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Crimson Blade

Page 25

by Corey Soreff

  Jin'tul had fought all manners of warriors and mages in his time. He had trained with the best in the drow kingdom. He had trained…and killed…rogues. He felt the disturbance in the planes behind him the moment the man had emerged from the shadow dimension.

  Rorik noticed the drow had detected his presence, but continued his attack anyway. His dagger sunk into the drow's shoulder as he turned, instead of his spine as he had intended. In response, one of those deadly scimitars the drow wielded cut open his chest, and Rorik fell to one knee clutching the wound.

  Ceric took advantage of the opportunity and slashed quickly at the drow's back. He feared if he tried to impale him then the drow would have enough time to dodge. Ceric's well-crafted blade easily tore through the drow's light leather armor, and opened up his back.

  Jin'tul cursed as his spine erupted in pain, but it was not a fatal wound. He turned and moved to deal with the impudent knight while the rogue was injured, scimitars reversing once again. But as he turned he saw a green flash in his peripheral vision, and then the King of the knights was gone. "What?" He quickly turned back to the rogue, but the rogue was gone too. "No!" Seth'nerak would not be pleased to hear the enemy King escaped. He gripped his scimitars tightly as he surveyed the scene around him. The knights were in full retreat, with half of their host dead or dying on the fields. He grinded his teeth in anger, and used his Godly speed to chase down the closest retreating knights, cutting down all those he could manage to feed his wrath.

  Drow warriors were throwing swords in the air, cheering, celebrating aside the Dark Legions they came to assist. Although the drow were notably keeping their distance from the smelly goblins, orcs, ogres, and trolls.

  Commanders were shouting, organizing their forces and calling back all of those who were chasing the fleeing knights. Orders were given, and the Dark Legions headed for the gates of Darnath to complete their victory.

  In the meantime Darnath, the holy city, was evacuating all its citizens. Those that had survived the arena blast, anyway. Smoke rose from all corners of the city, and children cried as they searched for their parents.

  All would remember the day that Darnath fell.


  The Gods were gathered in their usual hall, hidden among the mortal plane in their avatars. Darnillus stroked his beard at the head of the table of Light, per usual. The battle for Darnath had ended, and Seth'nerak had been the victor.

  Noctune cleared his throat, seeking everyone's attention. "It would appear…that it was Seth'nerak himself who killed Sargath, and not Eucibous as we had previously assumed. He was apparently disguised as an elven Prince. This changes matters, especially for you Herreleck. If Eucibous had been Sargath's slayer, then you would indeed be bumped to the top of your pantheon. But since it was Seth'nerak, it is likely he will take Sargath's seat directly for himself."

  Darnillus shook his head. "How ironic that Sargath fed us lies those years ago to regain the very champion that was to be his doom."

  Herreleck's fist slammed against the table. "Ridiculous! I've earned that seat, this mortal has no experience!" Several of the other evil Gods muttered in agreement, and several voiced their opposition. Not everyone was a friend of the sly Herreleck.

  "You know the rules, Herreleck. Unless you'd perhaps opt to challenge him to open battle?" Darnillus asked.

  Herreleck grunted in response, and let it end at that. He wanted the seat, but he wasn't a fool.

  "In any case, this did not go the way anybody expected. Not only has Eucibous Dan'anti been defeated, but your own champion has turned to evil, Darnillus." Gurnac said. "These are bad tidings. Who can stand against Seth'nerak?"

  Darnillus was not happy about Kuldric Kinaan. He had never thought him to be the type to turn to evil, although torture has the power to change hearts. "A bad turn of events indeed. It would seem that the Crimson Blade is our only hope. Your champion, Eucibous, is likely the only one that can defeat Seth'nerak now." He said as he stared at Gurnac.

  Gasps arose from around the chamber. Some of the Gods had suspected it, and some even knew. But Darnillus had just openly stated that Gurnac was the God that had been supporting Eucibous.

  "The council is to be told of all champions, Gurnac! Is this true?" Herreleck asked.

  Gurnac nodded. "Quiet yourself Herreleck, the council is also to be made aware of broken truces and surprise wars, which you were a part of with the traitor Sargath. You two can play your war games, I'll do as I please in the meantime." Gurnac said as he motioned at the tables of Light and Darkness.

  Darnillus called for silence. "Eucibous is not our concern any longer. I should never have made the deal with Sargath in the first place, but I suppose I got excited at the prospect of having a young Dalin again."

  "Lot of good that did you," scoffed Yodan.

  "Let us rejoice, my dark brethren." Said Xeraj. "Although many events have taken place that we did not expect, our side has won this day."

  Several other voiced their agreement.

  "We must…" Procta started, but Darnillus raised a hand to silence him.

  "Save our plans for our private meetings, I fear they are not safely discussed any longer among the Dark." Darnillus said.

