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Safe Harbor (The Lake Trilogy, Book 3)

Page 21

by Grant, AnnaLisa


  Claire forgives me when I tell her about the miraculous changes Will made to the other house and how I’ll be referring to it as Will’s and my house from now on. She’s winces for just a second with sadness that Will and I are not going to take them up on their invitation to live with them after the wedding.

  “Mom, we’ll literally be walking distance from you and Dad. It’s the next best thing to living with you,” I tell her as I stroke her arm. “We can take after dinner walks, and maybe actually start that Couch to 5k running plan. It’ll make the time we have together even more special.”

  “I understand, Layla. I guess I just thought we’d have a daughter at home for a little bit longer.” She sighs and replaces her frowned face with a bright smile. “Well, we have a month left and we’re going to fill it with all the wonderful things mothers and daughters do when preparing for a wedding.”

  “Are we picking Caroline up?” I ask as we pull into her driveway.

  “Yes. I was going to have you just run in and get her, but Carol asked me to pop in,” she says.

  I ring the doorbell and Caroline answers before the chime is done echoing. “Hey! I didn’t know you were coming with us today. This will be even more fun! Do you think Gwen wants to come, too?” I give Caroline a hug. I’m excited to tell her all about the house, and the 45 minute drive into Charlotte will give us plenty of time. I watch our mothers disappear in the direction of the kitchen and guess that Caroline’s mom is showing Claire some great new kitchen gadget. Claire has fully embraced the role of chef and is always looking for ideas and tools to make cooking easier.

  “Gwen’s got something going on today. C’mere for a minute. I want to show you something,” she says, hooking her arm through mine.

  We walk to the back of the house and through the Great Room to the doors to the patio. When Caroline opens them I’m greeted with cheers of “Surprise!”

  “What? What’s going on?” I stutter out, stunned.

  “This is your bridal shower, girl!” Caroline squeals.

  I’m shocked! If someone had asked me to make a list for a bridal shower I could have come up with seven names, maybe ten. There are definitely more than ten people here and my heart stops as I scan the garden and see Dana and Lisa…and Finn! I’m filled with excitement and trepidation. They don’t know about Will being Will. How on earth am I going to explain this?

  Before I can faint from fear all three of them are rushing to me, throwing all six of their arms around me.

  “Congratulations, darlin’!” I hear Dana’s sweet southern drawl say.

  “Oh my gosh! I can’t believe you’re here! I…I have to explain something to you,” I begin.

  “No need. John…uh…Will called and told us everything. It’s pretty amazing what he did, what you two have been through,” Finn says. “I’m only slightly mad at you for not telling me, but I suppose I understand.” Finn’s arms are around me again and this time I’m hugging him back with all my strength. My worlds have not collided, but merged and I’m elated.

  “Lisa, is Jason here?” I ask.

  “No, he had to work. But Finn made him promise to take extra time off before the wedding for J-…Will’s bachelor party,” she chuckles. “I think it might take me a bit to get used to calling him Will!”

  “Oh you did, did you?” I tease Finn.

  “Well, when Will told me everything, he gave me Jason and Dana’s numbers and told me to call them. He thought we might need someone to talk to after he dropped that bomb on us. Jason and I got talking and hit it off. He’s becoming a pretty great friend.” Finn smiles and my heart flutters. I didn’t realize until now how much I missed that smile.

  “I can’t believe you!” I say to Claire, giving her a huge hug. “How did you pull this off?”

  “It wasn’t that hard. You have been impossible about remembering your appointments so I knew I could tell you that you had one today and you’d just go along,” she says beaming.

  “I look awful! Had I known I was coming to my bridal shower I would have worn something else!” I’m dressed for ease of taking my clothes off since I thought I was headed to my fitting.

  “I’ve got that covered!” Caroline says. She takes me by the arm and leads me upstairs to her room. Laid out on her bed are three new dresses, all so perfectly me.

