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The Fight for Creation: Book 01 - Life Warrior

Page 26

by Saxon Andrew

  • • •

  The Megat Fleet Commander watched as his fleet died around him. Thirty thousand ships had been blasted into rubble and the wave of destruction was moving out into the main body of the fleet. He hit his communicator and yelled, “You said you could defend us. You were wrong. All ships, all ships, jump away, jump away.”

  The Megat fleet disappeared and the three large ships began running through the denser areas in the Grey Cloud. The Superior Spirit saw the attack had failed and there was no way for his remaining forces to break through to the planet. “Recall all Warriors and get out of here.”

  Jon was lining up another Megat Battleship when the Megat Fleet jumped out. He turned and looked at the grey cloud surrounding him and saw what looked like a huge vacuum cleaner pulling the cloud into huge grey shapes. Jon yelled, “Amet, go to Ross and help Molly.”

  The three ships disappeared and the Dremor ships rippled briefly before they went into null space. Jon waited for and heard Dern, “Why didn’t we think of this?”

  Jon smiled, “We’re too close to the picture. We can see all of it.”

  Teg said, “Well, thank the Creator for Molly.”

  Jon said, “Thank the Creator.”

  “Admiral, you are to be commended for saving our planet.”

  “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

  “Come see me after you get back from Ross. Use the following coordinates and you’ll arrive in a safe place above the planet.”

  Jon sent the coordinates to his command and the Life Warriors teleported away.

  • • •

  Molly’s Battalion was making progress destroying the Megat Fleet but not fast enough to save the planet. The Fort’s force fields were about to fail. Suddenly the rest of the Regiment arrived and Jon said, “Move over.”

  Molly’s smiled and the number of Megat ships exploding tripled. The three ships arrived and began blowing into the clouds of Dremor, killing them by the millions. In less than ten seconds, thirty thousand Megat Warships were burning rubble. The remainder jumped away and the Dremor left right behind them. Molly looked at Jon on her display and said, “You arrived just in time.”

  “That’s how you’re supposed to do it.”

  “Really, I would hope we wouldn’t cut it so close in the future.”

  “Now where is the fun in that?”

  “Speak for yourself. This was not a fun house.”

  Jon paused and said, “People still pay to go in a house of horrors.”

  Molly started laughing and soon Jon joined her.

  • • •

  The Dremor that survived the failed attacks arrived back at the central gathering and their leaders began looking at the recordings of what happened. The Supreme Spirit looked at the small number of returning ships and asked his new First Spirit, “How many did we lose?”

  “We only have enough survivors to constitute two fleets.”

  “Are you saying we lost seventy percent of our forces!?!”

  “No, we lost seventy five percent. The two new fleets will be under normal strength levels.”

  The Supreme Spirit knew he was in big trouble. He was thankful the Superiors had voted for the attack. Three hours later he was dead. A Superior Spirit said, “The other one put up a better fight.”

  “What do we do now?”

  “Who among us chooses to lead?”

  “I’ll do it.”

  “Then you’re chosen. What are your orders?”

  “We’ve lost eight fleets in the last flash. That’s more than we’ve lost since we left our original planet. We will leave this place and go as far away as possible.”

  “Do you not worry the beings here will find us one day?”

  “Not if we go far enough. The technology they used against us will fade into memory if we can’t be found for hundreds of thousands of Flashes. We should have done this before. We’ve always taken the safe course. We are going to do that again.”

  The Superiors agreed that the decision was a good one. The Dremor Fleets gathered for a month and then they left. The Dremor were no longer a problem to solve for the Realm. They would have to be handled by another chosen at their new location.

  • • •

  The First Spirit on the Dremor transport said, “I don’t understand why we’re visiting the Megat?”

  “They ran before they were given permission.”

  “Can you really blame them? We promised them protection and we failed to keep that promise.”

  “Since when do our promises to others ever carry any value?”

  The First gave a shrug, “We’ll arrive at their capital soon.”

  The Superior Ship’s Spirit said, “Tell our warriors to get it done quickly. We have a long way to go and most of the fleets have a head start.”

  The Megat Ruler looked up and saw the sky turning grey. He hoped the ships that had launched immediately after his fleet returned were able to find a new planet to settle. He watched the cloud rushing down toward him and he sighed, “One should never make a deal with the devil. You always lose.” The Ruler died the next moment and the small pile of inorganic matter was all that remained of a Ruler that longed to be King.

  • • •

  The pile was still there a hundred and fifty years later when Jixie showed up to play with the Megat again. She steppedout of her ship and heard Trex say, “It appears the cloud creatures killed our playmates.”

  “That wasn’t very nice of them.”

  “No it wasn’t.”

  “Well, since they removed these, we should go play with them.”

  The two small creatures looked up at the sky and saw the Dremor more than half way across creation. Jixie smiled and a small ship formed around her. Six million ships lifted off the dead planet and Jixie and her family went to play with the Dremor.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Four months had passed since the attack on Bristone and Ross. Most of the population that had left the planets prior to the Dremor attack was back and things were getting back to normal. Jon was working with the new recruits for those lost to the Dremor and felt his wrist unit vibrate, “Hi, Mom. What’s up?”

