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A River of Orange

Page 7

by Roberta C. M. DeCaprio

  "Now, child, open your eyes,” Wysteria instructed.

  The heavy lashes that shadowed Meav's cheeks drew up. A soft gasp escaped and her eyes widened at the discovery of the scene before her. There, in place of the empty field of just a moment ago, stood an entire village. “I see it,” she whispered.

  "Aye, ‘tis magnificent,” Wysteria marveled.

  "Aye, more than that even,” Meav added amazed. Quickly she glanced at Wysteria. “And ‘twas here all the time?"

  There was a trace of laughter in Wysteria's voice. “Aye, lass, ‘twas. You just could not see past the obvious.” Slowly she stood, placing a hand on Meav's shoulder. “Come, Raika and Aliki wait."

  Meav followed Wysteria down the path. She stared wordlessly at each tiny cottage she passed, their window boxes brimming with colorful flowers; their chimneys puffing continuously. Cozy and quaint, the soft shades welcomed her and reminded her of home, giving her a feeling of peace and contentment ... and a dash of curiosity as well.

  Wysteria halted at a small pink home, framed with white lattice work and picket fence. “We are here, lass.” She smiled warmly. “This is Aliki and Jubez's dwelling."

  Meav watched Wysteria open the gate. She hesitated before following, suddenly feeling a bit nervous at meeting the new friends. “You sure they will not mind me being along?"

  Before Wysteria could answer, Raika's words carried on the breeze. “Vedela."

  Wysteria turned her attention to Raika and smiled warmly. “Greetings to you as well, my friend."

  Raika looked up at Meav. “And to you ... greetings."

  Meav was too surprised to do more than nod at the tiny woman with hair the color of cotton.

  Raika giggled. “Ah, I see Wysteria has not prepared you for our meeting."

  Meav swallowed hard. The shock caused the words to wedge in her throat. She stared into Raika's pink eyes.

  Raika turned her gaze on Wysteria. “Shame on you, dear healer, for not telling the lass more about the Elwins."

  Wysteria shrugged. “Sometimes too much said is not wise. ‘Tis best she learns for herself."

  Raika looked over at Meav, concern edging her voice. “But we have dazed her to the point of rendering her mute."

  Wysteria removed the satchel from Meav's shoulder. “Snap out of it, lass."

  "I am ... sorry...” Meav's voice broke off in mid-sentence.

  Raika extended her hand and smiled encouragingly. “Come, lass, my daughter, Aliki is waiting. She is so anxious to meet you."

  Meav allowed the little woman to lead her into the cottage. Suddenly she felt embarrassed at her awkward behavior, and worried she would offend Raika and bring shame upon Wysteria. After all, ‘twas an honor to be invited to a baby's blessing, and she was acting rude. Her grandmamma would never approve.

  Meav quickly cleared her throat. “I feel the same."

  Though Meav was not very tall herself, upon entering the cottage she had to duck down to get through the door frame. She was met by a circle of wee folks.

  Twila came forward and greeted her with a grin. “Last I saw you ‘twas when you were fast asleep."

  Meav smiled. “I thank you for your care."

  "Aye, ‘twas nothing,” Twila chirped. She turned toward the hearth. “This is my husband, Gorg."

  Gorg smiled and bowed slightly.

  Meav politely curtsied.

  Raika introduced the other two men gathered in the tiny room, calling out each name. “This is Hun, my husband and the proud grandfather.” She turned to indicate the Elwin man across the room. “And that is Merrow, our beloved leader."

  All of them sprouted thick, cotton like curls and had wide, pink eyes; a porcelain complexion and large, toothy smiles.

  The men were clean shaven and the women all wore their hair with flowers entwined within the long braid that hung past their well rounded hips. They were a friendly bunch for sure and each one welcomed Meav warmly.

  Merrow, the leader, was the only one that stood out from the rest. His hair was silver and his eyes were smoky. A downy beard fell from his chin to his round belly, and his stubby fingers were adorned with gold rings, various stones inlaid in the settings. He did not speak a word to Meav, just nodded and smiled, sizing her up from across the small room, sparsely furnished with miniature chairs and a table.

