’s dad doesn’t usually show emotion.

  But I’m a King, and like one, I know when to take the blame.

  “Coach?” His big smile fades and I know it’s the expression on my face that does it. A mix of confusion, hurt, and guilt. “There’s something I need to tell you.”


  The purple lights blur when I lift my head to the ceiling, that familiar burn taking away the one in my heart.

  Trap music blares from the speakers positioned through the warehouse as I collapse into the velvet vintage sofa. A sloppy smile spreads across my face. Then it fades as quick as my high.

  So I do another line.

  If I’m going out, I’m going out numb.

  Coach Rose was silent when I told him what I did and I don’t expect him to forgive me. He says he’ll talk it over with me on Monday but considering my current track record, it won’t be good.

  After what I did, I don’t expect Perez to forgive me either. So this is my last chance to soak in this environment. The last chance to be me. Because as far as I know, my life is over.

  And that thought alone makes me finish the next fat line I have prepped.

  My heart pounds fast against my chest, the flashing neon lights bright around me. What started as a grungy mess turned into something much more fitting for a King. I chose this once grimy location far away from Eden b
ecause what I do tonight needs no documentation. I need a night with no expectations. No rules. No promises.

  Sorry, Alexander but tonight is no holds barred.

  The sound of the crowd blends with the booming bass as the music seems to slow. My body tingles but it’s nothing like what she gives me. And I know the floating feeling I have won’t last. Not without her.

  The music stops, my blurry eyes narrowing when the crowd goes silent.

  What the fuck is happening now?

  Pushing off the sofa, I move to the thick black curtain separating royalty from the rest of the warehouse. Dancers on poles stop moving above the dancefloor, students stop dancing to the beat. All eyes point at the large metal warehouse door.

  When I follow their view, I see why.

  “Holy shit, that’s Damien King.”

  “Don’t look him in the eye!”

  “This party just got a whole lot better.”

  A smirk spreads across my face as the crowd parts for the final link in our trio.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen.” His voice is boisterous through the crowd, but he still sounds like a lazy rich motherfucker. His arms spread wide as he does a slow spin for those surrounding him. “Your King has arrived.”

  The crowd erupts in applause and cheers. Most of the students at ERU are alumni from ERA, our old academy. Back then we were stupid high schoolers. If I’m being honest, apart from Damien King leaving, not much has changed. This town is still as fucked up as it's always been.

  The DJ drops an old punk rock song as the crowd chants his name.

  “King! King! King! King!”

  He twirls his hand as he bows, basking in the royalty he can’t shake whether he’s in this town or not. Then his eyes meet mine as I tip my drink to him.

  Now it’s a party.

  He saunters over to me in the classic Damien King uniform. Black jeans, a black tee, and that fucking leather jacket. Talk about cliche. This kid has all the money in the world yet he opts for this sad, dark ensemble.

  “Johnson,” he greets, pushing through the black curtain. He stops, looking around the blocked-off area. A Persian rug sits under his feet, lights strung around the bar at the side of the room. A couple of leather wingbacks sit on either side of the sofa, vines climbing up the brick wall behind it. “Who are you, Don Draper? Where’s the other King?”

  Moving over to the bar I use the card on the golden tray to rack up a welcome gift. “Probably getting a pretty truck from Lexi,” I mumble. King cocks a brow. “I mean … petty fuck.”

  “Alright, the fuck did I miss?” he chuckles. “Perez after your girl?”

  My fist pounds against the tray, white powder flying in my face but I push my words through it. “She’s not my girl.”

  “Anymore,” he snorts. “Not your step-sister anymore either, but I’ll admit, that must’ve been kinky.” Then his jaw clenches. “Perez always had a thing for what’s not his.”

  “She’s a slucking trut.” Rolling up the bill, I blink. Didn’t realize I was this faded. “A fucking slut.”

  “So, what are you?” He grabs the bottle of scotch from beside my glass before tipping it to his mouth. “You sure you alright, Johnson? She fucking you up that bad?” He chuckles again. “What am I saying? You killed for her. Now I can welcome you to the club. First Perez and Ray, now you and Lexi. It’s always for a girl, isn’t it?"

  My phone vibrates in my pocket and a pang hits my chest. I pull it out so quickly it drops to the floor. Before I can pick it up, a sway in my step. I see all I need to see.

  It’s not her. It’s worse.

  Alexander: Wanted to let you know Judge Sidorov has been assigned to your case. He doesn’t take kindly to kids like you but I’m working on it. Stay low in the meantime. No excuses.

  Kicking the phone across the room, it slams into the wall and I do the next line quicker than Alexander can soak up our money. “You’re right.” Wiping at my nose, I point the hundred at King, my heart pounding faster. “This all started with you.”

  Damien chuckles as he flops onto the sofa. A chill laugh, like he’s not even fucking bothered about all the blood under our nails. “My name isn’t Lexi Lyon.”

  Hearing her name makes the rage inside me overflow. All that cocaine wasn’t such a good idea but it’s the only thing keeping me standing.

