Trade In (Odd Jobs Book 3)

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Trade In (Odd Jobs Book 3) Page 7

by AJ Alexander



  The sincerity in Liam’s eyes breaks my heart. I don’t want to believe a word he’s saying. I want to keep my heart hardened to him, but he’s still the only man I have ever loved. Maybe my Fairy God Fathers are right, that his reason for leaving wasn’t purely selfish. I take a deep breath before answering.

  “Fine. I’ll give you a chance to redeem yourself, but I make no promises. Step even the slightest bit out of line and I’m back with Paul in a heartbeat,” I smile hoping to see fear pass across Liam’s face, but instead he begins to laugh.

  “What the fuck are you laughing at? I can tell this is already a joke to you.”

  “Oh, Roo, the things you will go through to win my heart. There is no need for games. My heart will always be yours,” he coos.

  “Don’t patronize me, asshole. If your heart was mine, you never would have left me!” I shout before I slide back from the table. “If you’ll excuse me for a minute.” I don’t even wait for his response before I stand and head toward the bathroom.

  “I knew this was a bad fucking idea. Being around him is nothing but trouble. He makes my brain short-circuit or something,” I mumble to myself as I push the bathroom door open and pull my cell out of my pocket. I hit the speed dial button for Michael and listen to it ring.

  “Bitch! You promised you would answer the phone if I called.” Hanging up the phone, I dial Paul.

  “What can we do for you?” Paul answers the phone on the first ring

  “Where the fuck is Michael?” I shout in the phone.

  “Dorothy what’s wrong. He’s right here. He just missed you call, you called me before he could call you back.”

  I mutter hoping that no one is in any of the surrounding stalls. “I’m freaking the fuck out. I can’t do this. He has already kissed me once and is spouting off how much he loves me and shit. I’m now hiding out in the damn bathroom!”

  “Hold on honey, I’m putting you on speaker.” I tap my foot on the bathroom tiles as I wait for Michael to chime in. “Okay, go. Make it quick we don’t want to keep lover boy waiting.”

  I take a deep breath and give them a condensed recount of what has happened since I arrived a short time ago. “I want to leave. This was a bad idea, I’m just going to tell him this will not work and be done with it. I don’t care about the truth. I just got my shit together, I’m not ready to be broken again.”

  “Listen up sweet cheeks, you still have the hots for Liam. Here is what you’ll do. You will fix your makeup, go back out there, and show him what a badass you are.”

  “Yeah, the badass that got upset and ran to the bathroom.”

  “Bitch, please. Do you have any idea how many women have to give themselves a pep talk? You’re not that special,” Michael says.

  “Just tell your inner bitch to come out and let him have it. She will take the reins and give him a run for his money, don’t you worry.”

  “Thank you, Paul. Time to put on my big girl panties and handle business.”

  “You’re welcome, Dorothy. Now go handle business.” They both say goodbye before ending the call. With renewed confidence, I head back out to into the bar. As I make my way back to the table, I take my time to look at Liam sitting there. Lean muscular body, black shirt and stone washed jeans. His black leather motorcycle jacket is hanging of the back of his chair. I have to stop myself from moaning as he raises his muscular arms to take another drinking from his beer.

  As I near the table, I take a breath and get back to business. “If I find out you’re seeing anyone else, all bets are off.”

  “That seems fair, but the same thing goes for you. I’m a jealous man, Roo. I don’t like to share what’s mine.” He challenges as the waitress comes back with his beer and my shots.

  I don’t hesitate as I throw the first one back and bite into one of the limes. Liam’s eyes become hooded with desire. I lick the remnants of my shot from my lips before answering.

  “I think this whole thing is a waste of my damn time.” Liam reaches over and takes my shot, throwing it back before slamming the glass back onto the table. “That was uncalled for. I hope you plan to get me another one.”

  Without a word, he gets up from his seat, comes to my side of the table, and pulls my head back, so I am looking directly into his eyes. I don’t know what he is looking for, but he must find it because he yanks the ends of my hair, making me gasp in surprise, shoving his tongue into my mouth. My mouth then fills with the tangy taste of the tequila shot he took, which I thought he swallowed. Liam must have had other plans, he intended to be my shot glass.

  I bring my arms up, gripping the collar of his button-up shirt, pulling his body down closer to mine. His tongue continues to swipe the inside of my mouth devouring me from the inside out. The kiss stops as suddenly as it began when we both pull apart gasping for air.

  I swallow what remains of the shot in my mouth, but a bit trickles down the side of my chin. Not wanting to let any go to waste, Liam drags his tongue from the base of my chin and across my lips. Lapping up what remains of the tequila on my lips and skin.

  “Fucking delicious,” he growls before standing upright and heading back to his side of the table like nothing had happened. I stare at him, trying to focus on all the things I should be furious at him about, but I can’t seem to focus.



  Rachael just stares at me as I make my way back around the table. Her eyes flutter down to my cock as I take a seat, “Everything alright?” I raise an eyebrow at her. “I’ll ordered you another round of shots as soon as I can get the waitress’s attention.”

