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The Last Betrayal

Page 12

by L. Grubb

  “Time for you to go to sleep.” My finger doesn’t hesitate on the trigger, the loud bang making my ears ring, but I welcome it knowing a low life idiot is off the streets.

  We make our way out, heading in opposite directions. Time to call it a night, see what happens tomorrow when their bodies are discovered. I chuckle at the thought of the other members of their little gang finding their leader’s brains up the wall.

  After a long, cleansing shower to rid myself of the evening’s events, I wrap myself in the complimentary, hotel robe and amble to the kitchen for my phone. Seeing the time, I wonder where the hell Lauren is. Three in the morning and still no sign, and not one text.

  C: Where r u? x

  After a few minutes of silence, the phone beeps and Lauren’s drunken text pops onto my screen.

  L. B hoem soon! A ittle bit dwurnk. Canr speek! Lovw u! x

  I laugh at her awful spelling errors and send a quick reply;

  C: Lol. C u soon x

  I place my phone on the table next to my wallet and grab a beer from the mini-fridge. Standing in front of the floor to ceiling windows looking over London, I peer up at the clear night sky showing the twinkling of thousands of stars.

  I’m not sure how long I stand there, lost in my own thoughts before I hear loud giggling from the other side of the door. Putting my beer on the coffee table, I head to the door and open it wide. Lauren comes flying through, and I catch her before she falls on her face. She giggles as she stares at my chest and I chuckle silently.

  Looking to the door, I find a perplexed and worried looking guy, rubbing the side of his neck.

  “Thanks for bringing her back, man. Appreciate it.” I nod my head at him before shutting the door.

  “Do you know what?” Lauren slurs to me, barely walking properly.

  “What, sweetheart?” I fight the amused smile that is twitching on my face.

  “Me and Alexis were having a reeeally amusing conversation earlier, can you guess what it was about?” She slurs as she starts giggling, walking into the edge of the coffee table before letting out a string of muffled curses.

  “Haven’t a clue,” I reply, fighting my hardest not to laugh at her.

  “Batteries and bunnies.” She howls with laughter, and I have to join her.

  I can only imagine what she means by bunnies. Dildos.

  She collapses in a heap on the couch, her eyelids fluttering shut, the last of her giggles floating out quietly into the room.

  I swing her legs up to lay her down properly, and cover her with the gold throw hanging on the back of the couch. Kissing her softly on her cheek, I stand and head to the bedroom.

  Sliding between the cool sheets, I sigh, contented at the comfyness of the soft mattress. It doesn’t take long ‘til sleep claims me.

  Waking up to my head thumping its own bass line is not how I wanted to meet the day. My mouth is as dry as the Nevada desert, and my bladder feels ready to explode.

  I roll over and fall straight off the couch and onto my ass with a squeal. Shit! I rub my ass as I get up and walk to the bathroom to take care of my most pressing need.

  Washing my hands, I hear a discreet coughing from the doorway and turn, jumping out of my skin at Champ standing there in his Calvin Klein underwear and a wide smile on his face.

  “Bit jumpy this morning, sweetheart.”

  “You scared the bejesus out of me, idiot!” I glare at him as I snatch up my toothbrush, squirting a generous amount of toothpaste on it. Bringing it to my mouth, I turn my head back to the mirror and brush vigorously.

  “Do you know what time it is?” he asks, still leaning against the bathroom doorframe.

  “Nope. I was too desperate to pee to stop and look at the time.” I place my toothbrush back in the holder and gurgle some minty mouthwash. My head is still slightly spinning and I grip the sink as I spit the mouthwash down the drain.

  “It’s five in the morning, and you just did a full workout in your mouth with your toothbrush.”

  I turn to him, and he has his megawatt smile in place.

  “Dammit. I’ll be doing it again in a few hours then. I need more sleep,” I grumble, pushing him back so I can walk passed him. This time I’m opting for the bed.

  I strip and crawl between the sheets so cold that goose bumps rise on my skin.

