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Greek Fire: Book Two of the Guardians

Page 9

by Lawrence, S

  "Miss?" I barely hear the urgent whisper. Head whipping around, my eyes widen. The guard that had taken me to Arias’ office stands a few feet away. I try to move backward away from him, but falling, I slam my elbow on the rocks. He holds out his hands, slowly moving to my side. I'm sobbing silently. "Shh, miss, please. We must hurry. He is going to kill you. I just carried my friend from that room. He could be a bad person, but he didn't deserve that. I'm going to take you off this island." He moves to pick me up, and I cling to him, desperate.

  He moves quickly down toward the water, splashing into the waves to reach a small boat tied to the shore. He gently places me in, careful of my ankle. He shushes me once more and runs up to the beach. Crouching down, he works furiously at the knot of the rope holding the boat. We both jerk our heads the direction of the house. Footsteps pound toward us.

  "Start the engine, miss. Start it now." Fear chokes me as I fumble with the key. It finally sputters to life, and I look up, my arms waving at him. I shriek as a dark specter rises up behind him, grabbing his neck. Arias' eyes are crazy as they bore into mine. Silver glints in the moonlight, and the guard's face is filled with resignation and sorrow. He mouths 'go' at me, a second before Arias slits his throat. I throw the throttle in reverse, thanking god I grew up driving boats in the Bayou.


  I don't look back. Turning the wheel, I aim the boat away from the island, praying I'm heading to safety. Racing away from the island, I'm soon surrounded by nothing. Every bump sends pain firing along my synapsis. My sobs echo across the water as I slow the engine trying to find my bearings. There is nothing, no lights, no land ... Have I gone further away from help?

  I turn, looking behind me. I hear the faint sound of a boat, and my heart drums in my chest. Pushing up, I balance on my good leg and begin waving my arms frantically.

  "HELP! Help me!" It turns toward me, slowly moving closer and closer.

  Light suddenly flares to life and blinds me, shining right in my eyes, and I put my hand up, shielding them as I grin. My tears slide down my cheeks, and I hiccup, trying to calm myself. The light is still blinding as the boat pulls up and bumps the little skiff I'm in.

  "Thank god, I was so afraid I was lost out here. I need to go to the mainland. I've been kidnapped. He was going to kill me," I was sobbing again as I finished.

  The light goes out. A scream is ripped from my body as Arias' furious face stares at me from the boat. "I'm so disappointed in you, Emma. You made me kill that man. I love you. Why would you leave me like that? I would never hurt you. You know that." His voice sounds so reasonable. So sane. Loving.

  "Let me help you." He steps into the smaller boat and moves to my side, clucking his tongue when he sees my ankle. "Look what you did to yourself. Why would you do this?" He doesn't wait for my answer. Instead, he lifts me in his arms and climbs onto the other boat, carrying me below deck and into a plush bedroom. Laying me gently on the bed, he sits beside me. Pulling out his phone, he scrolls through his contacts and taps a name, moving the phone to his ear. His fingers caress my leg, and my tears begin to fall again. I will never escape.


  He hangs up with the Powaqu. Trailing his fingers over her silken skin, he feels her shiver and he looks up at her face. Why does she look so terrified? He saved her. He protected her. He pushes away from her, his heart pounding in his ears.

  * * *

  It is just before dawn when Jason jerks up in his bed, his eyes glowing red, chest heaving, sweat dripping, hand clenching the sheet. His dreams had turned dark and violent. It takes him minutes to calm down enough for his beast to recede. Grabbing his phone, he looks for a message from Nestor, but there is nothing. Leaning back against the carved wooden headboard, he tries to come up with a way to find Emma. He is growing frustrated with his lack of ideas when he hears quiet footsteps moving down the hall.

  Rising from his bed, he moves to the door and cracks it slowly, glancing out. Raven moves slowly around a dozing Sean, who is sitting, knees drawn up, outside Michael's door. Just as she steps clear of him, his hand shoots out and grabs her calf as his eyes fly open. Her startled gasp fills the quiet hallway.

  He releases her as if his hand is burning, "Sorry, lass. Ye startled me."

  "It is I who am sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. I just heard someone shout and came out to check."

  "Yes, he's had a hard night." Sean's head turns as he hears Jason's approaching steps. Slowly, he rises up and moves away from the door. "Why don't we go drink some tea and let him rest? He has finally calmed down."

  Jason's hand claps him on the shoulder while they walk to the kitchen. Damia is standing at the stove with her back to them. Jason crosses and kisses her gently on the top of her hair while whispering to her. She is beaming when she turns.

  "Breakfast will be ready soon. The tea and coffee are out on the patio. The morning is so beautiful; go out and enjoy it." She shoos them out of her kitchen. Jason gives her a gentle hug before joining the others outside, forgiving her for contacting Perséphone.

  Sean and Raven already have their cups, sipping at their tea when he joins them. They sit beside each other, and he moves across from them. Watching.

  "I had hoped his dreams were lessening," Jason murmurs.

  "Och, some nights are good. Some nights are hell. Tis naught you can do. Michael's soul is still gentle."

