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Herald of Shalia

Page 33

by Tamryn Tamer

  “Works for me handsome,” Brynn rubbed his leg. “I just want you to look at me like you looked at that Florenne. Lysandra and the others will be so jealous.”

  “Speaking of,” Frost said. “We should probably start making preparations to go back.”

  “Go back?” Jasmine said as she came from the kitchen. “Really?”

  “We were only staying a few days,” Frost said. “You knew that.”

  “But,” Jasmine pouted and tears started welling up in her large green eyes. “I’m sorry. I guess I let my imagination run a little wild again. Madam Gardenia’s always telling me...”

  “Don’t look at me like that,” Frost said defensively. “It’s not like I don’t like you. If I could take you and the others back to my village I would in a heartbeat.”

  “What?” Brynn’s eyes widened.

  “Really?” Jasmine said excitedly. “Do you mean it?”

  “Frost?” Brynn glared at him. “Madam Gardenia…”

  “Right,” Frost nodded at Brynn. “Madam Gardenia…”

  “I’ll go ask!” Jasmine rushed off to the back room. He expected to hear angry screaming but after about thirty seconds he heard a bunch of excited laughter.

  “I don’t think that’s a no,” Frost said.

  “Really handsome?” Brynn said judgmentally. “You don’t think that’s a no? Clearly the madam has more mouths than she can possibly feed. Did you really think she was going to argue with three fewer?”

  “I mean,” Frost grinned nervously. “They’re really good girls.”

  “I’m going to tell the others!” Jasmine sprinted from the back room to the kitchen and a moment later there was more excited screaming.

  “That reminds me,” Frost smiled guiltily. “We should check in with Lishri.”

  “I suppose you did warn me that you’d make a bad husband,” Brynn sighed as the three excited beast girls ran from the kitchen. “And they are good girls.”


  Frost decided it was best to leave a little before sun up after their third night in Blackwater. Fiora had all the final documents pertaining to their agreement delivered to him and he figured he’d look them over when he arrived back in the village. Brynn said Fiora wasn’t dumb enough to try tricking him so he was pretty confident everything would be fine.

  Unfortunately, the return trip to the village was going to be unexpectantly long since he had a wagon full of passengers and Lishri. Although, traveling with people was kind of nice and Madam Gardenia was nice enough to sell them the wagon at cost.

  “Are you sure this is okay?” Lishri asked while glancing around anxiously. “Maybe I should cover up?”

  “It’s up to you,” Frost smiled at the crimson Arachne. He was actually somewhat impressed with the outfit she’d crafted for the trip. Each one of her red spider legs were in laced up black leather covers and on her torso was a black fabric corset with a red floral pattern. In her free hand she carried a large black umbrella to protect her pale skin from the sun. “I think you look nice.”

  “Are you sure Lysandra and the elves are going to be okay with this?” Brynn said while glancing at the cart. Jasmine, Iris, and Zinnia were happily chatting amongst themselves. “Lishri’s one thing but the courtesans, I’m not sure how the elves are going to feel about that.”

  “I’ll figure it out,” Frost said as he helped Brynn into the wagon and grabbed the reins. He found that driving a wagon was a completely different ability than riding but opted not to level it. “Just so you know, if you don’t like it in the village, Madam Gardenia said she’d welcome them back.”

  “Why wouldn’t we like it?” Jasmine asked.

  “Well,” Frost glanced around the city. “It’s mostly small cabins, fields, gardens, and trees. There’s not really a lot to do.”

  “It sounds nice,” Iris said excitedly.

  “Yeah!” Zinnia said. “Let’s go!”

  “Alright,” Frost laughed as he thought about the hell that was going to break loose when the elves found out he brought a bunch of courtesans back with him. They were already pretty annoyed that all of his time was spent with Lysandra and Renna. And then there was his upcoming marriage to Brynn. Now three beast girl courtesans that planned on sharing his bed, he was in trouble.

  They rode to the front gates of the city where Slade was waiting to ensure he actually left as well as double check that he had the paperwork.

  “Good riddance you dog fucking cunt,” Slade smirked. “Maybe now we can get back to some fucking semblance of normalcy around this shit-soaked city.”

