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Safe Harbor (The Lake Trilogy, Book 3)

Page 6

by Grant, AnnaLisa

  Will and I drove together to Savannah yesterday with the caravan of the rest of our family hovering around us. Will said he was tempted to play let’s see if we can lose Furtick and then find a place to make out, but decided it would cause too much panic. We didn’t leave until later in the afternoon since it would be the short leg of the drive. It was nice to have about four hours alone together. We talked honestly about how difficult this transition may be, not knowing how upset those who have known Will since birth might feel about him deceiving them about his death. Some of those people are still Gregory Meyer supporters, not believing the evidence that has been leaked and on display since Holly ended our suffering on the steps of the courthouse.

  Will says he isn’t concerned about what people think. He knows what he did was the only option for the safety of his mother and the survival of our relationship.

  We also talked about how easy it will be to plan our rescheduled wedding since almost everything was already in place. This got me thinking about dates again so I pulled out my phone and scrolled through the calendar. When I saw that the date I was hoping for falls on a Saturday, I didn’t say anything. I wanted to sleep on it to make sure I wanted to live with that date for the rest of my life.

  Today, before we embark on our second day of driving and I’m forced to drive back with Claire in her car as we did when we left Davidson, I decide to tell Will the new wedding date I’ve chosen at breakfast.

  “I have to talk to you,” I whisper in Will’s ear.

  “What’s up? Do we need to go outside,” Will answers, taking his napkin off his lap as he prepares to find a private place for us to talk.

  “There’s no need. I just wanted to tell you I set a new date for the wedding.” I smile at Will knowing he’ll be happy that I’m bringing this to him instead of him hounding me like he had to last time. Will spreads a face splitting grin and raises his brows in excited anticipation. “May 25th. That was my parents’ anniversary. Is that ok?”

  “That is more than ok, babe! I couldn’t be more honored than to share the wedding date of the two people who brought you into my life.” Will takes my face in his hands and gives me a hard kiss. “I love you so much!”

  “Whoa! This is not that kind of restaurant you two!” Wes says laughing at our extreme public display of affection.

  “Sorry! Couldn’t be helped! Layla just set a new date for the wedding!” Will says, still staring into my eyes with joy.

  “Oh, Layla! That’s wonderful!” Claire beams. “What did you decide?”

  “May 25th,” I tell them.

  “Your parents’ anniversary. I think that’s wonderfully fitting,” Luke says smiling.

  “And so romantic!” Eliana adds. “I’m so happy for you both. And now that things have changed, the entire mood of the day will be even more beautiful.” She leans into Wes in a move that tells just how much of a romantic she is. Wes smiles at her and I’m sure we’ll be celebrating their wedding someday, too.

  “We should call the Gardens soon. That time of year can be very busy,” Claire says. “Maybe we can chat about that and other wedding things today?” Claire’s excitement for my wedding is wonderfully overwhelming. I’m glad she’s so into it, though. After Will and I exchanged vows in the garden that day I really lost all concern for what my official wedding day looks like. I’ll need her by my side to make sure the day happens like it’s supposed to.

  “I’d rather talk about it with Will on the drive today,” I pout.

  “We’ve been over this, Layla,” Luke says. Will and Eliana aren’t leaving Savannah until later this afternoon so they can arrive in Davidson under the covering of night. We can’t risk anyone seeing them when they get into town. They’re both even wearing baseball hats, of which I’m certain Eliana hasn’t done since before Will was born, if ever.

  “I’m going to miss you, too, babe, but I’ll be there tonight. And since we’re staying there, the time between our goodnights and our good mornings will be shorter than ever.” Will kisses the top of my head putting me at ease.

  We leave Savannah 30 minutes later than planned because I can’t tear myself away from Will. It’s kind of silly, really. I mean, we’re going to see each other again before midnight. It’s not like I haven’t gone a whole day without seeing him. I think it’s just the anxiety of what the coming days and months are going to bring that has me fearful. Remembering the last time I said goodbye to Will isn’t helping either.

