AMT defines computability by Turing machine 100;
settles Entscheidungs problem 103–4;
this related to Church’s lambda-calculus thesis 111–4;
and to Post’s ‘worker’ 125;
further developments 119, 123, 129–31, 133;
ordinal logics 133, 142–5;
AMT and Wittgenstein 136, 153–4;
AMT’s further work (type theory) in war 215–6; and after war 355, 412;
with Gandy 428, 454, 477, 479, 480, 494;
for elementary logic and logical operations see Boole
logical (Boolean) functions on computers 320, 365n, 409
logical control (of computer) 322–3, 328, 393
logistic view of mathematics 83–6, 91
London Mathematical Society:
correspondence over Computable Numbers 112–3;
AMT’s talk to 356–61; also quoted 318–20, 321, 330–1
Los Alamos see under atomic fission
love, love affairs see under sexuality
love letters, of computer 477–8
Lovelace, Ada 297n, 304, 357–8
Lowes Dickinson, G. 71, 87, 310, 524
Lucas, E., method for testing primes 398
Lucas, Frank 149, 161
Luftwaffe, communications of, see under Enigma (German air force)
Lyons, J. (company) 56, 375, 473
Lyttleton, R. A. 113, 132
McCarthy, Senator J. 500, 501n, 525n
McCulloch, W. 252, 304, 343, 404, 411
Machine Intelligence see under brain
Mackay, D.411
Maclean, Donald 501, 507
Maclure, G. 58
MacPhail, Donald C. 155–6, 158
MacPhail, Malcolm 137, 155, 394
McTaggert, John 63, 66
magnetic core storage 315n
magnetic drum, for computer storage 393, 400, 400n
magnetic tape, in speech cipher 245;
for computer storage 314, 321
Maltby, Col. 286–7
Manchester, city of 151, 239, 289, 394, 428–9
Manchester Guardian 394, 396
Manchester University 155, 230, 239, 340;
AMT appointed to 372, 376;
his trial and 465–6;
reappointment 486;
his slight interaction with its intellectual life 394–6, 412, 414–5, 480, 486
Manchester University Computer, Computing Laboratory:
origin of 340–2, 349–50, 372;
first success of prototype 385, 392;
development 390–1, 393–4, 397–9, 403;
arrival of Mark I 437–8;
work on Mark II 478;
AMT’s diminishing role in 394, 397–403, 438, 440–1, 444–5, 478;
as AMT’s personal computer 408–9, 437, 445, 476
Marathon running 346, 369, 386
Marlborough College 10, 19, 21, 30
Martin, A. Venable 119, 127, 142, 153
Marxism see under communism; Bernal; Hogben
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 155, 349, 410
Massinger Society (King’s College) 75
mathematical logic see logic
Mathematical Recreations and Essays (Rouse Ball) 56, 165, 167, 442–3
mathematics: absoluteness of 61;
‘pur’ and ‘applied’ 61;
modern abstractness of 80–1;
logical foundations of 82–6, 90–4;
internationalist view of 60;
nationalist view of 86;
G. H. Hardy on usefulness of 120–1;
Wittgenstein on philosophy of 153–4;
AMT on future of, as career for boys 362–3;
AMT out of touch with 441, 479;
AMT unsatisfied by 520
Matthews, Peter B. C. 372–3, 387, 389
Mauchly, J. W. 300, 302, 355, 413, 438
‘Maurice’ see Pryce, M. H. L.
