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My Highland Lover (Highland Hearts)

Page 13

by Maeve Greyson

  So nice and toasty. Trulie relaxed and snuggled deeper. The softly crackling fire lulled her back into the cozy embrace of the warm, velvety darkness.

  A louder snort shattered the stillness and jerked Trulie back to consciousness.

  “Karma! I said roll over.” Trulie didn’t bother opening her eyes, just reached above her head to shove the dog onto his side.

  Warm, smooth skin met her touch. Skin? Trulie’s eyes popped open and she lifted her head. The warm, yellow light of the dancing flames poured across the source of the deep, rumbling snores. Flat on his back, with hands folded across his taut stomach, Gray stretched across one end of the pallet, the end closest to Trulie’s head.

  Trulie blinked hard, then rubbed the corners of her eyes. What the heck was going on? She squinted around the dimly lit room. This was Tamhas’s place. Elongated shadows danced across the low-ceilinged dirt walls. The light of the hearth reflected off objects discarded here and there in Tamhas’s move down to the keep.

  Trulie sat up and looked down. Where the devil were her clothes? Grabbing the pile of blankets pooled around her waist, she yanked them up to her throat.

  Gray remained motionless except for the subtle rise and fall of his chest.

  And what a chest. Trulie couldn’t help but stare. Clutching the rough blankets against her naked body, Trulie inched closer to Gray. Holy crap. Was he naked too? A corner of the blanket draped across Gray’s waist and thighs hid the evidence that would answer that question.

  Trulie scrubbed a hand across her face. What the heck was she doing naked in Tamhas’s cottage—and why was she doing it with Gray? A shiver tickled from the small of her back up into her damp hair.

  Damp hair. Water. Numbing cold. Darkness. Memories tumbled over themselves as though a portion of Trulie’s mind suddenly thawed. She stared closer at the sleeping man. Her heart swelled with a warm rush of emotion as everything became clear. Gray had saved her. Something clicked inside her. Like the last piece of a puzzle popped into place. Trulie eased in a deep breath. Yes. He…fits me.

  The firelight flickered across the ridges of Gray’s muscled form. Trulie released her stranglehold on the blankets and barely held them to her chest. Those powerful arms had cradled her against that broad chest. Her body hummed with the memory, the tingling sensation fully imprinted in her flesh.

  “Go back t’sleep, lass,” Gray murmured through a slight yawn.

  Trulie jerked the blankets back up under her chin. “I thought you were asleep,” she squeaked.

  Gray settled his folded hands lower across his flat stomach and smiled without opening his eyes. “I was.”

  Tucking the blanket all the way around her, Trulie locked the folds tight underneath her arms. “Would you mind explaining to me why we are both sleeping here…uhm…naked?”

  Gray drew in a deep breath. The delicious plane of broad chest expanded even more. A jaw-cracking yawn echoed through the darkness as he settled deeper into the pallet. “Our clothes were soaked. Stripping down is the best way to get warm and dry.” The bit of blanket tossed just below Gray’s stomach appeared to be rising into a very impressive tent.

  Oh my. Trulie scooted to the edge of the pallet farthest from the fire. The heat of the room suddenly seemed almost smothering. “Do you think we could open those shutters? It’s kind of hot in here.”

  Gray rolled over onto his side and propped his head in one hand. The impressive blanket tent shifted to a pile of teasing folds just below his waist. “Aye,” Gray rumbled softly. “ ’Tis verra warm in here.”

  Trulie’s fingers itched to trace the lines of those strong arms that had held her close. The glow of the fire turned Gray’s skin to burnished copper. He stared at her, unblinking.

  Trulie parted her lips and drew in a shallow breath. Do it, her inner voice dared. Should she? Really? What the hell are you waiting for? the wicked voice prodded again. Trulie drew in a deeper breath, lowered her hands and allowed the blanket to fall away.

  Gray’s stare never wavered. There was raw hunger in his eyes. Slowly, he stretched an open hand toward her. “Come t’me,” he whispered.

  Trulie sat hypnotized. The increased patter of her heart rate threatened to leave her breathless.

  “Come t’me,” Gray repeated, a hair’s breadth louder. His deep voice stroked her like a lover’s caress. He didn’t move an inch toward her, just waited, hand outstretched.