  “You, you asshole! You’re the murderer. You’re the fucking psychopath. All I ever wanted to do was party. Get pussy. But you? You’ve always been trouble.” My finger comes to his face and his eyes narrow. “Why are you even fucking here? You said you’d fix it. Well, guess what? The black kid’s going down and it’s all your fucking fault!”

  “Careful, Johnson.” There’s a low growl in his voice. That menacing tone we’ve all learned to fear. But I’m too pumped up to give a fuck. I have more drugs in me than Scarface. “I know you’re fucked up but watch your fucking mouth.” He rises from his seat, giving me that icy stare.

  “I’m fucking through with being careful.” Knocking his drink out of his hand, it smashes to the floor before I head through the curtain and do what I do best.

  That’s being far from careful.



  “I still can’t fucking believe him!”

  My slides pat across the wooden floor of the Perez study, Ray sitting at a round table in the middle. Papers piled around her laptop, a fireplace roaring in the back, it's like she’s fucking Stephen King.

  “He did it!” Arms crossed, I pace across the room, bookshelves around me. My eyes land on the row of bottles in a small glass cabinet at the end. “And he made me believe that I did. Who the fuck does that?!”

  Ray drops her pen, leaning back in her seat and tapping out a cigarette. “Welcome to Eden Gardens. I thought you knew how the kids here rolled. Lies, secrets—”

  “Sadistic games and manipulation is one thing. But murder?” My eyes fall to hers, but she doesn’t seem as bothered as I do as she lights up, her boot on the chair beside her. “Am I the only one who realizes how fucked up this is? And how am I supposed to believe he didn’t—”

  “Lex." Smoke fills the room as Ray puffs hard on her cigarette. She says my name like she’s bracing me for something so I stop, turning towards her. I raise my brows and she looks up to the ceiling.

  “What do you know?” My eyes narrow.

  She mutters something before she pushes her dark hair out of her face and meets my stare again. “Okay, if I tell you something, promise me you won’t tell Christian I told you.”

  “He did it, didn’t he? He killed his ex-girlfriend like he fucking killed Drake.” I start pacing the room again. If she confirms this, that’ll help, right? Help me to not think about him at every fucking moment? Help me not to cry myself to sleep? A gurgled sound leaves me. Frustration. Anger. Pain. “He’s a fucking mon—”

  “I killed someone.”

  My feet stop, the room tilting around me as I hold on to a shelf to keep my balance.

  I blink, trying to understand what she’s saying. But I can’t even look at her. “You—”

  “It’s not like I wanted it to happen. But it was either me or him.” She pops out another cigarette, the air thick with tobacco and the smell of old books. But I’m gonna need something to digest this too. So I lunge for the biggest bottle of vodka in the cabinet and take a swig as she explains. “And I don’t know if I’d be here if I didn’t do it.”

  “So you’re saying you’re a murderer?” I confirm and that makes me take another swig. The cool vodka burns so good as it flows down my throat and I wait for the pain to dissipate. But I don’t know if it will.

  “It’s not so black and white.”

  “Isn’t it?” I take another swig as my back slides down a shelf, my ass thudding to the hard floor. “It’s either you kill, and be a murderer.” Another swig. “Or like … you don’t. It's not multiple choice."

  “It’s not that simple."

  “But it is!”

room feels like it's closing in, my mind spinning and it makes me down the vodka some more. Like I’m hoping it’ll change everything. Like I’m hoping it’ll stop my best friend from being a criminal. A murderer.

  I have a hell of a moral compass.

  “Sure, Lexi, ‘cause the police would’ve helped someone like me if I told them my gang-banging ex-boyfriend was trying to kill me for stealing his jewelry. Oh wait, it wasn’t that, it was also because my gang-banging brother stole his fucking guns. Yeah, that’ll go over well.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” My hand flops to the side, vodka bottle thunking against the shiny wooden floor. “Now I have …” I count on my fingers for exaggeration. “Three murders in my head? What the fuck? You know, I thought coming here would be good for me. But it’s only—”

  “Lexi! Listen!” Ray calls over my rambles. Rising from her seat, she moves over to me. Then I stare into the eyes of another murderer. “I don’t know what happened with Isaac and his ex-girlfriend. I know it has something to do with Damien King, and if he did kill someone, something tells me it was for good reason.”

  “Good reason?” I ask. “Then explain Doctor Donovan.”

  “You mean the guy twice your age that you had a relationship with? Didn’t he abuse his power? Didn’t he manipulate you into giving it up?” More. I need more. Alcohol that is. I take a glug, trying to erase it all. “If you want to get answers, there’s one way to do that and it’s not here downing that bottle with me.”

  A knock comes to the door, Ray and I whipping our heads towards it.

  We’ve been so caught up in our conversation that I forgot someone else lives here.

  “You guys cool? I’m heading out.” Christian hobbles over on his crutches. When he gets to Ray, he leans in to kiss her.

  He loves a murderer. And even though Ray did the unthinkable, she’s still Rayne. Right? Always loyal. Always strong. Independent. She’s a fucking queen.

  But she killed someone.

  “Where are you going in that Calvin Klein?” she asks, eyeing Christian like another cigarette.


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