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Loving the Texas Lawman

Page 16

by Sands, Charlene

  Jillian spent a few minutes showing Marla Barker lingerie and robes to keep her warm on a cold night, explaining about the special materials she used and how her designs were meant for added comfort. Marla took it all in, surprising Jillian at how astute and knowledgeable she was about fabrics. She touched the garments with utmost care and a hint of longing entered her eyes. “These are lovely. They’ll sell,” she announced, as if she was absolutely certain and suddenly Marla Barker looked twenty years younger, her face animated, excitement in her eyes. “The women in Hope Wells will eat them up and you’ll sell out in a heartbeat.”

  Pleasantly surprised at Marla’s turnaround, Jillian sent her a warm smile. “I hope you’re right. And thank you for the vote of confidence.”

  “You’re welcome and you can take it to the bank. Your prices are in line, not outrageously overpriced like so many high-end stores and your merchandise is topnotch.”

  Jillian blinked. There was something about Marla Barker that she was beginning to like a whole lot. And it wasn’t her compliments that made her think so, but more a feeling Jillian had about her. It took guts and courage to come into the shop and eat humble pie, they way she did, telling Jillian there was much more to Marla than met the eye.

  Jillian introduced Marla to Tessa and offered her a cup of espresso, claiming they needed to test out the new coffee apparatus anyway. All three of them sat down for a cup and Marla confessed, “I used to be in sales. I sold handbags in a boutique in Dallas when I was younger. It was a job I did for four straight summers and I just loved it. The people, the excitement of the city. I learned a lot about sales and I was pretty good at it. I sold on commission and I was always a top seller for the company during the time I worked for them. Ah, I really enjoyed it. Always felt a passion for it, but never went back.”

  “Why not?” Tessa asked.

  Marla shrugged a shoulder, a look of regret in her eyes. “My folks. They needed me to stick around Hope Wells. I took over my father’s accounting business when he took ill. But that’s ancient history now.”

  “Too bad. You know, I got my start working a summer job too,” Tessa said. “I worked in Hollywood, selling t-shirts on Hollywood Boulevard. Pretty soon I was designing my own and that’s when I met Jillian.”

  Jillian smiled, a crazy thought running through her head. “Marla, did you see the part-time help wanted sign in the front window?”

  The woman stopped her coffee cup midway to her mouth. “I noticed it.”

  Jillian met Tessa’s gaze for a moment and her friend gave her a nod. “Want to apply?”

  “Me?” Her coffee cup landed in a soft clink on the counter.

  “Unless you’re enjoying your retirement too much,” Jillian added.

  Surprise registered on the older woman’s face, and excitement twinkled in her eyes. “Hell no,” Marla blurted. “And I would love to apply.”


  A few mornings later, Jillian gave Tessa a giant-sized hug, holding her tight to her chest. Her friend’s suitcases were all packed and already in the trunk of her rental car. “Tessa, I can’t tell you what it meant to me to have you at my wedding. I only wish you could stay longer.”

  “Me too, Jillian. Next time, I promise to come out for an entire week. By then, you’ll be an old married couple.”

  Jillian smiled, hating the lies more and more each day. “Yeah. I’m gonna hold you to that, my friend.”

  “I’ll call you when I get back to corporate and give you an update on the fire repairs. They should all be done now. I put Randy in charge in my absence and you know what a bulldog he is. He’ll make sure the job is done right.”

  “Thanks. I’m sure it’s fine. I trust the team.”

  “Yeah, because we have an awesome boss.”

  Jillian hugged her again. “I’m gonna miss you something fierce, as they say in Texas.”

  Tessa smiled. “Same here. Be sure to say good-bye to Jack for me. And thank him for the hospitality.”

  “We should’ve done more. Shown you some of the sights in Hope Wells. Instead, I had you working at the shop with me for days.”

  “I loved it. Wish I could be here tomorrow for the grand opening. I’m sure it’s going to be amazing.” She sang the last word and Jillian laughed.

  “Have a good flight, Tessa. And I’ll be commuting back and forth occasionally, so don’t think I’m abandoning you in L.A.”

