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Their Starlet (Heroes of Olympus Book 5)

Page 8

by April Zyon

  Stefan nodded and smiled at her. “We only want what’s best for you. And since this is what you want, then we will do as you wish. Hopefully, we can survive long enough to do this right. We really should have asked what happens if we’re so fucking on edge we blow before getting much action in.” Pressing a kiss to her lips, he rolled her toward her. “We’ll let Antonio slide into your ass first. It will take time, and it’s best if you’re able to move as needed to settle him in deep.”

  She nodded. She trusted them completely. “I found that when I pushed back against him it eased the burn and felt good. I say we get this show on the road then,” she muttered with a grin. “We won’t come yet. None of us. We know what’s waiting for us and the big payoff that will come when we all are able to orgasm together. That’s what I’m looking forward to.” To them all climaxing at once.

  “Glad to know you’re fully on board,” he said, rolling his eyes. “All right, relax and lift one leg up over my waist. Let it dangle as you allow your entire body to let go. Antonio will do the majority of the work. You push back only when you feel necessary, got it?”

  “I understand.” She moved to wrap her leg around his hip and let it dangle there. She felt the hard and hot cock against her piercing, and that had her practically sobbing. “God, yes. That feels good.” They hadn’t even slid into her body yet, and still it felt so freaking good that she couldn’t believe it. “I’m ready,” she told them both.

  Antonio rubbed more lube to her ass. She felt his cock sliding between her cheeks and knew he’d lubed it up as well. He shifted closer to her back and pressed a kiss to her shoulder. “Nice, steady breathing. We’ll do this a little at a time. If it’s too much, say so, and I’ll back off a bit.”

  “I will. If something hurts I’ll tell you, but so far, it’s been all good. Nothing but pleasure.” No pain at all. “I trust you.” If she hadn’t shown them that in the weeks they had spent together, she wasn’t sure they would ever actually realize just how much she did trust them.

  “Good girl,” he whispered. Giving her another kiss to her neck he pressed closer, and then she felt his cock pushing to gain entrance into her ass. Antonio continued to brush light kisses to her skin as the pressure increased before suddenly releasing as the head of his cock pushed through the ring of muscle. “Breathe, sweetheart, just breathe.”

  She was glad for the reminder because Antonio’s cock was bigger than his fingers. “Breathing.” She nuzzled against Stefan’s neck while he teased her and kept her at peace so that she could be filled by both men. Stefan cupped her face and gently brushed a kiss across her lips. He bit her lip before kissing her again, his thumbs touching to her cheeks. He began to rock his hips again, teasing her piercing slowly.

  “Yes, just like that.” She began to move then with both men, finding that rhythm that would drive them all crazy.

  Antonio pushed in deeper, pausing only once more when she sucked in a breath before thrusting all the way in. He withdrew and thrust in twice more before he stilled. His hands flexed on her hips, and she felt a shudder ripple through him.

  “God, that feels so good.” She had dropped her forehead to Stefan’s shoulder and felt Antonio’s shiver race along her body as well. “Again, this time, I need you inside me, too, Stefan.”

  Stefan gripped her leg behind the knee and lifted her leg up over his hip higher. He adjusted his cock to press against her pussy, and then pushed his hips forward. Slowly, he slid his cock into her pussy, filling her.

  She felt every single piercing in Stefan’s cock and shivered. “God, I love your piercings,” she told him with a smile. “You have no idea how good they feel inside me.”

  “Give me a second,” he said. Panting hard, he had his eyes squeezed closed. His hand kept flexing on her leg as he fought for control. After a couple of breaths, his eyes flipped open to meet her gaze. Then he moved, slowly drawing out and then thrusting back in. A couple of thrusts later Antonio began to move as well.

  “Yes.” She panted that single word because at that moment that was all she could do, merely feel. “You both are what I’ve been waiting for my whole life.” She held as close to both men as she could. “Everything, I love it.”

