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Heavyweight: A Paranormal Shifter Romance (Hallow Brothers Book 3)

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by Tricia Andersen

  Henry swiped his tongue across his lower lip. “Aren’t you a sweet talker?”

  “This sweet talker hasn’t slept since before his shift last night.”

  “If you’re done, you can go settle in on the couch, and I’ll bring you a piece of cake.”

  Samuel kissed him again. “I don’t deserve you.”

  “You don’t. But I love you anyway.” Henry swatted him on the ass. His cock stiffened at Henry’s touch. “Go sit. I’ll be right out.”

  Samuel grinned before he slipped out of the dining room. He sat on the couch and studied the old house around him. The tinkling of dishes rattling together was music to his ears. He could get used to a life like this if he didn’t turn into a terrifying wolf every full moon. He yawned and then cursed. The late night got the better of him. His eyes grew heavy. They drooped closed.

  He felt a tug on the waistband of his jeans. The zipper was slid down. His cock was fished from his briefs. A strong hand stroked him. He cracked an eye open. Two pieces of cake sat waiting on the coffee table. Henry stretched across the couch until he almost rested his head on Samuel’s shoulder.

  His long, powerful fingers were gripped around Samuel’s cock. He pumped up and down the length as he stared into his lover’s eyes. Samuel moaned as he lost himself in Henry’s smoky gaze. He bucked his hips against Henry’s hand.

  “Baby, no,” Samuel protested, his voice faint. “I’m too tired to play tonight.”

  Henry’s smile was pure evil. “Then let me do all the work. You sit back and enjoy.”

  “That’s not fair to you.”

  Henry kissed him long, slow, and deep. “I don’t care. I offered. Let me do this for you. Let me help you relax.”

  Samuel groaned his agreement. Henry dropped his head onto Sam’s lap. He ran his tongue up Samuel’s length. He shuddered at the touch. Henry slipped his hand from Samuel to fondle his sack. Then he enveloped Samuel’s cock with his mouth.

  Samuel hissed and moaned as Henry sucked hard, bobbing his head up and down Samuel’s shaft until his top hit the back of Henry’s throat. Relaxing this was not. This turned Sam’s blood into molten fire. No sex Sam had before was as good as it was with Henry. He gripped the back of the couch as he fought himself not to buck. It was no use. He arched his hips up hard, causing Henry to pull away.

  “Fuck, Henry. I’m so sorry,” Sam murmured.

  Henry looked up as a trail of drool dribbled from his lip down the length of Sam. “Shh,” he ordered before he continued to suck. He gripped Samuel’s hips to keep him still.

  Sam buried his fingers in Henry’s thick hair as the knot in his belly unwound violently. He roared as he came, the rush leaving him light-headed. As he came back to he could hear the sound of sucking and slurping as Henry caressed his cock with his lips to clean up the mess. He blew out a steady breath as Henry sat up and ran a finger along his bottom lip. The whole sight was too sexy for Samuel to resist. He kissed Henry, his tongue fighting to play with his lover’s.

  “Aww, Henry,” Samuel breathed.

  Henry took his hand and stood. “Come to bed. Hold me.”

  Sam rose and followed him down the hall to the bedroom. The room was silent as they undressed and tumbled into bed together. Legs and arms knotted together. Henry laid his head on Samuel’s broad chest. Samuel gently stroked his hair as his thoughts wandered. Caleb and Micah talked all the time about mating, about sex that blew their minds. Any other sexual experience they had paled to making love to their mates.

  Sex with Henry was the best Samuel ever had bar none. He craved it all the time. It was all he thought about. He was obsessed with it.

  Except no magical mark appeared on either man. No tattoo embedded itself in their skin to bind them to each other for eternity. It never would. Sam let go a sad sigh as his eyes fluttered closed. Henry’s gentle snore was the last thing he remembered before he fell asleep.

  Chapter Two

  Sam strolled down the street and then stopped. He turned around and gazed at Henry standing in the doorway. He was dressed in a pair of sweatpants that hung deliciously off his hips just right. For a librarian, he had a six pack that made Samuel jealous. He wasn’t sure where Henry hid the gym equipment among all those books. Whatever he did, it worked. Maybe Samuel should start something like it.