  Feeling the bed dip, I open my eyes to Champ’s twinkling ones staring at mine. “What?”

  “I want to make love to you,” he whispers, his head moving closer, slowly, before his lips plant a soft kiss on mine.

  My blood heats through my veins, and my core tightens at the contact, even from just a brief kiss.

  His hand starts gliding softly over my breasts and down my abdomen. The touch igniting my blood to a burning inferno, and my heart beats faster with every passing touch.

  Cupping his hand over my shaven mound, he glides his middle finger through my wetness, spreading it all over before rubbing circles over my clit in slow, deliberate strokes. After the pain of my bud being rubbed, the pleasure seeps through, causing me to wiggle in the middle of the bed, moaning unabashedly at the feelings coursing through me.

  “Stay still,” he demands, stopping his movements. “I won’t carry on unless you stay still. I mean it when I say I want to make love to you, meaning without tying you to the headboard above your head.”

  I stop moving and lay as still as a statue, and he smirks before saying, “Good girl.”

  He shuffles his way down the bed until his face is directly in front of my pussy. His intense stare makes my insides knot with anticipation and heat rushes to my face.

  Leaning forward, he takes one long, slow languid lick up my slit, moaning at my taste on his tongue. Holy mother of God, that feels so damn good. He does this a few times before thrusting two fingers inside me, straight to the hilt.

  I scream out in pleasure as he curls them, the tips brushing against my sweet spot. Fuck. Me.

  His mouth latches onto my bud, sucking and licking, nibbling and blowing all over it. I’m so close I can taste it in my mouth.

  “Don’t come until I have my dick buried inside you, sweetheart,” he growls, looking up at me through darkened eyes.

  Working kisses back up my body, I moan as the sensations light up my nerve endings, sending electric currents running through my body.

  He gives each nipple a loving kiss before coming back to my mouth for a long, wet and brutal kiss that curls my toes.

  Slowly crawling on top of me, his knee moves between my legs, stretching them wider. His hands leave my body to remove his boxers, shimmying them down his thighs before kicking them off at the end of the bed. “You ready for me, sweetheart?” His breath mingles with mine as he says this, causing more heat to spread over my skin.

  “Yes,” is my weak answer, the anticipation having me close to orgasm.

  He gradually enters my pussy, unhurriedly pushing his dick against my walls. Goose bumps take homage on my pale skin. I moan in delight once he’s buried as far as he can possibly go.

  “Fuck, I will never get used to how tight your pussy feels.” His mouth is open in pleasure, eyes squeezed shut like he’s trying to control himself.

  “You feel so good,” I moan out in a rush of breath. “Please, move.”

  “Fuck.” He pulls out, almost all the way, and then thrusts back in, hard yet tender at the same time.

  My nails dig into the skin of his back as his movements come faster. Scratching down the length of his back, his loud moans fill the air as his movements become frenzied, chasing our releases.

  “So close!” I scream out, relishing in the pleasure overtaking my body.

  He thrusts harder, gripping my hips in a death hold, digging in his non-existent nails.

  Shit, that feels so good. With another punishing thrust, I come, screaming his name along with unintelligible string of words.

  Stilling inside me, I feel his come seeping into me, the cool, unfamiliar sensation warming my blood that extra more, prolo
nging my orgasm. He says my name on a loud groan, his grip on my hips becoming painful.

  After the pleasure has left his body, he falls on top of me, crushing me into the mattress, and I hold him to me, running my fingers up and down his back soothingly.

  “However much I love you being on top of me, Liam, you’re kind of squashing the shit out of me right now,” I say breathlessly, trying desperately to draw in air.

  “Fuck, sorry, sweetheart.” Rolling off of me and onto his side, he pulls me flush against him. Removing one hand from my waist, he brings it to my face, tucking some stray hair back so he can look at my face.

  “You look so fucking hot with your cheeks flushed,” he whispers, stroking down the side of my face while gazing longingly at me.

