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Greek Fire: Book Two of the Guardians

Page 18

by Lawrence, S

  We had gotten into a fight, our only fight. We were fifteen, so young. She had stormed out of the Saint Charles house, running down the steps and yelling over her shoulder that she'd find her own way home. I didn't know until the next morning when her momma called asking where she was. She had never made it home. Three days, three whole days, later she had turned up, dirty and bruised in the quarter. She had stumbled into a shop of someone we knew, asking for help. Grandda drove me straight to the hospital. I remember the smell of sickness and the sound of her daddy's rage. Her momma was sitting in the chair crying when I rushed to my girl, crying. She smiled at me, wincing because of her split lip, pulling me close, holding me tight. I climbed right up in her bed and refused to leave. I stayed there until they let her go home the next day. She never told anyone what happened those three days. I spoke to Mr Stephen about it one time, and he told me sometimes the memories of the thing was just as bad as the thing itself. I didn't understand it then, but I sure do now.

  I realize now that her need for perfection started soon after. She had always pushed herself dancing and at everything else, but after those missing days, she pushed like she was possessed.



  I come awake, like swimming up through a thick oil. I feel sick and everything hurts. My insides feel like they've been hit by a blow torch. I can't hold back a moan as my stomach cramps and my mouth begins to water. I throw myself over the edge of the bed right as the heaving starts. I feel someone move behind me and a warm hand runs over my back as I empty my stomach. On and on it goes. Oh Jesus, just kill me.

  "Emma?" A warm honeyed voice flows over me. Chills run over my body and I'm ninety-nine percent sure it's not a fever. I heave one last time and I wipe my mouth on the sheet. I just don't care. I roll back to my back and I'm lost in liquid pools of dark chocolate. Jason. Oh shit, he is so much better in person. Fuck, I know I look like shit on a stick. I close my eyes and groan. "Are you okay. Does it hurt?"

  "Yes and yes. I'm so glad you are okay. So did it work? Did he come?"

  "Yes, it worked; it was crazy but it worked. Yes, he came and he brought us here."

  I pry my eyes open and glance around. "To a hospital?"

  "I wish. No the Underworld."

  Looking around, I can't stop myself from taking him in. The pictures Aislin had snuck did not do him justice. God, he is amazing, and I feel stupid for even daydreaming about him. He is watching me, and my hand raises to smooth my unruly hair.

  "You are beautiful."

  "Ha, I'm sure I look like death warmed over but thanks." I push myself up.

  "Careful, the poison is still working out of your system. Hades was concerned that you wouldn't survive if they forced it out."

  Swinging my legs over, I gasp when I see my ankle. I lock eyes with him, grinning, and my heart stutters when he smiles back at me. So outta my league.

  "Orpheus fixed it. He was surprised that it wasn't easy for him. His powers didn't work well on you."

  "No, Arias didn't care for the fact that his didn't either. I'm pretty sure it is because of a fever I had when I was a kid messed up my hearing a little bit. I hear in double tones, which throws everything a tiny bit off." He is looking at me with curiosity.

  "And still you dance so beautifully."

  "Well, the beat is fine, just not the tone."

  "Could you tell when Arias was trying to use his power?" He asks.

  "Oh, yeah. It was like a huge pressure in my head."

  "That explains it then. When I first woke, I tried to ease your pain and you fought me some, and you were speaking to Arias. I'm sorry if it brought you any additional discomfort." I love that he doesn't ask what Arias had tried to force me to do.

  Shivering, I look away, not wanting to think about my betrayal. His hand grasps mine, but he doesn't ask. I don't want to tell him. I might not have a chance with him but I don't want to see pity in his eyes. I plan to hide it away with my other secrets, secrets I have hidden from everyone. Aislin knows all my secrets but one, and this will join it. Some secrets are meant to be kept in a deep dark cave until you are strong enough and meet the right person to share them with. Some are meant to be snuck out through the backwoods, spirited away, and hidden deep in the swamp for all time.