  In a matter of days there will be a press conference and Luke will bring Will and Eliana Meyer back from the dead. He’ll have to explain why it was a necessary last resort for saving their lives, with Will giving the majority of the details.

  I’m nervous for Will. He’s going to have to stand up in front of the press and those whom we deceived and explain why I was worth creating a charade so dramatic. I struggle with finding my own reasons why I was worthy of such a move. As much as I’ve grown over the last three years I still have to walk myself through all of my redemptive qualities, as well as the truths that have become my mantra in the line of defense against the lies Gram ingrained in me.

  My parents’ death was not my fault.

  I am deserving of good things in my life.

  I bring joy to people’s lives.

  Luke and Claire accept me and love me like my parents did.

  Will loves me unconditionally.

  Will and I send a steady stream of texts for a few hours until he tells me that he’s going to spend some time with his mom. He still hasn’t told her about the exes coming to testify on Holly’s behalf, or about Erin. Wes never told her because he thought it would be better coming from Will. Things were so busy the last several weeks that Will wanted to wait until they had some uninterrupted time. They’re going down to the Riverfront where we went for dinner last night. It’s a beautiful historic area and Will thought the long walk along the river would be conducive to the talk he is going to have with her.

  I indulge Claire in wedding conversation for a good part of the five-hour drive. We decide to have my dress refitted by Claire’s preferred seamstress in Charlotte, and consider having a separate reception in Davidson for everyone who won’t be invited to our small garden wedding. It’s a nice gesture since Will has known most of these people his whole life, and with him coming back from the dead, I’m sure they’ll want to celebrate his marriage. We also decide to reconsider the flowers since Claire says that we should be able to catch some spring flowers at the end of the season.

  Our conversation eventually comes to an appropriate end and I put my ear buds in so I can listen to the latest in my Music 101 lesson from Will. I was happy to get through KISS week having learned that they have a few anthems that I like, and even a couple of love songs, but overall, they are not my kind of band.

  This week I’m supposed to be learning about R&B. I tried to tell Will that I already knew I didn’t like that kind of music but I was swiftly silenced when he started listing artists like Usher, Beyonce, and Alicia Keys. So for the next hour or so I listened dutifully to some songs I already liked, and once again gained some new favorites, thanks to my music-loving fiancé.

  The drive is peaceful until we cross into North Carolina. That’s when my anxiety begins to rise. I physically tense up and Claire immediately notices.

  “Hey…it’s ok, Layla. You don’t need to worry,” Claire says in her soft and soothing voice, patting my leg. “He can’t hurt us anymore. You’re safe.”

  “I know. I’m just worried about Will. He deceived a whole town of people, Mom. Do you think they’re going to hate him?” I say, fighting the cry that wants to consume me. The idea of anyone hating Will, especially for having done something so amazing for me, breaks my heart. “I couldn’t bare it if they turned their backs on him.”

  “I don’t know how everyone is going to react. What I do know is that there are enough people who have seen the evidence and understand. There may be some people who don’t, but I’m confident that we’ll h
ave more supporters than not,” Claire says confidently.

  “What about Tyler and Chris’ dads? They’re partners in the firm. How do you think they’re going to respond to Will, to you and Luke?” Mr. Fincher and Mr. Marks worked alongside Will’s father longer than Luke. I never heard that they subscribed to his philosophy of life, but I never heard that they were incredibly trustworthy either. Chris and Tyler were the anomalies in their families. Their older brothers were success-driven like their fathers…maybe even just like Gregory Meyer.

  “I don’t know. Luke and I didn’t know them outside of work. They may not understand, Layla, but that’s ok. They always knew how Will felt about his father’s ideas on life and success, but they never kept Chris or Tyler away from Will,” she says. “You need to be prepared for a less than warm response from some people in the firm, but I don’t suspect that you’ll be faced with that too much. I know Luke and Will won’t let you alone with anyone they’re not absolutely sure is on our side.”

