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Glass Secrets: Shattered Cove Series Book 2

Page 15

by A. M. Kusi

  Slow steps padded closer as her silhouette formed on the other side of the glass. He drew in a steadying breath as she opened the door. Her face was impassive, her eyes void of emotion.

  “Did you need something?” she asked, her voice unwavering and indifferent.

  “Are you okay?” he asked. Was she going to invite him in?

  “Of course.”

  He nodded towards her house. “Can we talk for a minute?”

  She bit her bottom lip and looked down. “I’m really tired. I just want to be alone tonight. I’m not in the mood for sex.”

  He blinked a few times, digesting what was happening. She was pushing him away, reminding him where the lines were drawn. Or did she feel used because this was just sex? Did she really want more?

  “I never got to tell you about my visit with Aaron at the Hope Facility.” Hopefully a neutral topic would set her at ease.

  She hesitated, searching his eyes before standing aside and gesturing him in. Mia closed the door behind him and crossed her arms over herself.

  Should he reach out and embrace her? Should he ignore the elephant in the room or directly address it?

  “Coffee?” she asked.

  “Nah, too late in the day for me.”

  She nodded and walked over to her gray overstuffed couch.

  He sat next to her, giving her a little space between them. “Aaron said he’d keep an eye out for the kid, and ask around. But he didn’t know anyone off the top of his head that fit the description and had a sister.”

  Mia nodded as she stared at the coffee table, seemingly avoiding his eyes.

  “He also said there is a rise in gang activity in the area. You gotta be safe, Mia—no chancing walking alone at night or in certain areas of town. Tell me what time you start running and I’ll go with you, just in case.”

  Her fists clenched as she angled her body farther away from him. How did this happen? They’d had a great day. She’d fit in with his friends better than any other person. His ex hadn’t even tried. Mia was playful, kind, genuine, and thoughtful. Shit. He wanted more. He wanted a relationship with Mia. Could he open himself up like that and take a chance on her?

  “I don’t need you to. I can take care of myself,” Mia said.

  He was already in too deep, because the thought of not protecting her made the depths of his soul ache. His chest burned, anger rising from its hidden recesses. Fuck. If he exploded, he’d push her away. What did she need? “Okay. But promise me you’ll be careful.”

  She turned to look at him. “I always am.” The mask she wore slipped only a moment before she steeled her gaze and focused on her hands in her lap.

  Maybe he needed to man up and take the first step. “I dated my ex, Tiffany, for five years. I came home one day and she was crying in the kitchen, which was no rare event. She always demanded my attention, and at the slightest thing I did or didn’t do, she’d turn it into this big production of waterworks and packing her stuff.”

  Mia relaxed into the couch, lifting her eyes to his chest.

  “I really thought I loved her. I figured all relationships had their fair share of ups and downs. I guess we just had more lows. Anyways, that last day she told me she was pregnant.”

  Mia’s eyes darted to him, the question radiating from them.

  “I was shocked and terrified, but also excited. We hadn’t planned on having a kid anytime soon. We’d always used protection. So, I figured it was meant to be.”

  She winced.

  He took a calming breath and steadied himself, the wounds still fresh from that day. “She told me it wasn’t mine. She’d been cheating on me for the better part of a year.”

  Mia reached out her hand, placing it on his knee. Her touch was a balm, offering him comfort. He placed his palm over hers, rubbing the soft flesh with his thumb. Could she feel this too? The fact that they just seemed to fit?

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I’m glad it happened. I would have made a very bad choice to remain in a relationship that wasn’t healthy if she hadn’t told me. I would have married her and stayed forever.” It was the first time he could fully admit it and see the positive about the situation.

  “Do you still have feelings for her?” Mia asked.

  He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand. “Maybe a small part of me continues to grieve the relationship that we could have had. I don’t wish her any ill will. But it’s too late for us. I’m not the same man I was. She’s not the woman I want.” He locked eyes with her. Would she understand his meaning? Mia was the only woman he wanted now. He trusted her.

  Mia nodded. “Thank you for sharing with me.”

  “I’m here to listen to you too.” He cupped her face softly in his hands.

  Her gaze wavered as she took a deep breath. “Good to know.”

  “You want to tell me what happened earlier?”

  Mia pulled away. “It’s just sex.”

  Was she reminding him or herself? If he told her it was beginning to be more to him, would she run the other way?

  “You were upset.”

  Her dark eyes burned with anger as she stood. “I wanted you to fuck me and you stopped.”

  He remained seated, trying to stay calm. Fighting the urge to defend himself at her absurd anger, he counted to ten in his head. She was looking for a fight. She wanted to push him away. Anytime he lost his temper around her, he ended up hurting her and that was the last thing he wanted to do. “You’d be the only woman alive who got angry at a man who finished without making her come at least once.”

  She crossed her arms, her breathing becoming shallow. Her jaw clenched as if she didn’t know how to respond.

  Tell me the truth.

  “I’m not an asshole who uses women up. Especially people I care about, like my friends.”

  Her shoulders dropped and her jaw relaxed. His word choice seemed to put her at ease.

  She sighed and sat next to him again. “I know.”

