My Weakness
Page 92
“So where are we going?” I finally asked, biting my bottom lip hoping Ashton would answer.
“Somewhere,” he answered vaguely.
“Great answer. That really helps,” I said sarcastically, looking out the opposite window. We rode in silence as we got deeper into the city. I almost felt like a tourist as I leaned against the window to look outside more easily. New York had always fascinated me, even as a child. I was never allowed to come downtown like most kids in high school. Even after living here for four years, I still have not shopped or looked around in downtown New York. I never had the time or the money to do so. Kacey always invites me to come with her, but I’m either working, have class, or just too broke. So now I was looking at everything I could as the limo driver maneuvered us around traffic.
“Whoa,” I breathed as we passed the jumbo-sized TV’s playing ads, the big posters announcing upcoming movies, and the big crowd surrounding a building for what looked like the Good Morning America set. I felt like a child seeing candy for the first time, and I couldn’t seem to stop myself from taking everything in. “It’s so pretty,” I murmured after we had passed it all. I bet it is as pretty at night with all the lights going.
“Have you never seen downtown New York before?” Ashton asked softly next to me. A blush erupted across my cheeks before I could stop it. I looked over at him sheepishly, not having realized I was acting like a weirdo.
“I-I haven’t before.” I finally stuttered out. God, what was wrong with me? Layla, get yourself together!
“You’ve lived here your whole life but you haven’t seen downtown?” he asked, confused.
“Well, I lived about twenty minutes outside of town and my parents were…strict,” I replied vaguely. I’d really only seen downtown New York briefly once or twice, when Kacey made me go to a party with her at night.
He sat there quietly, a strange look on his face. Not even a minute later, he smirked to himself and turned back to me. I looked at him confused, but also curious. What was he thinking about? I wondered. Before we could say anything, the limo came to a stop. I tried glancing out the window behind Ashton’s head, but I couldn’t see anything. The door opened up not even a second later. Ashton stepped out of the limo then turned, holding a hand out for me. I slid over and tried to gracefully step out like Ashton did, but instead almost ended up tripping. Ashton’s warm hand gripped my hand, preventing me from embarrassing myself. A blush crept onto my face and I looked anywhere but at him.
“Thank you,” I said. I started taking in the place. In front of me was what looked like an expensive restaurant. Couples and business partners sat outside enjoying the semi-cold air and talking to one another. A slight tug on my arm alerted me that the front door to the restaurant was being held open for us. Ashton tugged me along behind him as we walked through and to the front counter.
“Hello, Mr. Miller,” a tall blonde purred at Ashton. I looked up at her and scowled. And I thought my uniform was small; this woman’s top was so tight you could see the outline of her bra. Her breasts were practically pushed up to her ears and looked ready to fall with a deep breath. I didn’t even want to know what bottoms she was wearing. Her face was caked in makeup, and I could see her hair was dyed that ugly blonde color. Her blue eyes didn’t even glance in my direction as she stared at Ashton as if he were a piece of meat. “Would you like a table outside or inside?” she asked, her voice coming out all nasally.
“A table outside please,” he said, not really making eye contact with her. She seemed surprised for a second, but recovered and grabbed a menu and turned to lead us to our table. Noticing that she grabbed just one, I rolled my eyes and snatched a menu off the counter before following after Ashton. As I trailed behind them, I saw she kept pressing herself against his side. A part of me wanted to walk right up to her and rip her fake blonde hair out. Shocked at myself, I shook my head. Why does it even matter to me? It’s not like we are dating. Yes, but you are out on a date with him and she’s practically on top of him, oblivious to you. ’We finally reached our table and the girl pressed herself close to Ashton as she set his menu on the table.
“If you need anything, just let me know.” She winked at him and bounced off. Rolling my eyes, I sat down in my chair.
“I was going to hold your chair out for you,” Ashton said next to me.