  They shared one last hug and then Tessa drove off in her rental car. She waved and watched until the car was out of sight. At a loss, she did what she always did when she felt sad or lonely; she drove to her shop to immerse herself in work.

  And found Dakota Jennings peering in Barely There’s front window.

  Jillian parked her car in the back parking spot and then entered the shop and quickly opened the front door. “Hi, Dakota. Are you looking for me?”

  Even in jeans and a t-shirt, Dakota always looked beautiful with her large wistful eyes and a long black mane secured in a braid down her back. “Hi Jillian. Yes, I was hoping to speak to you. Is this a good time?”

  “Of course. Come in. Would you like a cup of coffee?”

  “No thanks. I’ve had my coffee hours ago. Breakfast comes early on a ranch. Wow, this place is great.” Dakota glanced around the shop. “I had some time today, so I thought I’d come by and say hello. Looks like you’re ready for the grand opening.”

  “I am. Now, I just need customers.” Dakota followed her into the heart of the shop.

  “Only, customers? I saw your sign outside. Do you still need help?”

  “Yes, I have room for one more part-time employee. Do you know of someone?”

  Dakota fidgeted with the hem of her t-shirt. “I might.” She glanced away before meeting Jillian’s eyes. “I’m in the market for something new. I’m thinking, I could help out here some nights and weekends. You wouldn’t even have to pay me. I’d be like an intern. That is, if you don’t think it’s all too crazy.”

  “Dakota, really? I’m surprised to say the least. You’ve got a solid reputation on the Circle R. I hear you’re wonderful with horses. Everyone sings your praises. And Colby would be lost without you.”

  “He probably would, but he’d never admit it. It wouldn’t be in place of my job at the Circle R. It would be in addition to. I just need… a change. I don’t have any real sales experience… and I—” She stopped and gave her head a shake. “You know what, forget it. It’s a stupid idea.”

  “I will not forget it.” Jillian saw potential in Dakota.

  And she also felt her pain, in falling for a guy who was absolutely clueless. But she’d never hire someone for personal reasons. She was sure Dakota Jennings would give her all no matter what job she tackled. Jack had said as much, he really thought highly of Dakota and he was a good judge of character.

  A fresh face, along with Marla’s expertise would round out her part-time staff. When Tessa was here, they’d interviewed and hired a full-time employee, Marcie Perez as the store manager. Marcie had ample sales experience as a manager and had just recently moved to Hope Wells from Fort Worth.

  “The truth is, I really could use your help. And it would be a paying job. Part-time, of course, but you’d be a welcome asset to the shop. And I would love to have you here. You’d have to fill out an application, company rules, and we’ll do a short interview, but I think it’ll work out fine.”

  A rosy tint colored her cheeks and her eyes filled with gratitude. “Really. That’s great. I promise, I’m a fast learner, even when it doesn’t involve dealing with stubborn animals.”


  “Men. Well, one man in particular.”

  Both giggled. “Day, you’re gonna fit in here perfectly. Okay, then. Let’s get started.”

  That evening, Jillian went home a happy camper. She had a full staff in place now, and a new shop that would add dimension to the small town of Hope Wells. Now, if only the opening went well tomorrow, it would be icing on the cake. She entered the hou
se, dropped her purse on the kitchen chair, making note of the mess on the counters and followed the yummy scent of something wonderful sizzling on the grill.

  Jack stood with his back to her at the barbeque, yielding a giant fork like it was a machete, poking at two Texas-sized steaks. In a sleeveless black tank, his biceps rippled as he moved and her eyes drifted down to his perfect butt fitted into faded jeans. Bare-footed, tan, hunky, and chill, this was the Jack she liked best.

  “Evenin’,” he said, without turning from his task.

  She hadn’t made a sound, yet he knew she was there. So then, it continued to baffle her, how he could’ve been jumped from behind without even a clue his attackers were there. Usually Jack’s instincts were right on.

  “Evening to you too, lawman.”

