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Pick Me (Wait for Me Series Book 2)

Page 4

by Walters, Dawne

Colette looked up and saw Caroline in the doorway. Caroline made her way over to Colette as she dropped the scoop in the ice filled bucket and embraced her friend tightly.

  “Honey I’m so sorry,” Caroline said, softly. “It wasn’t supposed to work out like this was it?”

  Colette pulled back and dropped her hands by her sides. “What do you mean?”

  “I saw the look on your face out there Letty. You know something went down…just not what exactly went down.” Caroline took a step toward Colette and took her hand. “We saw it when she came to work on Friday, then again on Saturday, Sunday and yesterday.”

  Another deep breath and a fake smile on her lips, Colette squeezed Caroline’s hand. “It’s okay,” she started, “I left him.”

  “Honey, what happened? Was it June that time too?”

  “No,” Colette shook her head, “it was Rosa.”

  “That mother fucker,” Caroline whispered harshly. “What is with him?”

  “Well, he said that he didn’t do anything that day. But Rosa...she insinuates so much without even saying that she and Gabe had sex in the past. He’s a…well, he’s…into…” she couldn’t quite finish.

  “I know,” Caroline said, “June told me a little while back what she’s into, and that Brock and Gabe are too. She hasn’t said that they’ve done anything recently or before.”

  Colette seemed to know without Caroline saying anything. Gabe had been a Top to many women when he and Brock weren’t exclusive with a woman, then, sometimes, when they were. He’d told her some of the things that he’d done when she’d asked. Now, she really wished that she was ignorant of it, but it would just hurt more and he’d have to explain.

  Nodding, Colette gave Caroline a devious smile. “He’s a Top to other submissives, and if that’s the case with June, and God, I hope it isn’t, but it may just be. I think a little torture is in order.” She tossed the scoop in another empty bucket and tuned to walk out of the kitchen, but didn’t get one step away before June showed up again, stopping in the doorway.

  “Thought I’d help out since I didn’t prep last night,” June offered.

  Colette smiled at her, “Nah, I got this. Don’t worry. You must’ve had a good explanation to not have this already done. Like, you must’ve had...oh, I don’t know...your hands tied. No, sorry, your hands full. They must have been full,” Colette corrected herself smirking.

  June looked panicked now. “What?”

  “Having two Dominants in the house. I can only imagine the things that can go on.” Colette smiled sweetly.

  Caroline smiled at June now too. “Definitely,” Caroline paused, “can you just imagine it Letty?” She was stirring the pot. She knew it and didn’t care. “The smile that would be on your face afterward if you were in the house with two single men? You’d forget to do things for sure. Even the most mundane tasks that you need to do at work.”

  June looked at Colette now. “I…um....” She took a step back into the hallway.

  “What am I thinking?” Colette said, “I need to fill this to the top.” She enunciated the word, and then she smiled at Caroline. She hoped that June got the gist of what she was implicating without actually saying anything out right. The look on June’s face was priceless. A caught with her hand in the cookie jar kind of look. So, June must have understood what Colette was saying.

  “To the top!” Caroline exclaimed laughing and joined Colette at the ice machine, grabbing another bucket. “Fill ‘er to the top Letty,” and the two women started laughing hysterically while June looked warily between them before she walked off to the dining room.

  “I never could stand that bitch,” Caroline whispered so that Hamish and Meavy couldn’t hear from the far side of the kitchen. Then, she burst into giggles again. “God that felt good to get out.”

  “Should be interesting around here for a while,” Colette agreed, smiling.

  “Honey, I’m so glad to see you smiling.” Caroline gave her another hug. “Are you going to be okay? Honestly?”

  “Well, this is partially my fault too.” Colette shrugged. “I left and didn’t answer his calls or texts. It’s my bed. I’ll make it.” She looked at Caroline and they burst into another bout of laughter.

  “You’re a tough one. You’ll make it,” Caroline said, as she closed the lid on the ice machine.

  Colette and Caroline poured the ice in the tub behind the bar. When Caroline went about the pub to check on the few tables that she had, Colette finished stocking the bar and setting the glasses on the shelves, really trying hard to ignore the table that June, Brock and Gabe were at, laughing and carrying on. Well, Brock and June were laughing and carrying on; Gabe was trying to be sly about looking over at Colette, while still staying in the conversation going on around him.

  Chapter Six

  Fuck it, he thought. Gabe stood up and walked over to the bar. He’d watched Colette the moment she walked into the main pub dining room. His hand, where it was on June’s waist felt like it was on fire when Colette saw where it was. So, he removed it. What had possessed him to touch her anyway?

  Sitting down, he rested his elbows on the bar, folded his hands and watched as Colette put the glasses away. Ten days since he’d touched her. Tasted her. Spoke to her. Ten torturous days. He was content to watch her. Knowing she was back was a relief. It didn’t necessarily mean that she’d talk to him though. Especially after he told her about everything that had gone down the past three days. What would she say when or if she found out what’d happened while she was away? As a Top in an established relationship where he could discipline the submissive, he knew June and Brock’s limits. There weren’t any, but that didn’t mean that Gabe was going to use June as a fill-in for Colette. There was no fill-in for Colette.