“I got it,” was all I said. I heard him sigh and I smiled inwardly. I wouldn’t be some damsel in distress around Ashton. I can handle things myself and have for years now. But he helped you the other night, a voice reasoned in the back of my mind. Before I could argue, Ashton asked me something. “Hmmm?” I asked, not hearing what he said.
“What do you like to eat? This place has a good selection.” He glanced up at me over his menu.
“I like almost anything, just not seafood.” Something about the texture has always bothered me.
“You don’t like seafood?” Ashton practically gasped at me. I couldn’t help but laugh softly at his expression. He almost looked like I had kicked a puppy or something.
“No. It just tastes weird to me,” I said, shrugging.
“I don’t know who you are.” He shook his head at me but when he looked up, his eyes were filled with amusement.
“Not liking seafood isn’t as bad as not liking cookie dough,” I said.
“I don’t like cookie dough.” I gasped, not believing my ears.
“You don’t like cookie dough?”
“Nope.” He shrugged just like I had.
“What kind of person are you?” Ashton just stared at me in amusement.
“What’s the big deal? It’s just cookie dough. I’d rather eat it after it’s been cooked.” I just shook my head at him and looked down at my menu.
To say this was a fancy would be an understatement. The meals were pretty pricey. A plate of pasta was close to thirty bucks. That better be some damn good pasta. I looked for the cheapest thing to get and only ended up with a side salad for close to ten dollars. Ashton must have seen the look on my face.
“Layla, don’t worry about the price. I’m paying,” he said.
“Have you not seen these prices? They are more than my paychecks.”
“I can afford it. It’s okay get whatever you want.” I really wanted to say “‘yeah, I know,’” but I held it in until after we ordered to hound him as to why he didn’t tell me he was a millionaire. A few minutes later, a waitress came over to get out drink order.
“Hello, what can I get you two to drink?” she asked. She was really pretty with short brown hair and light green eyes, and her name tag read Amy. When she smiled down at us, I saw she wasn’t looking at Ashton like the other girls. Shooting her a smile, I answered.
“I’ll just have water.”
“Same here,” Ashton said as well.
“Okay. Are you ready to order or need a few minutes?” Ashton looked at me silently. Nodding, he turned to Amy.
“I’ll have the lasagna with garlic bread.” He handed her his menu.
“I’ll have the pasta marinara and garlic bread also.” I smiled and handed her my menu as well. Might as well let him pay for my expensive meal. A slight payback for not telling me he had money.
“Sounds good. I’ll hurry and get that in and get you your drinks.”
After she left, we sat in silence. I could feel his gaze on me, making me feel self-conscious.
“So, are you in college still?” he asked, breaking the silence.
“No, I finished almost two years ago.”
“Oh, where did you go? NYU?”
“Yeah, me and my friend Kacey both got in.”
“She’s the one from the club, right?” I couldn’t help but be surprised that he remembered Kacey from the other night. I nodded and not even a second later, our waters were placed in front of us. “What did you study and major in?”
“I studied English and majored in Journalism. I want to be a writer or an editor,” I said, taking a sip of my water. He actually looked impre
ssed. “How about you? What did you study?” I asked, wanting to know more about him.
“I went to NYU too and majored in Business.”
“That’s pretty cool. Is that how you got your company started?” Ashton seemed to be surprised for a second before answering.
“How did you know?” he asked.
“You’re all over the internet and magazines. Did you think I wouldn’t find out?” I asked, giving him a look.
“Well, I guess you would have found out sooner or later anyways. It’s no big deal.”
“No big deal? You’re a multi-millionaire.” He just shrugged.
“Yes, but it doesn’t matter. I leave business at work. I don’t bring it into my personal affairs.” His voice was serious, almost like a warning.
“That’s good. No one likes talking business when they are on a date anyways,” I said, letting him know I was not going to go picking around in his business. What he did on his own time was his business, not mine. He seemed happy after I said that and sent me a smirk. But this time the smirk wasn’t cocky; it was just a smirk, almost a smile.
