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My Favorite Rogue: 8 Wicked, Witty, and Swoon-worthy Heroes

Page 174

by Courtney Milan, Lauren Royal, Grace Burrowes, Christi Caldwell, Jess Michaels, Erica Ridley, Delilah Marvelle

  Kate looked up at him, her eyes glinting with mischief. “You’ve no idea.”

  “Now where were we?” he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

  Her hand caressed the back of his neck. “I think you were trying to find a place to set me down.”

  “So I was.” Damnation, he was on fire for her. His blood was pounding, making rational thought extremely difficult. If he wasn’t careful, he might toss her over his shoulder and carry her off to his cave.

  As if she could see the passion mounting in his eyes, she said breathily, “I recommend the carpet in front of the fire.”

  He started for the green and white woven carpet. “Whatever my duchess commands.”

  She smiled mischievously. “But I’m not yet.”

  He stopped just a few feet before the banked fire, unsure if the low burning flames or her body against him was causing the warmth inside him. “Not what?”

  “Your duchess, Your Grace.”

  Ryder swiftly lowered her to the soft Persian rug and propped himself on his forearms over her. “Oh, but you will be.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Soon,” he whispered, kissing her eye lids. “Very soon.”

  “How soon?” she asked, hitching her legs up and slightly apart so he could rest between them.

  He resisted the urge to roll on top of her and take her in one claiming thrust. Instead, ever so slowly, he took her silk skirts in his hand and raked them up her legs. She shivered, and he smiled down at her as he let his fingers caress her upper thighs, dipping them to the softest skin, just by her core. “Should I wake the bishop of London from his afternoon nap?”

  “Later,” she gasped as his fingers swirled over her hot, wet folds.

  “Whenever you desire.” He opened her legs wide, giving him complete access.

  She gazed up at him, amazement on her face. “We can do this forever now.”

  The words sank in like a terrifying blessing. Whether she knew it or not, he was going to be responsible for her safety and happiness. Without replying, Ryder lowered his mouth to hers, choosing to show how much he wanted her rather than saying it.

  In that moment, he knew he failed Jane. But with his vow to her, he’d helped to make amends. And now, now he had Kathryn. No matter what it took. He would find a way to keep the vow of his past and still live his future.

  Chapter 19

  It didn’t seem possible that she was going to be married to this man. Yet, it was true. Kate let her fingers lace into his silken hair as he skimmed his lips over her thighs. With the lightest touch, he traced his fingers over her exposed hipbones, and she parted her thighs even wider, tilting her hips to him.

  The man allowed her to be totally free. In fact he seemed to encourage it, for as she thrust her hips towards him, he ever so gently flicked his tongue over her most sensitive spot. Kate cried out, and her fingers tightened on his hair, pressing his mouth against her.

  He laughed softly, and the vibrations sent waves of pleasure through her lower body.

  “You like that?” he murmured against her folds.

  “Yes,” she panted. “Oh, yes.”

  Gently, he sucked her hot core into his mouth. The heat and pressure was nigh unbelievable, and Kate looked down at him. It was so erotic seeing his face pressed between her legs. His eyes were closed as if giving her pleasure was the most wonderful thing in the world. His mouth worked her relentlessly, applying pressure then pulling back so she bucked against him.

  “Just feel it, Kathryn,” he said against her.

  She dropped her head back, glorying in the feel of him. She was so wet, and with every caress of his tongue she flew higher and higher. Her free hand dug into the carpet, and her hips shook against his mouth.

  But he didn’t stop, he just kept swirling his tongue and then he thrust two fingers deep inside her. Kate moaned at the intensity of it, and wave after wave rippled through her until she couldn’t think. She watched him, kissing her between her thighs.

  To her shock, another pulse of pleasure threw her to a higher wave of intensity. “Please, Ryder. Please.”

  He drew back ever so slightly, his face flushed with need and his lips dewy with her moisture. He kissed the inside of her thigh, smoothing his lips clean. “What do you want?” he asked as he smoothed a hand down her thigh to her ankle.


