Target Switzerland
Page 31
91 New York Times, Nov. 10, 1940, 48.
92 Lindt, Le temps du hérisson, 77–79; Schwarz, Eye of the Hurricane, 44.
93 Ibid. at 84–85; Schwarz, Eye of the Hurricane, 44–45.
94 Schwarz, Eye of the Hurricane, 8.
95 Bonjour, Geschichte der Schweizerischen Neutralität (1976), IV, 393.
96 New York Times, Nov. 20, 1940, 3.
97 New York Times, Nov. 28, 1940, 4.
98 The Times (London), Dec. 10, 1940, 5f.
99 Ibid.
100 Lunn, Mountain Jubilee, 277.
101 Schweizerische Schützenzeitung, Dec. 1940, 51:350.
1 New York Times, Jan. 2, 1941, 4.
2 Schweizerische Schützenzeitung, Jan. 9, 1941, 2:1.
3 Schweizerische Schützenzeitung, Jan. 1941, 3:15.
4 Ibid., Mar. 1941, 11:69.
5 New York Times, Feb. 19, 1941, 10.
6 Bonjour, Geschichte der der Schweizerischen Neutralität (1970), V, 122.
7 New York Times, Mar. 24, 1941, 2.
8 Bonjour, Geschichte der Schweizerischen Neutralität, V, 250–51; Living Age, Aug. 1941, 525, 526.
9 Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, 793, 839–41.
10 New York Times, Mar. 23, 1941, Section IV, 5:7.
11 Lindt, Le temps du hérisson, 88.
12 New York Times, Mar. 31, 1941, 4.
13 “The New Lebensraum,” Neue Volkszeitung, in The Living Age, 525, 526 (Aug. 1941).
14 New York Times, April 29, 1941, 2.
15 Lindt, Le temps du hérisson, 89.
16 New York Times, Apr. 9, 1941, 3.
17 Schweizerische Schützenzeitung, April 1941, 17:110.
18 Lindt, Le temps du hérisson, 90.
19 Interview with August Lindt, Sept. 23, 1997. See Philipp Wanner, Oberst Oscar Frey und der Schweizerische Widerstandswille (Münsingen: Tages– Nachrichten, 1974), 157–60.
20 “Swiss Cherish Their Ancient Liberties,” National Geographic, 79 (Apr. 1941) 481, 495.
21 Schweizerische Armee, Schiessvorschrift für die Infanterie (Bern 1941), 24.
22 New York Times, Apr. 28, 1941, 3. The radio address was published in the Gazzetta del Popolo (Turin), Apr. 29, 1941. New York Times, Apr. 30, 1941, 2.
23 “The New Lebensraum,” Neue Volkszeitung, in Living Age, Aug. 1941, 525, 526–27.
24 Ibid.
25 New York Times, May 4, 1941, Section IV, 4.
26 Living Age, Aug. 1941, 525, 527.
27 Wilson, Switzerland: Neutrality as a Foreign Policy, 55–56.
28 Senn, Anfänge einer Dissuasionsstrategie während des Zweiten Welt-krieges, 338.
29 Interview with Hans Senn, Sept. 17, 1997.
30 W.W. Schütz, “The Independence of Switzerland,” Contemporary Review, 159 (June 1941), 658, 660.
31 Ibid. at 660–61.
32 Gerhard L. Weinberg, Germany, Hitler, and World War II (Cambridge University Press, 1995), 161.
33 Interview with August Lindt, Sept. 23, 1997.
34 Senn, Anfänge einer Dissuasionsstrategie während des Zweiten Weltkrieges, 376–77.
35 Neue Zürcher Zeitung, July 13, 1945; U.S. Dept. of State, Swiss Policies on Purge of Axis Supporters 11 (Washington, DC, 1945).
36 Hitler’s Secret Conversations, 1941–1944, intro. by H.R. Trevor-Roper (New York: Signet, 1976), 53.
37 Andreas Hillgruber, Staatsmänner und Diplomaten bei Hitler (München: DTV, 1969), 275–76.
38 Ibid.
39 Fink, Die Schweiz aus der Sicht des Dritten Reiches, 1933–1945, 25.
40 Norman Rich, Hitler’s War Aims: The Establishment of the New Order, (London: André Deutsch Limited, 1974), 402, citing Berger to Himmler, September 8, 1941, T175/123/2648463 [U.S. National Archives]; Swiss government report of December 28, 1945, on antidemocratic activities, 1939–45, NG [Nuremberg trial document] 4137.
