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Corrupted: The Complete Series

Page 2

by Sasha Scott

  She wrapped those plump lips around his cock and began to bob her head forward and back. The rubbing of her soft, well painted, lips quickly began to get his shaft hard, as well as the roll of her pierced tongue along the underside of his dick.

  Being dressed up like a barbie doll with the overall appearance to match had been keeping Eva’s headspace wrapped up in that delightful tingly sensation that gave her so much joy. Sucking on her bosses cock sent those emotions soaring to another level. Giving blowjobs made her feel so giddy and happy.

  With her mind buzzing she ran her lips up and down the length of that now erect slab of turgid meat, pleasuring his body and her own addicted brain.

  Eva may have been a novice sucker but with her lips being inflated into a pair of thick, soft, pillows and her tongue having a pink ball which rolled pleasantly over the inches of his shaft, the blowjob she was giving felt incredible. Her boss could hardly take it.

  “If you don’t stop,” he warned her, “then I’m going to end up cumming.”

  Of course that didn’t stop her, she needed to make him squirt if she wanted any chance of keeping her job. She wrapped her arms around his back to trap him in place as she pushed her lips down towards his lap and the bulbous head of his cock into her throat. She trapped that shaft deep in her body and in this pose she was going to milk him dry.

  He trembled in place as he moaned out with hot breaths, his hands grasping her head tightly as he began to cum, unloading hot jizz deep into her throat, his hips jerking into her mouth.

  Once he’d finished unloading down her throat Eva slowly peeled her lips back along the length of his shaft, parting from the tip with a messy, wet, pop which left him glistening in drool.

  She remained kneeling in place as she swirled that hot cream around her mouth, making it rich and frothy, before swallowing down every single drop until there was nothing left. It tasted utterly delicious and left her feeling so giddy and excited.

  “So like can I keep working here?” she begged, fluttering her long lashes at him as she did her best to show off her sad, blue, eyes. “Please?”

  At that time he had no choice but to give in to her demands.

  It had been quite the spectacular time. Unfortunately things like sucking off your boss may protect your job for life in fantasy but Eva wasn’t so lucky and in the end pressure from the board as a collective meant that Eva got released from the company.

  Suddenly being out of a paycheck was bad news for the high spending Eva, especially as she had nearly used up all of her savings. All those new outfits, her boob job and those spiral videos had almost drained her completely dry. However none of that worried Eva simply because she’d gotten to the point where nothing worried her.

  Eva was now constantly surrounded in a permanent cloak of euphoria. Her brain was smothered in the ditzy mist which she had became addicted to and it made it so hard for her to think, especially about irrelevant things. What she could still think about though was those wonderful spirals which gave her such a rush.

  She was just coming down from the high given to her by the latest video. Even though she always felt fuzzy the extra dose given to her each time she was tranced egged her on for more; it felt wonderful.

  As always the screen came up asking her if she wanted to buy the next video for the “low price of $24,999.99.”

  Eagerly she pressed yes but there was a problem. Finally the well had run dry, finally she couldn’t afford anymore of the videos.

  “Like what?” Eva said dumbly as the screen told her she couldn’t afford the video. It was hard for her dumbed down mind to comprehend, “Like how am I supposed to watch the pretty spirals then?”

  This looked to be the end of her obsession, her addiction. But just when things looked the bleakest Eva was offered hope. Underneath the error message a new button popped up, with the helpful title, “Need help?”

  Of course Eva clicked the button, she needed lots of help if she was to keep watching the pretty spirals. The assistance she got was a job offer from a place called Buttercup. Even Eva realized that was the name of the sender.

  It spelled out what it wanted. It wanted her to come and work for them and in return they would provide her with all of the spirals she wanted for free. Eva couldn’t believe she was being given such an unbelievable offer; what a steal.

  There would be no more boring office work for that hypnosis addict, from now on she would be Buttercup’s newest employee.

  Buttercup turned out to be a strip joint, on the surface anyway. Underground it expanded into a huge sex club where men could come to have no strings attached sex with lewd, lustful and beautiful women from all around the world.

  Eva may have stood out at work when she looked like a cheap, dolled up, stripper but at her new job she didn’t need to worry because all of the girls looked like that. Each and every one of them had big, fake, tits, brightly dyed hair and paraded around in the skimpiest of outfits.

  Also just like her each of them was dumb, obedient and loved sex. After all every single girl who worked for the company had been recruited the same way and had learned the same wonderful lessons from letting their minds melted away watching powerful hypnosis videos, allowing themselves to be brainwashed into ditzy bimbos. Now they all worked hard satisfying every men who came to them all for their payment of more lovely spiral videos.