  Jason doesn't point out that Sean has the same type of nights. Raven's eyes are filled with knowledge, due to her own demons brought home from battlefields. Movement has them coming alert, but their bodies slowly relax as Aislin moves through the door with Kai right behind her. Aislin's eyes lighting up when she sees the coffee. She quickly turns back inside and grabs Damia in a quick hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

  Damia chuckles before whispering, "I made Gregor find you the Kona. Jason said you like it strong."

  "I do." She practically skips out and sits with a sigh when Kai hands her a cup. Sipping it, she grins, "Just the right amount of sugar."

  Leaning over, she kisses him lingering, until Sean grumbles, "Get a room."

  "We have one, thanks." They all chuckle at her mumbled comeback since she never moves away from his lips to say it.

  Raven looks away from her cheeks flushing.

  "Sorry. I just love that he remembers the little things. My Aunt Joy always says if they take the time to remember the little things, well they are a keeper for sure." Aislin’s eyes look back at Kai, "She is gonna love you."

  She looks back at Raven as she settles under Kai's arm, drawing her legs up on the cushions. She can't help but be a little jealous of the woman's beauty - flawless peach skin, long white blonde hair, violet eyes, and perfectly pink lips. Her perusal is interrupted by the food. Damia and Gregor bring out massive platters with everything from succulent looking fruit to hearty meats and cheeses. They all dig in. Michael joins after a while, grumbling that someone should have woke him. Conversation dwindles to the occasional statement about food. As Aislin finishes, Michael's phone rings. Sitting his plate down, he pulls it out and glances at the screen. He takes the call, placing it on speaker.

  "Patrick, did you find something?"

  "Yes, well, we think so. The house across the inlet is owned by a man call Arias Ekdíki̱si̱. We haven't been able to find out much about him but we have found many other properties under that name. We are emailing the list to Aislin."

  "Thanks, Patrick. We'll keep you updated," Aislin calls out.

  "Let me ken if you need me there."

  Michael lays his phone down after they all say goodbye. Jason stands and walks down the path. It leads to the cliff and is shaded by vines that are loaded with vibrant pink flowers. As they all begin to follow him, Sean notices how everything is symmetrical, always a pair of things in the garden. Aislin loves the olive trees, their gnarled trunks reminding her of the old oaks at home. Raven brings up the rear and is focused more on the people than the huge pots filled with citrus trees, the branches bowing
with the weight of the fruit.

  Jason stands on the ancient cliff, looking down at the slumbering sea, the waves gently drenching the sand before sliding back out to the deep. A seagull wheels and turns below, the quiet only broken as it calls out. He could feel them behind him… Waiting. His gaze focuses on a small boat. A fisherman, out in the early morning, stands in it balancing himself against the gently rocking water. He throws his net, and it shimmers like a diamond in the morning light.

  "The word ekdíki̱si̱ means revenge." He says it while turning to face the others. Aislin gasps and the men's faces harden. It is Raven's face that intrigues him the most, her eyebrows furrow and her head tilts. "I have never heard it as a surname, so that means it was most likely chosen for a reason."



  I don't like this new information. Revenge. The others have left to ready for the day, but I'm still here staring out at the blue water. I check my phone for the hundredth time but still nothing from Nestor. Sighing, I know what I should do but I can't, not yet. It will be the last resort, asking them for help. I was the lucky one. I was what they had meant to create, the hunter. I've done my job for thousands of years, but I also have done what I knew was right. I found as many of the others that I could, and those that I could help, I did. The others, well, they either went to the Elysian Fields, or I put them down. So many wasted lives because of the Gods’ meddling and disregard.

  I hate the killing, but often they beg for it. Their lives in the human world are often ones of misery and torture. I've often asked if Hades and the others care what happens to their creations when they throw them away. Perséphone has hinted that maybe they do, but that angers me more. Clenching my fists, I turn and look at the temple pillars that make up part of my house. This place is one of many they used to dump the children, the unwanted. It was where they left me the day I was sent out on my mission. A gentlewoman found me and help me understand this world. Others weren't so lucky. Each time I took in their memories, my anger and resentment grew. I hate that I need to deal with them at all, but I do to be able to take the children someplace safe. They haven't created any new experiments in years, or so I hope.

  Nestor was one of those that I helped. I set him up with his hotel, a place for travelers of all kinds. He is the son of Hecate and Khonsu. Khonsu is the Egyptian God of the moon, and he watches over travelers at night. Hecate is the Greek Goddess of crossroads and protects travelers from evil. Nestor inherited powers from both his parents and can sense any traveler in need. I pray he can sense Emma. Nothing, no word from him yet. I scroll to his name and tap it, my nail dragging across the skin on my thumb. Over and over, it digs in, a growl rumbling in my throat. A cool hand covers mine, halting the self-inflicted pain. Staring at it, I realize even her skin is pale, like moonlight. Glancing up into Raven’s eyes, I see understanding. Nestor's cocky voice drags my attention from her. Disconnecting when I realize it is his voice mail, I turn to face her.

  "You care for her. More than you wish to admit. Do the others know?" Voice quiet, she glances behind us.

  "Why would you think I cared for her more than I would any friend of those I love?" I don't care for the way she sees too much.