  “Where did these come from?” I pick up one of the dresses, a blue and white polka dot with a flared skirt.

  “Claire brought them over yesterday. She knew you wouldn’t be dressed for the shower so she wanted you to have something to change into,” Caroline tells me. “Now pick one of those darlin’ dresses and get downstairs! You’ve got gifts to open…most of which I’m sure will embarrass the crap out of you. I know my gift to you will!”

  Caroline laughs in that adorable laugh of hers and closes the door behind her. I change into a light pink dress with brown trim and a pair of brown wedge sandals. Claire thought of everything. I check myself in the mirror and begin to make my way back out to the garden when Finn meets me at the bottom of the stairs.

  “I can’t believe you’re here! Don’t you know that bridal showers are for girls only? Unless of course you’re here to make me a chai tea latte!” I say as he takes my hand and helps me off the last step.

  “I think the rule is actually that you have to be into guys to be welcomed at a bridal shower,” he laughs.

  “Oh, well, then I guess you’re good then!”

  We take a few steps toward the back of the house, my hand still in Finn’s. I’m so happy that he’s here…Lisa and Dana, too. I was afraid that I wouldn’t get to really see them when they came up for the wedding. Things are going to be so busy, and there will be a lot to keep me from just sitting and enjoying their company.

  “I’m glad you’re ok,” Finn says as he stops us. He’s serious now. More serious than I think I’ve ever seen him. “I wish you had told me about everything. It’s terrible to go through what you did and not have anyone to talk to. I would have kept your secret.”

  “I wanted to tell you…so many times. But…it wasn’t just my secret to tell. It was Luke and Claire’s, and Will and his mom’s. You looked out for me with the whole Marcus thing, and I feel bad that I kept things from you when that situation could have hurt you, too. I mean, if Marcus knew I told you anything about him…I don’t want to think about what his twisted mind would have done.” I take Finn’s hand in both of mine. “I hope you can understand.”

  “I do.” Finn lifts my hands with his and kisses them. “We’re friends for life, Layla. Things can only get more awesome from here, right?”

  “Right. And lucky you…you get to go to both the bridal shower and the bachelor party! Now, c’mon. I understand there’s a table full of embarrassing gifts awaiting me!”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I got you a blender,” Finn says with a smirk.

  “No you didn’t.”

  “You’re right. Just make sure you’ve always got some AA batteries on hand!”

  “Finn! You didn’t!” I say, wide eyed as Finn laughs hysterically.

  “I’m just kidding…maybe!”

  We teasingly push and hip bump each other all the way to the doors that lead to the garden. With a final bump and kiss to my cheek, Finn opens the door. Once again, I’m greeted by smiling faces of women who are here to enjoy this long awaited celebration.

  Everyone I would have expected to be here is here. Gwen and her mother are here along with Eliana and Nana Grace. Even Sarah made it down from Virginia, which is so amazing. We’ve been growing closer over the months and my heart swells with joy that she’s come.

  There are some faces that surprise me like Mrs. Whitman from Heyward Prep, a few I recognize from the law firm retreat, and Chris and Tyler’s moms who I never really got to know. Their presence here warms my heart and reminds me of the silent support Will and I have had from so many.

  I scan their faces and am overwhelmed at the outpouring of
love. Every time I turn around I’m being amazed by yet another piece of evidence pointing to the fact that I’m no longer alone in this world, and I can’t help but feel like the champion of a fight I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.

  Chapter 25

  Will has been a busy bee getting our little love nest ready. Luke suggested he move out into the new house once it was ready. I wasn’t jazzed about it but thought that it would build some wonderful wedding night anticipation to have to say goodbye to Will again every night.

  With the wedding just three weeks away, I thought I should start packing. It actually didn’t occur to me until Will showed me the closet in what will be our bedroom and told me I could start bringing my things over any time I wanted. I won’t have any furniture to bring, so really it’s just my clothes and books and whatnot.