  “Less talking,” Antonio muttered. He moved a hand to cup her breast and toy with her piercing. They were both thrusting harder now in near perfect synch. Between them, she shuddered each time they filled her and felt herself getting closer to the edge of something incredibly important.

  She moved with her men. He was right. No more talking because feeling was the right thing. This was her destiny, and she knew it.

  Stefan leaned in to kiss her, his teeth tugging on her lip when he drew back slightly. “Look at me, honey,” he whispered. Meeting his gaze, she saw his eyes were more blue than violet, and they were only getting darker. “There you are. So beautiful,” he said quietly.

  “You are so handsome. Both of you.”

  “The outside isn’t all that important, but thanks for the compliment,” he said softly. He gave her another kiss, slow and lazy, never once breaking eye contact with her. The kiss was completely opposite to what they were doing lower down.

  She clenched both men inside of her body and smiled against Stefan’s lips. “More,” she begged. “Move harder, faster. Please.”

  She enjoyed the way that these men moved with her, the way that they touched her and more than that the way that they loved her. It was soul deep and forever. She knew it. It was a short amount of time, but she knew that they were in love.

  They gave her what she wanted. Antonio tugged on her nipples hard while Stefan slipped his hand down between their bodies to toy with her clit. He seemed to be pointedly ignoring her piercing, though, something she didn’t think was possible with how close they were all wound together.

  “Why won’t you touch my clit, the piercing that I have?” She panted and moved against both men, her hands on Stefan’s back and nails biting in deep. “I need—” Then it hit her why he wasn’t touching her piercing. It was because he didn’t want her to come yet.

  He gave a chuckle with a slightly evil note to it. Obviously, he’d clued in that she’d finally caught up with his plan. Antonio’s hands on her breasts distracted her momentarily while they both pushed their cocks in deep. At the same time, she felt something stirring deep inside of her and unfurling slowly.

  It felt like sunshine inside of her. It was reaching for her men, and she liked it. Each time that Antonio tugged on her nipple piercing, she clenched on them tighter. “God, yes, that’s so good.” She moaned. “Perfect.” She did, however, lean in, and she nipped at Stefan’s neck.

  The growl he let out slid through her, and seemed to urge that sunshine on, to grow brighter, and expand further. “Again,” he ordered her. His fingers were pinching and rolling her clit roughly and so damn close to the piercing but so far away.

  She nipped his shoulder again and heard both men moaning, heard both of them growling, which turned her on like crazy. “There.” She sobbed and squeezed both cocks tightly inside of her body. She felt her soul starting to reach out for both of theirs. She felt the deep love she had for both men flowing out of her and into them.

  When she didn’t think it could possibly get any better Stefan finally flicked her clit piercing. At the same moment, they slid in deeper than before, and she felt something from them both wrapping around her and pulling her closer even as she began to shatter.

  Her scream was torn from her throat. She felt them sliding into her, but it was more than the physical. It was deeper than that; it was soul-deep. That sunshine she had felt wrapped around them all, but so did an emotion, love. Her tie to Aphrodite was evident in the way that the love wrapped around them all.

  She felt them coming inside of her, their bodies stiffening as first one, then the other let loose. Their bellows were lost in the hum that seemed to come from all three of them. She thought it was lessening for a moment, but boy, was she wrong. Everything went insane. Brooklyn
could feel their emotions, caught flashes of their pasts, felt their love and their very souls wrapping up with her own to bind them together in a way nothing and no one could tear apart.

  She could have sworn she felt and heard a sonic boom when they all came together, but honestly, she didn’t care. She collapsed against Stefan, her eyes closed and gasping for air. She couldn’t speak. She couldn’t do anything other than simply lie there against her men in melted bliss.

  Chapter Nine

  When they woke the next morning they all made love again. They were all a sweaty mess when they finally parted. Brooklyn had her eyes closed and was limp against Antonio. She yawned and rubbed her cheek against his shoulder. “I think we all need a shower. That or food. I can’t figure out which one that I want right now.”