  The sound of the door opening draws my gaze. Fucking hell, is every man here movie star quality? He is stunning as he glides through the door, black hair, blue eyes that shine even from across the room, and a killer smile. I feel Jason tense beside me just before he stands and moves to intercept the man. I glance between them, noticing something is off. I lean to the left, trying to see around Jason. Blue eyes lock on my green ones.

  "I see you have woken. Your will to live was great enough, then. I have some questions to ask." His eyes never leave mine and I realize what is missing. Emotions.

  I remember when I was younger, I went with daddy to a few meetings. The other veterans didn't mind me sitting in. I would listen to their stories and watch as they sometimes shut down, withdrawing deep within themselves. People call it the thousand yard stare, but I knew for them it was a shield, a protection from their nightmares. That's how daddy described his PTSD to me one time - being stuck in a waking nightmare, where somewhere deep inside you know it isn't real but you are trapped.

  This man in front of me has that same distant stare, and there is nothing behind his eyes. I think his eyes are like that by choice.

  "Maybe later. She just woke up." Jason's voice said it wasn't a suggestion. Those eyes turn to him and study him. I realize it is like when you hear some describe a scientist studying his subject. This is Hades, and I am his subject. My skin crawls as I remember Arias's story of his treatment here. His face turns back to me, and he noticed my shiver. He moves around Jason, and I'm frozen in place as he comes to me. I peer over his shoulder. Jason's hands are clenched and his body is coiled.

  I smile up at Hades. "Thank you for coming and saving us. I had hoped I remembered my mythology correctly, hoped I was doing the right thing."

  "Oh yes, you did the right thing. Your blood sacrifice broke through the wards." He looks at Jason, who lets a growl rumbled up his throat. "Very well, Son. I will wait until later to do my tests. I have to attend to Arias anyway. The woman was disappointing."

  My eyes widen. "You have Arias here?" I involuntarily look around, pulling in on myself, before I straighten my back.

  "Yes, he was such a disappointment so long ago. Maybe this time he will prove to be more useful in my work." He glides back to the door before looking at us one last time.

  "We need to leave. Now." Jason paces the room, looking for any weakness. I move over to the door, reaching out, Jason’s hand slaps against my wrist. "You don't want to do that."

  Nodding, I lower my hand. As I'm about to turn, a blood curdling scream fills the air, and I jump.

  "What the fuck is that?" I whisper.

  "That would be Arias being useful. The poor bastard."

  "Oh my god. We have to do something."

  "We can't. Hades holds him, will experiment on him for eternity, and if we get in the way, we will face the same fate."

  We both move away from the door, but there is no escaping the sounds. I hate Arias for everything he did, but as the hours drag on, I begin to weep for the boy he was and the man he is now.

  No wonder he is the way he is. No one could survive this place intact. I still have tears in my eyes when a figure shimmers in front of me. This might be the final straw, the one that sends me into the abyss of insanity. I, at last, understand Aislin's reactions.



  Emma's gasp alerts me, and I tense only to relax and smile when I see him.

  "Nestor. I'm very glad to see you, my friend. Perséphone told you all what happened then."

  "Yes. She also told us of Hades’ interest and his security. I tried to get here in the flesh, but his power is blocking me. He didn't plan on my astral form though."

  "You must be
careful. He can trap you here, even in this form, and his powers can summon your body. You have to tell the others not to come or bargain with him. Their emotions will only intrigue him more. I will get us out of here somehow."

  I realize it's gotten quiet. Arias is no longer screaming. Emma's shoulders slump in relief, her eyes red from her crying. Nestor looks at her and smiles at me. Shaking my head, I'm about to speak when she sits up straight, her eyes flying to the door. Her eyes move between me and then Nestor.

  "Tell Aislin I love her and ask her to check on my mom and dad," she whispers to Nestor as she walks around him straight to the door. Her body blocks us from view for a few second as the door opens.