  Meav felt herself blush under his scrutiny. Shyly she cast her gaze to the fireplace. A kettle of water hung from a hook over the flames, and the aroma of freshly baked bread filled her senses. There were also two other wee folks, both females, tending to the boiling pot. They were completely opposite from the Elwins. These tiny women had brown hair pulled into a bun atop their heads and their eyes were as dark as night.

  Raika followed Meav's gaze. “And this is Opina and her daughter, Lupa. They are not Elwins, but Brownies who live by the hearth and perform domestic tasks."

  Meav could not imagine so many people, wee or otherwise, all living in one tiny cottage. “All of you live here?” she blurted out, then cringed at her outburst.

  All the Elwins laughed.

  "Nay, nay,” Twila said. “Gorg and I live a few cottages away, and Raika and Hun, across the path. Merrow lives on the hill and the Brownies only live by the hearth by day; at night they dwell in log huts beneath the giant trees at the end of the village."

  Raika reached for Meav's hand. “Come and meet my daughter,” she said, leading Meav into the next room.

  This room had flowered curtains at the windows and was furnished with a table, a chair, a wooden framed bed, a large trunk, and a baby's cradle. A handsome Elwin man with a muscular build sat at the edge of the bed. He looked adoringly at the young woman lying propped up on pillows in the bed. She wore a yellow dressing gown, and her long, white hair was unbraided, flowing down over her right shoulder. She held a babe wrapped in a white, linen blanket.

  "This is Jubez and Aliki.” Raika walked toward the bed and took the baby from her mother's arms. “And this is Saje, my granddaughter."

  The pride in Raika's eyes made Meav think of her own father's adoration toward his daughters. Her eyes misted at the thought. She leaned down and pushed the blanket aside from the babe's face. Meav admired the tiny cherub, pink and plump, and sound asleep.

  Aliki's soft, small voice broke the silence. “Forgive me for not rising to welcome you, but I am still wobbly from giving birth."

  Meav looked over at the cheery, fair skinned woman and smiled. “Your baby is beautiful."

  "Like her mama,” Jubez boasted, taking Aliki's hand and bringing it to his lips. He bestowed a gentle kiss upon it.

  Aliki blushed. “We have guests, Jubez."

  Jubez smiled. “And let them all see how much I love my wife."

  Watching the two love birds made Meav's own heart skip a beat. Would a man ever love her so deeply and with so much pride?

  "Shall we have the blessing?” Wysteria said.

  "Aye, carry on, dear healer,” Aliki agreed, motioning for her husband to leave the room.

  He nodded, rose from the bed, and quietly shut the door behind him.

  Meav frowned. “Jubez will not be present for the blessing?"

  "Aye, he will,” Raika said, caressing Saje's soft cheek. “He just must leave during the concentration ritual."

  Meav was baffled. “What is the concentration ritual?"

  "'Tis when I bring myself in accordance to what blessings I bestow upon the babe,” Wysteria said, as she pulled from her satchel a white robe. Gently she placed it on the chair. Then she reached for a bag filled with rosemary, a candle holder and a white candle. She sprinkled the herb on the table and rolled the candle in it. Then she placed the candle in the holder and lit it.

  "Hush, now and watch, lass,” Raika advised.

  Meav saw Wysteria strip off all her clothes and stand naked before the candle. It became clear to her now why Jubez was asked to leave the room. She watched Wysteria turn away from the candle, toward the three of them, with her eyes shut. Wysteria
stretched her arms out to her sides and then above her head; her sagging breasts jiggled with the movement, her wrinkled stomach was less firm, drooping low and heavy over her womanhood. Meav was instantly reminded of her grandmother's aging body. There Wysteria boldly stood in full view of all in the room. Meav cast her eyes to the floor, out of respect.

  Raika caught the young woman's action, and quietly moved closer to her. “You must look at her,” she whispered.

  Meav could feel an unwelcome blush creep into her cheeks, but did as she was told. Just as she raised her gaze, Wysteria opened her eyes. Meav met the twinkling, topaz orbs and in an instant felt the elder's generous heart. She inhaled sharply as Wysteria's mind spoke to Meav's thoughts.

