Hell's Princess: The Mystery of Belle Gunness, Butcher of Men
Page 32
Ash, Robert, 137
baby farming, 94-95, 101
Bader, Albert, xv-xvi
Baker, Matilda, 20
Ball, John H., 191
Barnum, P. T., 4
Behymer, F. A., 238-239
Belleville Tragedy, 87
Bender, Kate, 124-125
Benders, Bloody, 122-125, 142
Benedict, Miriam, xii
Benford, Henry, 168
Berry, George, 35
Bertillon measurements, 145
Black Widow killers, 26
Bloody Benders, 122-125, 142
Bluebeard, xi-xii, xvi
Bongerz, Phil, 246
Borden, Lizzie, xvi
Bowell, Antipas J., xiii
Bowell, Bo, 20
in Gunness’s inquest, 22-28
on Lamphere’s sanity, 54
postmortem by, 21-22
on the teeth, 203
Bradley, George, 108
Brewster, Harry, 252
Bright, William, 249
Brill, Joseph, 211
Brill, Louise, 211
Britton, O. S., 127
Brogiski, William, 36
Brown, Hazel, 252
Buck, James, 98, 99
Budsberg, Mathias, 98, 99-100
Budsberg, Ole, 36, 98-100
watch of, 144
Budsberg, Oscar, 98, 99-100
Buell, E. R., 126-127
Burk, G. R., 109
Canary, Edward, 108
Canary, J. M., 108
Car, B. R., 17
Car, G. Hile, 17
Carling, Benjamin, 109
Carlson, Charles, 250, 252-253
Carlson, Esther, 250-257, 258
Carpenter, Mabel, 32
Catchousen, Olaf W., 112
Chapin, Edwin, 98
Chase, Bert, 109
Forest Home Cemetery, 19, 80, 259
Hoch’s murders in, 120-121
matrimonial agencies in, 104-106
murder gang theory in, 92-94, 101
newspaper coverage in, 137-138
Norwegians in, 3-5
Chicago American, 87-88, 128
Chicago Daily Journal, 159-160, 199
Chicago Examiner, 92-94, 188, 206
Chicago Inter Ocean, 91, 113
Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, 13
Chicago Tribune, 104-105, 235, 245
on Belle’s missing skull, 78
property ad placed by Gunness in, 18
on sightings of Belle, 113
on Sorenson house fire, 15
chloroform, 88, 141, 232, 233, 236
Christofferson, Chris, 33-34
Cincinnati Enquirer, 234
Claire, Dorothy, xiii
Cleveland Plain Dealer, 76, 260
Clifford, Ella, 66-67
Clifford, Michael, 66-67
in the inquest, 77
Clifford, William
in the fire, 66-67
in the inquest, 77
Clyburn, Henly, xii
Cochrane, Clinton, 81
doubts of about Belle’s death, 102
cognitive closure, 259
Collins, S. B., xiii
Colson, Charles, 255
Colson, Peter, 40, 184
Condon, Chicago Police Chief, 128
Coplin, Joshua M., xiv
corpus delicti, establishing, 166, 169-172, 200-203
Cream, Thomas Neill, 205
Crumpacker, J. W., 98-99
Custer, George Armstrong, 247
Cutler, Austin, 191, 206-207
on identification of Belle’s body, 113
Daly, John “Dennis,” 255-256
Danielson, Harriet, 110-111
Darling, Harry Burr
on accomplice to Belle, 160, 162
Asle Helgelien interview with, 180
on Belle’s body, 77
on bodies discovered, 72-73
on the corpus delicti, 172
on the fire, 68-69
on jury selection, 157-158
on Lamphere and Schill, 80
on Mack testimony, 169
on Norton’s testimony, 177
on poison use, 185-186
on Smith’s opening statement, 163
trial coverage by, 182-183, 209
on women spectators, 194
on Worden, 189, 191, 213
Darrow, Lemuel, 95-96, 102, 130, 156-157
Decorah-Posten, 35, 98, 110
de Rais, Gilles, xi, xvi
Detroit Free Press, 207
Dickenson, Jesse, 130
Diesslin, Dora, 30-31
Diesslin, Louisa, 29, 30-31
Diesslin, William, 30-31
