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Submissives of the Colonel

Page 9

by Charles Graham

  “I loved you once, Belinda,” he said harshly, “so much so that I asked you to become my wife. But you spurned my love and turned me down, and I swore then that I would get over the hurt you caused me and forget about you. That is why I came to India, and I have made a new life for myself. A life without you. You should not have come here, Belinda, because I am no longer the fool you once took me for. We all make mistakes, my dear. Mine was to think that I was in love with you, and yours was to imagine that I would not change. We were both wrong. And so I will bid you farewell, Belinda. I do not imagine we shall meet again,” and he turned his back on the trembling blonde.

  For endless moments, Belinda tried to believe that he did not really mean to leave her; but then, as the truth sank into her reeling brain, her blue eyes filled with tears of horror and despair, and she slumped in her bonds, her shoulders heaving with sobs as she faced her future of unending slavery and sexual subjugation.

  Ignoring the devastated blonde, Razak snapped his fingers and pointed to a spot in front of the tall soldier. “Ranee. Kneel before your new Master.” The slender Indian slave hurried over and sank to her knees, displaying her body in a graceful curve and keeping her head lowered submissively.

  “Submit to him,” Razak ordered. “He has paid a great deal of money for you, and you now belong to him.”

  Ranee took a deep breath and lifted her head, her eyes anxious as she said softly, “I am your slave, my Master. Do with me as you will.”

  Adams gazed down at her presented body and his eyes gleamed. “Oh, I shall, slave,” he told her firmly. “Indeed I shall.” And he reached down to clip her wrist cuffs together behind her back.

  Then he turned to Razak. “My business here is done,” he said. “It is time I was on my way.” The Indian nodded and led the way from the tent followed by the soldier and his newly purchased slave.

  The warrior looked down at the sobbing Englishwoman and gave a cruel laugh, and then he, too, strode from the tent, leaving Belinda alone with her terror and anguish.

  Distraught, she wrenched at her bonds; but, as the steel easily resisted her ineffectual struggles, she was forced to desist and her moans and sobs redoubled as she faced a fate too terrible to contemplate. A fate to which she had been consigned by a man she had believed loved her.

  Adams strode to his third horse and lifted Ranee into the saddle, looping her neck chain to the saddle; and, as he did so, Arabella watched in growing confusion.

  “Captain Adams?” she asked anxiously. “What is happening? Why have you put Ranee on that horse? And where is Belinda?”

  “Belinda will not be leaving with us, ma’am,” he replied coolly, and Arabella gasped.

  “What? Why not? What do you mean?” she demanded. “Of course she has to come with us. You must go back and fetch her at once, Captain. I don’t know what my husband will say when I tell him that you even considered leaving her here, at the mercy of these barbarians.”

  Adams grinned evilly, and Belinda shivered as she saw his cruel smile. “He will say nothing, ma’am,” the soldier sneered, “because you will not tell him.”

  Belinda summoned up a spark of courage. “I most certainly will,” she retorted indignantly. “The moment I see him. And you will be in very hot water, Captain.”

  Adams’s grin grew wider. “Oh, I don’t think so, ma’am,” he countered. “Not unless you want to meet your husband as you are now, naked and in those chains, and have me tell him exactly how I found you and what you were doing.”

  Belinda gaped at him, fighting to control her horror. “You…You wouldn’t,” she protested weakly. “Only a..a..cad would do such a thing.”

  “True,” he agreed mockingly. “But then, only a slut, or a slave, would do what you did, ma’am. I wonder which the Colonel would think you are?”

  “You unspeakable….swine!” Belinda was furiously angry. “My husband will have you cashiered for daring to insult me like that!”

  His hand reached up and she whimpered in pain as he seized her hair and dragged her face down to his. “Listen to me, you stupid bitch,” he growled. “If you husband learns that you are a sex slave and have been servicing Razak and his men, he’ll cast you off like a broken-winded horse. If you want to keep him and keep all the privileges of being the Colonel’s lady, you’ll do exactly what I tell you. If you don’t, you’ll be thrown out, and I’ll make it my business to see that you end up as a sex slave again. Only there won’t be any ransom for you then, and you’ll spend the rest of your life in those chains, pleasuring any man with money enough to buy your body. Do you understand me?”

