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Best of 2017

Page 53

by Alexa Riley

  I've never paid much attention to why I am the way I am.

  I guess not having a mother does play into it - I've always known my dad spoiled me because I only had one parent. I think of myself as quite intelligent, knowing I'll always get what I want if I play my cards right. But with Mason... it makes me different.

  It makes me want to be real, not lie constantly and cover up the little untruths that have a tendency to spill from my mouth. It makes me want to lose control for once in my life.

  I don't know how much time I spend in the garden, but when I get up to leave, it's pitch dark outside.

  I smooth down my simple, long dress. I'm wearing it over my bikini as I had planned on testing out the pool tonight - something I've longed to do for a while now. But the day passed faster than I intended it to. I wonder if I could take a night dip.

  I head to the pool in the back of the house and look around to make sure I'm alone. Then, I strip off my dress, and on second thought, my bikini too. I dive into the pool, relishing the feeling of the cool water against my skin.

  I swim, I float, I let the water wash away my worries. I don't notice that I'm crying until I hear a splash.

  I stand on my toes, panic taking over as I see a body in the water.

  Instinctively, I cover up my pussy and my tits, my chest heaving with suppressed panic.

  A male form emerges from the water. I know right away who it is, and as he wipes away the water from his face and grins at me, I know this won't end well.

  "Hello, Cara," he says sweetly, but he's slurring his words.

  "Luca," I say in a shaky voice. "Do you mind? I... I don't have a swimsuit on."

  He approaches me, the water making his movements painfully slow.

  "How delicious," he says. "Let's play now, Cara."

  I scramble to get away from him, a million thoughts racing through my mind.

  What is he doing here?

  Didn't he leave last night?

  Mason wouldn't want us alone together. I think he doesn't trust Luca.


  Where is Mason?

  I push my feet off the ground, trying to get outside of the pool desperately. Any notion of shame at Luca seeing me naked is forgotten as I realize there is a bigger risk at play.

  He wants to hurt me.

  I've known that since the first time I met him.

  It's what made me so uncomfortable around him.

  He makes a grab for me, reaching towards my naked skin. His fingers brush my hip and I scream, loud and scared and panicked. I try to run in the cool water, but my foot slips on the slippery floor of the pool, and I crash face first into the pool.

  Strong arms wrap around me, one of them going to my face and covering up my mouth with a thick, meaty palm. I scream into his hand but no sound comes out, only muffled whispers.

  Luca pulls me towards him, makes me face him and stares me down with a cruel, glazed-over look on his face. If I wasn’t sure he was drunk before, it’s painfully obvious now. His breath it tinged with alcohol, he reeks of booze. He holds me down firmly and I struggle in his arms.

  “What’s so special about you, then?” Luca’s slurring at me. “You must have a magic fucking pussy if it made the old man like you this much.”

  My cheeks burn up as he reaches for my throat, his nasty fingers wrapping around my neck and choking me. Hot tears of helplessness fall from my eyes, stinging my cheeks on the way down.

  “Get your fucking hands off her, NOW!”

  Someone’s yell interrupts us, and Luca lets go of me like he’s been burned. We turn to face the garden, where Mason is pulling off his clothes before diving into the water.

  I sob, unable to stop my body from heaving from what I’ve just experienced. Mason resurfaces and grabs Luca by the throat as I retreat out of the pool, grabbing a towel I’d brought with me earlier and wrapping my shivering naked body inside it.

  The two men are fighting in the pool, throwing punches at one another. Mason’s got the upper hand – he’s bigger, broader, and he’s pissed.

  I shiver on the lounge chair, retreating somewhere deep inside of myself as the two take it out on each other. I don’t know how much time has passed when Mason emerges with Luca from the pool, holding him down with disgust.

  Luca has a bloody nose – maybe even broken. He’s crying like a child.

  “You’re leaving,” Mason tells him. “Right the fuck now. And you’re not coming back.”

  “You can’t kick me out,” Luca groans, wiping the blood from his face.