  I’m put at ease by my conversation with Claire. I know it won’t be easy, but we live in a Gregory Meyer-free world now, and the town that was once monopolized by him is now a place of peace. There will always be those who don’t understand why Will did what he did, but they’ve clearly never been loved the way Will loves me.

  By the time we pull into the circular driveway of our house in Davidson, the sun is beginning to set. There’s a gorgeous red and orange glow to the sky and I’m suddenly overtaken with the urge to get a full view of the sunset from the dock.

  I get out of the car and stand, remembering the last time I saw this house. I never told Will about the memorial we had for him out on the dock. It was a beautiful time, but I didn’t want him to feel badly about how emotional we all were, especially Tyler.

  I begin to walk to the side of the house, intent on walking through the gate to get to the flagstone path that will take me to my favorite place on the planet, but Claire stops me.

  “I know you’re itching to get out to the lake but we need to at least get a few things inside first,” she says. “We’re back for good so you’ll have plenty of time out there soon.” Claire smiles and I know she’s right. If I can just hold off until Will gets here tonight, going back out there with him for the first time since graduation will mean even more.

  I grab a few bags from the back of the car that hold all those last minute things like toiletries and pantry items and make my way up the steps to the front door. I remember so clearly the first time I stood on this porch with Luke and Claire. I was nervous and excited all at once. I knew my life was changing, even if it was just in leaving behind my life in Orlando for a new one here. Thankfully it turned out to be an even more magnificent change than that. My life was turned upside down when my parents died, and regardless of the turmoil we’ve been through, my life was turned right side up when I came here.

  Luke opens the door and motions for me to enter, which is strange because he always ushers Claire in first. I think he’s just trying to give me some privacy as I enter this sacred space, but I’m quickly shown how wrong I am as Tyler, Caroline, Chris, and Gwen yell “Welcome home!”

  “Oh my gosh!” I scream and drop my bags, barely noticing the tube of toothpaste and bottle of mouthwash that get thrown from one bag as they all fall.

  “Welcome home, darlin’! Caroline says, wrapping her arms around me.

  “What are you guys doing here?” I ask as I make my way to each of them, hugging one more fiercely than the next.

  “Claire called and said you needed a Welcome Home party. How could we say no to that?” Tyler explains as he lifts me off the ground in a bear hug. “This is a big weekend and I knew you’d want all of us together again,” he whispers in my ear. We’ll finally be able to tell Chris and Gwen about Will and the whole gang will be back together!

  “I’ve missed you,” Gwen says sweetly. Her hug is warm and sisterly and I feel terribly about not having kept up with her as I should have. My heart is happy, though, as her embrace tells me that I didn’t ruin anything through my irresponsibility.

  “I’ve missed you, too, Gwen. I’m glad you’re here,” I tell her. We smile at each other and I know that moving forward my relationship with Gwen is going to be even better.

  “Are you two still hot and heavy?” I say to Chris wrapping one arm around his neck while still holding on to Gwen.

  “You know it!” he says squeezing around my waist.

  “What about you? Let me see this ring! You have to tell us all about this John guy. Caroline and Tyler said he’s great and that we’re just going to love him.” Gwen grabs my hand and inspects my engagement ring. “Whoa! He did good!”

  “It was Claire’s grandmother’s ring,” I tell her. “And yes, I know for a fact that you two are going to love him. He won’t get in until later tonight, but you guys can stick around if you want.” I immediately start thinking of ways to surprise them and consider what we’ll tell them so they know they have to keep this secret for a few days.

  “That’d be awesome! Let’s order Chinese and play Monopoly until he gets here!” Tyler is more excited than a kid getting a puppy for Christmas. He was so overwhelmed with emotion when he and Will were reunited, and he’s just as excited now that we’re all going to be together again.

  “You’re lucky I still have everyone’s order in a note on my phone! I’ll order and you unload the truck!” Claire says heading to the kitchen.