  “We should likely get food,” Stefan muttered. His hands flexed on her hips before she felt him pulling free from her ass. A kiss to her shoulder, and then he was stumbling for the bathroom. “Definitely food. I’m feeling weak-kneed from your attentions, honey,” he called over his shoulder.

  “Okay, food.” She just grinned though at his proclamation of being weak-kneed. “You aren’t the only one, honey, believe me, but it’s a good feeling.” She watched him retreating into the bathroom to get cleaned up and then looked back to Antonio. “We should get cleaned up as well.”

  “Yup, we should,” he said with a nod. He didn’t move immediately, though. After a minute, he finally heaved a breath and made a face. “Okay, I think I have feeling back in my limbs again. Best get moving now in case it’s temporary.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” She moved away from him and rolled off the bed. “I think that I’m going to go to take a quick shower after he’s done in there. If you want, you can join me or go after me.”

  “If we’re going to eat anytime shortly we should likely all shower separately. We might starve if we don’t,” he said with a chuckle. Then he groaned while climbing off the bed. After a few deep knee bends, during which he cursed a blue streak, he finally stood straight to shake out his left leg. At her look, he grinned and turned to point to a long scar down the outside of his knee. “Took a bullet. It banged up the joint something nasty, but they didn’t have to replace it thank goodness. Unfortunately, I see knee replacement surgery in my future one day.”

  “I’m sorry. That seriously sucks. At least I will be there with you. I’ll be your nurse. How does that sound?” She liked the idea of taking care of him. It was something she was sure she would enjoy, or hoped she would at least. “Just no being mean to Nurse Brooklyn or no sponge baths for you.”

  He stopped moving and grabbed her arm to tug her back toward him. “Naked sponge baths?” he asked with a wicked grin. “Because if you’re doing most things naked during my recovery time I’ll be on board completely.”

  “Yes, naked sponge baths. That’s part of the plan for getting you well faster. Being naked is the way to go, don’t you think?” She cupped his cheeks in her hands and leaned in to kiss him. “I need to go clean up. Back soon.”

  He pressed a kiss to her lips in return. “Go clean up,” he told her. “I’m going to stretch a little while I wait for you to finish. Tell Stefan to hurry up, too. The sooner we can get eating, the better. We should maybe grab some sun, too, socialize a little, and see if there’s been any news from back home.”

  “I like the sound of all of that.” She gave Antonio another quick hug and was off toward the bathroom, passing Stefan along the way and giving him a quick hug as well.

  His hair was damp, and when he leaned in to kiss her, she could taste the mint from his toothpaste. “Jump in the shower before Antonio changes his mind about sharing.” He gave her another kiss, and then left the room for her to have some privacy.

  Brooklyn was quick with her shower, pulling her hair up and out of the way. She didn’t wash it, figuring she would do that later. Walking out with a towel wrapped around her, she grabbed her clothes and dressed. Looking at her men, she grinned. “All righty, let’s go and get some food, shall we?”

  The water turned on as Antonio started the shower. Stefan was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, and lounging in a chair with his bare feet crossed out before him. “Let’s give him two minutes before we head out. Come sit,” he said. Drawing his legs up, he patted one of his thighs.

  She moved to sit with Stefan. She was dressed in comfortable jeans and t-shirt as well, but she had a light jacket on to cover her arms. Moving so that she was settled against him with her cheek to his shoulder, she sighed. “I could become used to this, just so you know. Having you holding me.”

  Wrapping his arms around her, he squeezed her close. “I hope you do become used to this, honey. What I really want to know is how you’re doing? You’ve been through a hell of a lot in the last few days.”

  Brooklyn closed her eyes and shrugged. She didn’t say anything for a long minute or two, but finally she said, “I’ve always known I was different.” Her fingers traced a design on his t-shirt. “People have always gravitated toward me, and men seemed to all vie for my attention. Getting started in Hollywood was far easier than it should have been, and now I realize why. Makes me wonder if I ever had the talent or if it was the fact I was descended from the Goddess of Love. I’m good with being bonded to the two for you, however. I love the way that it feels. It feels as if I’m home. Finally.”

