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Rock My World: MMF Bisexual Romance Two Book Collection

Page 22

by Bianca Vix

  There is a road there. It’s barely visible under the blankets of snow covering it up, but there it is. Leading right through a gap in the old wooden fence and into the dark unknown.

  Carefully I guide the car through the opening. I can’t even tell if this is where an actual gate is supposed to be, or if a piece of the fence is just missing from this spot. But a glance down at the map on my screen shows me I’m close. All I can do is trust that it’s correct. Because it’s even darker here than the stretch of road I’ve just left.

  It doesn’t take long before everything changes. The road smooths out. There’s even a light up in the distance. Yes. That must be it. I exhale in relief.

  I increase my speed, my normal driving confidence coming back. Everything’s good. There’s still no sign of any buildings whatsoever as I go along, but at least I’m not gripped with fear anymore.

  Not completely.

  I’ve been holding the steering wheel so tightly, my fingers are cramped up. I shake them out and then slam hard on the brakes.

  The car skids around in a full circle before it comes to a stop. I’m facing back the way I came. What the hell?

  I climb out and step onto icy pavement. I’m in a parking lot, and what made me stop was another fence, appearing suddenly right in front of me. I didn’t even notice this lot until I was in it. But here it is. Flat and empty.

  I grab for my phone. The directions mock me. I tap at it, trying to get it to recalculate again. The results are the same. Half a mile to my destination. “It will be on your right.”

  “Great. Thanks.” But my phone doesn’t appreciate my sarcasm. I can just barely make out the shape of a building in the distance. That has to be the cabin. There’s a narrow footpath leading the way. But no more road.

  I have to walk?


  The snow’s swirling hard around me now. It flies in my face as I tug my suitcase out of the trunk and start to wheel it behind me. The moment I step on the path, I sink into it. It’s mud. Soft, strong mud that’s grabbing onto my boot like it won’t ever let go.

  Why? Who doesn’t pave a path up to a cabin?

  I yank my foot free, nearly losing my balance. Maybe my boots with four inch heels weren’t the best choice. But I never expected this. When my boss said cabin, I figured he meant a ski lodge type of deal. I sure didn’t have a mud path in mind when I got dressed for work this morning.

  By the time I reach the end of the path, I’m covered in melting snow and mud. This is no way to start off a three week retreat.

  But at least I’ve made it here. Sam’s cabin. And it’s impressive. Big and looming, but friendly and welcoming at the same time. I dig out the key he gave me and swing the big front door open.

  It’s not much warmer in here than it is outside. No matter. I’m the first one here for a reason. To get everything up and running.

  Another coffee should help me warm up. Coffee fixes everything. My coat’s perfect for a Manhattan winter. I’m never cold. But it’s failed its first upstate test. Even after the short amount of time I was outside walking from the car up here, I’m actually shivering.

  Struggling to get my boots off, I have a quick glance around. Then I take a longer look. Wow. This place is amazing. Even better than I imagined it would be. I have to admit that after the crazy drive up here, I was starting to believe the cabin would turn out to be a tiny, dark log shack or something. Not exactly the kind of place I want to spend three weeks holed up with coworkers that I’ve mostly never met before.

  But this place. It’s wonderful.

  I could live here. If it was in the city, of course. Setting my boots aside and shrugging off my coat, I take a deep, deep breath. Even the air’s nice here, if a little cold. Surely a place this grand must have a fireplace.

  I walk around, switching on every light I can find until I reach the main living room.

  Oh, yes. It has a fireplace.

  Does it ever.

  But there’s no switch. It’s not electric. I peer in closer. It takes wood. Actual wood. Where on earth am I supposed to find that? I’m not going to be chopping down any trees, that’s for sure. I shoot Sam a text to ask about it. It’s not just about warming up. It’s the finishing touches like having a good fire going that are the reason I’ve come up here early in the first place.

  But my text doesn’t go through. No signal. Damn. I didn’t expect that. That alone drives home just how remote this place is. I go back to the front door and make sure I locked it behind me. It’s so quiet here, it’s making me nervous. I’m missing the constant hum of being in a twenty four hour city. It’s reassuring. Like I’m not alone.

  In spite of no signal, everything else here is ultra-modern and cool. Killer sound system. There’s even a movie room. Its massive screen takes up an entire wall, and it’s complete with movie theatre style seats.

  I could so, so live here.

  Even I can tell the kitchen’s amazing too. But I don’t take a second look at the gleaming chrome surfaces of the huge appliances. Swinging open the fridge door, I check it out. Yes. It’s already decently stocked up, although there’ll be more delivered soon. There’s not nearly enough to last for three weeks.

  Including wine.

  I grab for a bottle of white and find a glass in the huge set of cupboards. It’ll take too long to make coffee anyway. This will warm me up just fine.

  After the long drive, I don’t want to sit still. Wine glass in hand, I start to explore the entire place. Every single part of it is gorgeous. And bonus, I discover the electric heat. Now that I’ve got it turned on, this place is practically perfect.

  My phone vibrates with a text. Not from my boss, but hey. At least there’s a signal now. I suppose cell service might be on and off out here, especially with weather like this.

  I finish my drink and go back to haul my suitcase into the bedroom I’ve picked out for myself. First choice of room, one of the perks of helping out.