  Trulie rose up on her knees and leaned across the pallet. Moving toward Gray on all fours, her body burned hotter, matching the inferno blazing in his eyes. When she reached him, she barely rested her fingertips in his warm, calloused palm. Trulie hitched in a quick breath. A sense of completeness tingled through her. Yes. This is meant to be. And it isn’t alcohol talking this time.

  Slow and steady, Gray gently pulled her closer. He slid his hand to the swell of her hip and cupped his palm to her behind. “I want ye,” he rasped as he leaned up and brushed her parted lips with his.

  Trulie closed her eyes and gave herself to the sensations exploding across her senses. Yes, I need this. Teasing lips…so insistent. The taste of him…warm and rich, flavored with the intoxicating spirits she vaguely remembered sipping as Gray held her head. Trulie opened wider to the kiss, melting into Gray’s embrace as she molded herself against his chest.

  Gray rolled her to her back without breaking the intimate connection. He smoothed his fingertips down her jawline as he deepened the claiming and hungrily took more.

  Trulie opened to the taking. She knotted her fingers through his still-damp hair, arching into his touch as Gray’s hands traveled across her body. Her nipples burned with need, hardening into tight buttons as Gray kissed a circle around the fullness of one breast then suckled her nipple deep into his mouth. Trulie shuddered, rocking her body hard against Gray as waves of pleasure swept through her. Damnation. I have drowned and landed in paradise.

  She smoothed her palms down Gray’s back, hands burning with the pleasure of touching him. She urged him closer, wrapping her legs around him as he shifted between her thighs.

  Gray rumbled with a soft chuckle as he rose from nibbling a fiery trail down the center of her stomach. “Och, now. Patience, m’love. Such a joining should ne’er be rushed.” He cradled her in the crook of one arm as he traced a teasing finger down her curves, then slid it into her wetness.

  Trulie bucked into the heel of Gray’s hand as he deftly massaged her mound faster and harder, then slid a second finger inside her alongside the first. Waves of pleasure burned through her as Gray swallowed her moans with a hungry kiss.

  As the delicious spasms slowly abated, Gray kept his fingers deep inside her and ever so slowly worked his thumb back and forth across her still throbbing nub. With every stroke of Gray’s masterful hand, the urge to flip him onto his back and mount him grew ever stronger.

  “More,” Trulie panted against his mouth as she wrapped a leg around his flank and pushed against him. “I need you. Now,” she groaned as she slid, wet and eager against the length of his hardness and those damn teasing fingers.

  Every nerve ending pulsed as Gray took his cock and teased it against her opening. He swirled and rubbed the swollen head against the heat she longed to wrap around him. Trulie shuddered, aching with excruciating pleasure. Damnation. She needed him inside her. All the way. Now. “If you don’t take me now I’m going to die.” Trulie slid her hand down between them, grabbed his cock and aligned it for immediate entry.

  “As ye will it,” Gray chuckled against her parted lips. He slid both arms beneath her and settled down hard between her thighs. “As ye will it,” he groaned again as he shoved forward and seated himself to the hilt.

  Trulie convulsed with the joining. A gasping moan escaped her as the connection crashed wave after wave of almost unbearable pleasure through her flesh. Trulie bucked and met Gray thrust for thrust, until the night shattered and her senses exploded with the most blissful of sensations. Gray’s room-shaking growl echoed her cries as his body
tensed beneath her hands then hammered into her with primal urgency.

  Gray collapsed atop her, spent and gasping, his arms tightening around her. Trulie closed her eyes and molded even tighter against him. What better way to stay warm at night than by snuggling under your very own Highlander?

  Gray rumbled with what sounded like a deep satisfied purr as he kissed the tender spot behind her ear and nuzzled a hungry trail down to her collarbone. He slid his hand down to the curve of her hip and snugged her body tighter around his already returning hardness. He lifted his head and lightly kissed the tip of her nose. “I fear there shall be no more sleeping tonight, mo chridhe,” he whispered with a wicked grin.

  “As you will it,” Trulie replied as she wrapped her legs around him and squeezed.


  “Are you warm enough, gal?” Granny draped another wrap across her legs and tucked the ends snug inside the chair. “You haven’t said two words since Gray brought you down from Tamhas’s mountain.”

