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Alan Turing: The Enigma The Centenary Edition

Page 28

by Andrew Hodges

  Alternatively, a cipher system might be based upon the ‘substitution’ idea. In its simplest form, this was used for puzzle-page cryptograms, such as they had solved in Princeton treasure hunts. It meant that one letter of the alphabet would be substituted for another, according to some fixed rule like:

  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

  K S G J T D A Y O B X H E P W M I Q C V N R F Z U L

  so that TURING would become VNQOPA. Such a simple, or ‘mono-alphabetic’ cipher could easily be solved by looking at letter frequencies, common words, and so forth, and in fact the only point of puzzle-page problems was that the setter would include peculiar words like XERXES to make this difficult. Such a system would be too simple-minded for military application. But there were systems in use in 1939 which were not much more advanced. One sophistication lay in the use of several alphabetic substitutions, used in rotation or according to some other simple scheme. The few manuals and text-books3 of cryptology in existence devoted themselves mainly to such ‘poly-alphabetic’ ciphers.

  Slightly more complex was the use of a system which substituted not for single letters, but for the 676 possible letter pairs. One British cipher system of this period was of this nature, combining the idea with the use of a code book. It was used by the Merchant Navy.4

  The cipher clerk would first have to render the message into Merchant Navy Code, thus:



  Expect to arrive at






  The next step required an even number of rows, so the clerk would have to add a nonsense word to make it up:



  Then the encipherment would be done. The clerk would take the first vertical pair of letters, here VC, and look it up in a table of letter pairs. The table would specify some other pair, say XX. The clerk would continue to go through the message, substituting for each letter pair in this way.

  There was little more to it, except that as with the ‘adding on’ kind of cipher, the process was futile unless the legitimate receiver knew which substitution table was being used. To preface the transmission with ‘Table number 8’, say, would allow the enemy analyst to collect and collate the transmissions enciphered with the same table, and make an attack. There had to be some element of disguise involved. So printed with the table there was another list of eight-letter sequences such as ‘BMTVKZMD’. The clerk would choose one of these sequences and add it to the beginning of the message proper. The receiver, equipped with the same list, could then see which table was being used.

  This simple rule illustrated a very general idea. In practical cryptography, as opposed to the setting of isolated puzzles, there would usually be some part of the message transmitted which did not convey the text itself, but which conveyed instructions on how to decipher it. Such elements of the transmission, which would be disguised and buried within it, were called indicators. Even a one-time pad system might employ indicators, to give a check on which page of the pad was being used. In fact, unless everything were spelt out in advance and in complete, rigid, detail, without any chance of ambiguity or error, there would have to be some form of indicator.

  It must surely have struck Alan, who had been thinking at least since 1936 about ‘the most general kind of code or cipher’, that this mixing of instructions and data within a transmission was reminiscent of his ‘universal machine’, which would first decipher the ‘description number’ into an instruction, and then apply that instruction to the contents of its tape. Indeed any cipher system might be regarded as a complicated ‘mechanical process’ or Turing machine, involving not just the rules for adding or substituting, but rules for how to find, apply and communicate the method of encipherment itself. Good cryptography lay in the creation of an entire body of rules, not in this or that message. And serious cryptanalysis consisted of the work of recovering them; reconstructing the entire mechanical process which the cipher clerks performed, through an analysis of the entire mass of signals.

  Maybe the Merchant Navy cipher system was not the last word in baffling complexity, but for operational use in ordinary ships, it was near the limit of practicality for hand methods. Anyone might dream up more secure systems, but if a ciphering operation became too long and complicated, it would only result in more delays and mistakes. However, if cipher machines were used, to take over part of the clerk’s ‘mechanical process’, the situation could be very different.

  In this respect Britain and Germany were running a symmetrical war, using very similar machines. Virtually every German official radio communication was enciphered on the Enigma machine. The British state relied, less totally, on the Typex. This machine was used throughout the army and in most of the RAF; the Foreign Office and the Admiralty retained their own hand systems depending on books. Enigma and Typex alike mechanised the basic operations of substitution and adding on, in such a way that a more complex system came within practical grasp. They did nothing that could not have been done by the looking up of tables in books, but enabled the work to be done more quickly and accurately.

  There was no secret about the existence of such machines. Everyone knew of it – everyone, at least, who had a 1938 edition of Rouse Ball’s Mathematical Recreations and Essays as a school prize. A revised chapter written by the U.S. Army cryptanalyst, Abraham Sinkov, wheeled out all the antiquated grilles, Playfair ciphers, and so forth, but also mentioned that

  Quite recently there has been considerable research carried on in an attempt to invent cipher machines for the automatic encipherment and decipherment of messages. Most of them employ periodic polyalphabetic systems.

  A ‘periodic’ polyalphabetic cipher would run through some sequence of alphabetic substitutions, and then repeat that sequence.