  The brunette shuddered, horribly aware that her husband would be appalled to find out what she had been forced to do and equally terrified that he might well react as Adams suggested.

  In Victorian times, it was not beyond the bounds of possibility for a woman to find herself alone and penniless if she was discovered to have been unfaithful, and Belinda knew that. Even in India, polite society would shun both her and Randolph if the truth of her enslavement ever got out. The awful prospect of such a public humiliation for herself and her adoring husband was unthinkable; and, as she stared numbly into Adams’s hard face, Belinda knew that she was trapped.

  The soldier read the horror written in her shocked eyes and nodded coldly, recognising from her silence that she understood that she had no choice but to agree to his terms.

  He let go of her hair. “That’s better,” he told her. “Now, when we get back, you will tell the Colonel that Belinda had already been sold and taken away. We couldn’t find out where; and, very sadly, there was nothing we could do to find her,” he gave a cruel chuckle. “Try to cry a little when you tell him that, it will sound more realistic.”

  Arabella stared at him and shivered at the malice in his voice, remembering how her friend had been looking forward to her reunion with this man. How must Belinda feel now, she wondered, now that he had betrayed her and condemned her to slavery?

  She tried one more time, “You can’t…can’t really mean to leave her here. It’s…it’s inhuman.”

  Adams laughed; and, as he laughed, Arabella knew that Belinda was doomed.

  “Oh, but I can, ma’am,” he replied. “And I’m going to. And you are going to help me because, if you don’t, you will be joining her as a slave, won’t you?”

  Arabella kept silent until he snapped, “I said, you will help me, won’t you?” She gave a shamefaced nod, accepting that the price of her security was the disappearance into slavery of her friend.

  “Good. Then we understand each other, ma’am,” he sneered. “So we had best be on our way. I am sure the Colonel will be waiting with open arms to greet his…ah...lady.” He strode to his horse, climbed into the saddle, and led the two naked females out of the camp.

  One to be freed and reunited with her husband…but at a terrible cost…the other to begin her service as his slave.

  Chapter Ten

  The British Garrison at Peshlara.

  So it was that three days later, just after dusk, Arabella Mayhew finally reached her destination as she rode into the walled compound of Captain Adams’s quarters and was lifted from her horse in the small stable block. Naked and with her arms still chained behind her back, she obeyed unwillingly, her face red with humiliation as he lifted Ranee down and ordered casually, “On your knees, slaves.”

  She hated having to obey him and detested him for his arrogance and for abandoning Belinda, but she dared not refuse for fear he would carry out his threat to tell her husband of her enslavement and how she had served Razak and his men as a slave.

  Arabella could not...and would not...take that risk and both she and he knew it. It gave him frightful power over her; and, to her intense shame, he had not hesitated to use it…

  On the first night, he had bound her ankles to her wrists in a tight hogtie then used his fingers and lips to arouse her. She had tried to resist, but her trained responses had been uncontrollable; and, as she had writhed and
twisted on the dusty earth, he had forced her to submit in the powerful orgasm of a slave to a Master.

  Weeping in misery and with her body on fire with sexual passion, he had left her to watch as he then used Ranee as a full slave, taking the slim Indian girl with muscular thrusts as her body arched up to meet him and draw him deep into her belly as he sated his lust and sent his spend jetting into her to trigger her immense climax as she surrendered willingly to his Mastery.

  Later that same night, he had repeated his torment of Arabella; and, to her despair, she had begged him to use her as a slave and take her to extinguish the blazing need his touch kindled in her belly. Her shame redoubled as he had laughed aloud into her pleading eyes and sneered mockingly, “You must be patient, slut. There will be plenty of time for that after I take you back to your husband. He spends much of his time away visiting other garrisons; and, when I want you, I will just order you to come to my quarters and there you will serve me on your knees as the hot, obedient little slave-slut you are.”