  Go! I mouth at Nestor, and he is gone in a flash. Turning back, I see Hades staring down at Emma, breathtaking in her anger and defiance. Flaming hair a disheveled mess around her head, green eyes darkening in her anger to an emerald green, and I wonder if she realizes she had moved into a fighting stance, her fists hanging loosely at her sides. Aislin was right; she is fierce.

  I realize I was staring, lost in her, when I see Hades’ face. A hint of a smile curves his cruel lips, and I wish I had been paying attention. His hand reaches out and takes her elbow, so I step toward them, moving to stop him. She looks back at me and shakes her head a tiny bit.

  "You should come also, Jason. You need to see the one who wished to be you." He leads her out the door and I follow. Perséphone meets us in the hall, and I'm again unable to understand how she is with him. We all walk in silence down the hall. Emma's eyes scan, and I realize she is looking for a way to escape, assessing for weakness. I hate to tell her, but there are none.

  We stop in front of a stainless steel door. It glistens in the fluorescent lights. Everyone thinks hell is dark and filled with fire. Nope, it is bright and filled with cages and machines. Machines designed to dissect you to your very soul. Machines ran by a man who is obsessed with his idea of perfection, who is so confused by even his own emotions that he takes people apart to try to understand. Hades waves his hand, and the door slides open, while Emma and Perséphone gasp at what we see.

  Arias is strapped in a chair wires running from his head, where they disappear inside of it. Blood is running down his face, his teeth are clenched against the pain. His eyes widen as Emma is pulled forward.

  "Emma." His voice is pleading and desperate. He truly cared for her, his delusional version of love shining in his eyes. His eyes that looked so much like Hades. Maybe he is his father's son, in more ways than one. She looks at him, and fresh tears begin to fall.

  "Why do you cry for him after everything he did?" Hades’ confusion is apparent.

  Emma turns, looking Hades in the eyes and drawing her five foot two inch frame up as tall as she can. Pride swells my heart when she speaks. "You made him. Everything that he is… You created. You took a baby who knew nothing of what he was meant to be and you tortured him. And when he couldn’t be what you wanted, you threw him away to another monster where he was tortured for many more years. Anything he did is on you."

  I think I fall in love with her in that moment. She stands there and faces the God of the Underworld, her body vibrating with her indignation. She looks beyond whatever Arias had done to her, her empathy shining through. I also felt great fear for her in that moment, for us both. My beast howls and every eye in the room flies to me, I know my eyes are shining bright. 'Mate'

  This is so fucking bad. Hades's eyes are narrowed on me, and he nods. I feel hands clamp down on my arms, and Emma cries out. I fight and try to release the hellhound, who wants out.

  "You would try to use my own creation, my hunter, on me?" Anger is one of the few emotions Hades understands. Perséphone moves to his side, trying to calm him. He looks at her, and I can almost see love in his face. It is gone when he looks back at me. "Take him back to the other room."

  I fight harder but soon realize he locked my beast away and I am no match for those that hold me. Still I fight. I am bleeding and have several broken bones when they throw me into the room, shutting me in. Forcing my way to my feet, I pound on the door, screaming her name. Deep down, I know this will only fuel his fire.

  Orpheus comes in, closing the door behind him. "Let me heal you. You know better than to fight them. Why did you do it?"

  "It wasn't just me. My hound fights. He fights for her... " I look at him wondering how much to trust him with. "I'm trusting you." He looks at me and lowers his head, waiting. "The hound claims her as mate."




  I can't take my eyes off of him. Arias is silent in his rage. He stares at me. I see the madness of his love tangled with all the abuse he suffered and is suffering right at this moment. It is awful to see and my heart aches. Yes, he is a monster but monsters are created sometimes and this is one of those times. Doctor Frankenstein is standing right beside me. I glance away from Arias and look at Perséphone, tense with worry. I wonder if it is for me or for Arias, as her eyes are on me but they keep flicking over to him. Her fists keep opening and closing. I look at Hades and then back at her, and a memory breaks free in my mind. Married. I look back at her and I just don't see it. Either she hides her crazy or there must to be more to Hades.