  Everyone else files out of the living room and through the front door while I text Will to tell him that our friends are here and the veil of secrecy is going to be completely lifted. I instruct him to text me when they arrive so I can make sure Chris and Gwen get the same surprise treatment as we gave Caroline and Tyler…well, I guess the reveal with Tyler was more of a surprise for Will. Just the same, Chris and Gwen are in for the surprise of their lives!

  I stand next to the couch and wingback chairs and it’s like we never left. The table, the china cabinet, the couch and chairs…everything is in the exact same spot it was in before. I take a deep breath, savoring this moment, not letting it slip away. I thought that first day in July when I stumbled into this room was my fresh start, but I was wrong. Because Gregory Meyer no longer exists to destroy everything I have worked so hard to have, today is my fresh start. I look around the room again and know just how right Claire was. It definitely feels like we’ve come home.

  Chapter 7

  Will and Eliana have just arrived and I’m giddy with excitement to give Will back to Chris and Gwen. I went back and forth with a few ideas of how to surprise Chris and Gwen, but considering how late it is, I think simple is the best way to go.

  “Oh, you know what?” I say to the group. “I left something in the car. I’ll be right back.” I give Caroline a look and she knows exactly what I’m doing.

  I specifically made Chris and Gwen sit with their backs to the kitchen door. When I come back in, Will, Eliana, and I are as quiet as possible. It’s not too difficult to stay below the noise level of our four friends, especially when hostile takeovers are being brashly negotiated.

  After positioning Will in the entryway, I make as loud a declaration as I can. “Hey! Look what I found!”

  Everyone looks to me and Chris literally falls out of his chair when he realizes that he’s not dreaming. That Will is really standing there.

  The big reveal to Gwen and Chris is just as spectacular as I anticipated. There are tears and laughter, and Chris throws lots of punches at both Will and Tyler for keeping this from him. Gwen is just so overwhelmed that Will is alive and we’re all back together that all she can do is cry and hug us both.

  When we explain the whole story to them, from Will’s disappearance to how I discovered him and his mother, to all the reasons why they did what they did, our friends understand completely. When we make Gwen and Chris swear not to mention a word of it to anyone, they agree without question. Knowing that it will only be a few days was helpful.

  I ask Chri
s and Tyler how their dads are doing with Meyer’s death and I am totally surprised by the answer. Apparently they’re not all that broken up about it. I never got to know them before we were exiled, but I always assumed Luke was the only lawyer there with a conscience, especially the way Chris and Tyler talked about their dads. They seemed almost as success-driven as Will’s father. I’m glad to find out I was wrong.

  By the time we finish telling Gwen and Chris everything, laughing, crying, reminiscing, and even playing an epic game of monopoly it’s after three in the morning. We shuffle everyone out with arms flying everywhere from all the hugging. Claire sends Luke, Wes, and me outside to get the overnight bags as well as the box with the bed linens, while Will and Eliana clean up after the tornado of fun that swept through the kitchen.

  I call to Claire when I come back in with the box of linens. Following her voice toward their bedroom I find her in a room across from the room that had been their office, which is being turned into a bedroom now that we’ve added three more residents.

  “Hey…I got the sheets,” I say as I put the box down by the door. “I’ve never been in here. What did this room used to be?” I open the box and pull out a set of sheets. Each set is folded perfectly and contained in a pillowcase of the set. Claire said she saw Martha Stewart do this and thought it was genius. I have to agree.

  “This was Penny’s room,” she says softly.

  “I’m sorry. I should have known.” Of course this would have been Penny’s room. Luke and Claire’s room is just down the hall, and the office is across from here. I’m such an idiot.

  “Don’t be sorry, Layla. You didn’t know. Really, it’s ok. Here, help me with this,” she says throwing the fitted sheet across the bed. I walk to the other side and pull the elasticized corner over the mattress.

  “So…did you and Luke, you know, want more kids?” I ask tentatively. I don’t want to stir up any heartache in Claire, but I’m genuinely curious. Two people as loving and incredible as Luke and Claire…I can’t see why they wouldn’t want another baby.


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