  That had been the moment when Arabella had realised how totally his blackmail delivered her into his clutches, and she had screamed in terrible anguish as she had understood that she had escaped one form of slavery only to fall into another. She had no choice; and, as she had faced the stark truth that she was going to have to serve him however and whenever he chose, hot tears of awful misery rolled down her cheeks as an abyss of continuing obedience and submission yawned before her. There was no escape; and, as he moved to Ranee and the Indian slave took his awakening maleness into her soft mouth to lick and suck him to climax, Arabella had seen her future of humiliation and subjugation stretch away into an endless eternity of sexual servitude.

  On the second night, gagged and spread-eagled, she had been forced to surrender utterly as he had ordered Ranee to take her; and, as the girl’s fingers and lips and tongue had probed and caressed and licked and sucked at Arabella’s defenceless breasts and sex, the squealing brunette had been forced into orgasm after orgasm, her belly running with the heated juices of her frantic submissions as she came again and again to the shattering arousal imposed on her by the grinning, clearly delighted slave who took cruel pleasure in making her victim exhibit the boundless depths of her slavish passions.

  Then, and only then, when the screaming, climaxing Arabella had had no defences left, Adams had taken her with all the brutal power of a merciless Master, lunging into her shuddering body to plant his seed in her and forcing her to submit unconditionally, with Ranee assisting him by feasting on her throbbing nipples.

  Satisfied by their ruthless pillaging of Arabella’s tormented body, they had left her spread-eagled all night, Adams taking Ranee to his blankets to continue their pleasure as the sobbing brunette tried to come to terms with her shame; and when, in the morning, her aching limbs were finally released, Arabella had known that she would never be free of the complete subjugation they had forced on her and trembled wildly in appalled anticipation of their ongoing dominance over her.

  “Stay there, slave,” Adams ordered. “I will fetch the blacksmith to remove your chains, and then I shall take you to meet your husband. You know what you must say to him, don’t you, slut?”

  “Yes, Master,” Arabella whispered miserably. “I must tell him that..that B..Belinda had been s..s..sold and could not be f..found, Master.”

  “Very good, slave,” Adams sneered. “Stick to that and nothing else, and I won’t need to tell the Colonel how I found you, will I? Or how well you submitted to me.”

  “No, Master. Please, Master,” she replied humbly. “I will say nothing, M..Master, I pr..promise.”

  “You’d better not, slave,” he warned coldly. “One word out of place from you and I’ll take you back to Razak myself.”

  Arabella knew he was deadly serious and began to tremble, “I won’t say anything, Master,” she gasped. “Really, I won’t.”

  He nodded. “Oh, I know you won’t, you trollop. Now, keep that pretty mouth of yours shut while I fetch the blacksmith.”

  He strode away and, when his footsteps faded, Ranee gave a cruel chuckle. “My Master is strong,” she told Arabella. “He makes you submit well, slave.”

  The English brunette flushed angrily. “He makes you submit, too, slave,” she snapped. “And when he comes back, my collar and cuffs will be removed, but yours won’t.”

  Ranee’s black eyes flashed. “That is true, slave. I will still wear a slave’s collar, but I will still be no more of a slave than you. It is not I who will have to crawl from my husband’s bed at the command of my Master. You are the one who must hide the truth of what you are from your husband and pretend that you are not a slave. I am my Master’s slave and have no need to pretend to be what I am not. And do you not think your husband will be able to tell, slave? When I began to train you, you were cold and unresponsive. Look at yourself now. Are you not a hot slave? Are you not always ready to submit to a man? You had best try hard not to betray your slavery to your husband, I think. He might prefer you as a slave, rather than as a wife,” and she laughed mockingly into Arabella’s shocked face as the brunette’s eyes grew round with horror.

  Ranee’s words were shamefully true; and, as Arabella shuddered, Captain Adams returned to the stable followed by a tall, powerfully built Indian clad in a long leather apron and carrying a selection of screwdrivers and pliers.

  “Remove that collar and those cuffs, Corporal,” he ordered. And as the huge soldier snapped, “Sir!” and moved to Arabella, she trembled and her face blushed a bright crimson as the man’s eyes glittered to the sight of her displayed nudity.

