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Rock My World: MMF Bisexual Romance Two Book Collection

Page 13

by Bianca Vix

  The closer I get, the more I take in. She’s fucking hot. Sexy dress. Long hair, pulled back. I can’t imagine what she’s doing in a hotel bar this early on a weekday. But then again, this is Manhattan. Twenty-four hour city, and who knows how everyone spends their time. A lot of people don’t act like they have a job to get to.

  Which leaves a lot of options open for me. And if I can’t get any sleep, I’m sure as fuck going to be doing something else in bed.

  I run my hand through my hair, smoothing it out before I reach her. Somehow I manage to pull up another smile.

  She’s checking me out as I make my way over. I can’t tell if she recognizes me or not. I couldn’t care less if she doesn’t.

  Just makes it all a little easier if she does.

  Just for an instant, her gaze flicks down to my crotch.


  I catch her eyes with mine as I gesture at her table. “Do you—”

  “Have a seat.”

  Bold. I like that. Reminds me of Shayla. Her confidence was always more understated though, not in your face at all. She just knows what she wants and goes for it.

  Fuck. I’m not going to ruin this by letting Shayla into my thoughts. Not now.

  It’s my first real day off in I don’t know how long. I’m going to enjoy every single minute of it.

  I settle in, taking a long drink of the beer I brought over with me. “I’m Jett. Are you staying in this hotel?”

  “I’m Arlene. Yes, I’m in town for a conference. It’s my last day here, so I can finally relax. What about you?”

  “Yeah, I’m here for a few days too. Relaxing.” She doesn’t know who I am. That’s different. Kind of nice. I can be anonymous. Not a rock star for a couple of hours. Works for me.

  She leans in closer. “It’s nice to meet you, Jett. I don’t have a lot of time before I meet some colleagues for dinner.” Her hand moves to my leg.

  I need to live in a world where there are more women like her. “This is a nice hotel. I bet you have a great room. Maybe you can show it to me.”

  “I’d like that.” Arlene stands up, her long form unfolding before me like a treasure map I want to explore. “I need a moment to freshen up.”

  “Take your time.”

  She heads off in the direction of the bathroom. Watching her walk away is getting me more in the mood with every passing second. I head up to the bar.

  “Irish coffee. No cream.”

  The bartender doesn’t bat an eye at my unusual drink request. It’s the first time I’ve never gotten so much as a raised eyebrow about it. But why would you ever waste any space when your glass could be totally full of alcohol and caffeine? Makes no sense.

  I’m halfway through the best drink in the world when a woman slides onto the barstool beside me. That was fast. It’s a lot easier to call up a smile for Arlene now, but it freezes on my face when I see that it’s not her.

  “Still drinking that mess?”

  What the fuck?

  It’s Shayla.

  It can’t be. There’s no way in hell. I must be imagining her.

  But I blink, and nothing changes. It’s her. Sitting here all casual, except for staring at me like she can see right through me. Like it hasn’t been months since we laid eyes on each other. Somehow, she looks even better than I remember. Her hair’s shorter and damn, does it suit her like this. Framing her gorgeous face and bringing out her eyes. I give my head a shake.

  I swallow down some more of my favorite drink. The one that she’s always hated. “No reason to stop.”

  “How are you, Jett?” Her eyes are the prettiest blue I’ve ever seen. No-one can compare to her. Not any woman I’ve met before or since. I always believed we’d be together forever.

  But the last thing I need is a girlfriend. Not now. Not ever. Who needs love when you can have all the sex you want? Any time, and any place. No strings. No heartache.

  I have no interest in love. Not anymore.

  “I’m good. Couldn’t be better. What brings you here, Shayla?” New York is the place you come to when you want to disappear. Not that I’m trying to do that. I just want a change from all the constant attention that being in the spotlight brings, twenty-four seven. This is my day off. My fun day off.

  Not international Get Slapped In The Face With My Past day.

  “I work a couple blocks away. This is where a few of us come for drinks after work. I finished early today, so I’m here to grab us a good table.”