41 Jacob B. Glenn, “The Jews in Switzerland,” Contemporary Jewish Record (New York: American Jewish Committee, 1941), IV, 283, 286–87.
42 Ibid. at 285, 287.
43 Denis de Rougemont and Charlotte Muret, “What Switzerland Teaches,” 34 Commonweal (1941), 511–12.
44 New York Times, Aug. 11, 1941, 4.
45 Meier, Friendship Under Stress, 273–74.
46 Ibid. at 310.
47 Jürg Martin Gabriel, “Switzerland and Economic Sanctions: The Dilemma of a Neutral,” Swiss Neutrality and Security, ed. Milivojevićc and Maurer, 235.
48 Schwarz, Eye of the Hurricane, 83.
49 Charles Higham, Trading with the Enemy: The Nazi-American Money Plot, 1933–49 (New York: Delacorte Press, 1983), 242.
50 “Switzerland Sits Tight,” Fortune, 24 (Sept. 1941), 74.
51 Ibid.
52 Ibid.
53 Ibid. at 75.
54 Ibid. at 112.
55 Reichsgesetzblatt, I, 759 (Dec. 4, 1941).
56 Raul Hilberg, The Destruction of the European Jews (New York: Homes and Meir, 1985), 341, 318, 297.
57 Gill, An Honourable Defeat: A History of German Resistance to Hitler, 1933–1945, 140.
58 Yitzhak Arad et al. eds., The Einsatzgruppen Reports (New York: Holocaust Library, 1989), ii.
59 Ibid. at 117, 128.
60 Ibid. at 233, 306, 257–58, 352–53, 368.
61 Schweizerische Schützenzeitung, Dec. 1941, 51:361.
62 New York Times, Dec. 3, 1941, 9.
63 New York Times, Dec. 11, 1941, 13.
64 New York Times, Dec. 12, 1941, 3.
65 New York Times, Dec. 18, 1941, 7.
66 New York Times, Jan. 23, 1942, 4.
67 New York Times, Jan. 31, 1942, 7.
68 Fink, Die Schweiz aus der Sicht des Dritten Reiches, 1933–45, 22–23.
1 Schwarz, The Eye of the Hurricane, 117.
2 Fink, Die Schweiz aus der Sicht des Dritten Reiches, 1933–45, 25.
3 New York Times, Feb. 4, 1942, 4.
4 New York Times, Feb. 22, 1942, 6.
5 New York Times, Mar. 17, 1942, 9; Rings, Schweiz im Krieg, 297–301.
6 New York Times, Mar. 29, 1942, 4.
7 New York Times, April 30, 1942, 6.
8 New York Times, May 3, 1942, 32.
9 Lindt, Le temps du hérisson, 106.
10 New York Times, Jan. 11, 1942, 24.
11 Percival B. Knauth, “Oasis of Democracy,” New York Times, Jan. 25, 1942, Section VII, 8.
12 Ibid.
13 Ibid. at 28.
14 The Goebbels Diaries: 1942–1943, ed. Louis P. Lochner, (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co., 1948), 126.
15 Schweizerische Schützenzeitung, Feb. 1942, 7:41.
16 Schweizerische Schützenzeitung, 1942, 14:98
17 New York Times, Mar. 17, 1942, 9.
18 Schweizerische Schützenzeitung, 1942, 33:250.
19 Société cantonale des Tireurs fribourgeois, Rapport de Gestion du Comité Cantonal Pour L’Exercice 1942 (Fribourg: Hodel, 1943), 6–7.