  “The Queen has requested your presence at Lady Gardner’s wedding. You should be here by tomorrow to go with us.”

  Jon stared at Sara and said, “Mom, this is one event I have to take a pass on.”

  “I would ordinarily agree but the Queen has commanded that all Royalty is required to attend and no excuse will be tolerated.”

  “Is that normal?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve not seen enough weddings at this level to make a judgment. I know when Robert and I were married, all were required to attend.” Sara paused and said, “Somehow, this is different. I’m not sure what it is, but Victoria was not smiling when she issued the proclamation. You have to go.”

  Jon took a deep breath, “What if I abdicate my title?”

  “Then you’ll still have to go to do it. It must be done in front of the Queen and she is not available until after the wedding. Just buck up and it’ll be over before you know it.”

  Jon nodded and said, “I’ll come later on tonight.”

  “Jon, you should bring an escort.”

  “I may not be able to pull that one off this time, Mom.”

  Sara said, “I understand and this is short notice. Make the effort, but I think your father will understand if you don’t.”

  Jon looked across the training field and saw Molly watching the new Life Warriors in her battalion practice switching armor. He walked over and said, “Molly, will you go with me to a Royal Function?”

  “Depends on what it is?”

  “Juliette’s wedding.”

  Molly stared at Jon and after a long moment she said, “I heard you say that she is not going to go through with the wedding.”

  Jon slowly shook his head and said, “That’s what she said.”

  “This is one event I will not attend, Jon.”

  “But you really ne
ed to be there Molly.”

  “I won’t do it.”

  Jon stared at her and said, “Are you sure?”

  “I am.”

  Jon turned and walked away. Molly turned the training activity over to the trainer and teleported to The Creator’s Song. She went to her room and fell on her bed.

  • • •

  She remained in her room until the next day and she looked at her computer. The wedding was taking place in an hour. How could Jon have asked her to go with him? He knew how she felt about that princess. She thought about Jon’s expression when she said no. “But you really need to be there, Molly.” She shook her head and then sat down. He didn’t say he needed her there. He said I needed to be there. She looked at the clock and ran out of the room.

  • • •

  The main ballroom at Bristone Castle was crowded. Jon was seated with his parents and wished this whole thing would just end. The horns started blowing and everyone stood as the Royal Couple entered. Grainger had Victoria’s hand on his arm and he led her to her throne and waited for her to be seated. She sat on her throne and Grainger said, “Please rise and let the celebration of this day begin.”

  Everyone sat down and Jon looked at James Dodd waiting at the front of the room with William Dodd at his side. Jon thought James smile was more a sneer than a smile. The older Dodd looked troubled. The music stared and everyone stood. The tall double doors opened and Juliette emerged. Jon was stunned by how beautiful she was. She was a vision from the heart of the Creator. She began the slow walk down the aisle and everyone in the room was captivated by her beauty. Jon looked at James and saw he was also stunned by Juliette’s beauty. The music continued until Juliette moved even with her mother and she looked at her. Cassandra lowered her gaze and looked at the floor. Juliette stopped and raised her hand. The music stopped. Juliette turned to Queen Victoria and said, “Your Majesty, I humbly apologize but there will be no wedding today.”

  The entire room erupted in noise and Jon looked at the Dodds and saw William trying to shout something. Grainger stood and yelled, “YOU WILL BE SILENT!” All noise instantly disappeared except for William Dodd yelling, “Your Majesty, I must tell you something of great importance.”

  Grainger looked at him and said, “If you open your mouth again without permission, you will regret it.”

  William closed his mouth. He had thought that if he could accuse Cassandra of her treason first, anything Juliette might say would be considered a lie to get retribution against him. He knew now that he didn’t dare say anything after the King’s command.

  Victoria looked at Juliette and said, “Why is there not going to be a wedding?”

  Juliette said, “I could never marry James Dodd and allow him to have a high position of power in the Realm. He’s pretty much a troll, Your Majesty.”

  Victoria looked at the Dodd’s and then said, “Is that the only reason?”

  “I don’t love him. I pretty much detest him. I love someone else.”

  “Who would that be, Lady Gardner?”

  “Jon Robbins.”

  Juliette turned to Jon along with everyone else in the room. Jon just stared at Juliette. Then he heard behind him, “You can’t marry her, Jon.”

  Jon had a small smile when he said without turning around, “Why not?”

  “For the same reason, you don’t love her.”

  “I don’t.”

  “No, you love me and I’ve been too stupid to see it.”

  Jon’s smile grew larger and he said, “That’s not enough.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Jon turned around and saw Molly in her emerald gown. He rushed forward and took her in his arms and kissed her. Jon finally leaned back and said, “You arrived just in time.”

  Molly smiled, “That’s how you’re supposed to do it.”

  “Really, I would hope we wouldn’t cut it so close in the future.”

  “Now where is the fun in that?”

  Jon pulled her close and said, “I’ll show you fun.”