  “You need to do that here?” I glance around the quiet bar. There’s like ten people in the big, wide open space.

  “Oh, yeah. It’s dead now. But after six, there’s an instant line to get in. It’s too crazy, and this is our favorite place. I’d ask what you’re doing here, but I heard Tailspin’s in town for a few nights.”

  Talking to Shayla like we’re just acquaintances is beyond weird. “Yeah, you heard right. We’re playing at MSG.”

  “The Garden.” Her expression softens. “Just like you always wanted. That’s great, Jett.”

  “Ready to go?” Arlene’s come up beside me. Her expression changes when she notices Shayla sitting on my other side. Her tone changes, too. “Or are you busy?”

  Shayla gazes at her as if the situation is somehow funny. “Don’t let me interrupt anything.”

  “You’re not.” I turn to Arlene. “This isn’t really a good time.”

  Arlene’s already walking off. “Goodbye, Jett.” She doesn’t even look upset. More like she knows what’s going on here somehow.

  Which is funny, since I sure as hell don’t.

  I swallow hard. The only thing I know is Shayla. I know every inch of her.

  Her lips curl up. “I didn’t mean to derail your hookup.”

  I shake my head. I don’t care that much. Not anymore. Shayla’s long legs are distracting me from anyone else in the world but her. Her dark dress is hugging her curves in all the right places.

  Every part of my body is waking up at the idea of lifting her up and pinning her to a wall. My lips on her skin. Her fingernails digging into my back.

  I don’t feel like this with any other woman. No groupie anywhere ever has this kind of effect on me. I’ve done the research. Tried to find another woman who feels anything close to Shayla.

  There’s no-one.

  “I have to go.” Shayla slides off the barstool.

  I grab her hand. “You just got here.” No matter how over we are, I don’t want to let her go. Not yet. My fingertip traces over her wrist.

  “The bar’s filling up. I’ve got to get a table, and then I’m hanging out with my friends. We’re celebrating, actually. There’s two birthdays today.”

  She’s eye to eye with me when she’s standing up and I’m sitting on the barstool. Those long legs of hers are making me crazy.

  My cock wants to take over and decide everything.

  That can’t happen.

  Shayla’s gazing into my eyes as if she can see directly into my soul. “Good to run into you, Jett. Weird, but good.”

  I have to let her go. “Yeah. You too.”

  It’s almost impossible to tear my eyes off her as she walks away. I should be used to her leaving.

  I’m not.

  She glances over her shoulder. Her sexy mouth curves into a bright smile. It’s only for a moment, before she turns away again. But it’s the best thing I’ve seen in a very long time.

  Chapter 6


  I turn so I’m facing away from Shayla’s table. I scowl at my empty mug before I signal the bartender for another drink.

  Exhaustion slams into me like a wrecking ball. From everything that’s been building up for the past few days. From all the travelling, playing one show after another. It’s a lot to take. Normally it wouldn’t be an issue for me. I love touring, and I can never play enough shows. Especially these days. Sold-out arenas. Everyone screaming for us. The after parties. The sex.

  Nothing wrong with that.

; But I haven’t been sleeping much lately. Hardly at all. Every time I manage to drift off, I dream of Shayla. I can never remember the dreams, but waking up from them is torture.

  I never thought I’d see her again. Tailspin’s New York dates have always been in the back of my mind. For the entire tour, I’ve been switching between looking forward to coming here, and dreading it. Just knowing I’d be in the same city at the same time as her was a little too much to take.

  And that’s what’s really been keeping me up at night. I never have trouble sleeping on the bus. Or the plane, or anywhere. Except lately. Everything’s becoming a grind instead of a great time. I’ve even been dragging myself through my shows. That’s something I never expected to happen. Not in a million years.

  Now that I’ve seen Shayla, it’s nothing like what I expected. Somehow she looks even better than I remembered. If I ever saw her again, I thought it would be the other way around. That I’d built her up so much in my mind that the reality just couldn’t be quite as good.

  But it’s better. She looks better.