  “Honey, you definitely have some serious talent. While I love you to pieces, I would still tell you if you were a stinker, which you are not. I’m sure the genetics didn’t hurt any, but you still have to have some sort of talent to get as far as you did. Not everyone is affected by the DNA you carry, same as not everyone is affected by Aphrodite unless she turns the power up on her natural abilities.” He pressed a kiss to her hair and rubbed his hand up and down her arm. “I will say that I’m really glad you’re getting out, though. The idea of all those men around the world ogling you doesn’t sit well with me. But I am a pretty possessive asshole when I want to be.”

  She looked up at him and grinned. “Then it’s a good thing that I decided to get out before you even walked into my life then, huh? Otherwise later down the road, we would all wonder if I got out because I wanted to or if I got out because I wanted to please you.” Which she did, but that wasn’t why she was getting out. She was getting out because she was tired of Hollywood, period.

  “You would have done it for you,” Antonio said. He came out of the bathroom scrubbing a towel to his short, dark hair. “While you would have taken our feelings and thoughts into consideration, you’re a strong woman who can make up her own mind. We wouldn’t have pressured you one way or the other, so it would have been entirely your choice. We love you, sweetheart. If it had made you genuinely happy to keep going, we’d have stood by you for the duration.”

  Stefan nodded and kissed her temple. “He’s right, you know.”

  “How did I end up so lucky? To have two such amazing men, that love me as much as I love them? It’s just mind-boggling to me that I have the two of you for the rest of our time here on Earth.” She was grateful, thankful to have them.

  “And whatever comes after,” Antonio said. “The bond is eternal. Not only during life but during the afterlife, too, thus negating his hold on you forever, baby. So if you had your eyes on some hottie ghost, you’d better think again, sweetheart. We will kick his disembodied ass with great pleasure.”

  That had her laughing. “Right, so the hottie ghosts have to go and find someone else. Maybe they will all be lining up for Marilyn Monroe, God rest her soul.”

  “I’d get her autograph, but that would be about it,” Stefan said. “I have you. I don’t need anyone else. Now, let’s go get something to eat and see how the others are doing.” Pressing a kiss to her cheek, he boosted her off his lap before pushing to his feet.

  “Yes, food is good. That and making sure that they know that I haven’t killed you guys yet.” She was teasing them, her grin wide on her face. “But the first one that menti
ons us bonding and I might break out in a massive blush, or I might smack them on the arm. One or the other.”

  “Do both, they’ll expect nothing less. You’d better get used to the teasing, too,” Antonio warned. “What these guys will do is nothing compared to the daily shit that goes on at the house when we’re all home. This will only be the warm-up.”

  “Okay, I think that I can handle that,” she said with a grin. “Teasing and being part of a big family is something that I’m going to have to get used to. I look forward to that, having people around that I can joke and have fun with and not have to watch every move that I make for worry of someone snapping a photo of an embarrassing moment.”

  She caught the look they shared and let out a groan, which only got louder when Antonio said, “I didn’t say we weren’t into capturing embarrassing moments.”

  Stefan laughed when she covered her face. “Our entire place is wired for picture and sound. We can pull up any frame, at any time, and make a still from it for the books. We all also have phones with cameras, so don’t expect to be able to pull much over on any of us. One huge difference is, we don’t sell anything to anyone, ever. It’s for our own private collections.”

  “Exactly, that’s what I’m talking about. The embarrassing moments put out for the world to see. That or the moments of doubt that I have that people put out with some of the silliest captions ever. I swear people are just far too damn stupid at times.”

  “No more worrying about shit like that.” Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, Stefan squeezed her close. “We don’t do it for anything but our own entertainment. And if you ask real nice, we’ll even get rid of all evidence, too.”

  “Good.” She laughed and shook her head. “Naw, no need for that. I love joking and having fun with people, so the candid photos and embarrassing shots will be good. It will make me appreciate the family that I’m going in to even more.”


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