  “I see your back to your normal self,” Frost grinned.

  “Fuck right off you piss bucket,” Slade said. “Because of your cunty ass I’m stuck reforming the worthless shit eating military of this shit hole. Going to be spending weeks tracking down a bunch of fucking cunt drip thieves and criminals. Fucking rabbit-fucking son of a bitch.”

  “Always a pleasure Baron Slade,” Frost said smugly.

  “Fuck right off,” Slade said while double checking they had all the proper paperwork. “And you can expect to hear from me when we have some fucking monsters to kill. Fucking incompetent piss drinkers filled their army with useless fucking holy knights. No fucking elementalists, no fucking snipers, just a bunch of slow-moving buckets of shit. How the fuck is a holy knight going to catch anything other than a fucking golem. Stupid fucking cunts!”

  “Is that everything?” Frost looked at the terrified demihumans actively avoiding Slade’s line of sight. “Oh, you can all relax. That’s just how he talks.”

  “Isn’t he the new Baron of Blackwater?” Jasmine asked quietly.

  “I’m not fucking deaf you mumbling fucking cat,” Slade snapped before turning back to Frost. “I suppose I should thank you for taking the beasts and bugs off our fucking hands. Fucking bug-fucking degenerate.”

  “I mean,” Frost grumbled. “I’m not a bug-fucker, at least not yet.”

  “Yet?” Lishri blushed. “While I would be honored and more than willing Herald Frost, I’m not actually capable of mating with humans.”

  “Nobody fucking cares, you bug,” Slade said as he flagged Frost through. “Just get the fuck out of my city.”

  “With pleasure,” Frost said as they rode out.

  The trip back to the forest was relatively uneventful outside of some travelers gawking and saying things about Lishri or the others. When they finally arrived at the forest, they unsurprisingly found that the knights had moved their encampment to the outskirts to avoid the worst of the purge.

  As they road down the bumpy dirt path he started thinking about roads, trade, and the general needs of the village. He’d acquired Lishri as a tailor but he’d need skilled tradespeople. Then there was the matter of Filan which he hadn’t even visited yet. He needed to integrate them with the elves somehow.

  He didn’t really have intentions to grow the village into a metropolis or anything but wanted it to be a comfortable place for the elves and really anybody else that wanted to live there. Also, he had a pretty solid foundational knowledge of the world and had a few ideas on how to use that knowledge.

  Unfortunately, as far as city planning went, his only experience was basically from games and he was pretty sure those wouldn’t all apply. Even if he was in a world that had levels and ability systems, it also seemed that time, effort, and ability mattered.

  But the one thing he was positive they’d be needing was more housing. Maybe a proper inn and a proper tavern in case they actually do get guests. They also needed a school for the children in the village. He figured he could probably optimize a better training regimen than what they currently had.

  “Guh,” Frost groaned. “Now that things are settling down there’s so much to do.”

  “We can help!” Jasmine said excitedly. “We’re really useful!”

  “Yeah,” Iris said timidly. “I don’t want you to regret bringing us along.”

  “We’re super hard workers,” Zin
nia added.

  “I’ll do everything I can,” Lishri said nervously. “But are you really sure it’s okay that I’m…”

  “It’s fine Lishri,” Frost laughed. “Don’t worry. I’m sure everybody will love all of you.”

  “We also need to plan a wedding,” Brynn said cheerfully.

  “I thought we already finished planning that,” Frost sighed while looking at the trees. Although they left before sun up it was nearly nightfall. Although he probably should have been happy that they arrived as early as they did. Lishri in particular looked exhausted. Unfortunately, the wagon was too small so there was nowhere she could really ride. She’d basically ran the entire way.

  “Frost!” Renna screamed while dropping from a tree and wrapping herself around him. “I’ve missed you so much! We’ve all missed you so much! Why did you leave us?”

  “Just had some things to take care of in Blackwater,” Frost patted her head as she grinded her hips against him. She aggressively explored his body and then slid her hands down the front of his pants and immediately began massaging his cock. “Renna, not until we’re back in the village.”