  Now it’s time to try out the amazing claw foot tub in the huge bathroom. In spite of cranking the heat up as high as I could, I’m still cold. Somehow the bathroom’s a lot warmer than any other room in the place. I start up the water and head back to my room.

  By the time I get back, the tub’s full. I’ve refilled my wine glass and shed my clothes. I even got the stereo system to work with my phone and I’ve got my best relaxing music coming through the speakers.

  I sink in and the warm water surrounds me. Yes. It feels like the best thing ever. Every last bit of tension I had from the crazy drive up here instantly melts right out of my body. I’m so glad I remembered to pack bubble bath. Coconut mango. Mmm. My favorite.

  I hate to think about this when I’m trying to relax, but I haven’t felt this good since I was with my ex. I mean, not during the last couple of months. Things were bad for awhile before we ended it. But once, near the beginning, I talked Chad into taking a bath with me. That led to sex that lasted until sunrise.

  If nothing else, he was good in bed. I’m sure the women he cheated on me with thought so too.

  But forget that. I’m not thinking about him. Not here, not in this gorgeous place. In this perfect bath. He and I were wrong for each other anyway. I’m only going to focus on the positive.

  And the first positive thing that comes to mind is Jason Mitchell. He and I work together sometimes, and I wish it was way more often. We’re becoming friends, although I wish we were a lot more. Of course that’s not possible, since he’s gay.

  But a woman can dream.

  He’s really hot. My heart beats faster every time he’s near me. And now that I’m here by myself, my imagination’s starting to run free. Usually I try not to think about him this way.

  But why not now? No harm done. He’s too hot not to have had a lot of women and men dream about him when they’re alone. And naked. And getting way too buzzed on wine due to not having time to grab any dinner.

  I’ve never seen Jase dressed in anything other than suits. I’ve
never really gone in for the business-type look on a man, but somehow he makes the suits he wears look pretty damn sexy.

  Every. Single. Time.

  I can’t help but imagine what he’d look like with his tie pulled loose around his neck. With his always-immaculate hair messy for once. Messy because I’m the one grabbing onto it as he’s on top of me. His jacket missing. His shirt open. Muscles flexing as he moves and his warm skin brushes over mine.

  I slide my fingers down my body. I’m covered in bubbles. Thinking about Jase like this isn’t going to help my ridiculous crush on him go away. I have to stop.

  Downing the last of my wine, I pull the plug. The air’s warm around me, but I hurry to grab a big towel. I pad barefoot down the carpeted hallway back to my room. It’s still way earlier than I’d normally go to sleep, but I set my towel on a chair and climb into bed anyway. If I could get the fire going, I’d curl up in front of it. A warm bed is the next best thing.

  At least the cabin’s warming up now. And since I’m not going to do anything tonight, I’ll have to get up early tomorrow and get to work. I deserve a night off.

  There’s a small TV in here. Grabbing the remote, I click through all the options but there’s nothing that catches my eye. I don’t want to read the book I brought along, not now. My thoughts keep drifting back to Jase.

  My hand trails down my body again. God, he’s just so damn sexy. His sparkling blue eyes. His lips.

  Oh, his lips.

  I can picture them easily when I close my eyes. I should’ve brought a vibrator, but no worries. My hands know what to do.

  It’s so easy to call up a fantasy about him. I’ve tried not to, but I couldn’t help but come up with one or two about him after we first met.

  Maybe three.

  Now they’re all combining together in my mind. He’s already naked, his body gorgeous as he undresses me. He’s touching me, his hands running all over my warm skin. In my mind, Jase knows what he’s doing. Knows a woman’s body and just what to do.

  My breathing’s loud now. I’m not holding back like I do even when I’m at home alone. The walls in my building are as thin as paper. There are certain things that I don’t want my neighbors to hear.

  But not out here. I’m alone and in the middle of nowhere. Completely free, for one night only. I let myself pant and even moan. Chad didn’t like it when I made sounds during sex. I got used to holding back because of him too.

  To hell with that now.

  Jase wouldn’t do that. Try to limit me in any way. Not him. Never.

  Fingers toying on my clit, I speed up my slow rhythm. My heart’s already pounding. My body’s on fire as I imagine Jase’s hand on my body instead of my own. His touch. His kiss. His cock, hard and ready. Replacing his long fingers. Sliding deep inside of me.

  Waves of pleasure crash over me. I catch myself holding back again but somehow I manage to let go. For once I’m as loud as I want to be when I come. I’m thrashing around too, blankets and sheets tangling around me. I push them away as my temperature rises. I’m too hot and I don’t want to be covered up. Not now.

  I ride my orgasm out as long as I can, gasping as the tremors shake me.

  Then I hear it. A sound that’s not coming from me, and I almost choke on my last cry when I open my eyes.

  There’s a man. Leaning in the doorway. Watching me.

  I can’t speak. I can’t move. What the fuck? He’s just standing there. His eyes are still on me. He doesn’t look threatening. In fact, he looks turned on. By me. I have to blink to see if I’m imagining it.

  I’m not.

  The last waves of pleasure are still flowing when I manage to get my limbs working again. Frantically I grab for the covers, pulling them up tightly to my neck.

  He’s still staring.

  I arch my eyebrow at him. “Who the hell are you?”


  Snow Bound is available here.

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