  It’s not the same this time. I’m still nervous, and a little scared. I’m still headed into so much unknown. I’m still packing up one life to move to another. But this time it’s totally different. This time it’s all about my future, my happiness. Will and I have worked harder and overcome more than two people should have to in order to be together. We couldn’t have done any of it without Luke and Claire, and to be honest that is the one thing that makes me sad about leaving this place.

  Luke and Claire gave me a life I thought had long disappeared the night I moved in with Gram and Gramps. Any thoughts or dreams I had about my future were shoved aside and ignored like an inconvenience. I couldn’t afford to even look at them for fear I might start dreaming again. When friends at school talked about boys or college or careers, I had to turn a deaf ear to the conversation. How could I think about the future when I didn’t know how I was going to get through the day?

  It wasn’t until Gram died that I allowed myself to think about any of that, but only for a moment here or there. I’d look at Gramps, sitting quietly in his favorite chair and wonder what it might be like to find someone who would love me as unconditionally as he loved Gram. I’d let myself dream about finding someone who would grow old with me. Thanks to Will and Luke and Claire, I don’t have to wonder anymore.

  Now I’m packing to leave the place that breathed life back into this lifeless existence of mine. Even though I’ve only been with Luke and Claire for three short years, and we’ll be living just a few streets over, it seems a little strange to be leaving. This has been the most home I’ve had since before my parents died. It’s a bittersweet feeling, I suppose. I’m excited to start my life with Will in our home, but a little sad to be leaving Luke and Claire.

  Will has been spending all of his time making sure our house is more than ready by October 25th. He said he wants to come home from our honeymoon and not have a single detail to worry about. Since we opted to wait until next semester to get back to school, he’s had more than enough time.

  Today, though, he’s made me promise to keep my distance as he’s shopping for gifts for the guys, and me. I told him I didn’t need a wedding gift. Marrying Will is the only gift I need. I told him he’s already gone overboard with the remodel of the house and our honeymoon to Ireland and Bali but he doesn’t care. The problem is that I have no idea what to get him. I think about options like monogrammed cufflinks because that sounds like one of those fancy gifts rich people give each other as a wedding gift, but shake my head as I realize I just put myself in the “rich people” category. I suppose I am, or will be since I’ll be married to Will and he refused to have me sign a prenuptial agreement even though I offered.

  Maybe Eliana or Pop or Nana Grace will have an idea. I’ll have to wait until Sunday night to ask them. Eliana and Wes are in Hickory until then. Pop said that if Wes was going to be part of their family, he had to understand the family business, which was fine with Wes. He’s a lot like Luke and Will. He loves working with his hands like that and from what Claire said about Eliana’s texts, he has a real knack for it.

  That’s it! I know exactly what I’m going to give Will! Oh, my gosh! It’s perfect! He’s not the only one who can remodel and build a gift from the ground up!

  “How’s the packing coming along?” Luke asks, gently knocking on the doorframe to my room.

  “Fine, I guess. There’s really not that much to pack. It’s mainly just clothes and books,” I say as I resume sorting clothes and packing. “I haven’t heard an update lately. Any word from Wes on which of Meyer’s guys took care of those two jurors?”

  Once Meyer died all of his current henchmen disbanded. I imagine they’re all just trying to start over somewhere new with a clean slate. Wes had always been able to contact them, but has had a hard time finding a few of them since they all disappeared into thin air. So far none of the guys has admitted doing either job, and the ones he’s connected with don’t know where the others are. Luke even got Agent Croft and his team involved. Since jury tampering was shuffled in amongst all the charges against Meyer it wasn’t a stretch for them to take on the investigation.

  “Nothing yet,” Luke tells me.

  “It’s not right. If we could just find the second juror’s body, his family would at least have some closure. Has Wes told the other guys that? Do you think they’re covering for whoever did it? I feel so bad for his family. I remember how unsettling every day was when I thought Will was missing and didn’t know where he was,” I say. “What was his name? I feel awful calling him juror number four all the time.”