  “Hey Letty,” he said quietly, getting her attention.

  Colette swung around and met Gabe head on. Her stomach felt like it sank to her toes. He didn’t look any different, but he looked good, too damn good.

  “So its Letty now is it?” She leaned against the bar behind her and jammed her hands into the back pockets of her jeans and took him in.

  Gabe didn’t know what to say to that. The words just slipped from his lips. He made it a point to never call her Letty. Looking at her now, he didn’t really know what to say, so he took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair. He was frustrated. Where did they go from here?

  “Colette,” he began.

  “Save it Gabe,” Colette said, putting a hand up to stop him. She looked beyond him to where June and Brock were talking in low voices quite frantically back and forth. She then looked back at Gabe and slid her hand back into her pocket.

  “I heard you went to spend some time with your grandparents.” He didn’t look anywhere but at Colette. “Everything alright?”

  “Everything’s great thanks.” She visibly relaxed a little more now and tried to force a smile.

  “What’ve you been up to?” he asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

  “Apparently not as much as you.” There, she’d said it.

  “Just what do you think I’m up to?” He’d play this off.

  “Pure speculation at this point, but I think it’s a lot more than I really think you’ll tell me, but I do have eyes and a vivid imagination.” She pushed off the back part of the bar and took a step closer to Gabe, thankful that there was a counter still between them.

  “There’s a reason June won’t leave me alone with Sara or Caroline for more than a few minutes without coming to interrupt. She’s acting weird toward me like she has something to hide. She’s never acted this way toward me…ever. When we were…” she stopped for a moment and took a deep breath. “Well, you never touched her before I left. You had your hand on her waist. And while you’re sitting here talking to me, Brock and June are over there having a conversation that is quite animated, and they have pointed to us a few times.” Colette looked over Gabe’s left shoulder, then back to him with an expectant look on her face.

bsp; There is was, all laid out as nice as you please, in a nice, calm, deadpan voice. No yelling, no swearing, almost no emotion what so ever. How in the hell did she do that? Gabe didn’t look away from her face.

  “When Gabe?” Colette whispered looking down at the scarred bar top.

  He was pegged and he knew it. There was no way around it. Full disclosure, if he wanted her back, he’d give her full disclosure. He’d give her the damn brutal honest truth. He rubbed his neck again, preparing for the worst.

  “Friday afternoon.”

  Colette forced a smile and looked down at the bar top. “Before or after I texted you?”

  “Rosa was blowing up my phone so much that I didn’t check it before I went in the room,” he looked down at the bar now too, “but when I came out, it was your text that came through before I went in there with June and Brock.”

  “Wow,” Colette snorted, “even after I left, I was thwarted not only by Rosa because she was texting you, but June too. Unbelievable.”

  “Colette...” Gabe began.

  “Just one question,” Colette put her hands on the edge of the bar, griping it so tightly her knuckles turned white, “if you’d have checked it…”

  “No,” Gabe spit out quickly, “I wouldn’t have gone in there. Not in a million years.”

  “Then…” She looked up at Gabe with pleading hazel eyes now, “why did you?”

  “Why did I?” He looked up into her pleading eyes, and then rubbed a hand over his face. “I didn’t know where we stood Colette. I was hurting. I needed to take out some of that hurt.”

  “So you fucked June,” Colette said flatly, tilting her head to the side a little. “Nice.”

  Gabe stood up so fast that the barstool slid back with a loud scrape of the floor, but it didn’t fall over. He reached over and grabbed one of Colette’s wrists in his tight grip and leaned across the bar and got in her face, his green eyes dark with emotion.

  “I. Didn’t. Fuck. June,” he whispered sternly. “I beat her ass black and blue. I whipped her so hard, Brock safe worded for her.”

  “And I’ll bet she loved every second of it too,” Colette whispered back, not even trying to move. “She told me that she loves it when Brock gets all dark on her.” She paused for a moment, looking into his eyes. “How many times did she come for you Gabe? Huh? That’s her favorite way. Did she tell you that?”

  “Letty, lass,” Hamish spoke softly from the end of the bar, “take this outside or to the break room lovey. We are nay busy.”

  “I don’t think I have anything else to say,” Colette said, still whispering.

  “Well, dammit, I do,” Gabe said, “I’m not done.”

  “I am.” Colette stood back and yanked her arm from Gabe’s grasp. She went to turn away from him.

  “Run Letty,” Gabe said it loudly now for everyone in the pub to hear, “run away like all you spoiled little rich bitches do.”

  He hit her right where it hurt. Her pride was at stake. They both knew it. He’d not only called her Letty, but a rich bitch, knowing full well that she worked for everything she had. He wanted her to turn around and fight. Fight for what they had the past two months, for what they could have in the future.