Maurice (Forster) 78, 310
Medawar, P. 474n
medicine: inspires AMT 7;
sickness not sin 73–4, 459–61;
treatment not punishment 467–71, 505, 505n, 525
memory, of computers see storage
Merchant Navy, communications of 164–5, 259–61
mercury 315, 328
Mercury, AMT as 519
Mermagen, P. H. F. 37, 52, 362
Mersenne primes 134, 397–8, 406, 406n
Meyer, Rollo, Rev and Mrs 14–5
Michie, Donald:
and ‘Fish’ 231, 265–6, 277–8;
and machine intelligence 265–6, 301, 386–8
and silver bars 344–5;
and trial 466–7
militarism see war
Military Intelligence see GC and CS; also secret service (for M16); security service (for MI5)
Mill, J. S. 73, 77, 308, 425
Milner-Barry, P. S. 221
mind, problem of see under brain; determinism
Mind, AMT’s 1950 paper ‘Computing Machinery and Intelligence’ in, 415–26, 459–60, 522;
also 290–1, 359, 409
Ministry of Supply:
and ACE 335, 353, 368, 376;
and Manchester computer 393;
also 509
MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 155, 250, 349, 410
modular addition 162, 228–9, 247, 274, 276
molecular biology 252, 410, 431
Montagu, Lord, trials of 504–5, 507, 511
Montgomery, General (later Viscount) 234, 240, 245, 534
Moore, G. E. 137, 153
Moore School (University of Pennsylvania) 300, 342–3, 353 {see also ENIAC. EDVAC)
Moorehead, Alan 499
Moral Science Club, Cambridge 85, 89, 136, 372
Morcom, Christopher C. 35–45;
after death 46–53, 62–3, 67, 70, 75–6, 108, 152, 374, 381
Morcom, Mrs (Christopher’s mother) 38, 42, 46–53, 55, 59, 62–4, 67, 70, 75, 115–6, 208
Morcom, Reginald (Christopher’s father) 38, 51, 53, 63, 116
Morcom, Rupert (Christopher’s brother) 38–40, 44, 48–9, 51, 76, 116, 368
morphogenesis see growth; plants; daisy; fir cone
mountain-climbing 17, 26, 216, 269, 387, 389
Mountbatten, Earl 261–2, 347–9, 369
Muggeridge, Malcolm 163, 210, 237–8
multiplier, electric relay 138–40, 146, 148, 155, 251, 299, 328
Murray, Arnold 449–50, 452–5, 456–8, 463, 471–3, 537
mushrooms 279–81, 490
Nancy, France 395, 403
Nanny Thompson 6, 9
National Bureau of Standards (USA) 316
National Physical Laboratory see NPL
National Research Development Corporation 438, 447
National Security Agency (USA) 507–8;
see also CSAW
Natural Wonders Every Child Should Know (Brewster):
on machine model 13, 96;
on brain 17, 28, 266, 291–2;
on sex, chemicals and growth 11–2, 18, 26, 429–31, 435, 467
Nature (journal) 347, 357
Navy, British: ‘Our Fighting Navy’ 87;
and origin of GC and CS 146;
intelligence, lack of 187–90;
reaction to Enigma decryption 200–2, 218–9, 260–2;
communications of 165, 260–2;
see also Merchant Navy
Navy, US 218, 222, 234–6, 299;
see also CSAW
Nazism 86–90, 140, 150, 253–4, 264, 348
Nelson, G. (English Electric) 339
nerves see under brain
Neumann, John von see von Neumann
‘Neville’ see Johnson, S. N.
New Hampshire 128
New Statesman 73–4, 87, 140, 193, 308
New York City 116, 128, 242, 245, 249, 253
New York Times 501n
Newman E. A. (Ted) 395
Newman, Lyn (Lyn Irvine) 396, 472, 475, 485, 516�
��7, 519, 528
Newman, M. H. A. (Max):
and mathematics at Cambridge 90–94;
and Computable Numbers 109, 111–3;
collaborates with AMT 215–6;
role at Bletchley 230–1, 266–8, 277;
and origin of ACE 307, 408;
starts Manchester computer 340–2, 344;
offers AMT post 372, 276;
at Manchester 390, 394, 396–8, 406–7, 438, 441
discusses machine intelligence 415, 450–1;
and trial 464–6, 472;
as biographer 531, note 2. 38
News of the World 474
News Review 403–4
‘Nick’ see Furbank, P. N.