  He draped his arm around her and pulled her into his chest. She just felt right. Like another piece of himself that had been missing for all his life. All his assumptions about her had been wrong. He’d been too scared to admit it before, but the reason he’d hated her was because he could end up falling in love with her. Not that he was there yet. Hell, did he even know what love was? He’d thought he’d loved Tiffany, and look where that had gotten him.

  He kissed her forehead and breathed in her coffee-colored hair. Her sweet and spicy scent was intoxicating. His body reacted to her very presence. He wanted to worship her and give her all the pleasure she could handle. He’d show Mia the reverence she deserved.

  “Why don’t you come over? I’ll reheat the pasta from last night and then we can finish what we started or do nothing at all—if that’s what you want,” he suggested.

  Mia pulled away. “Not tonight. I’m really tired.”

  He searched her face, tucking a loose tendril of hair behind her ear. He leaned in and kissed her cheeks before leaving a peck on her nose. She smiled, and the beautiful sight sent a bolt of energy straight through his body. Whatever magic between them was conjured up by this woman alone, and no part of him wanted to leave through that front door unless she was coming with him. “Want me to run you a bath?”

  Her brows formed a triangle as if she was surprised.

  “I can run a mean bubble bath.” He grinned, hoping he’d set her at ease.

  She hesitated, before answering, “I can do it. I appreciate the offer though.”

  “Anytime.” He kissed her, slowly, tenderly. Mia melted into his arms as he sucked her bottom lip into his mouth, caressing her tongue with his own before releasing her. Her eyes shone with unshed tears as she blinked rapidly, fighting them off.

  “You sure you don’t need me to stay?” Let me in.

sp; Mia nodded. “I’m just going to take that bath you suggested and call it an early night.”

  “Okay. If that’s what you need.” He turned and walked away despite the tether between them tugging him back towards her. Mia had been patient and supportive of his boundaries. Now it was time he did the same. Because one thing was for certain. He wanted more with Mia, and he’d wait until she was ready.

  Chapter 26


  After stirring the red chili sauce, Mia added a pinch more salt. The savory aroma of slow-cooked pork with the array of spices blanketed her in comfort. If she closed her eyes, she could pretend it was her mother cooking beside her.

  “I miss you, Mamá.”

  Mia shut the stove off and stepped away, walking over to the back porch. Opening the double doors, she took deep breaths as she tried to ground herself in the present. The crisp September air in New Hampshire was clean and earthy. She surveyed the backyard, all set up for her new friends with picnic tables. The sunshine reflected off the turquoise water of her pool, where no doubt Remy’s daughter would want to go for a swim. It should warm up by the time they all arrived later that afternoon.

  It had been weeks since the incident in the bathroom. Mia avoided the work site unless absolutely needed. She’d had to begin the detachment—it was best for both of them. Andre was respectful of that. Because it is only sex to him. I’m the one who’s catching feelings.

  Mia sat with her head in her hands. Birds chirped in the trees lining the back of her house. She looked up towards his house. Movement in his bedroom window caught her eye. His half-naked body appeared and then moved out of sight a moment later. Lust stirred to life—just as it did every time she laid eyes on the man. He didn’t even have to be there to have her hot and bothered, because thinking about him made her just as flammable. She’d resist giving in to her body’s demands as she had for the most part of the last few weeks. Mia had only let Andre into her bed a handful of times. It would be easier if he texted.

  The soft padding of feet across the grass made her look over her shoulder.

  Andre set a paper bag and a coffee cup next to her on the porch with a warm smile. “Wanted to bring you some breakfast before I headed out for a run.”

  She eyed his bare chest, down to the V disappearing into his running shorts. Swallowing hard, she managed a, “Thank you.”

  “See you later.” He winked and then kissed her forehead before he was off. She admired his tight ass until he was out of sight.

  Why did he have to be so perfect?

  If she had been born in this country, she’d pursue him in a heartbeat. Her mother would have loved him. Oh, Mamá. How am I to navigate these treacherous seas without you? Life was like walking across a floor of broken glass—dangerous and brutal. One wrong turn could shred her to pieces.

  Chimes rang from her pocket. She pulled out the phone. Mateo.

  “Hola, hermoso.”

  “Hello to you too, beautiful,” his deep voice said.

  “How are you?”

  “I’m missing my favorite girl.”

  She smiled as her spirit lightened. “I miss you too. When are you going to come visit me again?”

  “That’s actually why I’m calling. I have some time coming up soon. I can finally take a break at work and come see you next week. Does that work?”

  “That’s perfect! Are you bringing your sister?” Mia asked.

  “Do I have to share you? I was hoping it would be just the two of us again.”

  “Of course you have to bring her. I haven’t seen her since I moved.” Mia laughed.

  “Well, if you hadn’t relocated to the other side of the country, we could see a lot more of each other. I miss your beautiful face every day. After all, we have quite the event to finish planning in the coming months.”

  Right. How could she forget?

  Because she wanted to live in her fantasy land a little longer with Andre in her bed.

  “You know why I had to leave,” she reminded him.