  The most recent machines are electrical in operation, and in many cases the period is a tremendously large number.… These machine systems are much more rapid and much more accurate than hand methods. They can even be combined with printing and transmitting apparatus so that, in enciphering, a record of the cipher message is kept and the message transmitted; in deciphering, the secret message is received and translated, all automatically. So far as present cryptanalytic methods are concerned, the cipher systems derived from some of these machines are very close to practical unsolvability.

  Nor was there anything secret about the basic Enigma machine. It had been exhibited in 1923, soon after its invention, at the congress of the International Postal Union. It was sold commercially and used by banks. In 1935 the British had created Typex by adding certain attachments to it, while a few years earlier the German cryptographic authorities had modified it in a different way to create the machine which, though bearing the original name of Enigma, was much more effective than the commercially available device.

  This did not mean that the German Enigma with which Alan Turing now had to grapple, was something ahead of its time, or even the best that the technology of the late 1930s could have produced. The only feature of the Enigma that brought it into the twentieth century, or at least the late nineteenth, was that it was indeed ‘electrical in operation’. It used electrical wirings to perform automatically a series of alphabetical substitutions, as shown in the first figure. But an Enigma would be used in a fixed state only for enciphering one letter, and then the outermost rotor would move round by one place, creating a new set of connections between input and output, as shown in the second figure.

  The Basic Enigma

  For the sake of simplicity, the diagram has been drawn for an alphabet of only eight letters, although in fact the Enigma worked on the ordinary 26-letter alphabet. It shows the state of the machine at some particular moment in its use. The lines marked correspond to current-carrying wires. A simple switch system at the input has the effect that if a key (say the B key) is depressed, a current flows (as shown in the diagram by bold lines) and lights up
a bulb in the output display panel (in this case, under the letter D). For the hypothetical 8-letter Enigma, the next state of the machine would be:

  For the 26-letter Enigma, there would be 26 × 26 × 26 = 17576 possible states of the rotors. They were geared essentially* like any kind of adding machine or comptometer, so that the middle rotor would move on one step when the first had made a complete revolution, and the innermost move a step when the middle one had made a complete turn. The ‘reflector’, however, would not move, it being a fixed set of wires connecting the outputs of the innermost rotor.

  So the Enigma was polyalphabetic, with a period of 17576. But this was not a ‘tremendously large number’. Indeed, it would require a book only the size of a ready reckoner for all the alphabets to be written out. This mechanism was not, in itself, a leap into a new degree of sophistication. There was also a warning sounded by Rouse Ball in the old 1922 edition of his book that Alan had studied at school:

  The use of instruments giving a cipher, which is or can be varied constantly and automatically, has often been recommended … but the risk of some instrument … falling into unauthorized hands must be taken into account. Since equally good ciphers can be constructed without the use of mechanical devices I do not think their employment can be recommended.

  For what was done by a machine might all the more easily be undone by a machine. The inner complexity of the Enigma, however clever it might look, would be worthless unless it created a cipher system which could not be broken even by an enemy in possession of a copy of the machine. It might only serve to give a false sense of security.

  Nor was the technical construction of the Enigma as advanced as that suggested by Sinkov’s description of contemporary developments. The cipher clerk using it still had the tedious and time consuming task of noting which letter had been illuminated, and writing it down. There was no automatic printing or transmission, which had to be done laboriously in Morse code. Far from being a weapon of the modern Blitzkrieg, this plodding device drew on nothing more technologically advanced than the electric light bulb.

  From the cryptanalyst’s point of view, however, the physical labours of the cipher clerk, and the physical construction of the machine, were irrelevant. What mattered was the logical description – just like a Turing machine. Everything relevant to the Enigma was contained in its ‘table’, a list of its states and what it would do in each state. And from a logical point of view, the action of the Enigma, in any given, fixed, state, enjoyed a very special property. It was a symmetrical property inherent in the ‘reflecting’ nature of the machine. For any Enigma, in any state, it would be true that if A were enciphered into E, then in that same state, E would be enciphered as A. The substitution alphabets resulting from an Enigma state would always be swappings.

  For the hypothetical 8-letter machine in the state shown in the first diagram, the substitution would be:


  A B C D E F G H


  E D G B A H C F

  For the machine in the state shown in the second diagram, it would be:


  A B C D E F G H


  E F G H A B C D

  These could be written as swappings: (AE) (BD) (CG) (FH) in the first case and (AE) (BF) (CG) (DH) in the second.

  There was a practical advantage to this Enigma property. It meant that the deciphering operation was identical with the enciphering operation. (In group-theory terms, the cipher was self-inverse). The receiver of the message had only to set up the machine in exactly the same way as the sender, and feed in the cipher-text, to recover the plain-text. There was no need to incorporate ‘encipher’ and ‘decipher’ modes into the Enigma machine, which made its operation that much less liable to mistakes and confusion. But it was associated with a grave weakness, in that the substitutions thus performed were always of this very special kind, with the particular feature that no letter could ever be enciphered into itself.