  Sam stared at him for a long, hard minute until a car horn shook him from his stupor. He chuckled to himself as he jogged back to his lover. Taking the steps of the porch two at a time, he planted a kiss on Henry’s lips.

  “Your brothers texted twenty minutes ago,” Henry chided with a sweet smile.


  “They’ll leave you behind.”

  “If they do, we could go back to bed, and I’ll wake you up the same way I did earlier.”

  Henry moaned at the playful threat. His voice was breathless. “Sam, I have to go to work.”

  “Fuck work. Stay with me.”

  “Wish I could. When will you be back?”

  “Soon. I promise. I love you, Henry. You’re my best friend. I can tell you everything.”

  Henry met his gaze. “Not everything. You’re holding back from me.”

  Samuel stretched his frame to kiss his forehead. “Someday. Someday you’ll know everything.”

  They shared one last, deep kiss before Henry nudged him away. “Go, get to your brothers.”

  Samuel stepped back. “Love you.”

  “Love you more.”

  Samuel backpedaled so he could watch Henry. Henry waved and then closed the door. Samuel spun on his toe and dug his cell from his pocket. “Shit,” he muttered as he scanned the new texts on the screen. His stride turned into a jog. He had no idea how he was going to get back to his brothers in time. He hoped Josiah was exaggerating. He couldn’t remember the last time the oldest Hallow brother wasn’t dead serious about what he wanted or what he expected from his younger siblings.

  His breath chugged out in pained gasps as he circled around the club to where Josiah parked the night before. The car was still there for a second. A moment later it roared to life as Josiah shifted into gear and pulled from the curb. Samuel sprinted and managed to slam his fists on the trunk before he floored it.

  Josiah hit the brakes and then stepped out, leaning on the open door. “Happy to see you made time to join us.”

  “I got tied up,” Sam replied.

  “If that’s what you’re into. Get in. We need to get back.” Josiah slid in behind the wheel. Samuel hurried to the passenger side and climbed in. The block flew by as Josiah slammed on the gas.

  “So, Sam, was she hot?” Ezekiel queried as he bounced up and down like a Chihuahua on crack.

  “Why are we interrogating me?” Samuel countered.

  “We already discussed our night. That’s what happens when you show up so fucking late.”

  “She was smoking hot. Rocked my world. Happy?”

  “You have no idea how happy I am.”

  Samuel sighed as he turned his gaze to the passing scenery. His brothers chattered away. He couldn’t stop missing Henry. Maybe it was time to grow a pair and tell his brothers about him. He huffed as the misery filled his soul. It would go over like a lead balloon. Besides, it would complicate things if the day ever came along that he discovered his mate.

  He leaned his head against the cool glass of the window and closed his eyes. His thoughts wandered to that morning, of the warm sunlight bathing the flesh of his lover. His gaze traveled along the hard planes of Henry’s body, the soft tufts of hair that trailed across his chest and down his belly. His moans echoed in Samuel’s ears as Samuel licked up the length of Henry’s cock. Henry’s smoky eyes as he gazed down at Sam almost made him lose his load. He couldn’t help but stroke himself as he sucked Henry to orgasm. Samuel followed right behind. The sexy librarian went to such lengths to relax him the night before. Samuel thought it was only right to return the favor.

  He felt a blow to the ribs. His eyes flew open. It felt like a thousand volt
s of electricity buzzed through him. His instincts rose into a flight or fight response.

  His brother’s snicker greeted him. “Wake up, Sleeping Beauty. We’re home,” Josiah greeted.

  Samuel growled. “Don’t fucking hit me like that, Joe.”

  “I shook you. You didn’t wake up. By the way, who the fuck is Henry? You kept moaning the name in your sleep.”

  Samuel forced a smile on his face as his blood ran cold. “The woman I was with last night demanded I call her Henry. Some kind of fetish. There are some crazy bitches at that club.”

  “You’re telling me. The blonde I was with wanted me to drip hot melted wax on her. She got off on it.”

  “Did she do it to you?”

  “Fuck, yeah. Hurt like a motherfucker. I got hard as a rock. We fucked for hours.” Josiah looked out the windshield. He nodded. “Mike is heading this way. He wants to talk to you.”