  Work used to be boring for Eva, slogging in an office all day for a paycheck but now work was great fun. All the other girls who she worked with were great and all the men were super nice and gave her plenty of sex every day.

  Then after work Eva could return to her room on site and allow her mind to melt away as she was supplied with all the wonderful hypnosis videos she could ever want, keeping her a lustful, bubbly, ditzy bimbo forever and ever.

  Sure for some it may not have been ideal but Eva had never been so happy. She no longer had any worries and responsibilities and spent every moment of her life bathed in happiness. Even her work was one big, wonderful, playtime.

  Eva had never been happier and it was all thanks to the spirals. Now she was a Buttercup bimbo for life.

  Corrupted by Gaming

  Did you know over half of video game players are women? Apparently nobody told that to the guys out there.

  Nicole called herself a gamer. She didn’t just play small games on her phone like Crusher Candies and Aggressive Birds, she played big games on her computer against people all around the world. Nicole loved games, she just happened to hate a lot of the other people who liked games.

  “What’s a girl doing here? Girls can’t play games.”

  “Tits or get the fuck out.”

  “Do you wanna be my girlfriend?”

  “Hey what’s your Smike name?”

  For some reason the people Nicole often encounters online seem to think that women are these rare, mythical, creatures that would best be approached by yelling out sexist comments or through bold and vulgar flirting attempts.

  Yes for a girl like Nicole playing video games can often be a tiring experience just trying to tolerate the morons who are on the other side of the screen. It was often good just to find somebody else playing who didn’t turn out to be a total pig.

  “Hey don’t mind these guys,” one of the voices coming through her headset said to her, “Sorry you have to put up with all these idiots.”

  “It’s fine,” she responded with a sigh, “I’ve played enough to not let them get to me.”

  The first time she ever played over the internet she got a bit startled about how aggressive or how full on some of the guys could be but time had helped her learn to just block it out. The best way to deal with an idiot is to simply ignore them.

  She was having to try her best to do that because in the background she could hearing the complaints of all those who now found insulted at being labeled as morons. You’d think a bunch of adults would act less like children but apparently not.

  “Yeah but some other girls might not be so lucky,
” he informed her as he sent her a message with a link, “If you ever find any pigs like these who need taking care of you can report them here.”

  In the background was their cries again. Some of them had turned to begging for her not to get them banned from the game while others simply escalated their abuse to the next level.

  Nicole didn’t actually have any intention to report any of them. Most of them were probably just bitter than she was doing better than them on the game and it was hurting their male pride. For others this was probably the first time they’d ever talked to a girl before. They were going to need a lot more practice than calling her a slut and telling her to get back to the kitchen. Pigs.

  Still despite the fact she wasn’t intending to go through with any reports she still clicked on the link to check the site out.

  On the other side of that link there wasn’t any form. The link didn’t even take her to the website for the company who made the game. What it took her to was an unusual web page, a video that was playing a spiral that spun around and around and around.

  Nicole only looked for a couple of seconds as she tried to figure out what the heck it was she was looking at but that was more than enough to capture her attention and to keep it.

  The spiral was hard to look away from. It had drawn her in and now it wasn’t going to let her leave without a fight. Her eyes just kept watching the way it swirled around, her mind turning light and hazy as it twisted again and again and again and again.

  “Did you look at the link?” that one voice of reason asked her.

  “Yes,” she replied in a soft, dull, voice. When she’d been talking before she’d been rapid fire and filled with energy as the competitive game had gotten her adrenaline levels racing. Suddenly she was more than just cool.

  “Are you looking at the page now?” he asked again.


  “Are you unable to look away?”


  “Good girl, very good girl.”

  The other guys in the game were completely confused. They had absolutely no idea what they were talking about or what she was looking at. None of them knew she was sitting there allowing herself to be hypnotised be a beautiful, spinning, pink spiral.

  “The fuck is going on!?”

  “What are you morons talking about?”

  “Now listen to me. You are going to listen to my words and my words alone. Ignore all the other voices except for mine,” he said to her and almost like magic the other voices rattling through her headset, despite being so loud and grating, slowly began to fade off into silence.

  The only voice that was left entering her mind was his voice.

  “You will listen to my words and you will obey them,” he informed her, his words dripping into her mind. “You will do anything and everything I tell you to do. You have a webcam, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” she responded again in the same dull, obedient, tone.

  “Then turn it on for us, let us all have a good luck at you.”