  This was the basic structure of the Enigma. But there was much more to the machine actually in military use. For one thing, the three rotors were not fixed in place, but could be removed and replaced in any order. Until late 1938 there was a stock of just three rotors, which therefore allowed a total of six arrangements. In this way, the machine offered 6 × 17576 = 105456 different alphabetic substitutions.

  Obviously, the rotors had to be marked in some way on the outside so that the different positions could be identified. However, here entered yet another element of complexity. Each rotor was encircled by a ring bearing the 26 letters, so that with the ring fixed in position, each letter would label a rotor position.* (In fact, the letter would show through a window at the top of the machine.) However, the position of the ring, relative to the wirings, would be changed each day. The wirings might be thought of as labelled by numbers from 1 to 26, and the position of the ring by the letters A to Z appearing in the window. So a ring-setting would determine where the ring was to sit on the rotor, with perhaps the letter G on position 1, H on position 2, and so forth.

  It would be part of the task of the cipher clerk to make the ring-settings, and thereafter he would use the letters on the ring to define the rotor-settings. From the cryptanalyst’s point of view, this meant that even if it were openly announced that rotor-setting ‘K’ was being used, this would not give away what at Bletchley they would call the core-position – the actual physical position of the wiring. This could only be deduced if the ring-setting were also known. However, the analyst might know the relative core-positions; thus settings K and M would necessarily correspond to core-positions two places apart. So it was known that if K were at position 9, then M would be at position 11.

  The more important complicating feature, however, was the attachment of a plugboard. It was this that distinguished the military from the commercial Enigma, and made it something that had unnerved the British analysts. It had the effect of performing automatically an extra swapping of letters, both before entering the rotors, and after emerging from them. Technically, this was achieved by attaching wires, with plugs at each end, into a plugboard with 26 holes – rather like making connections on a telephone switchboard. It required ingenious electrical connections, and the use of double wires, to have the required effect. Until late 1938, it was usual in the German use of the machine to have only six or seven pairs of letters connected in this way.

  Thus with the rotors and reflector of the basic machine in such a state as to effect the substitution

  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

  C O A I G Z E V D S W X U P B N Y T J R M H K L Q F

  and with the plugboard wires set up to Connect the pairs

  (AP) (KO) (MZ) (IJ) (CG) (WY) (NQ),

  the result of pressing the A key would be to send a current through the plugboard wire to P, then through the rotors and out again to N, then through the plugboard wire to Q.

  Because of the symmetrical use of the plugboard both before and after the passage of the current through the rotors, it would preserve the self-inverse character of the basic Enigma, and the feature that no letter could be enciphered into itself. If A were enciphered into Q then, in the same state of the machine, Q would be enciphered into A.

  So the plugboard left unaffected this useful – but dangerous – aspect of the basic Enigma. But it enormously increased the sheer number of states of the Enigma machine. There would be 1,305,093,289,500 ways* of connecting seven pairs of letters on the plugboard, for each of the 6 × 17576 rotor states.

  Presumably the German authorities believed that these modifications to the commercial Enigma had brought it ’Very close to practical unsolvability’. And yet, when Alan joined up at Bletchley on 4 September, he found it humming with the disclosures made by the Polish cryptanalysts.5 It was all still fresh and new, for only on 16 August had the technical material reached London. And this revealed the methods by which, for seven years, the Poles had been deciphering Enigma messages.

>   The first thing, the sine qua non, was that the Poles had been able to discover the wirings of the three rotors. It was one thing to know that an Enigma machine was being used; quite another thing – but absolutely essential – to know the specific wirings employed. To do this, in the peacetime conditions of 1932, was itself an impressive feat. It had been made possible by the French secret service who had obtained, through spying, a copy of the instructions for using the machine in September and October 1932. They had passed it to the Poles. They had also passed it to the British. The difference was that the Polish department employed three energetic mathematicians, who were able to use the papers to deduce the wirings.

  Highly ingenious observations, good guessing, and the use of elementary group theory, produced the rotor wirings, and the structure of the reflector. The guessing, as it happened, was necessary to ascertain how the letters on the keyboard were connected to the enciphering mechanism. They might have been connected in some jumbled order to introduce another element of complexity into the machine. But they guessed and verified that the Engima design made no use of this potential freedom. The letters were joined to the rotor in alphabetical order. The result was that logically, if not physically, they had captured a copy of the machine, and could proceed to exploit that fact.

  They were only able to make these observations, on account of the very particular way in which the machine was used. And they were only able to progress towards a regular decipherment of Enigma material by exploiting that method of use. They had not broken the machine; they had beaten the system.


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