Donaldson, John B., 208
Donovan, John, 127
Doran, William C., 254
Dreiser, Theodore, 10
Drollinger, Jared, 178-179
Duck, Rose, 156-157
Dyer, Amelia, 95
Egbert, Charles, xiv
Erickson, Anna, 250-251, 252, 253-254, 256
Eriksson, Leif, 5
Evans, Edward A., 145
Farnheim, Marie, 60
Finley, H. L., 228-229
First National Bank of La Porte, 49-50, 81, 98
First Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church, 4
Fischer, W. S., 192
Fitts, Buron, 254-256
Fitzgerald, J. M., 115, 159-160
Flynn, Florence, 176-177, 178-179
Fogle, Wesley, 89
forensics, 85-86, 145, 204-205
Forest Home Cemetery, 19, 80, 259
Forest Lake Cemetery, 153
Fort Wayne Daily News
on La Porte crime wave, xv-xvi
on Peter Gunness’s death, 20-21
Fritz, Henrik, 154
Fulton, William, xiv-xv
Gackle, Louise, 202
Gacy, John Wayne, 260
Gaines, Walter S., 119
Garrard, M. H., 194-199
Garwood, Carrie, 59
Gein, Ed, xvi
ghosts, 152-153
Glinn, E. L., 104
gold mining scam, 13-15
Gray, J. Lucian, 171-172, 173
Gray, Lucius, 78
postmortem by, 79
Great Conflagration of 1871 (Chicago), 3
Greening, Emil, 36, 37-38, 39
Greening, Florence, 173-174
Greening, William, 173-174
Grover, S. E., 53, 78
Guild, Arthur Alden, 95
Guinness Book of World Records, 119
Gunderson, Auguste, 109
Gunness, Adolph, 248
Gunness, Belle
accomplices of, 160-161
ads run by, 18, 32, 35-36, 89
appearance of, 6-7, 19
arrival of in Chicago, 9-10
assets of, 32, 42, 80-81, 114, 152-153, 179
attack on at seventeen, 7
auction of estate, 152-153
autopsy on, 85-86
in baby farming, 94-95
Benders compared with, 124-125
body of, 73, 77-78, 79, 85-86
body of, identification issues with, 113, 169-171, 178-179, 191-192
Budsberg and, 98-100
burial of, 153
children of, 13, 29-30 (See also Gunness, Phillip (son); Olson, Jennie (daughter); Sorenson, Axel; Sorenson, Lucy; Sorenson, Myrtle)
conflict with neighbors, 30-31
cunning of, 41-42, 45
declared dead, 147
depravity of, 45
doubts about death of, 88, 93-94, 101-102, 113, 153-154, 200-203, 234, 241-242
early life of, 6-7, 139-140
fame of, 87-88, 131-132, 137-138, 248-249
fascination with, 259-261
fear of being caught, 56, 160-161
first husband of, 11-16
/> in Gunness’s inquest, 22-23
Gurholt and, 33-34
haunting by, 152-153
Helgelien’s correspondence with, 40-48, 52-54, 56-57, 138, 179
Hoch compared with, 121-122
house fire of, 65-69
immigration of, 6
inquest on, 77
insurance profits of, 12-13, 15-16, 26-27, 30
kerosene bought by, 60-61, 190, 192
Lamphere and, attempt to have declared insane, 54
Lamphere and, break between, 53, 54-55, 57-58
Lamphere and, fear of, 58
Lamphere and, initial relationship between, 39-40
Lamphere and, lawsuits against, 54-58
in Lamphere’s trespassing trial, 55-56
last day of, 59-61
Lindboe and, 32-33
maternal impulses of, 11-12
money lust of, 10-11, 95-96
motives and methods of, 95-96, 101, 119, 139-143, 259-261
as Mrs. Carlson, 250-257
murder gang theory on, 92-94
names used by, 10, 18, 43
narrow escapes from, 110-112
nicknames for, 91-92, 249
poem about, 197-198
psychopathy of, 91, 115-118, 137-138, 260-261
relationship of with sister, 10-11
search for, 93-94