  • • •

  Juliette watched Jon and Molly and knew there were consequences for not doing the right thing. She was staring at hers right in front of her. She looked over at her mother and saw her smiling. She went over and Cassandra said, “I’m so proud of you.”

  “You know what this means?”

  “I do and I don’t care. You are so much stronger than I am. I always depended on your father for strength. I should pay for my sins. You’ve done the right thing, Jilly.”

  Juliette hugged her mother and then looked at William Dodd with menace on her face.

  Victoria smiled and knew she had planned it right. She stood and everyone bowed, “Rise and sit down.”

  Everyone heard the harshness in her tone and everyone sat down. Jon pulled a chair up and Molly sat down beside him. Sara reached over, hugged her, and whispered, “I knew you had a little common sense. I’m glad you found it.”

  Molly smiled and looked at a very angry Queen.

  Victoria motioned and ten White Warriors entered the room with their armor active. Jon wondered what had Victoria so worked up. She turned to the huge room and said, “Some of you in this room are guilty of treason to the Realm. I’ve thought about finding you and having you executed, but that would have been wrong on a day like today after our great victory over the Dremor. So I’m going to offer everyone in this room a choice and you’ll only get it once. You can choose to walk out of this room with all your sins forgiven, but you walk out without your titles. You walk out a citizen of the Bristone Realm. You will lose all of your rights and privileges but you walk out innocent. Is there any one here that wishes to accept that offer?”

  Cassandra stood and said, “I accept the offer, Your Majesty.”

  Jon looked quickly at William Dodd and saw the sick expression on his face.

  Victoria said, “You may leave.”

  Cassandra hugged Juliette, turned and walked out the double doors.

  Victoria said, “Is there anyone else?”

  William Dodd said, “Your Majesty, it’s a violation of the Succession Covenants to use a telepathic species with Royalty.”

  Victoria looked at William and said, “I have no intention of using any telepathic species to see your minds. However, you should understand that the price of treason is a very long prison term for our citizens, but for Royals it’s the death penalty.” Victoria looked out at the room and said, “You know what you’ve done. Make your decision now.”

  Jon was shocked when more than half the room stood and walked out. Even William Dodd was stunned. Victoria looked at the Dodds and said, “This offer will end in ten seconds. Is there anyone else?”

  Eight more Royals stood and left the room. William and James remained. Victoria looked over at Grainger and he handed her a piece of parchment. She looked at it and handed it to the Captain in command of the White Warriors. The warriors moved out into those still in the room and began arresting those on the list. One of the warriors went to the two Dodds and said, “Please come with me.”

  William looked at Victoria, “You have no evidence that I have done anything wrong.”

  Victoria looked at William and he heard her in his mind, “I don’t need a telepathic species when I can see your mind. Your statement about assisting the Dremor is what will get you executed.”

  William’s mouth fell open and he said, “James has not done anything.”

  Victoria said so all could hear, “He agreed to assist the Dremor to save himself. He also knew his father’s plans to have Jon Robbins killed so that he would benefit. The two of you deserve your punishment. You could have saved yourselves but your lust for power kept you here.”

  William looked at James, “You said you had no idea what your father was doing.”

  “He told me everything. He wanted me to be King so I could have you executed. He hated you.”

  Victoria said, “The one that paid the Algean to insert the computer virus in the assignment
computer has already been executed. He endangered the Warriors of the Realm and there is no mercy for his actions.”

  William pleaded, “Please have mercy, Your Majesty.”

  Grainger said, “You are a poison that infects all around you. There will be no mercy.”

  Juliette stood and said, “Your Majesty, I am guilty as well.”

  Silence crashed down on the room. Victoria said, “You went through all this in an attempt to get your mother to accept responsibility for her actions, did you not?”

  “Well, yes. But I knew she had done something that would get her executed.”

  Vitoria stared at Juliette and said, “What did she do?”

  Juliette stared at Victoria and after a moment she said, “I don’t know what she actually did but I know it had to be serious.”

  Victoria smiled, “If you actually knew, you would be right to accept responsibility. But you didn’t know and that makes all the difference. You were trying to make the right thing happen. You are not guilty, Juliette. I hope you’ve learned from this experience.”

  Juliette turned and looked at Jon and Molly, “I’ve learned that when you don’t do the right thing, you can lose everything.”

  Victoria smiled, “That’s a lesson that you will never forget. Some lessons come hard.”

  Juliette turned to Victoria and said, “Yes they do.”

  Victoria looked at Jon and said, “We are proud of what you and your Warriors have done. I understand that you don’t want to be in the secession.”

  Juliette said, “Your Majesty, he is more qualified than I am. I hope you will hold him to his duty.”

  Jon looked at Juliette and smiled. She had found her heart. Jon looked at Victoria and said, “I am a Life Warrior, Your Majesty.” He looked down at Molly and said, “We both are. That is our calling.”

  Victoria smiled, “Well I’ll not release you from your duty. But you will probably never have to take the Crown.”

  Jon tilted his head, “Why not?”

  Victoria reached over had put her hand on Grainger’s, “Because we’re expecting twins. It will be your descendants that might have to take the responsibility.”


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