  He sighed. “I know, honey. I just wished you’d let me take care of you—more than what I’m doing now.”

  Mia fought the tears as she shook her head. “I have to do this myself. You’re giving me exactly what I need right now. I’m already asking so much of you.”

  “Anything for you. You’re so important to me. And soon . . .”

  Mia smiled. “And soon, so much more.”

  “Alright. I’ve got to get back to work. Love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  Mia ended the call. A pressure built—an uneasy feeling chilling her insides. A warning blared in the back of her mind. There was a fork in the road ahead that she’d never seen coming. How did she choose? She couldn’t. That choice had been taken from her the moment she was born south of the border.


  Mia stood and made her way to the front door. Drawing a deep breath, she opened it.

  Her eyes lazily made the ascent from his black Chucks to the fitted jeans that clung to his muscular thighs. A black T-shirt showed off his toned arms from his physically demanding job. The need to fall into them was overwhelming. He’d offer her reprieve from her life—her real life—not the fantasy she lived while with him.

  “Hey. Just thought you could use some help prepping for the party later.”

  Andre’s deep voice sent heat pooling between her thighs. It had been six long days since she’d last given in to temptation. Unbidden thoughts tumbled into her mind, pulling her left and right. His presence intoxicated her like no other. The magnetic tug towards him was stronger than the force of gravity. She yearned for him, every cell in her body craving his touch.

  “I could use something from you.” She ran her finger over his mouth and down his chest slowly as she locked her gaze with his. Lust burned her from the tiny contact.

  Andre leaned in and kissed her, chasing away all the warring thoughts from her mind and bringing her back to the present where only his body against hers mattered. The door slammed shut as he walked her backwards. She gasped. Andre picked Mia up in his arms and carried her up the stairs. They entered the room where he set her down carefully on the bed. She broke the kiss to close her bedroom door, shutting out reality for a little longer.


  Two hours later, they were both downstairs. She laughed as he spread the filling in the tamale and passed it to her. He’d given up trying to wrap them himself.

  He sipped his beer. “See? We make a great team.”

  “We do.” She smiled, still high on oxytocin and endorphins from the amazing sex. How was it possible that each time got better and better? They did work well together—in and out of the bedroom. Of all the people she’d first met in Shattered Cove, she’d never have guessed that this man would be the one she fit with the most.

  “What time will everyone be here?”


  They both laughed. “I guess that’s your answer.” She dried her hands on a towel before heading over to the door.

  Remy greeted her first, with Lyra next to her and Mikel holding Phoenix behind them. “Hey, girl! We brought some dishes to share.”

  “Perfect. Come on in. I figured we’d set up the food in the kitchen and eat in the backyard.” Mia ushered them in as Andre approached from behind and wrapped an arm around her waist.

  “Mommy said you have a pool?” Lyra asked wide-eyed with a floaty in her hand.

  Mia nodded. “I sure do.”

  “After we eat, okay, pumpkin?” Mikel reminded her.

  “Oooookayyyy.” She walked in, guided by her father.

  “Is the food in the car?” Andre asked Remy, slipping his hand into the back pocket of Mia’s skinny jeans. Heat flared up her body. Did he even realize what he was doing to her?

  “Yes. There are a few dishes in the trunk.”
  Andre disappeared out the door, leaving Mia alone in the entryway with a smirking Remy.

  “Make yourself at home,” Mia said.

  “Mm-hmm. I’m gonna pretend you don’t look like you just had sexy time with my brother.”

  “How did you know?” Mia pressed her neck. Had Andre left a mark on her again?

  Remy’s smile widened. “I didn’t until you just confirmed it.”

  Mia shook her head. “I walked right into that one.”

  “See? I knew you two were good for each other.” Remy beamed before she hugged her.

  “We’re just friends.”

  “Sure.” Remy nodded, but her expression was anything but belief.

  “Smells delicious in here,” Mikel said as he opened the back door. “I’m gonna take these rug rats outside to run around.”

  “Of course. I put out some toys and art stuff to help keep them occupied,” Mia called after him.

  Andre came in with an armful of stacked casserole dishes. “Where do you want them?”

  Mia directed him to an empty counter as Jasmine, baby Zoey, and Bently entered.

  “The party has arrived!” Bently announced, carrying a case of beer.

  “Hey, guys,” Jasmine said, reaching out her free hand to hug Mia.

  “Hello. How’s Miss Zoey today?” Mia asked.

  “She’s great.”

  Two strong arms wrapped around Mia and picked her up in a bear hug. “Hey, beautiful. You’ve really pulled out all the stops for me. Smells so good in here. Almost as good as you,” Bently said.

  “Let her go, asshole,” Andre said.

  Bently didn’t move. “Nah, I think I like her like this. She’s so light, I could carry her around for hours.”

  Mia smacked his chest. “Okay, playboy. Put me down or the food’s gonna burn.”

  “Ouch! Hit me where it hurts why don’t you,” Bently teased.

  Mia chuckled and shook her head as she made her way back to the kitchen.

  Andre growled from behind. She turned around, startled by the guttural noise. Andre glared at Bently who had the biggest shit-eating grin on his face.


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