We sat there and talked for about five minutes about nothing in particular, before our meals came. When mine was placed in front of me, I was happy to know that it was actually a big portion instead of a small one. My stomach growled softly and I put a hand on it, trying to silence it. My pasta looked and smelled amazing, but Ashton’s lasagna looked great too. Grabbing my fork, I took a bite. I couldn’t stop a small moan from escaping my lips. The pasta tasted like something you’d get in Italy.
“Good?” Ashton asked, smirking at me in amusement. I nodded and felt my cheeks heat up.
While we were eating, I couldn’t help but glance up at Ashton. He looked like a model who just stepped out of a magazine. I couldn’t help but think that this date was going to turn out amazing.
Chapter 9
After we had finished eating and got the check, we made our way back to the car. I felt bad having Ashton pay, but after being firmly told he got it I backed off. I was now back inside the limo driving to god knows where. Ashton sat quietly next to me, occasionally tapping away at his phone. I took that time that he wasn’t looking at me to study him. To say he was hot was an understatement. He was beyond gorgeous. His brown hair was in a messy but sexy style. His dark blue suit looked great on him, but on anyone else, it would have looked funny. It made his blue eyes pop out even more. The suit jacket hugged his wide muscular shoulders and highlighted his strong arms. The jacket looked almost like the seams would burst free by his large biceps. And don’t get me started on the slacks that hugged his well-toned backside. There was something about a man in a suit that made a woman weak in the knees.
Ashton’s well-defined jaw clenched as he read something on his phone. I couldn’t help but feel turned on by that. His fingers flew across his phone, and I wondered what was going on. The longer I stared at him, the more I wondered why he asked me out. Maybe out of pity? I wouldn’t lie that just the thought of that hurt. Before I could depress myself, I felt my phone buzz in my bag. Reaching in, I saw I got a text from Kacey.
To: Layla
From: Kacey (the emoji of a crown)
How’s your date going? Did you decide to skip lunch and go straight to dessert?
I instantly felt my cheeks heat up. Only Kacey would think that.
To: Kacey
From: Layla
NO! Why would you think that?
Not even a second later, she replied. I could tell she was waiting by her phone waiting for my reply.
To: Layla
From: Kacey
What? He’s hot. You should shag him before it’s too late.
After reading her text, I quickly turned off my phone not bothering to reply. Of course, Kacey would tell me to sleep with the most eligible bachelor in New York; someone who is also the biggest player around. After putting my phone away, I looked up as I felt the car coming to a stop. Glancing out the window, I didn’t recognize where we were.
“Ashton, where are we?” I finally asked.
“It’s a surprise,” he said as his driver opened the door for us. I slid out and stepped to the side, waiting for Ashton to come out. I glanced around trying to figure out where we were, but with no such luck. After Ashton thanked his driver, he put a hand on my lower back.
“Let’s go,” was all he said, nudging me forward toward a big building.
As we walked toward the building, I couldn’t help but wonder where we were. After Ashton held the door open for me, I slid inside and glanced around. I instantly started to recognize where we were. Posters of all different kinds of sea life covered the walls, and little kids ran around their parents as they left. Ashton had brought me to the aquarium. I have never been but have always wanted to go. I turned to Ashton with wide eyes.
“The aquarium!” I said, smiling.
“Yeah, I thought maybe you’d like it,” Ashton mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. Seeing him look almost embarrassed, I knew he didn’t do this often.
“I love it.” I looked around and saw the entrance that led deeper. “Let’s go!” I said, grabbing his arm and pulling him to the entrance. I heard him chuckle as I dragged him. I came to a stop at the ticket booth reaching into my bag to grab my wallet. Just as I pulled out my wallet, a big hand was placed above mine stopping me.
“I got it.” I started to protest but Ashton had already handed money over, and the lady was handing him our passes for inside. Glaring at the back of his head, I followed him inside not wanting to hold the line up.