  Samuel popped the door open as he watched Micah stride across the camp. Ezekiel and Joshua had already disappeared from the backseat. They were stumbling up the stairs of their cabins.

  Samuel met his older brother with a grin. It was convenient that Micah was their manager also. “What’s up?”

  “Got your contract. And Leroy wants a face-off,” Micah replied.


  “He scheduled it for the end of the week. You know Leroy. He’d do it tonight if he could.”

  Henry popped in Sam’s mind. His cock twitched in response. “Whenever. I’m good. Are you going to tell me who I’m fighting?”

  Micah sighed. “Bowser McNamara.”

  “That guy is a fucking lunatic,” Samuel near shouted. “Are you trying to get me killed?”

  “He’s a lunatic because he’s out of control. Train smart. You’ll knock him out.”

  “I suppose.”

  Micah waved him toward the long building that housed their gym, office, dining room, and kitchen. “Let’s go get it signed so I can get it back to Leroy.”

  Samuel motioned toward Micah’s cabin. It was on the other side of his, opposite of Caleb and Meg. “What about your office? Isn’t Abraham working right now? The little shit can’t concentrate as it is.”

  Micah shrugged as he started toward the structure. “Eve is on my computer. She’s obsessed with Momma’s amulet. I guess I would be too if my friends had been killed over it. Pretty much all she does is eat, sleep, and hack into websites looking for information. Oh, and fuck me senseless. Can’t forget that one. It’s the most important.”

  Samuel jogged to catch up. “Has she found anything?”

  “She got some sketchy footage of whoever lives in that house in Connecticut. It came off a neighbor’s security camera but was across a man-made lake. The distance is enough to distort it a bit. She stayed up during that last full moon while we were at the North Cabin. It’s grainy. She’s hoping to find some photo enhancing software so we can see who the fuck lives there.”

  Samuel chuckled. “Dude, your wife is scary. Hacking into someone’s security system?”

  Micah laughed. “Yeah. Tell me about it. I think I might have married me a psychopath.”

  “Hot computer hacking biker chick who used to strip. Sounds pretty accurate.”

  The two men hopped up the steps of the main building. Throwing open the door, Micah led Samuel into the office. Their youngest brother was focused hard on the computer screen in front of him. His head turned toward them just enough to catch them out of the corner of his eye. Then he sprung out of his chair and stumbled over it as he tried to find his footing.

  “What the almighty fuck?” Abraham demanded as he clenched his hand to his chest.

  “Chill, hombre,” Micah answered as he motioned to the desk chair now resting on two legs. “We have to sign a couple contracts.”

  Abraham pouted. “I’m working.”

  “Yeah. Me too.”

  “You have an office in your cabin. You haven’t turned it into a nursery like Cay and Meg did.”

  Samuel noticed Micah bristle at the youngest Hallow’s words. “You want to kick Eve out? My mate will kick your ass.”

  Abraham huffed. “I’m going to go get something to eat.” He stormed out of the office. His footsteps faded away.

  Samuel laid a hand on Micah’s shoulder. “He’s young and stupid, Mike. He didn’t mean what he said.”

  Micah sighed. “I know. It doesn’t make it easier. Eve and I have tried. I thought whatever the pull is that brings us together would get her pregnant. Nothing yet.”

  “Are you going up to the North Cabin for the next full moon? Try and try again.”

  “Not this time. I guess Ruby chewed through her playpen last time. Cay and Meg need to let her roam as much as an infant can. It doesn’t matter. I love Eve with every breath I take. If I’m not meant to be a dad, I’ll learn to live with it. But she cries at night. She thinks I’m sleeping. I’m not.” Micah laid the pile of paper on the desk. “Let’s get these taken care of before moody shit gets back.”

  Samuel picked up a pen and watched as Micah pointed out the places to sign. The pages went on forever. After about ten minutes, they reached the last sheet. Micah picked up the pile and tapped it against the desk to straighten any stray pieces of paper.

  “I’ll drop this in the mail. Start training. And be ready for the face off.”

  “Got it.” Sam turned for the door. He almost collided with Abraham.

  “You guys done?” Abraham asked as he jammed a thick turkey sandwich in his mouth.

  Sam smirked. “Sure, hotshot. Go back to work. Or jacking off. Whatever we interrupted.”