20 Schweizerische Armee, Ausbildungsvorschrift der Infanterie 1942 (Eidg. Militärdepartement 1948), 9.
21 Ibid. at 10.
22 The Goebbels Diaries: 1942–1943, 208.
23 Anita Daniel, “The Miracle of Switzerland,” American Mercury, 54 (May 1942) 554–55. (In German: Die Schweiz, die ist ein Stachelschwein, / Die nehmen wir zum Dessert ein. / Dann geh’n wir in die weite Welt / Und holen uns den Roosevelt. )
24 “Europe: ‘Wir Machen Nicht Mit,’” Time, 40 (Nov. 2, 1942) 38.
25 Ibid.; see Journal de Gevève, Oct. 16, 1942, 8.
26 New York Times, Oct. 24, 1942, 6.
27 New York Times, Nov. 23, 1942, 5.
28 New York Times, June 16, 1942, 6.
29 Fink, Die Schweiz aus der Sicht des Dritten Reiches, 1933–1945, 23.
30 New York Times, Aug. 2, 1942, 11.
31 New York Times, Aug. 5, 1942, 7.
32 Rich, Hitler’s War Aims, 401–02.
33 Hans Rudolf Fuhrer, Spionage
gegen die Schweiz (Frauenfeld: Huber, 1982), 98.
34 Ibid.
35 Schwarz, Eye of the Hurricane, 123.
36 Ibid. at 124.
37 Daniel, “The Miracle of Switzerland,” American Mercury, 54 (May 1942), 557.
38 Adam LeBor, Hitler’s Secret Bankers (Secaucus, NJ: Birch Lane Press, 1997), xvi–xvii, 147; Schwarz, Eye of the Hurricane, 125.
39 Bonjour, Swiss Neutrality, 128.
40 Ibid. at 125, citing Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Sept. 22, 1942.
41 Interview with Ernst Leisi, Sept. 22, 1997. The Leisi family was the family identified above that rescued Jews.
42 “Swiss Haven,” Newsweek, Oct. 26, 1942, 54.
43 Feingold, The Politics of Rescue, 142, 131, 154, 178.
44 Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, 924.
45 Kurz, Histoire de l’Armée Suisse, 132.
46 Interview with Paul R. Jolles, Sept. 22, 1997. See Jolles, “A Battle for Neutrality,” Newsweek, Sept. 1, 1997, 4.
47 Weinberg, A World at Arms, 397.
48 Meier, Friendship Under Stress, 281–86.
49 Ibid. at 285–86.
50 “Isolated Swiss,” Newsweek, Nov. 23, 1942, 45.
51 Schwarz, Eye of the Hurricane, 91–92.
52 Dean Acheson, Present at the Creation (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1969), 50.
53 Walter Schaufelberger, Armee Abschaffen? (Frauenfeld: Huber, 1988), 39.
54 Ibid.
55 Allen Dulles, The Secret Surrender (London: Harper & Row, 1966), 12.
56 Allen W. Dulles, Germany’s Underground (New York: MacMillan, 1947), 125.
57 Ibid. at 126, 129.
58 Gill, An Honourable Defeat, 179–80; Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, 1018, 1024.
59 Schwarz, Eye of the Hurricane, 103.
60 Ibid. at 108.
61 “Switzerland: Alone, Little & Tough,” Time, Dec. 7, 1942, 40.
62 Leisi, Freispruch für die Schweiz, 122–23.
63 Bonjour, Geschichte der Schweizerischen Neutralität, IV, 472; Huber, , 501–13.
64 The Goebbels Diaries: 1942–1943, 244.
65 Lunn, Mountain Jubilee, vii.
1 Charles Lanius, “Switzerland, Axis Captive,” Saturday Evening Post, 215 (Jan. 23, 1943) 24.
2 Ibid. at 57.
3 Walter Lippmann, “The Faithful Witness,” New York Herald Tribune, Jan. 26, 1943, 21.
4 Ibid.
5 Ibid.
6 Journal de Genève, Mar. 14, 1943, 1.
7 New York Times, Jan. 27, 1943, 13. The above may have been part of the series by the Institute for the History of New Germany, which published Christopher Steding’s The Reich and the Disease of European Culture, a 7000-page work which proved that Switzerland and other small states had no right to exist. See Werner Richter, “The War Pattern of Swiss Life,” Foreign Affairs, July 1944, XXII, 643, 646.