“Ashton, I could have paid,” I said.
“Yes, but I asked you out so I will be paying,” he said firmly as he turned around to face me. Seeing his blue eyes staring down at me made my knees weak. I just nodded, not trusting myself to talk. Layla, what’s wrong with you? I shouted at myself inside my head. You’re letting him get to you!
“What do you want to see first?”
“Uh…I…um,” I stuttered. I looked around and saw there were three hallways: one leading to the right, one to the left, and one straight ahead. “Let’s go right,” I said, hoping the hallways just linked together. Ashton nodded at me and we both started down the right hallway.
We were silent as we came up to the first display of sea animals. I saw all different kinds and colors of fish. There were orange, red, blue, yellow, brown, and even green fish!
“Look, there’s Dory!” I said, pointing.
“Dory?” Ashton asked, confusion clear in his voice. I turned to him, resisting the urge to gasp.
“Dory? From Finding Nemo?”
“No, haven’t heard of that. Is that a movie?”
“Yeah, it’s an animated movie. Can’t believe you’ve never seen or even heard of it.”
“I’ve been too busy working to watch some kid movie.”
“It’s not just a kid movie! It’s also an adult one. It’s funny and has a life lesson.” I needed to defend one of my favorite Disney movies.
“A life lesson? And what is that life lesson?” Ashton asked as we made our way slowly down the hallway.
“Well, the story is about a fish, Nemo, that gets kidnapped by humans and is taken to a doctor’s office to be given as a gift. His dad, Marlin, goes out and tries to find him meeting all different kinds of sea life like a turtle, a shark, and Dory. Well, long story short, the lesson is that it’s okay to get out of your comfort zone, and that it’s okay to let someone or something you love go and let them find their own way,” I said, looking at the fishes swimming around in their tank. Dory’s quote, “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming,” ran through my head. The sound of my heels clicking against the tile was the only sound that could be heard. Ashton was silent as we continued walking thinking about what I said.
“Well, that’s…insightful,” Ashton finally said. I couldn’t help but snort at his response.
“It’s a good movie. One day I’ll get you to watch it.” I nodded at my goal
. From the corner of my eye, I saw Ashton just smirking.
“What are you, seven?” Ashton said not even a minute later.
“Hey, a twenty-three-year-old can watch a Disney movie,” I said. He just rolled his eyes at me but dropped it.
The further we moved into the building, the more fish we saw. It was probably weird seeing a man in a suit and a girl dressed up walking around a family attraction. We looked so out of place, but thankfully the aquarium wasn’t busy today and it was only us. A few minutes later, we turned and walked under this glass fixture that let the fish swim over us. I looked up just in time to see a huge shark swim over us.
“Whoa! Look at that!” I said amazed as I tugged on Ashton’s arm. I watched what I thought was a bullhead shark pass over us. Even though we were inside, its shadow passed over us, making it seem eerie. “That’s a big shark.”
We stood under it for a little while longer, watching all different kinds of fish go over us. As I watched them swim, I couldn’t help but think how simple their lives were. All they did was swim around in their tank and didn’t have to worry about being eaten, not being fed, or have to worry about anything. I couldn’t help but think life would be so much simpler if we were fishes in a tank. We wouldn’t have to worry about work, money, family, nothing other than ourselves. It would be so nice to swim and forget about everything. I felt a soft nudge on my hip, knocking me out of my thoughts.
“Did you see that one?” Ashton asked, pointing to a puffer fish. It was the same one from Finding Nemo; when you touch it, it puffs up.
“That one is cool. If you could be any fish or sea life, what would it be?” I asked, glancing up at him as we slowly walked. Ashton was silent as he thought over my question.
“I would be a shark,” he said, and just then a big white shark swam by.
“A shark, really?”
“Yes. They are the predators of the sea, along with whales. I’d rather be the king of the sea instead of a jellyfish or something,” he reasoned.