  “Shut up, shithead.”

  “Back atcha, baby bro.”

  Sam laughed as he strode from the main building to his cabin. Once he made it to his bedroom, he threw open his dresser and dug through it for workout wear. He shed his clothes and tugged on a pair of fight shorts.

  Then he slumped on his bed. He had never missed Henry like this before. The pull to his lover was hard to explain. He frowned. Could they be? He stood and shuffled to his bathroom. The crimson-colored paint and black towels complimented each other to give the room a badass Goth look. Samuel took a deep breath and held it as he turned around.

  Nothing. His skin was marked with the colorful tattoos he had already gotten the long, painful way. In a tattoo artist’s chair.

  With a huff, he returned to his bedroom and pulled on a T-shirt. Scooping up his cell, he fired off a quick text. He waited for a response. His gut churned as anxiety claimed him. It felt like eternity before his message was returned. He read it with a smile. It would kill him to wait that long, but he would end the night of his face off in the librarian’s arms. He tossed the cell on the bed and hurried out to train.


  Fingers skimmed across Samuel’s cock through the thin barrier of his jeans. He bit back a growl as he glared down at the drunk blonde grinding against him. Her other hand gripped the neck of a beer bottle, the contents sloshing dangerously against the glass. He was sure as fuck not wearing her beer.

  “Let’s fuck. Right here on the dance floor,” she proposed.

  “Not tonight, sweetheart.” Sam nudged her aside and dove deeper into the raucous mob. The club was always like this. Bodies melded together, loud music, and the smell of stale alcohol. The blonde’s suggestion wasn’t out of the question. He’d had sex several times here right on the dance floor with his cock jammed deep inside some unknown body in front of total strangers for the simple sake of release. The thrill of being watched was half the fun.

  But not tonight. He didn’t understand what was happening, but it started three days earlier. Something possessed him, wound tight around his heart and soul. It stole his breath. It gave him an erection that the mental images of his spinster aunts couldn’t drive away. He missed Henry. That was it. But it wasn’t. His body, soul, mind ached for his boyfriend. But it ached for someone else. The blonde wasn’t it. There was someone in particular. Samuel didn’t know w

  He felt a hand grip his arm. He couldn’t turn around to see who had him before the voice met his ears. “Come on, big boy. Let’s get this over with.”

  “Sure thing, Micah.”

  The two brothers cut through the crowd toward the stage. Some patrons moved. Some stayed in the way so they could touch them. Samuel watched Micah wince every time he was caressed. The mating bond united him to Eve for eternity. If either was brushed against by someone else wanting to arouse them, it made them nauseated. The same went for Caleb and Meg. It seemed unusually cruel to be cursed like that. The mating bond didn’t fuck around.

  “Can we hurry the fuck up before I hurl?” Caleb shouted over the noise.

  Sam felt his body yank back. At the same time, he watched Caleb fly forward past him. “Barrier, Sam. Let’s protect them,” Josiah told him.

  “Of course. Pansy-asses,” Samuel joked.

  Caleb and Micah turned. “Just wait, big mouth,” Micah warned. “Your time is coming.”

  “Doubt it,” Samuel answered with a smirk as he motioned down his body. A stray hand grabbed his ass. “Nobody wants this.”

  “Nobody has a choice. They learn to deal with it.”

  “Mike, drop it,” Josiah ordered. “Something is up.”

  All four turned their attention to the stage. Leroy, the promoter, was huddled with two men in black designer suits. An expensive watch glimmered from underneath each linen cuff. The smaller of the two had close-cropped black hair. The taller one had slick-backed ash blond hair. Both of them gave Samuel the creeps. He didn’t know why. It was as mysterious as the force that controlled each and every one of his nerves and set them on fire.

  The four brothers climbed the steps to the stage. Josiah and Caleb stayed back as Samuel and Micah approached the men.

  “Hey, Leroy,” Micah greeted.

  “Hey, Mike. Hey, Sam. Let me introduce you to my new business partners,” Leroy replied.

  “Business partners?” Samuel countered.

  The black haired suit stepped forward. He extended his hand to Samuel. “Yes. Samuel Hallow, correct? You’re fighting for us. Leroy has told us all about the Hallow brothers. Rock Van Helkom.”


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