  Trulie wiggled her toes in the luxury of a pan of hot water, breathing deeply the herb-scented steam wafting up around her. “I’m fine, Granny.” Sort of. Truth be told, she was a muddled mess of confused emotions. What the devil was she going to do now? She’d planned on returning to the future. But now? Warmth was the least of her worries.

  Granny studied her, peering over the top of her spectacles, perched on their usual spot at the end of her nose. “Coira will be here soon with a nice breakfast that’ll stick to your ribs and warm you from the inside out.”

  Trulie stared at the fire. The soft, rolling glow of the red-orange coals triggered memories of last night. The firelight had burnished their skin a coppery gold. Gray had cradled her back against his chest as they watched the fire. His husky whisper had warmed her cheek as he’d spoken Gaelic, then fully ensnared her heart when he’d explained the meaning of the words. Trulie blinked, breaking the spell of the memory. Granny had been dead on the money. She yearned to hear Gray’s deep voice whisper her name in the darkness. She finally understood what Granny meant. Gray was the one.

  “Trulie?” Granny pulled a stool up beside the chair. “I’ve got just the thing to raise your spirits. How ’bout if we check on your sisters?”

  Poor Granny. She didn’t understand. There was nothing wrong with her spirits. Currently, she only had two major problems: one, she’d fallen—and fallen hard—for a man from the thirteenth century, and two, Granny had been right about finding love in the past. The second problem was actually the biggest problem of all. Because it wasn’t beneath Granny to do the I told you so dance. Trulie nodded and patted Granny’s hand. “Talking to the girls would be great. I couldn’t see them the last time we opened the portal.”

  Granny pushed up from the stool, grabbed the iron poker propped against the hearth, and stirred the fire. The action awakened the flames hidden in the chunks of wood, and soon yellow-white tongues of fire danced among the coals. Granny bent and scraped up a handful of cooled ashes piled against the stones. She stood for a long moment, unblinking, fully focused on the flames. Then with a barely perceptible nod, she bent and softly blew the handful of ashes into the blaze.

  The coals glowed brighter and the flames crackled and popped. A hollow roaring whooshed up the flue as an inky darkness rose from the center of the coals and grew until it spread across the width of the flames.

  Kenna’s yawning, sleepy-eyed face flickered into view. “Seriously, Granny? It’s two in the morning.”

  Granny frowned, then silently counted by tapping a thumb across her fingertips. “Sorry, gal. I forgot the time difference was still the same, even across centuries.”

  Kenna yawned again, turned and shouted back over one shoulder. “You two get up. Granny and Trulie are on the line.”

  Trulie’s heart warmed. Little sister sounded as though she’d fully embraced the job of head of household. She leaned closer to the fire. “How did the twins do on their history test? You said they were having the same problems we did about finding all the errors in the history books.”

  “We aced them.” Lilia shouldered Kenna aside. “Kenna told us to lie and just put down the answers the teacher wanted to hear.”

  “Kenna!” Granny shook her finger at the girls’ image wavering above the flames. “What did I tell you?”

  “You and I will talk later about throwing me under the bus.” Kenna pushed Lilia out of the picture. “Go get Mairi so she can say hi.”

  Lilia pushed back into the picture and waved. “Love you, Granny! Love you, Trulie!”

  “Love you more!” Trulie waved back. Damn, she missed those pestering little rascals.

  Mairi wavered into view, her eyes barely open. “Is something wrong?”

  “No, gal.” Granny motioned to Trulie. “We just wanted to check in. It’s been a few days.”

  Mairi yawned and listed slightly to one side. Kenna grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her back upright. “She’s toast. She stayed up till just about an hour ago reading some book on medicinal herbs.”

  “We love you, Mairi. Go back to bed.” Trulie nudged Granny’s shoulder and pointed to the portal. “Look. She didn’t even make it past the couch.”

  Granny chuckled and gently blew another fistful of ashes into the hearth. “Take care, my babies. We’ll check back in a few days.”

  Kenna’s image wavered as she smiled and waved. “Love you both bunches!”

  “Love you more!” Trulie waved back, a pang of homesickness settling like a weight across her as the fire portal closed.