  "You feel bad for him. Why? He did horrible things to you. Didn't he?" Hades voice comes from right behind me whispering over my neck. I shiver, clenching my teeth. I hate when people stand right behind me but I have a feeling I shouldn't give him anything else to use against me.

  "One doesn't change the other." My eyes are back on Arias. I refuse to look back at Hades.

  "Well, you need not worry about him hurting you again; he'll be here with me forever. He earned his place in the Underworld. Of course he isn't useful for actual experiments, but I will find other things to do to him."

  Walking over closer to Arias, I place myself in a better position before turning to look at Hades. His face is confused as he studies me. I am a conundrum, I suppose. On one hand, I would like to rip Arias apart for the things he did, not only to me but Jason also. On the other, I can understand his madness. I've seen good people do horrible things when their mind betrays them. Arias isn't good though. He never will be, but I don't think he deserves more of the things that made him bad.

  "You're right, of course, he did earn his place here. He did horrible things for years, but you made that possible." Arias and Perséphone's eyes widen in fear at my words. Arias fights his restraints and Hades smiles. Perséphone moves toward me, a shift of her weight only. Hades stares at her, and for the first time, I see something in the depth of his eyes. He truly loves her and if he can love, he can feel other things; at least, I hope so.

  "How so, my dear?" His voice is quiet and calm, and suddenly, I'm worried.

  Daddy always warns me not to let my mouth write a check my ass couldn't cash. How many times has Aislin had to pull me away when we are out after I've said something? Rationally, I know I should shut up but I don't. "You... Turned him loose on the world. You... Gave him to a horrible person. You... Gave him powers. You... Taught a baby that he wasn't worthy. He is YOUR creation."

  I'm proud I'm not yelling, keeping my voice level and calm. I'm pissed and I'm fighting the tears that want to flow. I wish I could see the other's faces but I refuse to look away. A bark of laughter causes me to jump. I smile; I made Hades laugh. I look over at Perséphone, and my smile dies she looks terrified. ‘What?’ I mouth, but she shakes her head.

  "My love, maybe I should take her back to Jason. I'm sure she is tired." She moves to his side and rubs her hand along his arm. He looks down at her his love and desire flares to life in his eyes. We are forgotten in that moment, and I look to Arias. He also looks extremely worried. I turn my palms up and and glare at him. I get it, laughing is bad but I have no idea why.

  "You amuse me." I look back when his deep voice breaks the silence.

  "Great." That one words drips with sarcasm.

  He raises an eyebrow at my tone and then
his face smooths and he is back to studying my like bug under his microscope. "Yes, take her back to Jason. I'm interested in that reaction he had."

  Arias makes a noise. "NO! She is mine!" He screams lunging against the restraints trying to break free. Perséphone's taken hold of my hand and is pulling me from the room. Hades has a more sinister smile on his face as he stands watching his subject's reaction.

  We walk down the hall. I study her profile with my peripheral vision. "So..." I begin.

  "You" She starts.

  We both stop.

  "You go ahead," she says.

  "You're married to him, right?"

  "Yes, for a long time. It is a long story but the shortened version is I did it to save Jason and the others that came after. It was his price for their freedom." My mouth falls open before forming an O.

  "You sacrificed yourself."

  "Don't be too in awe. He loves me. People think he has no emotions but he does. He turns them off when they are of no use. I've grown to love him. The children are our one issue. Although he hasn't made any in quite some time. He also knows that Jason brings those he track down to the Elysian Fields to live."

  "Oh well, that's good then... Wait, what? Jason doesn't kill them?"

  "No, he brings them to a place I made for them."

  "Never to be seen again," I say as Powaqu's words echo through my mind.

  "Yes, I suppose that's true." She appears a tiny bit offended.

  "No. No, sorry. Someone told me that he hunts and destroys the others. He is their greatest fear. Their boogeyman because they think he kills all he hunts."


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