  "It matters not that my breasts sag or my belly is wrinkled ... to feel ashamed of oneself is to be oppressed. Because my body has aged I need not feel invisible, inadequate. Listen for the underlying message between your feelings and your body. Spontaneous laughter, a genuine smile, and a pure and loving heart are the things that make a woman desirable and unforgettable; as well as being resourceful, having the ability to grow and have an adventuresome, spirit filled life. Savor each experience and give it your full attention. Truly take it all in, have gratitude for the moment, embrace your existence, bless all that you are and look ahead with confidence for all that you can be."

  Meav stood very still; afraid she would faint if she moved even one muscle. How was it she could hear what Wysteria was thinking?

  Wysteria spoke aloud. “Be self-revealing ... truth liberates. When you speak the truth, you begin to free yourself from the past holding you captive. This is the first blessing I bestow upon Saje this day.” She dropped her hands to her sides. “'Tisn't what happens in life, but how you respond to what happens that matters.” Wysteria then turned her back to the three other women in the room and slipped on the robe; tying the gold chord around her waist. Then she sat down on the chair before the candle.

  Wysteria held an image in her mind of the babe she was about to bless and excluded her surroundings, banishing all thought of the day's happenings. She centered her focus on the blue around the lower part of the wick instead of the bright upper flame. Staring at a burning candle in this fashion was easier on the eyes.

  After a few moments, Wysteria shut her eyes and looked for the flame against her closed eyelids. Quickly it appeared, burning in her mind's view. “I am ready to begin."

  Raika laid the baby on the bed and removed the blanket. Gently she undressed the sleeping child and brought her over to Wysteria, placing the naked babe tenderly in the crone's arms.

  Wysteria opened her eyes and looked down at the child. Her heart glowed with love for the sleeping infant. Gently she ran her hand over the top of the child's head, down her round face, and stopped at the baby's heart. “From this day you will have a joyous heart and a cheerful spirit,” she whispered. She then looked over at Raika. “Summon the others."

  Raika opened the bedroom door and motioned for the others to join them.

  Merrow entered first, then Jubez and Hun; followed by Twila and Gorg. The Brownies, Opina and Lupa, took up the rear carrying a cauldron of hot water. They placed it carefully on the table before leaving the room.

  Merrow walked over to Wysteria and took the child. Gently he spread the babe's chubby legs, exposing her genitalia, and turned to face those gathered. “Witness this babe as a woman child. One day she will give birth to her own. Her breasts will be suckled, her heart will love, and her wisdom will be passed down."

  Everyone nodded in agreement.

  Merrow walked over to the bed and handed the baby to Aliki.

  With loving arms Aliki took her child, kissed her soft cheek, and handed Saje to Jubez.

  Jubez did the same, and there it went, as the baby was passed to each person in the room.

  It was Meav who was the last to receive the baby. She gently kissed Saje and handed her once more to Merrow.

  Merrow silently held the baby while Wysteria prepared the magic circle of protection.

  Wysteria pulled from her satchel the bag of stones and a black, velvet cloth. She spread the cloth on the table and placed a stone in each direction. “I place rose quartz, the stone of love, to the west; amber, the stone of change and perception, to the south. I place carnelian, the stone of inspiration, to the east, and amethyst, the stone of prosperity, to the north."

  Merrow then placed Saje in the center of the circle.

  Wysteria laid her hands over the child and chanted. “Stones of power, strong stones of lore; join with me, I do implore. Bless this babe for all her years; give her courage to face her fears."

  Wysteria then picked out a sprig of rue from the bag of herbs and burnt it in the candle's flame. “I purify your soul, Saje, routing out negatives and bestow the blessing of healing and a defense against the spells of dark magic."

  Merrow took bits of carnation, cypress, frankincense, lotus, elder and the rue and threw them into the boiling water of the cauldron. He dipped the edge of a linen cloth into the mixture and handed it to Wysteria.

  Wysteria took the cloth and brought it to her own face to make sure it was not too hot. Once satisfied with the temperature, she began to wash Saje's face.

  The baby woke and began to cry and kick.