  A soft rap on the door preceded Coira’s singsong chirp. “Time for breakfast. I’ve a fine feast, sure to warm yer bones.”

  “Let me dry your feet, gal.” Granny held a cloth ready as she nodded across the room at Coira. “She’ll sit over at yon table, Coira.”

  Coira’s cheerful humming filled the room as she eased a linen-covered platter and a pitcher down on the table. She fixed Trulie with a mischievous look as she uncovered the food and tucked the linen into the waistband of her skirt. “Ye know, mistress, I canna remember the day when our chieftain has e’er been so happy. Cook said she heard him actually singing as he passed through the kitchens.”

  Trulie glared at Coira as she settled in the chair at the table. Hush it. “I’m glad Chieftain MacKenna’s spirits are lifted. From what I’ve gathered, he’s had more than his share of unhappiness.”

  Coira snorted and bobbed with a polite curtsy. “Oh, aye. That he has. But I do believe he’s finally found the cure for his unhappiness.”

  “I may be old but I’m not stupid.” Granny took a bannock, split it in two, and smeared a healthy dollop of honey over it. “Eat this first and then I want you to try and get down some of that parritch.” She pushed the pewter dish with the bannock in front of Trulie. “And I’m well aware of what happened last night.” Granny straightened and squared her shoulders with a proud wiggle. “I told you so.”

  “You just couldn’t wait to say that, could you?” Trulie tore off a hunk of the bannock and popped it in her mouth. The warm, chewy bread covered with honey softened Granny’s I told you so dance just a bit.

  Granny drizzled more of the honey over the steaming bowl of oats, a smug look brightening her face. “There’s nothing wrong with taking credit where credit is due.” She pushed the bowl in front of Trulie. “Now eat up. Tamhas said Gray has agreed to teach you to ride.”

  Trulie nearly choked on the sip of water. Last night’s riding lesson had been stellar, but she was pretty sure Granny was referring to riding a horse. She coughed and pushed the bowl of oats to the side. “You know I don’t eat oatmeal.”

  Granny plopped the bowl back in front of her. “Eat it. You’re going to need your strength.” She added another healthy dollop of honey and stirred it in with a wooden spoon. “Once you’re able to ride a horse, we’re going to the gravesite to pay our respects.”

  The gravesite. Trulie took the spoon from Granny and plopped it upright in the gummy oats. “Do you th
ink we can find it?” It had been over fifteen years since her parents died. Highland weather could erase a lot in fifteen years.

  “We’ll find it.” Granny nodded, gave her a soft pat on her shoulder, then leaned in close and laughed as she whispered, “Now eat your oats like a good Scottish lass. Ye’ve got a braw bonnie man to keep happy.”

  Trulie shoved a spoonful of the gummy oats into her mouth and tried not to gag. What a price to pay for an unforgettable night with a Highland lover.

  Chapter 12

  “Ye ne’er rode a horse before ye rode wi’ me?” Gray stared at her. Disbelief tilted his head to one side. “How d’ye travel in Kentucky? D’ye always ride in a wagon? Or are ye able to walk everywhere since the land is filled with so many”—What had she called them? Metro…metro…politans? That was it—“since Kentucky is covered with metro…politans?”

  Trulie took a step back from the docile, brown mare patiently standing before her. She frowned, crossed her arms over her chest, and ran her gaze from the back end of the horse to its head. As she reached out and hesitantly touched a hand to the horse’s neck, Trulie glanced back at Gray. “You remember that monster with the glowing eyes? The one that tried to run you down?”

  How the hell could he forget? Gray set his jaw and swallowed hard. He thought Tamhas had surely sent him straight to some hellish world when that roaring apparition had charged him.

  “Aye.” He finally nodded. “What of it?”

  “That was a truck.” Trulie skittered closer to the patient mare as another horse moved in the stall behind her. Casting a nervous glance back, Trulie slid well out of reach of the long black nose now stretching toward her.

  “Aye. Ye best watch that one there.” Gray chuckled as he gently pulled Trulie over until he stood between her and the inquisitive black horse. “Cythraul likes to pull hair.”

  Trulie’s hand flew to the thick braid coiled at the base of her neck and snugged it tighter into a bun. She leaned sideways, peeping around Gray and eying the horse much like a timid mouse watches a sleeping cat.


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