  She didn’t miss the beige tablecloth covering the patio table, or the two place settings, complete with goblets, sparkling with red wine, the side dishes of asparagus and baked potatoes, or the pretty vase they’d received as a wedding gift filled with lush crimson roses.

  “What’s all this?” she asked as she stood beside him.

  “Looks like dinner to me,” he said, with that wry grin of his.

  “Just dinner?”

  He put down his BBQ weapon of choice and drew her into his arms. “Not just dinner. This is an advance celebration of your grand opening.”

  “How sweet.”

  His hand slid to the base of her neck. “I’m manly enough to take sweet.”

  “Yes, you certainly are.”

  And then his mouth was on hers, kissing her until flames erupted inside, rivaling the fiery heat searing the T-bones. “Mmm, delicious,” she said, coming up for air minutes later.

  Jack gave her mouth one more glance, then his gaze lowered to her breasts, amply covered by the blouse she wore, but that didn’t seem to deter him. Blatantly he undressed her with his eyes, bringing tingles to her toes.

  He placed his hands on her shoulders and set her away from him. “Go. Sit down. I want you to enjoy this dinner. And that’s not gonna happen with you looking so damn sexy.”

  Sexy? She was wearing black jeans and a tucked in white blouse, nothing special or out of the ordinary. She didn’t dress this morning thinking she looked like a sex goddess, but that was exactly how Jack was looking at her now.

  She smiled inside, despite her outward pout. “Okay, if I have to.”

  “You do,” he said in his lawman voice.

  Now, that was sexy.

  She sat down and sipped wine and, a few minutes later, Jack brought the steaks over.

  They dined quietly, Jack devouring his food as he always did and together they consumed an entire bottle of wine. “If you think me hiring Marla Barker was a hoot,” she said, slightly tipsy, “you’ll never guess who else I hired today.”

  Jack eyed her over his goblet, taking several way-off guesses and then finally gave up.

  “Dakota Jennings is my newest employee.”

  “No shit?”

  “None. She came in today, saying she needed a change and we talked. She’s not quitting the ranch or anything, but she’s certainly looking for some diversion and maybe a new direction in her life.”

  “Yeah, Colby’s got that poor girl spinning in circles. But I think she’ll make a fine employee. That girl is all heart.”

  “I know, I feel the same way. So I hired her as a part-timer.”

  “That’ll be good for her, but I can’t say I’m not surprised. Dakota is one hundred percent tomboy.”

  “Maybe not so much anymore, Jack.”

  “Oh, yeah? I bet you were never a tomboy.” His eyes blazed hot, devouring her body with the same intensity he’d gobbled up his meal, making her bones melt, her heart stir and her insides quake.

  “You know I wasn’t. I was more the devil in disguise.”

  Jack blinked and then rose to offer her his hand, whispering next to her ear, “Show me.”

  And that was all he needed to say. “Gladly.” She led him into the bedroom. “Take a load off,” she whispered and gave his chest a gentle push.

  He fell easily onto the bed. Immediately his hands went behind his head, in a leisurely pose that contradicted the hunger burning in his eyes. Jillian grabbed three of her favorite Barely There creations, walked into the bathroom and changed into the first one. Jack had been hinting at a fashion show for days now and it was time she gave him one. Modeling her lingerie solely for Jack was a big turn-on. Why hadn’t she done this before?

  She exited the bathroom in white silk, a skimpy piece accented with lightweight copper studs adorning the material around all edges, even the backside that flowed naturally into the crease of her butt. She grabbed Jack’s tan Stetson, plopped it on her head, and pivoted around doing a slow three-hundred and sixty degree turn.

  “This one is called, ‘Good Girl of the West’,” she said softly. “You like?”

  Jack sat up. His eyes darkened and he blew a heavy sigh from his mouth. Cleavage was a given in these designs but Jack’s gaze kept drifting to her ass, nearly fully exposed by the thong gracing the center of her thighs.

  “Come here.” He nearly growled.

  “I take that as a yes, lawman.” She wagged a finger at him. “You stay put. There’s more.”