  I can’t think this way. Now I could really use a quick fix to get my mind off Shayla. For once and for all.

  A quick glance around the bar shows me that there’s no-one left in here that I want to fuck. Not a single damn one.

  I let my eyes skate quickly past Shayla and her friends. I can’t help but notice how animated she is. How happy. Like us breaking up didn’t even register on her radar. Looks like she made the right choice. New York’s sure working out for her.

  Fuck this. I down my drink and stalk out of the bar. Deflated, I head to the elevator. I’m so not in the mood to be around anyone. Not anymore.

  Back up in my room, all I want to do is pass out. But I haven’t had nearly enough to drink for that. And I’m too hungry. After putting in a quick room service order, I lie down.

  A knock on the door jolts me awake. I have no idea how long that took, or how long I’ve been asleep for. I don’t even care about food now. I was finally getting some sleep.

  I pull the door open and my eyes widen. It’s not room service.

  “Hi, Jett.”

  “Hey. Shayla.” Without thinking, I open the door wider and she comes in. What am I doing? I let the door fall closed behind her as I rub at my eyes.

  Instead of taking one of the chairs in the room, she sits on the bed, leaning back onto her arms.

  “What happened to your friends?” I slide a chair over to be closer to her.

  “They’re still downstairs.” She smooths out the sheet beside her to avoid meeting my gaze.

  “So, what brings you by?”

  “It’s been a long time, Jett. I wanted to catch up some more. I miss you. I was hoping we could be friends.”

  What the fuck?

  I blink hard to make sure I’m not dreaming. You can’t blink in dreams. At least I don’t think you can.

  Not dreaming. Shayla’s still here. In my room. On my bed. Right where I imagined her being so many times. But that scenario never included talking about being friends.

  A deep frown creases my brow. “Friends.” Did she really just say that?

  “Maybe…” She crosses and uncrosses her legs. “Friends with benefits.” Her eyes meet mine as her tongue slides over her lips.


  I know that look. I know what every single expression of hers means.

  Friends with benefits. This isn’t how my fantasy of this goes. It’s one I call up pretty often during long nights on the road. And it doesn’t go like this.

  I sit back in my chair. “Are you drunk?”

  She laughs. “Not even a little bit.” She might be wrong there. It doesn’t take that much alcohol to go to her head, and I know she had at least a couple of mixed drinks downstairs. “So what do you say?”

  “Seriously? Is that how they do this in New York?”

  She gives me her best smile. “No. Sometimes. I don’t know. Why do we need to waste time circling around it when we both know what we want?”

  “What makes you think I want to have sex with you?”

  Shayla glances down to see my swollen cock betraying me.

  “Okay. I’ll start again.” Leaning forward, she runs her hand over my chest. Her fingers reach the bare skin of my arm and the room heats up. “It’s been a long time, Jett. For us. And I miss you. You were good. Better than anyone else.”

  “Yeah. Right.” I clench my jaw tightly. A flare of hope ignited in me when she said she misses me. For a whole two seconds, until she made it just about sex.

  And I don’t even want to think about any other guys she might’ve been with since we broke up.

  She shakes her head, her hand still travelling down my arm. “It’s true. I think about you. About your hands.” She leans in even closer. “About that time on the beach.”

  Hell. That’s a thought I’ve had myself. My breath catches. I want to rip her clothes off. Use every part of me to make her scream.

  Her eyes are full of fire. “I know you remember that night.”

  Fuck. I want her so much, it’s almost impossible to hold back.

  But this can’t happen. She won’t get the chance to break my heart twice.

  Shayla shifts so she’s moving in between my legs. “You want me.”

  She’s not wrong. “You’re drunk.”

  “I’m not.” She’s close enough now that we could kiss. “You were going to bring her back up here, weren’t you.”

  “No.” I can barely remember the woman from the bar. Not the point, but I actually wouldn’t have brought her to my room. We would have gone to hers. I don’t sleep with the women I have sex with. Never. Not since Shayla.