  “But that’s so far,” Renna panted while gripping his cock. “I don’t care if everybody watches. I need you inside of me. I need you inside of me so bad.” Renna tried guiding her hand between her legs. “Just touch me, I’m burning up.”

  “Renna,” Brynn grabbed the short-haired elf by the collar and yanked her off Frost. “Wait until we’re back in the village.”

  “Then go faster,” Renna said while grinding up against Brynn. “I missed you too Lady Brynn. Want to kiss again? If you go faster, I’ll do so many fun things with Frost for you. What would you like to see?”

  “Oh!” Jasmine clapped as she realized what was going on. “It’s the end of a purge! The elves at the brothel all get super crazy at the end of a purge. It’s so much fun.”

  “Oh dear,” Lishri blushed as they approached the clearing where the village was. Frost could hear moaning coming from the open windows of pretty much every small house.

  “You’re a real bastard Frost,” an exhausted Commander Grey said stepping out of his tent. Apparently, he was the only one that opted to stay in the area. “I was in Filan with that elf Robin when she began going all crazy. Didn’t take long before I figured out why. Next thing you know Robin’s holding a knife to that physician’s throat demanding we execute him for poising the villagers. Drags him out in the middle of the square in front of the village while he begs for mercy and admits his crimes. Well, anyway, the villagers seem to like her at least so that turned out okay. But then I came back yesterday to find my men sitting outside the forest and hear that my poor daughter was left with a bunch of crazy elves.”

  “I’m sure it was fine commander,” Brynn smirked. “You look no worse for wear.”

  “I suppose not,” Commander Grey said. “But poor Priscilla spent the entire time here alone dealing with their crazy and is sleeping it off. Then earlier today this nonsense started and it hasn’t stopped.”

  “We should have arrived earlier,” Frost grumbled.

  “I’m sorry,” Lishri said while taking a drink of water. She was obviously exhausted. “It’s my fault.”

  “Do I even want to ask?” Commander Grey glanced at the Arachne and the courtesans. “Nope. I don’t. Anyway, now that you’re back, Priscilla and I are going to go join my men on the outskirts. I’ve had about enough of this. Gah. Nope, I have to ask. Question will keep me up at night. Answer might though. Nope, don’t want to know. Have a good evening Herald Frost.”

  “Thanks for keeping watch commander,” Frost laughed. “You’re also free to go back to Blackwater for a week or so if you like. We came to an arrangement with Fiora while we were there.”

  “Princess Fiora’s in charge now? Good to know,” Commander Grey nodded. “I’ll take you up on that. Still have to explain to my wife that I’m not the ambassador of some nameless territory full of elves. Hope she’s not too pissed.”

  “I’ll think of a name eventually,” Frost said. “It seems everybody kind of names their country’s after their gods, doesn’t it?”

  “I mean,” Commander Grey shrugged. “This isn’t a country yet. This is a territory. Sort of like how Blackwater is just a territory within Zira. But you do what you want.”

  “I’m thinking,” Frost looked around. “It’s the Pluma Forest so Pluma Village works for a village name. Pluma territory. Then eventually for country, Shalia or Shalian. I don’t really like either. Maybe I’ll name it after me.”

  “I don’t give a damn,” Commander Grey grumbled as he walked toward his tent. “I’m getting out of here.”

  “Good, go. Frost, we’re home,” Renna moaned while grabbing at Frost’s leg as Brynn tried to pull her off. “You said once we get home.”

  “Where are we going to stay?” Jasmine asked excitedly.

  “This is a really pretty village,” Zinnia said happily. “It’s really clean and there’s plenty of space to run around.”

  “Herald Frost,” Lishra looked around anxiously. “Should I set up a tent?”

  “I mean,” Frost gestured at the temple. “I think you can all stay at the temple for now. I’ll have to chop some wood tomorrow to get started on a house. Ah, shit. I’m going to need nails as well. I should have thought about that. I can probably craft some though. But dammit I’m going to need ore. You know what, I’ll figure it out tomorrow. I’m sure that I can handle things.”