  “Keep still, woman,” he grated hoarsely, and Arabella froze then gulped as she realised that her ingrained training and obedience had made her obey without thinking, exactly as she had become used to obeying the orders of any man.

  Adams chuckled, well aware of her shame. “Get on with it, Corporal.” As the soldier unscrewed the collar and cuffs that had adorned Arabella’s neck and limbs for so long, her spirits rose…but only until she remembered that she must obey Adams as if she still wore them.

  “What do you want me to do with these, sir?” the blacksmith held out the iron manacles.

  “I’ll take those, Corporal. I may need them sometime. Thank you, you can go back now.”

  “Sir,” the man saluted and left without a word; and, as Arabella gazed down at the pale bands of skin where her cuffs had been, Adams chuckled again and jingled the metal rings. “I think I’ll hold on to these. They might be needed again.”

  Arabella gazed at the manacles then raised her eyes to his arrogant face, understanding the threat behind the false smile. She must keep her side of the bargain, hide the cruel betrayal of Belinda, hide her own subjugation as a slave from her unsuspecting husband…and serve her ruthless blackmailer in any way he desired, or else the collar and cuffs would be replaced… If that happened, she knew would be enslaved again…but this time, it would be forever…

  Arabella was free of her chains…but could never be free of her slavery, for her shameful secret was known to the tall Captain, and he had already proved his willingness to use that knowledge against her.

  “On your feet,” he ordered then added, “Ma’am,” in a sarcastic tone that sent a chill through her; and, as she rose, his eyes swept over her nudity and fixed on her embarrassed face. “We had best find you something to wear. It would not do for you to meet your husband naked, now would it? He might be shocked, and I am quite sure you do not wish him to have any reason to suspect that his modest, demure little wife is, in reality, a delightfully responsive and submissive harlot, trained to display her body to men and serve them as a sex-slave. What a pity for him that he may never know you as I know you, my dear. Or perhaps not. Follow me.”

  Arabella’s brown eyes filled with tears as he strode away; then, with a muffled sob of despair, she hurried after him, her brain whirling with a growing anxiety about her imminent meeting with her husband. She must try to deceive him in order
to preserve her own freedom. A freedom bought at the expense of Belinda’s captivity and her own sexual subjugation to the ruthless Captain.

  “My darling, Arabella. Are you all right, my love? Thank Heavens you’re safe.” Colonel Randolph Mayhew strode across the large room, his gleaming boots clattering on the tiled floor as he enfolded Arabella in a fond embrace and planted kiss after kiss on her cheeks. “Would you like a drink? Food? Anything at all, my dear? We were so worried about you, weren’t we, Captain?”

  “Yes, sir. Very worried.”

  “Sit down, my dear, sit down. You must be exhausted after such a dreadful ordeal. Tell me now, darling, did those ruffians treat you well? They didn’t hurt you or…or abuse you or anything?”

  Arabella stared up at her heavily built husband and hesitated, wondering if she dare risk telling him the truth; but, at the last second, her nerve failed her, and she whispered, “No, my love. I am not hurt, and they tr..treated me well.” Her brown eyes filled with tears as she told her first lie to her worried husband.

  The Colonel gave an embarrassed cough as he saw her misery. “There, there, my sweet. You mustn’t distress yourself like that. You did nothing to blame yourself for, and you are safe now. Nothing can harm you here, isn’t that right, Captain?”

  “Quite right, sir. You are among friends here, Mrs Mayhew, and I am sure the Colonel and I will do our best to treat you in the manner you deserve after such a terrible experience.”

  He half-turned to bow in Arabella’s direction, his back to his senior officer and as his lips curved in an evil smile. The seated brunette gave a shudder of anguish, reading his intentions towards her in the cruel gleam in his dark eyes.

  The Colonel reached down to pat his wife’s hand comfortingly. “You are tired, my love,” he said softly. “Shall I ring for a servant to prepare a bed for you? We don’t have to talk about this right now. Captain Adams can make his report to me while you sleep, if you prefer?”


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