8 New York Times, Jan. 28, 1943, 18.
9 Ibid.
10 Meier, Friendship Under Stress, 294–95.
11 Kimche, Spying for Peace, 104.
12 Pierre-Th. Braunschweig, Geheimer Draht Nach Berlin (Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 1989), 269.
13 Kimche, Spying for Peace, 106–08.
14 Dulles, The Secret Surrender, 27.
15 See Pierre-Th. Braunschweig, Geheimer Draht nach Berlin, 231–58.
16 Kimche, Spying for Peace, 99–100.
17 Rapport du Général Guisan a L’assemblée Fédérale sur le Service Actif, 1939–1945 (Bern 1946), 50.
18 Schwarz, The Eye of the Hurricane, 112. See Lindt, Le temps du hérisson, 128.
19 Chevallaz, Les Plans Italiens Face à la Suisse en 1938–1943, 18.
20 Kimche, Spying for Peace, 100–01.
21 Ernst Uhlmann, “Angriffspläne gegen die Schweiz,” Allgemeine Schweizerische Militärzeitung (Dec. 1949), LX, 841.
22 Pierre-Th. Braunschweig, Geheimer Draht Nach Berlin, 259–94.
23 See Senn, Anfänge einer Dissuasionsstrategie während des Zweiten Welt-krieges, 356–75.
24 Schwarz, Eye of the Hurricane, 61–62.
25 Kimche, Spying for Peace, 101–02; Lindt, Le temps du hérisson, 128–30.
26 Dulles, The Secret Surrender, 25, 27.
27 Kimche, Spying for Peace, 103, 120–21.
28 Schweizerische Schützenzeitung, 1943, 18:122.
29 Schweizerische Schützenzeitung, 1943, 19:127–28.
30 Kimche, Spying for Peace, 30–31.
31 Ibid. at 357.
32 The Goebbels Diaries: 1942–1943, 355, 357, 358.
33 Weisungen für die Kriegsmobilmachung bei Ueberfall, Militärdepartement, May 24, 1943.
34 Journal de Genève, May 24, 1943, 2.
35 Rotem (Kazik), Memoirs of a Warsaw Ghetto Fighter and the Past Within Me , 118–19.
36 Ibid. at 25, 32–34.
37 Ibid. at 38–39, 62, 76.
38 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC, exhibit on display on April 21, 1997.
39 Ibid.
40 The Goebbels Diaries: 1942–1943, 350–51.
41 Latour, The Jewish Resistance in France (1940–1944), 177.
42 Harold Werner, Fighting Back: A Memoir of Jewish Resistance in World War II (New York: Columbia University Press, 1992), 8, 76–79, 92, 97.
43 Ibid. at 104–05, 110.
44 Ibid. at 139.
45 Ibid. at 146–47.
46 Ibid. at 155, 184–85, 190.
47 Marquis W. Childs, “No Peace For The Swiss,” The Saturday Evening Post, 215 (May 1, 1943) 14, 15.
48 Ibid. at 52.
49 Latour, The Jewish Resistance in France (1940–1944), 127.
50 Ibid. at 127–28.
51 Meier, Friendship Under Stress, 299.
52 Ibid. at 301.
53 Latour, The Jewish Resistance in France (1940–1944), 154.
54 Ibid. at 154, 156.
55 Ibid. at 157–58.
56 Generaladjutantur, Sektion Heer und Haus, Die Judenfrage, Wehrbrief Nr. 26 (25 May 1943), 1, 4.
57 Ibid.
58 New York Times, July 8, 1943, 5. See August Lindt, Le temps du hérisson, 133–34.
59 Meier, Friendship Under Stress, 326.
60 Ibid. at 326.
61 Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, 999.
62 Wilson, Switzerland: Neutrality as a Foreign Policy, 51.
63 Schweizerische Schützenzeitung, 1943, 32:225.
64 “Goods Still Move,” Business Week, Aug. 14, 1943, 49–50.
65 Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, 1001–02.
66 Schwarz, Eye of the Hurricane, 125–26.
67 Kurz, Histoire de l’Armée Suisse, 132.
68 Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, 1003–04.