  “Who are these women,” Renna whined while tugging at his pants. “You’ve had them, haven’t you? While I’ve been all lonely you’ve been having fun with other women. I bet it felt so good. It’s no fair. Take out your cock and let me punish you.”

  “Renna,” Brynn growled while stopping the cart in Front of the temple. She pulled the green-haired elf off of Frost and pushed her off the cart. “Go inside already you horny slut. He’ll be in momentarily.”

  Frost hopped out of the cart and looked around. As many thoughts as he’d had about how it’d play out, as he heard the women moaning in their homes, he suddenly had no idea of what to do. Sure, he could have walked up and knocked but was it appropriate? Would he be interrupting? Sure, Erissa said to join her and Stormi whenever he wanted, but did they mean whenever?

  Then there was the fact that Renna was already waiting for him. If he chose somebody else she was bound to come looking, along with Lysandra. He hated himself for being so weak, he should be running door to door sleeping with elves but all he could think about was laying down with Lysandra.

  “Frost?” Shael poked her head out of her house. Several elf children poked their heads out as well but she quickly ushered them back inside and shut the door behind her. The muscular red-headed elf was sweating as she rushed toward him. “It’s so unfair Herald Frost! They keep dropping off their children at my house. Phyrra left to go play with Lyra and I’m stuck being the babysitter again. I don’t want to watch them. I have needs too. It’s not fair. Do you know how hot I am. Here, see for yourself.”

  “That is certainly hot,” Frost said as Shael pulled his hand between her legs. He reflexively slipped his finger inside of her. “Wow.”

  “Goddess, yes. See how hot I am. Can you help me?” Shael gripped his wrist and held his hand there as she rolled her hips on his finger. The desperate way the tan redhead looked at him make him want to throw her up against the wall. “Please?”

  “Who’ll watch the children?” Frost asked as he slipped a second finger into her. He slid his two fingers until he found her weak spot and started massaging it. He slowly pulled her closer until his lips were practically touching her. “We can’t just leave them…”

  “I can watch the children!” Iris said jumping up and down while pointing at herself. “I love children!”

  “Who are you?” Shael asked as Frost reached under her skirt and gripped her firm ass. “Never mind. I don’t care. Just watch the children.”

  “Yay!” Iris said as s
he skipped toward the house. “Auntie Iris is here!”

  “Should we help her?” Zinnia asked Jasmine. “It looked like there were a lot of kids.”

  “Or,” Jasmine smiled at Zinnia. “There seem to be a lot of elves. I bet they need help.”

  “They’re so in need,” Shael whined while wrapping her arms around Frost as he slid his finger inside of her. She hooked her long leg around his waist and pressed her large chest against him. “I need you so badly Herald Frost. I need you inside of me.”

  “Right,” Frost said while pulling Shael toward the temple. He turned to the two beast girls patiently waiting for his instructions. “Do what you want but if you see a pair named Lith and Aila stay away from them or you’ll regret it.”

  “I can’t wait any longer,” Shael whimpered as she reached down Frost’s pants and gripped his hard cock. “I need this so bad. I don’t care where we do it and I don’t care where you put it.”

  “Frost?” an elf popped out.

  “Herald Frost?” Lyra said as Phyrra as well as Lyra’s roommate Callie poked their heads out. “You’re back!”

  Several half naked sweat covered elves poked their heads out of their homes. He looked around at gorgeous exposed breasts and colorful mounds of the elves. Everywhere he looked some unbelievably beautiful woman was sizing him up.

  “Don’t worry Frost!” Jasmine said confidently. She stepped out in front of Frost and bowed politely as Zinnia followed her lead. “We’ll take care of everything!”

  “I want Herald Frost,” Erissa whined as she stroked her pussy.

  “Me too,” Mira said while stepping out of her house with Hestia and Callie in tow. The three of them glistened like they’d been pleasing each other all day.

  “Herald Frost,” the blue haired Marina’s transparent robe was opened as the pink-haired Robin slid her fingers through Marina’s lush blue bush. Marina turned and licked Robin’s face while playing with her exposed breasts. “Robin said she’ll let you join us.”

  “Fuck,” Frost’s cock throbbed as he almost abandoned Shael to join the two colorful elves.


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