  She gives me a nod, her cheeks slightly pinking from embarrassment.

  “Are you ready to hear the rest of your rules?” Rachael leans back in her chair waiting for my response. I nod my head. “The final rule is no sex.” Interesting rule but doable. I’ve been well acquainted with my hand for the last couple of years so I think I can handle a little while longer.

  “Won’t be a problem. But it goes for both parties, if I can’t have sex neither can you.”

  “Won’t be a problem for me either, seeing as I haven’t had sex with anyone.” She smirks as I spit my beer out. I really want to bust her on her fake boyfriend, but the idea of me being the only man she has ever been with has my cock pulsing with need.

  “You’re telling me you’re dating that guy, but you never slept with him?”

  “Well sleeping with the man I loved in the past never got me anywhere, so I decided to take a different route this time around.” She should feel bad about lying to me, but I had it coming.

  “Low blow, Roo. Low blow,” I mumble taking another swig of my beer. She was hurt by me leaving, but if she keeps insinuating that what we had was just a game for me, I’ll lose my patience. A man can only take so much.

  “Rachael, this will never work if you keep punishing me for past mistakes. I get it, I hurt you. I’m sorry, but can you at least give me a chance to show you how much you mean to me?”

  Her shoulders slump before she answers. “Liam, there are no words to describe how devastated I was when you upped and left like that. First, I thought something had happened to you. That maybe you had gotten in an accident just like Jeremiah and were lying on the side of the road somewhere injured. But when I went to your house the next day, the maid told me you’d packed your things and left, my heart broke all over again.” A single tear trickles down her cheek. “You said we’d be together forever, but at the first sign of trouble you left me.”

  I grit my teeth together; she does not understand how hard it was to leave that night. “What Sheila told you was a lie. I didn’t leave willingly that night, but I stayed away for your own good.”

  “You could have called! Anything to let me know you still cared, but you come back into my life when I’m happy. Wanting another chance with me. You broke my heart Liam, broke me, and it took me years to put myself back together. I don’t even know if I can trust yo
u again.”

  I’ve had enough of the trip down memory lane. “I’m not expecting you to forget what happened between us. Shit, I’m hoping that deep down you still care about me — even just a little.” I get up from my chair and kneel beside her, taking her hands in mine. “What I am asking, no, begging for, is a chance to remind you I’m not the asshole you have made me out to be for these past few years. To be given the chance to remind you of the love we shared for one another. To show you how much I still love you and never stopped after all these years.” I bring her hands to my lips, placing a gentle kiss on them.

  “I’m not asking for an answer right now. This meeting was supposed to be for you to hear me out.”

  “I’ve listened. Are we done here?”

  “No, can you tell Paul and Michael congratulations for me and how bad I feel for almost breaking Paul’s nose.”

  She takes a minutes to comprehend what I said before her infectious laughter fills the room, bringing a smile to my face.

  “You got me. I assumed you would find out.”

  “You can thank Wyatt for that one, but I’m sure you were also counting on all your rules to have me running for the hills.”

  “I was sure the no sex rule would get you.”

  I get up from the floor and hold my hand out to her. “Trust me, after having you again, I’m tempted, but I would walk through fire for another chance to call you mine.”

  Rachael’s cheeks turn pink with embarrassment. “I forgot what a sweet talker you were when you wanted something.” She reaches into her purse, bringing out her wallet.

  “No need, I already took care of it while you were in the bathroom. I figured I was on borrowed time.” I place my hand on the small of her back, ushering her toward the front door.

  “That obvious? Next time you want to be my personal shot glass, just ask, alright?” I hold the door open for her as she walks through into the chilly San Diego evening air.

  “I make no promises. The little sounds you make when I catch you by surprise are still my favorite.” She jumps as I place a soft kiss on her cheek. “Can I call you? I’d like to ask you on a proper date.”

  “I would give you my number but since you somehow have it already…”

  “Something else you can thank Wyatt for, but he didn’t give willingly,” I rub the back of my neck, “I’ll call you next week to set up a time. Do you have any restrictions on what days we can go out? I know you work in the shop so your schedule may not be as flexible as mine.”

  “Don’t be difficult, Lamb. Just let me know when you want to take me out, and I’ll let you know what works.” She gives me a smile and waves before turning and heading toward her dad’s beat-up truck. I wait for her to get in and start the truck before I turn and hop on my bike.

  This meeting went better than I thought it would, but the outcome wasn’t what I expected either. Now, to think of the perfect date to help me win back the love of my life.



  “How are things going with lover boy?” Michael questions before he places his order. Breakfast at Lolita’s has become a weekly occurrence for the five of us. Heather, Addison, Paul and Michael all want updates on what is going on with Liam and me.

  “Nothing new to report. You know we have been dating, if you can call it that, for three months. We go out every Friday or Saturday depending on which night he has to work. Are you going to make me go over all of this again?” I wait for one of them to speak up, and when no one does I continue, “He took me on a Horn Blower cruise last weekend, which was nice. I’ve never been on one of those before.”