Nietzsche 308
Nim, NIMROD 442–3, 446
Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell) 424, 526
Norfolk, C. 1. 306
Norway, Norwegian: in war 189–90, 198;
AMT and Kjell 476, 479, 483, 503
Novikov, P. S. 495
Nowell Smith, C. 20, 22, 24, 26–30; and Mrs Nowell Smith, 20
Noyce, Wilfrid 387, 387n
NPL (National Physical Laboratory):
as organisation 305–7, 338–9;
AMT joins 307, 316;
resigns 376–7;
revisits 407, 483;
computer development at see under ACE
NRDC (National Research Development Corporation) 438, 447
NSA (National Security Agency, USA) 507–8;
see also CSAW
Nuffield Foundation, conference of 466
numbers: theory of numbers 133–5; (see also Riemann)
binary numbers 138, 299, 320–1, 398–9;
complex numbers 82, 134, 141, 152, 249, 278n, 280, 299
computable numbers 100, 102, 124, 133
Fibonacci numbers 207–8, 281, 430, 435, 437, 477
floating-point numbers 325, 367, 400, 478
imaginary numbers 82n
prime numbers 61, 134–5, 156, 397–8
rational numbers 100–1
real numbers 82, 100, 124, 316, 451
numerical analysis 316, 337, 344, 355, 372
Nyquist, H. 248–9
OBE (Officer of British Empire) 338, 472, 472n
O’Hanlon, Geoffrey 20, 23–25, 30–2, 47–8, 53–5, 59, 67–8, 532n
OIC (Operational Intelligence Centre, Admiralty) 188–9, 191, 202, 244, 260
Olympic Games 386–7
On Computable Numbers … see Computable Numbers
one-time pad cipher 162, 164, 284;
see also Vernam
Oppenheimer, J. Robert 511
optics 333, 406
ordinal logics, numbers 131, 142–4, 157, 212, 360
‘organotherapy’ 467–74, 476, 486, 505, 505n
Orwell, George (pseud.) 7–8, 310, 363, 424, 503, 526–7
Oxford 17, 216, 346, 450
pacifism see war
paper tape, teleprinter 228–9, 231, 267, 270, 321, 334, 398–9, 409, 482n
Paris 311–2, 386, 428, 448, 484–6
Parliament 158, 160, 458n, 501, 504–6
patents, in AMT’s name 355, note 6. 36
Pauli, W. 126; exclusion principle 514
Peano, G., Peano axioms 83, 92
Pierce, C. S. 197
philosophy of mathematics, Wittgenstein’s 153–4
philosophy of science: AMT’s 418–9;
see also levels of description; determinism
phyllotaxis 476; see also numbers, Fibonacci
pi, AMT calculates 35, 100
Piaget, J. 480
Pigou, Arthur C. 73, 94, 186, 209, 269, 387, 389, 524
Pilot ACE 407–8, 442, 444
Pitts, W. 252, 304, 343, 404
plants 11, 207–8, 232, 281, 430, 434–5, 437, 439, 476–7
plugboard, of Enigma 169–70, 178
poker 213, 373–4, 382, 388
Poland, and Enigma 157, 170–6, 179, 374
Polanyi, John 485n
Polanyi, Michael 414–5, 419, 421, 431, 480, 523
Popplewell, Cicely 401–2, 441, 447, 465
Post, Emil 125, 412
Post Office Research Station (Dollis Hill, London):
role at Bletchley 226–7, 231, 267, 311;
and speech encipherment 237, 245, 286, 290, 346;
role in ACE 328, 336–7, 340, 349, 350, 355, 366, 376, 408
Presents, game of 397
Price, Francis V. 121, 128, 142, 366
Prigogine, I. 466
prime numbers 61, 134–5, 156, 397–8;
see also Riemann
Princeton University 86, 95, 111–3, 115;
AMT at Graduate College 116–33, 137–146;
ambience of 116–7, 119, 121, 123, 128, 483, 511;
AMT gains PhD 145;
revisits 355, note BP4;
see also IAS
Pringle, John W. S. 411, 466
Prinz, D. G. 441n
probability and statistics:
and gambling system 69;
Central Limit Theorem 87–8;
in cipher work 149, 181n, 184, 243;
AMT’s major new Bayesian ideas 196–7;
development of these 204, 231, 233, 266;
post-war references 344–5, 401n, 410, 450, 474
‘Prof’, AMT as 208, 281, 394
programming of computers:
AMT’s original ideas 325–7;
work done for ACE 337–8, 343, 367, 372;
AMT’s first routines for Manchester 305, 387;
Programmers’ Handbook 399–402;
checking of routines 407
Pryce, Maurice H. L.