search for skull of, 78, 79, 243-247
search for teeth of, 130-131, 144, 146-147, 175-176, 190, 202-203
search for victims of, 83-85
second husband of, 19-28
sexuality of, 40, 184
sightings of, 101-102, 113, 126-132, 152-154, 242-244, 249
strength of, 32
theories about death of, 100-101
“true crime” book on, 139-143
victims’ bodies discovered, 72-73, 84-86, 90-96, 105, 107-113
victims of, 108-112, 119
will of, 60, 80-81
Gunness, Gust, 19
suspicions of, 30
Gunness, Jennie, 12, 18
Gunness, Jennie (daughter), 19, 30
Gunness, Peter, xvi 19-28
appearance of, 18
Belle questioned about, 55-56
death of, 19-20
funeral of, 27-28
inquest on, 21-27
postmortem on, 21-22
suspicions about the death of, 30
Gunness, Phillip (son), 29-30
body of, 72-73, 174-175, 177
burial of, 80, 153
last day of, 60-61
photograph of, 254-256
in the will, 60, 81
Gunness, Swanhild, 30
Gunness Sundays, 152
Gurholt, Henry, 33-34, 110
Haines, John C., 204
Haines, Walter Stanley, 203, 204-206, 207
Hall, W. J., 178
Hans, W. W., 153
Hanson, Charles, 255
Hansteen, Agaton, 7
Harness, Andrew, 244-245
Harness, Cora, 168
Harvey, Samuel, 130
Hearst, William Randolph, 92, 227-228
Helgelien, Andrew, 40-48
appearance and background of, 41-42
arrival of, 48
Asle on, 180
body of discovered, 84-85, 93
body of identified, 145
brother’s search for, 52-54, 56-57, 81-85
burial of, 145
correspondence with, 40-48, 138, 179
disappearance of, 50-51
Lamphere charged in death of, 147, 164-165
Lamphere on death of, 89
Lamphere’s “confession” on, 232-233
Lamphere’s testimony on, 183-184
money of, 44, 49-50
picture postcards of, 134
postmortem on, 119
Smutzer’s testimony on, 187
tombstone of, 180-181
Helgelien, Asle
casket bought by, 145
in La Porte, 82-85
search by for his brother, 52-54, 56-57, 81-85
testimony of, 179-180
Herrold, Charles E., xv
Herron, Cora, 126-128
Higley, Brewster Martin, xiii, xvi
Hilkven, Christian, 35, 110
Hinckley, Belle, 259-260
Hinshaw, Thirza, 87
Hinshaw, William E., 87
Hoch, Caroline, 120, 121
Hoch, Johann, 120-122, 142
Hogenson, Emanuel, 15
Holcomb, Harriet, 17
Holcomb, John W., 17
Holmes, H. H., 93, 142
Hommansbyen, 5
Hotel Teegarden, 83, 87, 168
Howard, Mrs. Edward, 80-81
Hulder, 7
Hulth, John, 52
Humphrey, William
bodies discovered by, 72-73
in the fire, 66-67
in the inquest, 77
Hunt, A. J., 126-127
Hunter, D. J., 35
Hunter, John E., 109
Hutson, Daniel, 67, 200, 215
in the body search, 83-85, 107-108
in the inquest, 77
investigation of Truelson, 161
sighting by, 152
Hutson, Eldora, 152
Hyde, Bennett Clark, 205
Indianapolis News, 193, 229
Interlaken School, 70
International Egg Carrier & Paper Co., 168
Irving, Washington, 182
Iverson, Knud, 4
Jack the Ripper, 117-118
James, Mrs. A., 130
Jefferson, Joe, 178
Jefferson, Thomas, 178
Jensen, Knut Erik, 258
Jensen, Olaf, 110
Jevne, Christian, 4-5
Johnson, August, 145
Jones, Charles E., 16, 116
Kanaga, Melvin, 111
kerosene, 60-61, 190, 192
Kincaid, Robert C., 55-56
Kirby, Gus, 242
Kohn, Minnie, 52
Konitzer, Herman, 109
Koonsman, John, 21
Kruger, Mary, 254
Kruglanski, Arie, 259
Ku Klux Klan, 75, 258
Kulers, Mrs., 109