  Then a rift opened among them, and a dirty, bloody drow stepped out. He brushed off his cloak, removed his hood, and sat in Sargath's chair. Seth'nerak grinned at the Gods around him and waved in greeting. "Why hello, fellow Gods and Goddesses."

  "How did you find this chamber before your invite?" Asked Darnillus.

  "You gather in the realm of mortals and attempt to hide your presence. I could smell you from across the sea." Stated Seth'nerak. "We have more important matters to discuss. Like you surrendering all of Adanantus to me." He pointed at the Gods of Light.

  "You know we cannot do that, mortal," Darnillus responded.

  "I figured you wouldn't. So I'll take it by force. First Adanantus, then all of Darnesia. And I will find Eucibous Dan'anti, wherever you have hidden him." Seth'nerak promised. "And I'm not a mortal, I am a God, at the head of this pantheon. And you will give me due respect."

  Darnillus shook his head in sadness, foreseeing the bloodshed that was to come. He waved his hand, and the pantheon of Light vanished, retreating to their own private halls.

  "Our number one priority is to keep Eucibous and his companions alive," Darnillus stated once they were alone. "See that it is done."

  The Gods of Light all acknowledged the command, and returned to their planes. All except Anania.

  "Yes, child?" Asked Darnillus.

  Anania had her head lowered in shyness, and slowly worked up the courage to face Darnillus. "I'm…umm…I'm pregnant."

  "What? Who is the father? I had no idea you had gotten involved with one of our kin." Darnillus said.

  "That's the thing, he is not of the Light. The father is Eucibous Dan'anti. I fear I have made a mistake, I am so sorry." Anania dropped her gaze to the floor again.

  Darnillus's eyes widened. "Will you…?" He started, not needing to finish the question.

  Anania nodded hesitantly. "I'll keep it."

  They sat in an abandoned house in the port city of Caldar. They knew if they returned to their guild hall then they would be discovered, and they couldn't afford discovery in their condition.

  Lok sat at the head of a table. Along the sides sat Jarec, Rorik, Velion, and Ceric. Eucibous was resting in the other room, fast asleep. Ceric had used his gift to do what he could for the healing process, but Eucibous's wounds were deep and his body needed to recover. He likely wouldn't wake for days.

  "Nobody expected this. We will remain in hiding until Eucibous is better," Lok said. "None of us are to leave." Everyone nodded their agreement except for Ceric.

  "You can't expect me to stay here and do nothing. My knights are in disarray and without their King. I must go to my army." Ceric said. "Besides, I'm not even one of you."

  "Go if you wish, but Seth'nerak wants you dead. And is likely to get his wish if
you expose yourself right now." Lok advised. "We can get a messenger to deliver orders to your army, I would advise you to set up the Knights of Darnillus here in Caldar. The Dark Legions are far from here, and Seth'nerak himself will only go somewhere alone to get to one of us. We must gather our strength before we have any chance of retaking Darnath."

  "You mean to retake Darnath?" Ceric asked. He obviously planned to do so himself, but didn't expect these mercenaries to care much for Darnath's liberation.

  "I mean to stop them from taking over the continent. And I'm sure I speak for Eucibous when I say he'll want a rematch with the liche." Lok said.

  "That drow King…he was strong." Said Rorik, as he touched his chest where the wound was.

  Lok nodded. "So was his father. They also have Kuldric on their side now, likely the new King of the Dark Legions since Seth'nerak has ascended to Godhood. But let's not be so naïve as to hope Seth'nerak will stay out of the mortal realm himself."

  "Grymm…" Jarec began. "You can teleport, right? You need to get Grymm's body."

  "I will," promised Lok. "And Ginin's. It would seem the zombie of Ginin that appeared during the battle was his real body, I am told his grave was dug up in our absence."

  "Uhh, Eucibous offered us seats in the Crimson Blade. I presume the offer still stands?" Asked Velion. "If so, I accept."

  "And I," said Rorik.

  "If Eucibous did make such an offer, then of course it stands. We'll confirm with him when he wakes." Lok said.

  "That damn drow…" started Ceric.

  Lok thought of Grymmbeard and Ginin. "Yes, that damn drow…will die. No longer will we suffer the wrath of the Gods. From now on, the Gods will suffer us."

  About the Author

  Corey Soreff grew up in Peabody, Massachusetts. He began writing short stories and poetry at a young age, and was always an avid fan of epic fantasy. His favorite authors include J.R.R Tolkien, R.A. Salvatore, Brent Weeks, Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, and many more. He draws heavy influence from not only the fantasy genre, but manga and Japanese animation as well. He has always held normal jobs, while writing in his spare time. He has since moved to Israel and at the time of this publication is currently serving in the Israel Defense Forces.




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