  “His name was Albert Blasi. I’m sure Wes has expressed that our intention is to help the family find some peace. Wes said that the guys know he wouldn’t be looking for whoever did it to get him in trouble. He’ll keep looking. You know how relentless Wes is,” Luke says with a small smile. “And Agent Croft said his best agent is leading the team on this. Agent Lassiter is apparently the best of the best.”

  “Well, that’s good. Oh, hey…I need your help with something. Do you know who Will used to remodel the house?” I ask excitedly as I think about the plans brewing in my mind.

  “Yeah…the same designer who helped with the basement, and a contractor friend of ours. Why?”

  “Do you think they can give me a blueprint for a project by the end of the week?”

  “What’s going on, Layla?” Luke asks curiously.

  “I have an idea for Will’s wedding gift, but I’m going to need your help while we’re gone. Can you help me? Please?” I won’t be able to pull this off without Luke’s help.

  “Of course. I’ll get you their numbers,” he says.

  “Thank you so much! I’ll fill you in after I’ve spoken with them. I have to make sure they can do it first. Oh, it’s going to be so great!” I’m giddy with excitement as I consider my plan. Will is going to flip and I’ll finally get to be on the giving end of a ridiculously over-the-top gift!

  “You have ten times as many clothes as when you first got here…thanks to my wife no doubt!” Luke chuckles. He moves a box from the bed to the floor and sits in its place. “Are you…are you sure you’re ready for this, Layla?” Luke asks. He looks nervous and a little sad.

  “Why would you ask me that?” I ask. I know Luke isn’t questioning if marrying Will is the right thing, but it’s the first time he’s raised a question like this.

  “Well, you two are still really young and there’s no reason to rush into anything,” he says softly. I look in his eyes and see that his questioning is not about my age or how long Will and I have been together. It’s about letting me go.

  I’ve seen this look in Claire’s eyes several times over the last few months. With every wedding-related appointment or conversation she’s become a little emotional. She’s given me another letter she wrote to Penny, and one she wrote to me. Because of her direct involvement in the wedding planning, I think Claire has had a little more time to ease into the idea of me leaving. Luke has not been eased into anything and I think he’s just realizing it now.

  I sit next to him on the bed and take his hand in mine. “I’m going to miss you, too.�

  “Thank you for not letting us send you to that stupid boarding school.” Luke wraps his arms around me and I hear the sniffing of him trying not to cry. “When I think of what I would have missed out on…”

  “Oh, yeah…it’s been a grand time of being forced out of your job and moving out of state to protect me, faking deaths, getting kidnapped, hiring personal security, and defending my fiancé’s crazy ex-girlfriend for killing his father. Good times,” I say with a little laugh just to keep myself from crying, too.

  Luke looks at me and smiles while trying to hold back his tears. “I don’t regret a single moment of it. Layla…losing Penny was the worst thing we’ve ever experienced. When…when you lose a child like that, well, there comes a point when you realize that all the things you were looking forward to are never going to happen. We never helped her learn how to ride a bike, or taught her how to tie her shoes. We never taught her how to read, or even got to potty train her. I never got to yell at her to get off the phone or turn her lights out and go to bed, or kick a boy out when it he had stayed his welcome. There were no slumber parties or science fair projects. There would be no more family meals or the elation of watching her open up Christmas gifts again.

  “But then you came to us and…you changed everything. You brought back so much of what we thought was lost forever. And now I’m going to get to walk my daughter down the aisle.” Luke can’t hold back the tears anymore and they begin to stream down his cheek. “If you had let us ship you off to that boarding school I would never have known this kind of joy. You are my daughter, Layla, and I would relive every second of these last three years.

  “I know you’re going to literally be around the corner, but…I’m having to let you go. I’m going to walk you down that aisle and put your hand into Will’s and he’s going to be responsible for protecting you from that point on. I don’t know if I’m capable of letting go again.”


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