at Cambridge 42, 95;
AMT admires at Princeton 117, 121, 126, 128, 130–2;
war work 142, 159, 312
as fellow Fellow 440
psychology see under brain;
behaviourism; Freud; Jung; sexuality
Psychology (game) 128, 373
punched cards: used for astronomy 141;
for cipher work 198, 220n;
for ACE 316, 321, 330, 398
Quakers: as pacifist 65, 87, 88, 310, 368;
and refugees 150, 151, 239
quantum mechanics:
indeterminacy 40, 64–7, 137, 291, 361, 414, 430, 441;
von Neumann and 67, 79–80, 281;
new mathematics and 61, 81, 305;
AMT’s last speculations 495–6, 512, 514
Queen Elizabeth 241–2, 354
radar see TRE; delay line; cathode ray tube
radio: AMT makes receivers 36, 207;
as wartime communication 162, 236, 247, 276;
black broadcasting 270, 288;
BBC broadcasts 349, 441–2, 448, 450–2, 454, 475, 525n
Radiolaria 437, 492–3
Radley, W. G. 267, 290, 340
RAF, communications of 165
Rajchman, J. A. 354
Ramshaw, Mrs 160, 279, 479
Randolph, J. H. 25–6
randomness: and ciphers 163, 230, 276;
of noise 284–5, 287;
of behaviour 379;
electronic generation of 271, 282;
as computer function 402, 477;
and free-will 442
Ratio Club 411–2, 466, 476, 512
rational numbers 100–1
RCA 245–6, 248, 252, 321n, 354
real numbers see numbers
recursive function 133, 136n, 401n
Rees, David 340, 343
reflector, of Enigma 167
refugee, AMT sponsors see Augenfeld, Robert
reincarnation see after-life
relativity 33–4, 52, 127, 373, 495–6, 512
relays, electromagnetic:
AMT makes for multiplier 138–9;
in Bombe 191, 225–6, 329;
in calculators 250–1, 299, 306, 321
religion: AMT moves from belief in 6, 7, 13, 26–7, 30, 49, 68, 75;
to disbelief in 108, 152, 266, 377, 416, 418, 431
br /> Rhode Island 132, 142, 245
Riemann, B.: and distribution of primes 134;
Riemann’s zeta-function 135, 141;
AMT’s papers on 154, 278n, 466;
Riemann Hypothesis 135, 140, 296, 408, 411;
AMT’s zeta-function machine 140–1, 155–8, 293, 295–6, 389;
AMT’s zeta-function computer program 408–9, 411, 466
Rimmer, T. 456–7
ring-setting (of Enigma) 169
Roberts, Keith V. 371, 373, 397, 446
Robertson, H. P. 127, 512
‘Robin’ see Gandy, Robin O.
Robin, Harold 288
‘Robinson’ machines 267–8, 294, 402
robots 372, 382; see brain
Rockex (British teleprinter cipher system) 270–1, 282, 294, 399, 402
Roehm 90
‘Room 40’ 146, 148, 191, 218
Roosevelt, President 128, 162n, 269
Ross, A. H. T 29–32, 35, 39, 48, 423
Rossall School 151, 158, note 5. 8
Rosser, J. B. 117–8, 133
rotors (of Enigma) 166—7;
rotor-setting 168–9;
fourth rotor of U-boat Enigma, 224
Routledge, Norman A. 372, 395, 476, 483
rowing 62, 76, 89, 115, 354
Royal Society: Fellow in family 16;
and zeta-function machine 155;
and Manchester computer 341–2, 372, 376, 390, 393;
AMT is Fellow 438, 447, 531
running 57, 96, 279, 282;
as serious amateur 345–6, 353–4, 369, 372, 386–7, 389, 395–6;
then 427, 434, 518, 519
Russell, Bertrand:
as logician 81–5, 91, 136, 215;
contacts with AMT 418, 438;
also 118, 362
Russia 71–3, 280;
Russian language 137, 280;
communications 147;
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