  “You saying I’m not hot anyway, Liam? That’s quite insulting seeing as you chose me to be your Old Lady.” I raise a brow at him, trying my damned hardest not to crack a smile.

  “I didn’t mean it like that, sweetheart, and you fucking know it.” His lips crash to mine in a binding kiss, shutting me up. “Sleep.”

  “Yes, sir,” I say cheekily, leaning my head down to lie across his chest. My eyes flutter closed as I listen to his steady heartbeat.

  Waking up to an empty bed was depressing, but a hilarious text from Alexis discounted my worries on where Champ was.

  A: Do you remember? Bunnies, Batteries and a padded room awaits us today x

  L: Oh Jesus. How could I forget? HILARIOUS! X

  A: Also, one of the British prospects told us that Tesco long life are better than Duracell. *laughing emoji* x

  L: You’re fucking nuts, chick x

  A: Hence why the men in white jackets r coming to take us away! HELP x

  L: I need myself a long life bunny……… Guess what we’re doing 2day! ;) x

  A: Oh fml, Lauren x

  I laugh at our random conversation and leave the warm bed in search of coffee. Maybe I won’t feel so insane after a cup or two of the stuff.

  While I was making coffee through the Tassimo machine, amazing coffee maker I must say, I notice a note lying neatly on the short breakfast bar.


  Off on club business, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.

  Love you,

  Liam x

  I shake my head and place it back down to grab my coffee. I head to the living area and put my coffee on the table in front of the sofa, remembering I left my phone in the bedroom. Ugh, like I can really be bothered to walk right now with the alcohol still in my system. Dragging my feet behind me, I go to retrieve my phone.

  A: Breakfast in 10? X

  Staring at the text I received ten minutes ago has my stomach growling in hunger.

  L: Just seen ur txt. Let me shower. Txt u when I’m ready x

  I walk back to the den to drink my coffee hurriedly, aiming to be in and out the shower in record time.

  “Cobra gone with Champ then I’m guessing?” I ask Alexis as we sit in the hotel restaurant having a full English breakfast.

  “That’s what the note says. Last night was so fun, hilarious,” she says, her shoulders shaking with laughter.

  “I know, you reminded me this morning when I woke up. I don’t think I’ll ever forget that conversation.”

  Finishing the last of my breakfast, I wipe my mouth with the napkin and place it on my empty plate. “I needed that, was starving.”

  “I hear you. That was damn good. So, what shall we do today?” Alexis asks, leaning back in the wooden chair.

  “Sightseeing? Hello, we’re tourists.” I smile at her as I stand from my seat. “I’ll go get ready and meet you down here in twenty minutes.”

  “Okay, chick.” She pulls her phone out and starts tapping away so I leave and head to the bank of elevators.

  “We found out who the snitch is,” Mack tells us at the Church meeting. “How would you like to play this Prez?”

  I look over to Prez who’s sitting quietly, a hand slowly rubbing his forehead. I can practically see the wheels turning.

  “Name?” Prez enquires.

  “Trick. Real name Ricky. He’s been here about three years now, and this is the first time we’ve had a real issue with him,” Mack replies, stress evident on his crinkled face. “I would never have pegged this on him, that’s for fucking sure.”

  “Fuck. This is the last fucking betrayal I will take from my club. My grandfather’s legacy will not be in fucking vein because of some bastard playing a damn game.” Prez’s face turns red, anger making his eyes bulge.

  “The last betrayal? We’ve had one before? I thought this club was solid, in all countries.” Mack’s confusion is voiced into the quiet room. I eye Cobra and notice his eyes are trained on the table, hands folded in front of him.

  “Yeah. Shit hit the fan a couple of months ago because someone in my club didn’t speak the truth when he joined the club.” Prez looks over at Cobra, animosity still clear in his brown eyes.

  “Care to explain?” Mack asks, leaning back and crossing an ankle over his knee.

  “None of your damn business, boy. What’s done is done. But I won’t have some other dick causing issues for us.” Prez aims a deadly glare in the direction of Mack, telling him with his eyes to back the fuck off.