  “Can’t I?” Mason snarls, pulling him closer by the throat and making the younger man groan in pain. “I don’t owe you shit, little boy. And when you pick on her,” he gestures towards me, “you’re picking on my fucking property. I don’t want to see you near her again.”

  He pushes Luca to the ground and I look away when the man tries to make eye contact. I can’t stand to look at him, not after he scared me so badly.

  “You’re picking her over me?” Luca asks angrily. “She’s just a piece of fucking ass, Mason! When are you going to realize that, old man?”

  “Get. The fuck. Out.” Mason emphasized every word with a jab in Luca’s throat, and the younger man laughs bitterly.

  “Call me when you’re alone again,” he says to Mason and storms off, his clothes dripping with water from the pool.

  Mason approaches me as soon as Luca is gone from the garden. He gathers me in his arms and lifts me up.

  “You can’t carry me,” I protest softly. “I’m too heavy for that.”

  “Shut up,” he says gently. “You weigh nothing.”

  He carries me inside the house, into his own bedroom. He dries me off with the towel, wrapping my hair up and putting PJs on me like he’s dressing a little doll. He tucks me into bed and climbs in along with me, his fingers trailing a line down my arms.

  “Where were you?” I ask him. “I didn’t know… I thought you left me here by myself.”

  “I had to deal with some shit,” Mason says roughly. “Luca… he got into a fight at some bar. I had to go intervene. I had no idea he’d come back here, sweetheart. He was gone by the time I got there.”

  I sniffle and he pulls me tightly against his chest, crushing me on top of him. I climb on top of his strong, muscular body, and Mason’s hands go to my hips, holding me in place as I settle down.

  “Don’t leave me again,” I beg him.

  “Never,” he mutters in my hair.



  A FEW DAYS LATER, as we're having lunch, Mason tells me he wants to take me out. I get excited right away, remembering the trip we took to Venice and hoping for something similar.

  "Where are we going?" I ask right away, finishing off my plate of chicken salad.

  "I can't tell you," he grins at me. "That would just spoil the surprise, wouldn't it?"

  I pout, but only for a little while. We've spent every hour of the past few days together, trying to put what happened with Luca behind us. I think it's working, and it's making us grow closer as well.

  "Meet me downstairs at seven p.m. sharp," Mason tells me, and I nod.

  A million other questions race through my mind and I have to bite my lip before they slip from my tongue. Where are we going in the evening? Will we spend the night there? Will there be other people?"

  Mason's leaving the room, but as an afterthought, he turns around and grins at me.

  "I want you to wear a skirt," he tells me. "Your sluttiest, shortest one."

  I blush, but find myself nodding nonetheless.

  "And, sweetheart?"

  I look up at him, my cheeks burning up. He grins, showing me his perfect smile and making me get wet on that dining room chair.

  "Underwear is not optional. I want your ass bare in that skirt."

  With that, he leaves the dining room, leaving me guessing.

  I SPEND the rest of the day finding an appropriate outfit. Of course, I know what I should wear
the whole time I'm digging through my suitcases. But it's just a little bit too much - too revealing, too sexy. My dad would kill me if he saw me in it.

  In the end, I decide I don't really have a choice. I have to wear my shortest skirt, like Mason said. If I don't, he's going to find out somehow and punish me for disobeying.

  I bring out the black leather miniskirt. It's short as hell, and I don't even know what I was thinking, bringing it with me. It's so not my style. Still, I slip it on along with a frilly white blouse that's cropped in the front. I don't really have anything that goes with it. I obey Mason's orders and don't put on a bra or panties. But on second thought, I go for a pair of fishnets I bought in secret back at home with one of my girlfriends. It'll help me feel less naked.

  The car is waiting for us as I come downstairs. It's Mason's usual ride, the black one that almost looks like a limo. Filippe doesn't comment on my outfit as he opens the back door for me, even though my cheeks are burning up. I'm thankful that he chooses to ignore what's going on here.

  I climb into the backseat, and a strong hand guides me in. Sitting down on the plush leather of the chair, I blush as my eyes meet Mason's.