  Wysteria ignored the fuss, and continued to wash the child. As she cleansed the baby's arms and chest, she chanted. “Pure you are for all to see.” She began to wash Saje's legs and feet. “To walk upright, just and free."

  Merrow dipped a clean linen square into the cauldron and handed it to Wysteria.

  Wysteria again tested the temperature of the cloth, then spread the babe's chubby thighs and washed her sex. “And from her womb life will come."

  Gently Wysteria turned the screaming baby onto her belly and took yet another clean cloth from Merrow. This time she gently washed the child's back. “A strong spine to muster a day's work well heeded,” she recited. Then with the last clean cloth she washed the baby's behind. Carefully she spread the chubby cheeks and cleansed the area. “And to expel what is not needed."

  Wysteria handed the screaming child to Merrow.

  He held the baby high above his head. “Let the blessings now of loved ones be called out and bestowed under the watchful eye of our Divine Maker."

  Each Elwin bequeathed Saje love, joy, wisdom, prosperity, health, and many more wonderful things for a full and happy life.

  Meav was the last to speak. All she could remember was the Irish blessing her Papa recited to her and her sisters before bed. “May the road rise to meet you; may the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall softly upon your fields. And until we meet again; may God fold you in the palm of His hand."

  Aliki's face brightened. “That is so beautiful, Meav. Thank you."

  Merrow handed the hysterical baby to her mother and replied in a booming voice. “'Tis done! Now feed the child."

  Jubez looked around the room, his handsome face shining with pride. “Now, dear visitors, ‘tis time for us to eat as well."

  One by one the guests filed out of the bedroom.

  Raika closed the door behind them.

  Wysteria slipped off the robe and donned her clothes.

  Aliki bared her breasts and fed the hungry baby.

  Meav looked out the window and thought of home.

  Chapter Five

  Titiana loved the large ledge outside the queen's bedchamber window. It always got the morning sun and a nice breeze as well. But it was her secret place and would always remain a secret. If Gyla ever found out where Titiana spent her time, she would thrash her bottom hard. Titiana had been warned by her older sister to stay far away from the castle and the evil Devora. So whatever Titiana heard or saw while she spied on the queen was hidden away to the deepest part of her being, and could never be spoken aloud.

  Titiana watched now as Devora stood before her floor length mirror. The queen admired the smooth flesh of her swan like neck. De
vora had taken the potion only moments ago, and already her youthfulness had returned. Titiana knew all about the potion, what it was made from and its effect on the beautiful witch.

  Devora smiled with satisfaction and pride at her reflection. As long as she continued to drink the elixir, she would forever be as young looking and attractive as she was this very moment.

  She ran a slender finger down her décolletage, to the creamy mounds that lusciously swelled from the scant neckline of her gown. With a long, red nail she caressed herself, pleased with her handiwork.

  "I am a clever sorceress for sure,” she softly boasted.

  Ah, clever indeed, as well as gifted, resourceful, and in possession of a very powerful secret.

  The brew was concocted from a plant she had found growing in a corner of the castle's dungeon. The discovery came a score of years ago, when she had been forced to oversee the beating of an employee in need of discipline. While one of the sentries had stripped and whipped the disobedient servant, Devora occupied herself by looking around at the stonework of the dank and musty cell. It was then her eyes had settled upon a flower growing in a corner of the chamber, creeping up through the stone slabs.

  The plant's beautiful blue petals and large green leaves were so unusual that it had caught her interest. And how it thrived, with no light, and with so little space to grow, was an even bigger mystery to Devora ... one that got the best of her curiosity.

  She had plucked the foliage from the chamber floor, and went about to the other cells to find more. Its heady aroma had enticed her to experiment into creating a signature perfume. She had simmered the herbal treasure in a cauldron, chanted a few of her prose, and dabbed a bit of the tincture on her wrist. To her surprise, a small scratch she had there from her cat, Gotham, healed before her very eyes.

  'Twas then an idea struck Devora. She poured a bit of the serum into Gotham's bowl, and had watched him drink. In a matter of moments, the old, fat cat turned into a sinewy, lively kitten. Without hesitation, Devora did the same, and had transformed herself into a younger, more vibrant version.


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