  He nipped at her hip then licked it. “What part of me do you want?”

  Swallowing, Kate stared at him not sure if she understood. Did he truly wish her to say it? “I—”

  “Tell me, Kathryn.”

  “I want your. . .cock.” The words flew out of her, and her cheeks flamed with embarrassment, but at the same time, it turned her hot body even hotter. How could words make her hungrier for him than she already was?

  “Where do you want it?”

  Kate blinked up at him, half mad with need for him. “I don’t understand.”

  He kissed his way up her tightly laced stomacher and let his mouth hover over hers. “There is more than one place for it to go.”

  Her eyes flared. “What?”

  He placed his fingers against her opening and probed lightly. “Here,” he said. “Or you could take it here,” and he lowered his fingers to her bottom.

  Her eyes flared at the impossibility of that idea. And then he rubbed his lips against hers and whispered, “Or you could take me in your mouth.”

  She moaned as his kiss devoured her. He tasted slightly salty, and she realized that was how she must taste.

  Even though she loved his kiss, she moved her hand down between their bodies, cupping his hardness through his breeches. “I can do that?” she asked, as she massaged him.

  “Most definitely,” he groaned. “But for now, let me tell you what I want.”

  “Yes.” It was surprising to realize that though she was a widow, and she’d already made love to this man, she was basically innocent. But she had a feeling that wouldn’t last long. And frankly, she couldn’t wait.

  He unlaced his breeches. “Roll on to your side,” he said gently.

  On her side? Why on earth would he want that? But she complied, curiosity now mixed with her need.

  He lowered himself down by her back. Lightly, he stroked her bottom then pushed her leg up towards her chest so she was exposed. Kate glanced back over her shoulder, unsure of how he would make this work.

  Ryder pulled her hips as tight against his as her skirts would allow, and then he rubbed the head of his cock against her wet heat, starting at her bottom and then moving forward.

  Her breath came in sharp pants. It was so shocking and delicious that she found herself, rocking her hips back again.

  “Now,” she groaned.

  He took her hand and wrapped it around his hard shaft. “Guide me, Kathryn.”

  She hesitated for just one moment, amazed at how powerful she suddenly felt. She took him in a firm grip, and he moaned. Opening her slick folds, she pressed him against her opening, and he grabbed her hips and thrust in to the hilt.

  A gasp rushed from her throat. She felt so full. And at this angle, his cock stroked a spot she’d never known existed.

  As he thrust deep inside her body, she glanced back at him. His face was a mask of pleasure, and he pulled her closer to him, freeing her breasts from her corset as he filled her.

  Just when she thought the pressure couldn’t grow any more powerful, he placed his fingers in her mouth. Instinctively, she sucked them and then he pulled away and lowered his hand to between her legs. His now wet fingers met her slick core, and a moan ripped from her throat.

  It was too much. The feel of his cock thrusting hard into her body and his fingers circling over her pussy.

  “That’s it, Kathryn,” he breathed against her ear. “I love to please you.”

  His fingers were relentless, and she reached back gripping his hips as he pumped against her. “Oh god,” she moaned, at a loss for words.

  She tossed her head back and forth, unable to stand the
knot building inside her.

  “Tell me what you need,” he said, his voice ragged.

  “I don’t—”

  “Do you need to come?” he offered.

  “Yes. Oh, yes,” she gasped, her fingers digging harder into his hip. “Please, make me come.”

  He increased the speed of his fingers and as he pulled out to just the tip, he pressed down on her pussy and thrust his cock deep inside her.

  The world exploded around her, and her breath froze in her throat. His hot seed spilled inside her, and as he shuddered against her body, she opened her mouth in a silent scream. Her inner muscles clasped him, not wanting to let him go, and he groaned.

  As they came back from the precipice together, he rested his head against the top of hers and their bodies, sweaty from love making they relaxed into each other as if the connection made them one.

  Kate drew in several slow breaths. She could do this. She could make love to him day after day and revel in it. They would be together as friends and as lovers. And she could keep her heart safe.