  “Because you would’ve gone to her place?”

  I laugh, and so does she. Shayla knows me too well. The tension between us dissolves. For a moment, it’s like everything was before we broke up. No-one else makes me feel this way.

  I know her, too. Every single inch of her skin. Everything she likes. Everything that makes her lose all control.

  Fuck this. I want to pull her onto my lap.

  I swallow hard.

  Her eyes glitter. She knows she’s got me.

  I move closer, inhaling her sweet rosy scent. She parts her lips.

  A sharp rap at the door makes us both jump.

  Damn it. Flying out of my seat, I throw the door open, ready to tear a strip off whoever’s there.

  “Hello, sir.” A uniformed man carrying a tray is waiting for me to let him in. Room service. In the moments since Shayla got here, I’d forgotten all about the food.

  “That’s quite the dinner.” Shayla’s off the bed, inspecting my order after the man sets down the tray and goes off. “Oatmeal? Toast?”

  The moment between us is gone.

  That’s for the best.

  It is.

  “I didn’t eat breakfast yet. Have some if you want.” I’m not hungry anymore. Not for anything except Shayla.

  She turns back to face me. “Thanks, but I’m good.” We stare at each other for a heartbeat. Maybe longer. “I should go,” she says finally.

  “Good to see you, Shayla.”

  And once again, she walks out of my life. Just like that.

  I grab an orange from the tray and climb into bed, clicking the TV on.

  I need to relax.

  It’s not happening.

  Why the fuck did I turn down sex with Shayla? I’m an idiot. I know it.

  But I have to protect myself.

  We can’t just have casual sex. With Shayla, there wouldn’t be anything casual about it.

  Not for me, at least.

  Chapter 7


  “I got them.”

  Startled, I look up from my desk to catch Leah’s massive grin.

  “Got what?” I’m deep in the middle of choosing some new books to order. Torn between two of the very best romances I’ve read in a long time.

  I can’t think of anything she’s been after. I d
on’t have a clue what she’s talking about.

  “The tickets!” She waves her hand around, but all she has in it is her phone. “I got tickets to tonight’s Tailspin show! It’s been sold out for ages. Remember I was trying to get some like seven months ago, and it was impossible? They went so fast, I didn’t even have time to get sick of hitting refresh. Now, we get to see them on their last night in New York. Thank you, random Craigslist guy.”

  Oh, no. I forgot all about Leah wanting to go see Tailspin. And since she didn’t score tickets back then, I never told her about my past with Jett.

  I haven’t told anyone here about him. He’s part of my old life. And it’s not a piece that I ever wanted to come and follow me to New York. If I could get him out of mind permanently, I would.

  Leah plants herself on the edge of my desk. “We’re going to have so much fun.”

  What? “No. I can’t come.”

  “Sure you can. I know you like their music just as much as I do. I see you stalking Tailspin online all the time. You check them out practically every night before you leave.”

  I didn’t know she’d caught me doing that. Damn it. “Leah, I really can’t.”

  “You have to come. It’s gonna be off the charts.”

  I can’t come up with a good excuse. Or any excuse at all. I sure don’t want to tell her the real reason why I don’t want to go. “Okay.”

  “I knew you’d be into it. It’s going to be a great night.” Leah heads back to her desk, leaving me alone with the turmoil in my mind. It shouldn’t be a big deal. She’s right. I love live music and it’ll be fun. I’m not going to hang out with Jett. Seeing him on stage from miles away won’t matter. It’s not like I haven’t seen him play a million times before.

  Of course, we were together back then. It’s different now. I wish like hell I hadn’t gone up to his room after we ran into each other. I don’t know what came over me. I can’t be with him in any way now. Least of all sexually.

  With a sigh, I turn back to my work. It’s just one night. Just an evening out with a friend. Nothing to even think about until it’s happening.

  A few hours later and I’ve picked out my best dress. My little black form-fitting dress. It’s not something I’d usually wear to a stadium show, but I don’t care. I’m not going to see Jett, but I want to look sexy anyway.


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