  There was no thought from her about resisting or disobeying but then again every thought in her mind was one that told herself to listen and to obey him. Her own thoughts had been pushed downwards and her fresh thoughts were just regurgitating the things he told her.

  Just like he asked she turned on her webcam and showed herself off to the room, to the shock and glee of those guys hanging around.

  They’d hit the jackpot as not only was Nicole a girl she was also very good looking. For some reason the guys on the other side of the screen often presumed because she was playing video games that Nicole must be ugly which was one reason they were so shocked when they saw just how hot she was.

  She had soft, cute, features along with a pair of pretty, sapphire blue, eyes. Her hair was long and blonde and her body was curvy, especially her large bust.

  If Nicole had been able to hear the other guys in the lobby she’d have heard them declaring their love for her, even the guys who had spent the best part of fifteen minutes cussing her out.

  Even her special friend was surprised to see what a gem was waiting on the other side of the screen.

  “Good looking and good at games? Sometimes God seriously isn’t fair is he?” he snarked at seeing her several gifts, “If you’re that hot you seriously don’t need to be good at games too. In fact let’s make that a thing. As punishment for taunting us with both your skills and your beauty you hereby aren’t allowed to be good at games anymore. And I don’t just mean bad either, I mean terrible. From now on you’re going to be truly awful at games.”

  “Yes,” she replied yet again as she began to feel a small tingle in the back of her mind.

  It was hard for her to really focus on the tingle when her eyes were remaining focused on the spiral and her mind was focused on what her new friend was saying so she pretty much ignored the fact that all her gaming talent, all that skill she’d accumulated through indulging in her passion, was being eroded away, never to return.

  “You know I think in this position I deserve more than just a simple yes as response. From now on it will be yes Master. From now on you will call me Master.”

  “Yes Master,” she complied.

  Still the listening and watching audience had no idea what was going on and were screaming for explanation. They just heard the weird conversation and saw the blank face Nicole staring at the screen.

  “Your fans are getting confused,” he explained to her, “I need you to explain what’s going on to them. What are you watching right now?”

  “I’m watching a spiral Master.”

  “Very good. And what are you listening to.”

  “I’m listening to Master.”

  “And what is that doing to you? Do you know?”

  “No Master.”

  “I’m not surprised it’s all going over your head,” he said with a chuckle, “It’s hypnotising you you silly girl. Now say it back to me. What am I doing to you?”

  “Hypnotising me Master.”

  Well they now knew what was going on but it didn’t make it any less unbelievable. Hypnosis was bullshit wasn’t it? Even if it wasn’t how could somebody do it so easily and over the internet?

  Despite the fact she’d turned on her webcam and was answering everything he said obediently not all of the guys were convinced.


  “This is so obviously fake!”

  “Lol nice try, so fake!”

  None of this was reaching her as her brain continued to block out all those stray voices, but he was getting a real earful from his fellow man.

  “Say… hey I know your username but not your real name. What’s your real name doll?”


  “Nicole hey? Hmm, not anymore,” he told her, “from now on you can be Nikki.”

  “Yes Master.”

  “Now take off your top Nikki. Show these guys that I am really controlling you.”

  Him controlling her was the only logical thing in Nikki’s regressed mind, she didn’t see how him not being in control could be an option. Naturally because he was in control this meant that when he asked she reached down and grasped at her t-shirt and pulled it up over her head, exposing herself to the crowd, upper half now only constrained by a bra.

  The viewers were naturally delighted at seeing such a beautiful girl showing off more of her skin, however still not all of them were convinced.

  “Lol easy,” the most vocal one complained, “Bra is nothing. Make her go topless and I’ll believe.”

  Even the believers jumped on that bandwagon at the chance of seeing bare breasts live, even if it was only the internet.

  “Sorry Nikki that wasn’t good enough,” her Master informed her, “the guys want to see you topless. You’ll have to take off your bra too.”

  “Yes Master,” she said with a glisten of drool running down over her parted lips, Nikki reaching her hands back as she began to unhook and undress out of the last piece of protection guarding her chest fr
om those perverted eyes on the overside.

  Nikki removed her bra just like she’d been ordered and allowed it to tumble down her front, exposing her large, bare, breasts for the audience, to whoops of joy from her new fans.

  “Well done Nikki,” her Master praised, “you made all the guys here very happy and that should make you happy. See good girls shouldn’t be selfish, feisty and confrontational. They should be generous, docile and submissive. You’re a good girl, aren’t you Nikki?”

  “Yes Master.”

  “Well that means you should be generous, docile and submissive. You should become happy from making men happy.”


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