  "My, my," he says roughly. "Don't you look like a fucking dream, princess. Always have loved a girl in fishnets."

  He's wearing a suit - so expensive I'm almost worried to touch it. The sharp contrast between our outfits is jarring and makes me question where we're going once again.

  "It's going to be quite a long ride, sweetheart," he tells me. "So sit down next to me and let me talk to you for a little while."

  I do as I'm told and he tickles my arm, making me giggle.

  "Cat got your tongue?" Mason teases me.

  "No, I just..." I feel like I'll never stop blushing. "I just feel so... exposed."

  "Good." His reply is simple.

  The car pulls out of the driveway and we're on our way. I want to focus on the landscape outside the car window, but I find myself sneaking glances at Mason instead. The partition separating us from Filippe is up, and I feel safer knowing he can't see or hear us.

  "I wanted to tell you something," Mason says.

  He's running a hand through my hair absentmindedly. I remembered him saying he liked it down and left it natural today, just freshly washed and falling in big waves down my shoulders.

  "What is it?" I ask him, genuinely curious.

  "It's about Luca."

  His words make me freeze on the spot, but Mason coaxes me into his lap, smoothing down my hair. I mewl, feeling the hardness of his cock between his legs, only a scrap of fabric separating it from my pussy. God, I want him.

  "I don't want to talk about him," I say weakly. "I really don't... Sir."

  He groans, obviously pleased I've remembered to address him properly.

  "I do," he says, as if it's as simple as that. "So we're going to talk about it, right the hell now."

  I squirm on his lap, but he grabs ahold of my wrists and makes me sit up straight on his lap.

  "I was married to Luca's mother," he tells me roughly. "She was older than me, about ten years. I met her at a business event and fell in love. I was pretty young. Pretty fucking stupid."

  I want him to go on, every pause he takes between sentences feeling like a cold shower. Finally, he speaks up again.

  "Luca was hers, from her first marriage. She never really gave a shit about him, though," he says. "And I had no clue how to raise a kid. Fuck, I wasn't even thirty at the time. I still have no idea."

  He rocks me on his hips and I listen to his hypnotizing voice, hoping he'll share more with me. And he does.

  "She... she left me after a few years," he explains. "She left Luca, as well. Said she'd give me money if I took care of the kid. I agreed. I needed to invest in some business, and the money she gave me helped."

  His hands form fists and I can tell he's not pleased about how it went down.

  "So he's been living with me, though he's really at school most of the time," he finishes. "And he's troubled. The thing with his mom... it's fucked him up. I don't know if he'll ever be normal. Not that the rest of us are."

  He quietens down and I play with a button on his shirt.

  "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I want to know, and Mason shrugs, giving me an intense look.

  "I didn't want you to know about my dirty past," he says. "I didn't want you to think I was some kind of slimy bastard. I've repayed her all the money. I make enough by myself now, but Luca... he doesn't really have another place to go."

  I nod and press myself closer to his chest. I can hear the steady thumps of his heart and it makes me feel safe. We stay like that for a wile, my head resting on him, listening to his heartbeat. We've been driving for ages, but I don't really mind.

  "Cara," Mason finally says, and I stir from the state I'm in. "Sit back on your chair. I want to play a game with you now, sweetheart."

  I do as I'm told, feeling my pussy tingle as I climb off him and onto the car seat.

  "Take your tits out for me," Mason orders me, and I shiver under the weight of his order.

  "N-now?" I'm hesitating, but my fingers are already poised over the buttons of my blouse.

  "Now," he nods.

  I undo them slowly, one at a time. I don't take the blouse off, but I let it part and reveal my little tits to him, my puffy pink nipples tightening into buds under his watchful eyes.

  "Pretty girl," Mason murmurs, leaning over to me. "Such a pretty fucking girl."

  He's got his mouth pressed against my ear, his fingers gently going to my chest. I gasp, really loudly.

  "Shhh," Mason coos. "Quiet now, baby. Don't want Filippe to hear, do you?"