  “Somebody finally found his balls,” Colette smirked as she turned around to face him again. “Fine, you want to talk about this? By all means let’s go.” She was sarcastic. It was her defense. “I’d love to hear your excuse for topping June and seeing her naked.” She’d looked over at June when she’d said it.

  Going to the end of the bar and sliding out the half door, she had to walk past June and Brock, standing there shocked.

  “If it’s any consolation Letty, I came like four or five times,” June said, being catty, Colette knew it, but she’d said it loud enough so that Colette could hear it and make her stop in her tracks. “Just because you can’t handle...” She threw out her hip and propped her hand on it.

  “June!” Brock whispered, cutting her off.

  Colette walked up to June, and stopped a foot from her.

  “That so?” Colette asked a second before she took a step closer and spoke softly. “Well, I hope you enjoyed it,” she smiled.

  Chapter Seven

  June went to answer her, but Colette’s fist came flying out of nowhere and connected hard against June’s nose. The sound of the crack that came from the connection, whether from Colette’s fist or June’s nose, was heard above the dim music of the pub. June didn’t have time to respond as she bent over, her hands holding her nose overflowing with blood, and her scream as it rent the air. Brock was at her side with a fistful of napkins a few moments later. A look of complete surprise on his face.

  “You are one sick little bitch June,” Colette leaned down saying.

  June looked up at Colette, her hands full of bloody napkins, tears in her eyes. “You think this was the first time?” she exclaimed nasally. “Well, I have news for your sugar.” You could hear the smirk in her voice, but her hands were covering her face, so you couldn’t see the snarky smile.

  Colette reared back again to punch June, but Gabe grabbed her around the waist and dragged her back against his chest, lifted her off the ground and walked her across the pub toward the hallway. At the same time, Brock pushed June into the chair that she was standing in front of. Sara and Caroline were standing by the bar with Hamish, all looking at Colette with smiles on their faces.

  “Sit the fuck down and don’t get your ass up June,” Brock said disgusted.

  “Come on slugger.” Gabe still had Colette in his grasp and carried her to the break room.

  Once they were in the break room, Gabe released Colette and she stomped to the other side of the room to put as much distance between them as possible. As he closed the door, she took a moment to collect herself and shook out her right hand.

  “Was that necessary?” Colette huffed.

  “Yeah,” Gabe smiled, amused. “I really do think it was necessary.” He shoved his hands in his pockets. He was so proud of her for punching June. It told him that she still cared about him. She’d gotten mad and punched June right square in the nose as a sign of affection. At least that was what he was telling himself.

  “Oh, right. Wouldn’t want to damage the new play thing that you’ve got,” Colette smirked. “Not that it should matter. You still have Rosa to fall back on.”

  “You know Colette,” Gabe shrugged, “you just don’t get that it’s you that I make number one in my life. I don’t know how many times I have to try and show you that.”

  “I’m number one in your life? Are you sure about that Gabe?” Colette asked as she rubbed her hand.

  “Yes,” he answered sharply.

  “It’s amazing that you feel that way, because your bed isn’t even cold from me warming it for a few months and you already have June in it.” Colette stared at him.

  “You would think that wouldn’t you? It’s more convenient and it satisfies an angry need that you have to fill isn’t it?” He was mad now, flaming pissed was more accurate. “You just think because Rosa was rubbing up all on me that she and I were going to do it, or do it again,” his hands were waiving in the air as he spoke, “and then...then you think, because you left...BAM! You think I have another woman in my bed. Well honey, let me tell you something,” Gabe huffed, “I don’t downshift that fast.”

  “What the fuck else am I supposed to think?” Colette pointed to the door, “That bitch all but said you were fucking her or topping her or whatever the fuck it is that you did to her. And Rosa...oh my God, don’t get me started on that piece of work. She phones you All the time. She texts you All the time. I need help with this or Little G that. I want to stay over, I’m scared, or, my personal favorite, ‘Gabriel, why can’t we go back to the way we used to be?’ What am I supposed to think Gabe? What was the way things used to be?”

  “Did you ever think for a minute that’s what they want you to believe? Both of them?” Gabe spread his arms wide. “Ask me…anything. Ask m
e,” he said it loudly. “I am an open fucking book right now. So read me.”

  “I don’t think I want to know the answers.” Colette stood there, the sofa separating them. She looked down at her boots now shaking her head. “I really don’t think I want to know the answers,” she whispered.

  “Well let me fucking clue you in,” Gabe snapped, stepping closer to her.

  Colette covered her ears to whatever it was Gabe was going to say, and he was having none of that. He stalked her from the other side of the ugly plaid sofa. He jumped the sofa easily and walked up to her, pulling her hands from her ears. He held her hands in his, pushing her against the shelves behind her and pinned her arms up by her head with his. He bent down until his face was in hers.

  “I went in that room knowing that I wasn’t going to fuck her. I didn’t have to. June is a pain slut. That’s what she gets off on. She and Brock know that I can give her what she wants, and I don’t even have to touch her.” Gabe was surprised that in telling her, a huge burden had just lifted off his shoulders. It felt good to just let go of this.


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