Lamphere, Hannah, 155, 220-221
Lamphere, Ray
as accomplice, 232, 236-237
accused for the fire, 69
appearance of, 39, 156
arrested, 74-76
attempt to have declared insane, 54
Belle’s body shown to, 77-78
on Belle’s last day, 61
on Belle’s survival, 243
on Belle’s victims, 88-89
break between Belle and, 53, 183-184
collapse of, 158
“confessions” by, 227-240, 260
death of, 229-230
hiring of, 39-40
indictment of, 102-103, 147
innocence maintained by, 155
letter to his mother by, 220-221
mob violence toward, 76
Molloy interview of, 219-220
motive of, 164-165
newspapers on guilt of, 128-129
profits to, 165, 233
psychological makeup of, 159-160
questioning of, 77-78, 103
replaced by Helgelien, 49
sentence on, 219-220
Smith on, 76
spirits of, 178
taken to prison, 223
talks with Schell, 80
trial of (See trial)
tried for trespass, 54-55
tried for vandalism, 57-58
verdict on, 218-223
Lamphere, William W., 39
Lancaster, Jesse A., 250, 253-254
Landers, Delbert, 111
Lapham, Catherine, 29
La Porte, Indiana
crime wave in, xiv-xvi, 20-21
criminals fr
om, xiv-xvi
Gunness on qualities of, 42
Gunness’s farm in, 17-18
Gunness’s move to, 18
notables from, xiii
settlement of, xii-xiii
shadow cast over, 151-154, 208
spectators in, 131-136
La Porte Argus-Bulletin, 112, 147, 151. See also Darling, Harry Burr
on Jennie, 81
on Lamphere and Schill, 80
on Lamphere’s “confession,” 240
Thanksgiving pieces in, 208
trial coverage in, 182-183
La Porte Herald, 82
La Porte in June (Armstrong), xiii
La Porte Weekly Herald, 135-136, 137, 153, 261
on the end of the trial, 219
on Lamphere, 178
on women spectators, 195-196
Larson, John R., 10, 80-81
Larson, Nellie, 10, 11, 153
on Belle’s maternal impulses, 11-12
on Belle’s will, 80-81
premonition of, 16
Larson, Olga, 12
La Salle, Rene-Robert Cavelier de, xii
Lawson, Iver, 4
Leliter, Melvin E., 60, 80-81, 179
Levi, Al, 101-102
Lincoln, Abraham, 208
Lindboe, Olaf, 32-33, 110
Lindstrom, August, 249-256
Lindstrom, Peter H., 249-250
Lohm, John, xiv-xv
Lombroso, Cesare, 116-117
Loncher, Mary Ann, 124
Long, Harry H., 171-172
Long, Mollie, 197-198
Los Angeles Herald, 234
Los Angeles Times, 252, 254-255
love brokers, 104-106
Ludwig, W. H., 203
Luetgert, Adolph, 205
Lula, Stella, 156
L’Uomo deliquente (Criminal Man) (Lombroso), 116-117
MacDonald, F. W., 151
Mack, Charles S.
Gunness declared dead by, 147
in the inquest, 77
testimony of, 169-171, 173
on victims’ bodies, 84-86
magic lantern show, 135
Mandel Brothers, 11, 15
Mann, Jacob J., xiii
Manny, Carter Hugh, 70-71
Marchetti, Joseph, 256
Marr, Leroy, 74
in the inquest, 77
investigation of Truelson, 161
Lamphere questioned by, 74-75
Lamphere’s collapse and, 158
testimony of, 188
Marshall, Thomas R., 228-229
Martin, Clyde, 179
Martin, H. H., 21
Mathewson, Ella, 248
matrimonial agencies, 104-106
Maxson, Joseph, 53, 248
on Belle’s last day, 59-60
Belle’s last day and, 61
in the body search, 83-85, 107-108
complicity of, 213
in the fire, 65-67, 166-167
in the inquest, 77
looters chased by, 97-98
in the search for bodies, 84-86, 90-91
testimony of, 184-186, 192
on the tooth search, 202-203