69 Kurz, Histoire de l’Armée Suisse, 133.
70 The Times (London), Sept. 27, 1943, 3c.
71 New York Times, Sept. 18, 1943, 3.
72 New York Times, Sept. 26, 1943, Section IV 4:7.
73 Milivojević, “The Swiss Armed Forces,” in Swiss Neutrality and Security, ed. Milivojevićc and Maurer, 16.
74 New York Times, Sept. 27, 1943, 6.
75 Malcolm Moos, “Swiss Neutrality,” Yale Review, 33 (Sept. 1943) 121, 123.
76 Max Mandellaub, “The Swiss Barometer,” The Nation, Nov. 13, 1943, 555.
77 Memorandum by the Representatives of the British Chiefs of Staff, “Combined Chiefs of Staff Trade With Switzerland,” C.C.S. 388/1 (Washington, DC), November 29, 1943.
78 Meier, Friendship Under Stress, 287.
79 Weinberg, A World at Arms: A Global History of World War II, 398.
80 Meier, Friendship Under Stress, 290–91.
81 Ernst Uhlmann, “Angriffspläne gegen die Schweiz,” Allgemeine Schweizerische Militärzeitung (Dec. 1949), LX, 843–44.
82 Ibid. at 844–45.
83 Ibid. at 845–46.
84 Ibid. at 846.
85 Ibid. at 848.
6 Ibid. at 849.
87 Bonjour, Geschichte der Schweizerischen Neutralität, Band V: 1939–1945, 136–37.
88 Hervé de Weck and Pierre Maurer, “Swiss National Defence Policy Revisited,” Swiss Neutrality and Security, ed. Milivojevićc and Maurer, 79.
89 Allgemeine Schweizerische Militärzeitung (Dec. 1949), LX, 849.
90 Ibid. at 849–50.
91 Ibid. at 850–51.
92 Ibid. at 851.
93 Ibid. at 859.
94 Ibid. at 851–52.
95 Ibid. at 858.
96 Senn, Anfänge einer Dissuasionsstrategie während des Zweiten Welt-krieges, 379.
97 Schweizerische Schützenzeitung, Dec. 1943, 52:359.
1 New York Times, Jan. 3, 1944, 8.
2 New York Times, Jan. 25, 1944, 11.
3 Ibid.
4 Huber, Bericht des Chefs des Generalstabs, 649.
5 “Business at War,” Fortune, 29 (Feb. 1944) 46.
6 Pierre-Th. Braunschweig, Geheimer Draht Nach Berlin (Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 1989), 249.
7 Hans Senn, Anfänge einer Dissuasionsstrategie während des Zweiten Weltkrieges (Basel: Helbing & Lichtenhahn, 1995), 423.
8 Edward J. Byng, “If Switzerland Is Invaded,” American Mercury, 58 (April 1944) 488.
9 Ibid.
10 Ibid. at 489–90.
11 New York Times, Mar. 19, 1944, 17.
12 New York Times, Apr. 2, 1944, 1; see Journal de Genève, Apr. 3, 1944, 2–3, 10.
13 New York Times, Apr. 3, 1944, 2.
14 New York Times, Apr. 3, 1944, 20.
15 New York Times, Apr. 4, 1944, 4.
16 New York Times, Apr. 5, 1944, 10.
17 Meier, Friendship Under Stress, 313–14.
18 New York Times, Apr. 14, 1944, 1, 3.
19 Ibid. For a definitive study, see James H. Hutson, “Bombing the Sister Republic,” Swiss-American Historical Society Review, Feb. 1995, XXXI, 3.
20 Journal de Genève, Apr. 5, 1944, 2.
21 Kimche, Spying for Peace, 123; Lindt, Le temps du hérisson, 150.
22 New York Times, June 11, 1944, 40.
23 Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, 993.
24 New York Times, June 17, 1944, 5. The full text is Tagesbefehl, A.H.Q., June 15, 1944, in Tagesbefehle des Generals, 1939–1945 (Bern: Eidg. Militärbibliothek, n.d.)
25 Lindt, Le temps du hérisson, 151.
26 Werner Richter, “The War Pattern of Swiss Life,” Foreign Affairs, July 1944, XX, 643.
27 Ibid.