  It didn’t matter that she never wanted this moment to end, or that she felt more at home in his arms than anywhere else she’d ever been.

  Ryder was marrying her to offer her protection and a chance at happiness. That was all she needed, and she’d find a way to make it up to him, this sacrifice. Yes, she’d be able to keep her heart safe and still have him. She would find a way.

  * * *

  The great quest of Kate’s happiness had begun, or at least so it seemed to her. Ryder personally arranged every aspect of their wedding. To her surprise, he seemed born to organize large events, not to mention manipulate the masses into doing exactly as he pleased. Perhaps it was his military training or perhaps it was his glower which seemed to instill an instant desire in anyone around him to improve his mood.

  As it was, she stood before the Bishop of London in St. Paul’s Cathedral. It was a feat in and of itself to keep herself from laughing at the joy of it all. The nave was packed with the most prestigious members of the ton and the Houses of Parliament.

  Though it was uncommon to have such a public wedding, it was clear Ryder wanted the entire world to witness their joining. And everything was being done to perfection. The aisle had been lined with a white satin runner and cloth of gold swathed the side chapels.

  Her own gown was an ice blue, shot through with silver silk, and crystals had been pressed into the shapes of roses all along her stomacher. But even more astonishing were the jewels Ryder produced. She felt laden down and yet at the same time it was like stepping into a magical world devoted to beauty.

  Diamonds and pearls were woven into her hair and ropes of pearls had been strung about her neck, several tight to the base of her throat, and three strands hung in various lengths to her waist.

  And her ring. My goodness, she wasn’t sure she could even lift her hand, the sapphire surrounded by diamonds was so impressive.

  It was so completely different than her last wedding in which no one, not even her father, attended.

  Almost entirely because of their scandal, their wedding was the wedding of the year. There was, of course, his infamous dukedom and her fortune, but then there was the fact that the Prince of Wales himself was standing in pink and green brocade in the first row. He looked on with a pleased expression, his quizzing glass at an artful distance as he dabbed his eyes with an embroidered handkerchief.

  The prince was renowned for his ability to produce tears.

  But Ryder was magnificent. Against all the grandeur, he was simple elegance. His black coat was cut to perfection and made of the finest black moiré. Silver leaves were embroidered along the edging and pockets.

  Though many had observed that he still clung to his tradition of an entirely black garb, Kate refused to be daunted. It was a habit he had had for many years. Habits were hard to break, but one day, she’d see him in color.

  They knelt together, Ryder’s firm grasp a reassuring anchor in this tumultuous moment. She’d sworn never to wed again, but here she was. In the end, all that truly mattered was that she retain her senses and not prove a girlish ninny.

  All would turn out well.

  And so when, in a fog, she heard the bishop say her name, she found the ability to say, “I do.”

  To her surprise, she realized Ryder had been holding his breath. She looked up at him and smiled. Surely, he had not thought she’d come this far only to turn tail and run from the church. Oh no, she was not one to retreat.

  He squeezed her gloved hand and repeated the vows the bishop recited.

  And in a trice, well not really, the bishop did rabbit on and on in a drearily emphatic voice about the importance of cleaving towards one husband, and she could have sworn he spent the better half of the sermon, pointing out certain ladies in the congregation, they were married.

  At last, his breath gave out, and he gave the final blessing.

  The prince applauded, then did everyone else. He minced forward, waving his handkerchief which sent the diamonds upon his salmon pink coat shimmering. “Well done.” He took Kate’s hand and kissed it. “Beautiful, madam. Absolutely beautiful. Could watch a sermon all day if you were before the bishop.”

  Kate bit back a grin and curtsied as deep as she might under the weight of her new jewels. “It is an honor simply to be in your presence, Your Highness.”

  “Flattery, Lady Darkwell. Flattery,” trilled the prince. “But who wouldn’t want it from such a lady.” He clapped Darkwell on the back. “Lucky man.” The prince looked about then rubbed his pudgy hands together. “To the wedding breakfast, what?”