  “How do you want to play this then, mate? Because I’m fucking stumped.” Mack shakes his head and blows out a loud breath.

  “We trap him. He will pay for betraying us. Is he the one also selling drugs on that gang’s turf?” I say, asking him a question that now seems pretty obvious.

  “Yeah, he’s trying to get this club in trouble, and we’re not sure why. He’s hardly ever here at the clubhouse, and I’ve been wondering if he’s part of another MC that sent him to spy.” Mack’s paranoia can be felt around the room because I feel it too.

  Cobra’s stunt pales in comparison to this latest fuck-up. If Trick is with another MC we need to find out which one. We know Hell Riders have a few chapters over here, and they have a new Prez. But so far, they’ve been quiet, and I think we now know why.

  “Hell Riders,” I say into the deadly silent room. Everyone’s eyes turn to mine; ferocious determination makes my blood pump. I just know I’m right. Hell, I fucking know I’m right.

  “Say what?” Prez says, turning to face me.

  “Hell Riders have a few Chapters over here right? They have a new Prez. They would know the shit that hit the fan in the States, they would want revenge,” I reply, licking my dry lips as thoughts fly through my mind a hundred miles a minute.

  This is not how we wanted this to go, we thought it was going to be as simple as sorting the gang situation. I wasn’t told about the snitch in the club, and that has me pissed that the Prez couldn’t trust us enough to tell us before we came out here.

  “Chip, get on that laptop of yours and find out all the shit you can about the British Hell Riders. We need to know what they’re doing, who they are. Hell, we need to know when they have a shit. Get onto it, ASAP,” Prez growls, pounding his meaty fist on the table.

  “On it, Prez.” Chip rises from his chair and leaves the room.

  “What we doing about Trick, ain’t gonna lie, mate, but it’s not gonna be easy to act normal around him,” Mack says, pulling at his hair in frustration. “We need to come up with something to bring this dickhead down.”

  I’m finding it hard to take him serious because of his British lingo and accent.

  “Something funny, buddy?” Mack asks me, his arms crossing over his chest.

  “Sorry, it’s just that it’s hard to take you serious with your British slang. When you get frustrated it’s more pronounced.” I put my hand to my mouth to stifle my laughter.

  “Very fucking funny, mate.” Throwing his head back, he growls into the air. “Trick needs to go, a betrayer like him cannot stay in this club.”

  “We’ll sort it, Mack. Calm your-fucking-self down!” Prez roars. “If he’s out there, he could be listening in to this meeting.”

is a sound proof room, Prez. He won’t hear fuck all,” Franco, a trusted British brother says.

  Leaving the Church room with tense shoulders, we head for the bar for a drink. We have no idea how this will play out, we have no plan in place as of yet and that in itself is making me jittery. But, we have all agreed to act as normal as possible around Trick. It’s going to be tough, but we have no choice. We can’t let him know that we know he’s playing against us.

  Sitting at the bar, we talk about other club business while the club whores try to smother us with their cheap perfume. Shaking them off is harder than expected, and it’s starting to get irritating.

  “Can you just leave me the fuck alone?” I shout at the peroxide blonde who won’t keep her hands off me, even though I keep shrugging them off. I’ve had enough. “I have an Old Lady and don’t need you whores draped all over me!”

  The blonde stands there, arms hanging by her side and bright green eyes wide. “S..Sorry,” she stammers, walking backwards into Mack. She yelps when she turns to see him and hurries off passed me with her head hung.

  I shake my head and turn myself back to Cobra who is laughing next to me. “Shut up, man.”

  “Chicks just can’t get enough of you, right?” he laughs, banging a fist on the bar in hysteria.

  Not bothering with telling him where I’m going, I stand and head to the main doors leading to the street.

  Not one for smoking much, or around Lauren, I light a smoke and take a long drag to calm myself. It usually takes something big to get me to lose my head, but when it comes to club whores who can’t keep their hands to themselves when told, that right there just pisses me off.


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