  "Of course." My lips part slightly, and I raise my eyebrows.

  "I see it on my own face lately." Again, her gaze moves behind us, pausing on the Druids.

  “I see. Which of the brawny Scots is it that you fancy?" I chuckle, thinking of all the women who have found themselves drawn to the two men. I should have guessed they would intrigue a valkyrie who has spent a thousand years searching out great warriors. Sean and Michael are some of the best men I have ever known. It also doesn't hurt that they are, as Aislin has said, hot Highland hunks.

  "How would one decide?"

  My eyes widen, and I bark out a laugh. "I wouldn't know."

  "Please don't say anything. I will keep your secret about Emma, although I'm pretty sure Aislin would be very happy indeed to hear.”

  "I haven't even met Emma. I've only ever seen her picture and heard her voice."

  "I know a little of your powers. What did her voice tell you?"

  "It told me everything."

  "I think that's your answer."

  My gaze follows her as she moves away. The Druid's eyes are on her. Michael's are filled with interest, and Sean's are filled with blatant heat. My lips slowly curve. I can understand her dilemma. They are two halves of a whole. Walking toward the group, their voices reach my ears, and my power flares. Pausing, I glance at her with my eyebrows raised, and she furrows hers in question, but I just grin. Yes, this is going to be interesting. A grumble draws my attention. My head turns, and both men are glaring at me. I raise my palms up and chuckle, moving away .

  Aislin grabs my hand when I near her. "Anything?" Her hope beats at me.

  "No. Not yet, but he will call. What about you did you find anything about our elusive neighbor?"

  "Only that he bought the property fifty years ago." She let the information drop, and my head flinches back. Fifty years. When I left. When I ran. Her hand grips mine tighter; she knows that's when I left. She just doesn't understand that I was running from what I did. My head shakes slowly as I try to pull away. The others slowly turn to face us. Sean's eyes are quartering the area looking for danger, Michael shifting in front of Raven. For one instance, annoyance flickers in her eyes but then they soften. Jerking my hand free, I ignore the long, pained look Aislin sends me before she turns into Kai's embrace. I can tell he is speaking to her, soothing her hurt feelings. Spinning away, I stalk to my car, throwing myself in, I turn it on and gun the engine, rocks spraying the area as I once again run from my past. I glance in the rearview and see them all gaping.

  My skin feels tight, my knuckles white on the steering wheel, face hot, and as the images from so long ago race through my mind, I slam on the brakes as nausea beats at me. Bowing my head, I lay my forehead on the wheel, dragging in great breathes. I jump when the passenger door opens and Kai slides in.

  "Aislin wanted me to check on you." Silence. I refuse to look up, watching him from my peripheral. He is relaxed, just waiting. Leaning back in the seat, I close my eyes, swallowing. I startle myself when my fist whips out and punches the dash. He simply raises a brow, waiting still. The minutes tick by. Sighing, he opens the door and climbs out. Before he closes the door, he leans in, "You need to tell someone. It will continue to eat at you."

  "You have no idea."

  "Someday I will tell you about my village, and maybe you will tell me your secret. Or maybe like me, you will find someone to hold your secrets for you like Aislin holds mine." His hand comes up to stop my response, "Before you say something stupid like you could never tell anyone and they still love you, that's what love is -- knowing you darkest deeds and loving you just the same. Just think about it. I will tell them you are fine, just needed some time." He closes the door gently, before shifting and flying away. Thank god for his ability to hide; a massive bronze dragon would freak people out these days.

  I realize my phone is ringing. I want to ignore it, but it's Nestor. "Hey, I've been waiting. What did you find out?"

  As he talks, I leave the past, well, in the past. I can't change what I did. What's happening to Emma, I can change, and I will change. My heart is pounding as he finishes. We have a possible location. Looking around, I throw the car in gear, and realizing I had stopped across from the asshole’s driveway, I use it to turn around and race up the winding road to my house. Sliding to a stop, I jump out running to the door. It flies open as I reach it, and they are all standing there. The men look ready to kill someone, and I realize they were.

  "Shite, ye fucker, ye scared us." Michael swears and I see the gun in his hand, and Sean had a knife in his. Kai shrugs. He had known it was me because of his dragon senses. Aislin's face was expectant; she knew I wouldn't have returned if it hadn't been important.

  "Nestor called, and we have a possible loca
tion." I pause.

  "Well, spit it out, man." Sean's patience is paper thin.

  "Let's go inside, just in case." I push through the crowd and head to the garden. They follow, moving to the couches. I'm not surprised to see the Druids flanking Raven, and the look on Aislin's face says neither is she.

  "It seems one of the properties owned by Mr. Ekdíki̱si̱ is an island. Nestor found out that it has had a lot of activity on it, with people traveling to it this past week. He wasn't able to find out if Emma is there, which could mean that she isn't or that she was unconscious when she was taken there." Aislin's eyes glisten as she blinks rapidly. Kai squeezes her shoulder, and she looks up, refusing to let the tears fall. "Nestor gave me the locations, so we need to get ready and go. He has a boat waiting for those of us not flying." I look at the Druids and they nod once before standing and moving to their rooms.


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