  Ryder inclined his head, an amused expression which one might see used when regarding a spoiled yet charming child on his face. “Certainly, Your Majesty.”

  “Good. Good.” The prince clapped his hands and the organ rang out.

  With the prince leading the way, Kate and Ryder made their way down the center of the nave and out onto the steps of St. Paul’s. The bells began to peal, and Kate could hardly believe it was all happening. A year ago, she’d never even dreamed the true splendors of London. Now, she was not only here, but at the very center of it.

  Which of course was quite a change even from the previous week where she had barely been able to leave the house. And better still, she didn’t have to follow Ryder about, trying to see him. No, he was her husband now. They’d live under the same roof, and she’d chosen to believe he would be different than Percy. That she would see him every day.

  She couldn’t cease beaming.

  “Happy, Lady Darkwell?” Ryder asked, his hand on her lower back guiding her carefully down the steps.

  “Very.” She might not have his heart or his love. She might never truly ever have him. All things she would have allowed herself to want years ago, before she learned how fragile the heart was in another’s hands. But she had this. The beginning of a friendship unlike any she had ever known. And that, that would somehow have to be enough.

  Chapter 20

  The Duke of Aston doffed his big black hat decked with red feathers and gave his tiger grin. “My invitation was lost, no doubt, in the dubious London postal system.” He shrugged, his gold buttons winking in the morning light. “An oversight I corrected.”

  Ryder scowled. An oversight, his ass. He’d firmly planned on a life free of mad pirates.

  Aston clapped him on the back. “One must not be daunted by such trifles as invitations, my lad.”

  Why the hell did he call him that? Did he look like a lad?

  Unfortunately, due to the fact it was his wedding day, Ryder couldn’t quite manage a formidable glower. “Your presence is a thorn in my side.”

  “Ah, yes. But every thorn has its rose.”

  “I had no idea you boasted petals, Aston,” Ryder drawled.

  Aston laughed unperturbed by Ryder’s less than affable welcome. “No. No petals. But I do love a good flower. And your new wife, I’d say, is quite the blossom of the garden.”

>   Ryder immediately turned his attention to Kathryn who stood in a circle of ladies, who just a week ago would have thrown rotting cabbage at her. Now, they ooed and ahed over her jewels and courted her friendship as if she was a Princess Royal.

  Which was just exactly as Ryder planned.

  The ton was damn well going to get down on their knees and kiss Kathryn’s toes before he was done. With him as her husband, no one was ever going to hurt her again. And he’d cut the bastard—female or male—to ribbons who tried.

  Aston prodded him with his elbow. “Do tell me how you arranged the breakfast to take place here at Carlton House.”

  Ryder arched a brow at the bastard’s cheek. “The Prince and I happen to be quite close.”

  Aston snorted. “Come now. You’re prickly as a hedgehog and close to no one, save that politician, Hunt.”

  Ryder eyed the man with a new degree of interest. He was observant for a blustering peacock. In truth, he had agreed to pay off a large degree of the prince’s debts with his perfumer. No small cost given the prince’s obsession with scents.

  “Fine, then keep your secrets to yourself.” Clapping on his big hat, a ridiculous size for any man, Aston gave him a courtly bow. “Now, I shall go and give your wife my good wishes and my sincerest affection.”

  “You give her anything but a handshake and I’ll pull your balls through your nostrils.”

  “Vivid imagery. But rest assured, I am completely trustworthy.” And he was off like a three masted ship at sail.

  Ryder folded his arms across his broad chest. Trustworthy, his arse. The man was about as trustworthy as a walk on quicksand.

  “What the devil is he doing here?” Hunt asked, two glasses of claret in his hands.

  “My sentiments exactly. Apparently, one doesn’t need an invitation when one’s a sodding pirate.”


  “Take one look at the bastard and tell me you don’t see him prodding virgins down the plank.”

  Hunt gave Aston a once over. The man was currently cooing over Kathryn’s ring.


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