  I shake my head no and he starts caressing my skin, long, barely-there touches of my skin. Never on my nipples. All over my chest and down my tummy. I feel the familiar tingle between my legs, realizing my pussy's getting really fucking wet.

  He toys with me, touching me so lightly I can almost convince myself I'm imagining it.

  "I want to strip you naked," he whispers in my ear. "Right here. Make Filippe pull over and fuck you on the hood of this car, parting your whore legs wide and sliding into that pussy."

  I mewl, feeling myself drip on the plush leather of the chair.

  "More," I beg him in the smallest voice. "I want more, please."

  "Beg pretty, sweetheart," Mason grins against my ear.

  "Please, Sir," I mumble. "Please, touch me some more, say more things to make me wet."

  "I want to feel your wetness," he tells me. "Lick it, taste it, fucking feel it, princess. I want to sink my cock into your pussy and feed it to you later so you can taste yourself on my dick. I want to claim your sweet little ass."

  I squirm at his words, making Mason chuckle.

  "I'm going to do it eventually, baby," he promises me. "I'm going to own all of your holes."

  He keeps running his fingers along my skin and, combined with the whispered promises, it's driving me fucking insane. I'm realizing I'm going to leave a wet mark on the car seat when I get out, and it makes me blush even more.

  Just then, I realize the car's come to a stop. Mason grins at me and opens the door. I try to look outside and see where we are, but it's already gotten dark. We must've been driving for a while.

  Mason opens the door on my side, and offers me a hand to help me climb out of the car. I accept it gratefully, covering my naked ass. It makes Mason laugh.

  As soon as I'm out, I try to close the door, hide the wet mark I've left on his seat. But Mason notices it right away, and his eyes light up with mischief.

  "Filippe's not gonna be pleased about that soaked seat," he tells me, and I blush.

  I finally take a moment to look around us. We're in front of a house, and there's a long line of people waiting to be let inside. They're all staring at us, all of them in expensive clothes, ball gowns and tuxedos. I flush with embarrassment at my outfit, at what I'd done in the car.

  "I think you'll have to apologize," Maso
n tells me, and before I can stop him, he calls out for his driver. "Filippe, Cara here had a little accident in the car."

  The driver looks at me blankly, and I blush so much I'm sure I'll just catch on fire.

  "I..." I can't even get the words out. "I'm sorry for ruining your seat."

  "Go on, sweetheart, tell him what happened," Mason prompts me.

  "I..." I give him a helpless look, but he's unrelenting. "I let my pussy drip all over the car seat."

  "Good fucking girl," Mason tells me.

  Filippe walks away and I can feel dozens of eyes on me as Mason comes closer.

  "I hate you," I tell him, and he chuckles.

  "I know, sweetheart," he says simply. "You're about to hate me a whole lot more, though."

  I give him a blank look and he grins at me.

  "Get down on your knees and lick the seat clean," he says lazily. "Right the hell now. We're already late."

  I can feel the eyes on me, all the people standing in line. I don't know any of them and they don't know me. But they're going to remember this, that's for sure.

  I want to protest, but the thought of getting on my knees, exposing my cunt to everyone here, is somehow turning me on. Keeping my eyes trained on Mason, I sink to my knees on the asphalt.

  I turn around and brace my palms on the seat, fully aware that my pussy is out on display. I lean over and slowly start licking at the supple leather, tasting my own pussy on the seat. The fact he didn't give me a choice is almost liberating. I feel eyes on me and it almost makes me cum. I hold it back, but a long moan is ripped from my throat as I clean the car seat with my tongue.

  "Good girl," Mason tells me, the pride obvious in his voice. "Such a good girl. Now it's time to go inside, sweetheart. Let's get this party started."



  BEFORE WE HEAD INSIDE, I have a final surprise for Cara.

  I walk her to the top of the stairs leading into the house, past the crowd gathering outside and waiting to be let in. When we're standing at the doorway, loud music blasting through the door, I reach for her swan-like neck, wrapping my big hands over it. I move her hair out of the way and she looks at me with those big, innocent eyes that are making me swell in my trousers.


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