  “How romantic! Did he try to get past first base this time?” Heather asks, shaking her coffee cup in the waitress’s direction. She seems to be the most invested in my sex life.

  “To answer your question, no. Just a few heated kisses before dropping me off, but that’s it.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me! We’re trying to live vicariously through you. This will not cut it at all.” Michael throws his arm over his eyes and pretends to faint while Paul fans him with his hands. Ever the dramatic pair, those two.

  “Why the hell do you need to do that? I mean you have a more active sex life than anyone I know. Why do you need to know what’s going on in mine?”

  “Girl, but you get to put your lips on that fine piece of man meat that doesn’t bat for our team. We need all the gory details.”

  Addison, Heather and I laugh at them both. These two are worse than girlfriends, always wanting what they can’t have. However, neither of them has to worry about the other straying. They only seem to have a thing for completely straight unavailable men — the perfect relationship.

  “Here’s something new, he wants to make dinner for me this weekend. He took the entire weekend off and wants to spend the weekend together.” I blush at the thought. “We have the no sex rule, but this will be the first time we’ll be spending more than a few hours with each other.”

  “Better yet, imagine all the things you can do with each other that doesn’t involve sex! Good thing we already ate, we need to get you ready!” Michael reaches across the table and pulls me out of my seat.

  “Come on, you two are coming too.” Paul winks at Heather and Addison before placing a few bills on the table and grabbing her hand.

  “I never pass up a trip to the spa.” Heather smiles as she grabs Addison’s hand and pulls her out the door.

  “Spa! I never signed up to go to the spa.” I break out in hives just thinking about how much a trip there will cost me.

  “Don’t you fret sweet cheeks. Your Fairy God Fathers have got you covered.” Michael pinches my nose before pulling me out the door behind him.

  I desperately look around for someone that could save me from this torture. Finding no one, I’m forced in the back of Heather’s car to submit to an afternoon of torture at the spa with three of my now least favorite people.

  After being poked and prodded in places I never want to think of again, I’m finally home. I had places waxed I didn’t even know had hair! Luckily, my dad is here too. “Hey, Dad! Long time no see.” I smile as I wrap my arms around his waist giving him a big bear hug.

  “Hey, Rachael. Don’t you look nice, spend the day with the girls?”

  I laugh. “Guilty as charged. Heather wanted to have a girls’ day and dragged me along with her and Addison.” I follow him into the living room and have a seat next to him.

  He is watching his favorite show Counting Cars on the history channel. “This one is so good! I watched it last week while I was working late in the shop.”

  “I’m sorry kid. I’ve been so caught up with work that I haven’t been around much. I’ve left you all alone a lot, huh?” My dad wraps his arm around my shoulders bringing me into his chest.

  I snuggle into his chest. “Nothing out of the ordinary dad. I love the shop and love working at it. The busier the better business is. Now if we could just get less Harley’s in and some good vintage motorcycles, I would be happier.”

  “Here we go again. You better stop talking shit on Harley! I don’t know who raised you to love such an inferior machine as an Indian. I would disown you if I didn’t love you so much.”

  I look up at my dad with a smile. He knows I love him and support him in everything he does. It’s been just the two of us since Jeremiah died. I don’t know if I could ever survive without him.

  “You got it — no chance of that. I’ll get you on one eventually. Once you ride it, Dad you will never touch a Harley again.” He leans down and places a chaste kiss on my forehead before turning back toward the television.

  “So, what’s going on with you? Any new beaus? That damn Murphy kid isn’t bothering you anymore, is he? I’m sorry I didn’t realize it was his bike I took the appointment for. When he came to pick it up, I sent him packing. I don’t think he’ll be sniffing around anymore.”

  I don’t have the heart to tell my dad that Liam and I are seeing each other again �
� not that anything will come of it. I need to close this chapter of my life so I can move on to the next, or at least that’s what I keep telling myself.

  He supported mine and Liam’s relationship because it made me happy, but as soon as Liam disappeared, he was always dropping hints and his opinion of why a long-term relationship between us would never have worked out.

  “Nope, no one new.”

  We sit and watch the rest of the episode before my phone rings. Pulling it out of my pocket I notice it’s Morgan. I haven’t talked to her since Liam and I started dating again, with her work schedule we have been playing phone tag.

  “Sorry to cut the family bonding time short, but it’s Mo. I haven’t been able to chat with her in weeks.”

  “Tell her I said hi.” My dad gives me a wave as I hop over the back of the couch and race up the stairs before answering.

  “The cookies didn’t work,” Morgan whines.

  “I figured that out from your last email, and that was weeks ago. What is going on now? Do you have any idea what went wrong?”

  “I have no idea!” Morgan screeches. “One minute he is trying to kiss me, then he kisses me, and then he treats me like I have the plague. I know for a fact he loves chocolate chip cookies because the old housekeeper told me before I worked there, but he had the nerve to tell me he hated them and threw them out right in front of me!”

  “What an asshole!” My anger has me vibrating in place. No one treats my best friend like this and gets away with it.


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