  Jillian’s heart raced. She loved modeling for Jack. She’d never done this before for a man, and she never would again. But tonight, Jack was her captured audience. Her body began to tremble as she slipped into a black, skintight faux leather off one shoulder design. The piece was strategically slashed in half a dozen places in front and back, revealing lots and lots of skin. It was by far her sexiest piece in her collection.

  As she spun slowly around for Jack, she said softly, “This is one is called—”

  “Fuck Me?”

  She chuckled, shaking her head. “No, but close. It’s called, ‘Midnight Surprise’.”

  A sound rumbled from Jack’s throat. “Same thing.” He grabbed for her, but she stepped back, out of his reach.

  “No groping the model. I’ve got one more to show you.”

  Jillian scooted back into the bathroom and quickly changed. Having Jack watching her so intensely was making her jittery. Heat began pooling between her thighs.

  “Ready?” she asked, holding her breath.

  This one wasn’t her bestseller. It wasn’t the most unique but it was her very favorite because it was Jack inspired. She stepped into the bedroom and twirled slowly around, the baby doll nightie following her in a circle with the wisps of material finally settling at the crest of her thighs when the circle was complete. The top and bottom hems were made of the softest white man-made fur.

  “This is ‘Baby Doll Blue’,” she announced quietly. “My favorite.”

  It was how Jack used to describe her big blue eyes. And she wondered if he remembered.

  He rose slowly from the bed and walked over to her, his eyes ablaze and knowing. “It’s my favorite too.” He slipped her hand in his and inched her closer, then brought his lips down on hers for a brief kiss. He tasted deliciously of smooth red merlot. “The only thing I’d love more than you in that baby doll, is taking you out of it. Is the show over?”

  Jillian reached up to run her hands down his face. Evening stubble scraped the base of her palms and she had visions of him gently scraping other parts of her body. “Oh, baby. The show’s just beginning.”

  Jack laughed, lifted her feet off the ground, and spun her around in his arms.

  After that, he peeled away her baby doll and she shed him of his clothes. Bodies burned as kisses sent them both up in flames. His hands were on her everywhere, his caresses rousing every single part of her. Naked and in his arms was the headiest place to be and Jack knew exactly what she liked, what she wanted. He was quick to please.

  This part of their lives was beyond perfect and in the moment she was his and this big, solid Hercules of a man was hers. And when their bodies joined, it was as familiar as it was new and exciting. It was welco
me and right and so very satisfying.

  “I can’t get enough of you,” Jack whispered afterward, his voice rough and a little bit mystified.

  This bliss couldn’t last and in the back of their minds, they both had to understand that. But, for now, Jillian couldn’t get enough of him either.

  “Same here, lawman,” she admitted.

  Then, once they were partially clothed again and breathing normally, Jack announced. “I have cake.”

  Jillian chuckled. “What kind?”


  Was there any other kind? “Show me,” she said.

  And Jack took her hand and led her into the kitchen.

  Chapter Eleven

  Jillian’s grand opening was going great. She opened her doors at ten a.m. to a rush of customers. She realized many of the ladies of Hope Wells might have been simply curious, and that was alright, but the sales in the first two hours were strong for a soft opening. The atmosphere was open and friendly, inviting people in with pastel balloons and soft background music.

  Ella had come by with a platter of her delicious pastries and Jillian offered her customers specialty coffee. Cookies were handed out on trays and water bottles were at the ready too. Marla Barker’s employment at the shop brought in many of her cronies, and Vintage There was getting off to a good start. Even Joan, the other Barker cousin had come in and managed a very polite, “You have a nice store here.”

  It must’ve killed her to say it and Marla had stood by her side, nodding her head in approval and that had been that.

  Marcie was proving to be a well-organized manager. She moved gracefully in the store guiding the customers and explaining about different fabrics.

  Jillian stood behind the counter, taking it all in. This was her twentieth store and that in itself was a milestone, but having it here in Hope Wells meant more to her than she’d ever imagined. The acceptance she craved as a young girl was finally being realized, even if she’d used a fake marriage to the town hero to garner it. In time, she hoped, the acceptance would be based on something more.


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