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The Golden Builders

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by Tobias Churton

  Donne, John, 163, 164

  Dugdale, William, 198, 200

  Durbar, Rumbald, 234

  Dury, John, 164ff.

  Earl of Norfolk, 85

  Ecclesiastes, 124

  Eckhart, Meister, 64

  Edessa, 26,

  Edighoffer, Roland, 63

  Eglin, Raphael, 91

  The Egyptian Hermes, 22, 70

  Ehinger, David, 131

  Elementary Inhabitants, 85

  Elements (Euclid), 29

  Elizabeth of Bohemia, 128, 129, 164ff., 232

  Ellam, John, 195, 214

  Ellam, Richard, 195, 214, 225 (var. Ellom)

  Emerald Tablet, 20

  Enneads (Plotinus), 36

  Enoch, 46, 50, 56, 74, 95

  Epistola Enoch, 46, 47

  Erastus, Thomas, 160

  Esdras, 67, 94, 96, 102, 127, 159

  Everard, Dr., 185

  Ezekiel, 56

  Ezra, 96

  The Faerie Queen (Spenser), 155

  Faldo, Widow, 202

  Farnworth, 212, 213

  Fasciculus Chemicus, 175

  Fama Fraternitatis, 35, 63, 65, 68, 83–165

  Faulhaber, Johann, 131

  Federico III, 49

  Felgenhauer, Paul, 134

  Ferrante d'Aragona, 55

  Festugière, 70

  Fez, 85

  Ficino, Marsilio, 44, 47, 50, 53, 65, 68

  Figulus, Benedictus, 68, 78

  Fisher, H.A.L. 45

  Flegetanis, 31, 33

  Florence, 44

  Fludd, Robert, 128, 135

  Fowden, Garth, 6, 22, 70

  Frankenburg, Abraham von, 122

  Franck, Sebastian, 115, 119ff.

  Frederick, Elector of the Palatine, 127, 130

  Gaillairt, Willem (The Golden Ark), 159

  Galen, 113

  Galileo, 82

  Gallia Narbonensis, 83, 89

  Garin, Ernesto, 34, 62

  Gautama, 93

  Geber, 38ff.

  Gérard of Cremona, 29, 39

  Ghayat al-hakim (The Aim of the Sage), 34

  Gilly, Carlos, 92, 115, 157, 163

  Gimpel, Jean, 30, 234

  Giorgi, Francesco, 161

  Gluichstein, Theodor, 101, 158

  Gnosis, 93

  Goclenius, Rudolph, 131

  Goostrey, 234

  Görlitz, 96

  Gospel of Philip, 13, 71

  Gospel of Thomas, 13, 23, 42, 43

  Gral, 31ff., 73

  Grick, Friedrich, 132

  Grosseteste, Robert, 36, 37

  Grüninger, Erasmus, 142

  Guarinoni, Hypolyt, 81, 89

  Gundel, 70

  Gundisalvi, Dominico, 29

  Guttmann, Aegidius, 134

  Gyot of Provence, 31

  Haak, Theodore, 68, 169

  Habbakuk, 108

  Hacket, Bishop, 198

  Hamill, John, 228

  Haran Guwaita, 72, 73

  Harbrecht, Isac, 135

  Harran, 14, 16, 26–38, 73, 225

  Hartlib, Samuel (Ephemerides), 164ff., 196

  Hartmann, Johann, 93

  Haslmayr, Adam, 81ff.

  Hatto, A.T. 74

  Heidelberg, 138

  Heilegenkreuz, 81

  Helicon, 137

  Heraklitos, 76, 93

  Herbert, George, 161

  Herlizius, David, 101

  Hermès en Haute Egypte, 10

  Hess, Tobias, 90, 100–103ff.

  Hessen, 69

  Hiram, 157

  Hodges, Nathaniel, 175

  Hodges, Thomas, 175

  Hoffmann, Melchior, 117

  Höe, Matthias, 133

  Hojers, Anne, 134

  Holme, Randle, 214, 235

  Hölzl, Abraham, 115, 142

  Homagius, Philipp, 131, 161

  horoi Asklepiou pros Ammona Basilea, 49

  Horrible Pacts made between the Devil and the Pretended Invisible Ones, 140

  Hulton (Abbey), 205

  Huser, Johann, 157

  Hylmer, John, 213

  Iamblichus, 15, 161

  Ihwan al Saafa, 74

  Imitatio Christi, 123

  Immortalitas (1619), 108ff.

  Inge, William Ralph, 22, 72

  Institutio Magica pro Curiosis, 111ff.

  The Institution, Laws and ceremonies of the most Noble Order of the Garter (1672), 138

  Instruction à la France sur la verité de l'histoire des Frères de la Rose Croix (1623), 140

  Introduction to Arithmetic (Nichomachus), 28

  Jabir ibn Hayyan as-Sufi (‘Geber’), 38, 40

  Jesuits, 89, 91

  Jennis, Lucas, 131

  Joachim of Fiore, 102

  Jones, Inigo, 229

  Jordans, 72

  Joseph ou l'Estoire dou Graal (de Borron), 31

  Jubanludace, 97

  Julian the Apostate, 70

  Jung, Carl, 22, 23, 39, 41, 75

  Jungius, Johann Friedrich, 134

  Justinian, 28

  Karlstadt, 148

  Karincham, 234

  Keele (Staffs.), 235

  Kelley, Edward, 96ff. Kepler, 105

  Khunrath, Heinrich, 63, 67ff. 78, 111, 154

  Knights Templar, 205

  Koran, 26

  Köthen, 130

  Kristeller, Paul Oscar, 46, 49

  Krusicke, 134

  Kubrick, Stanley, 222

  Kühlmann, Wilhelm, 120

  Kyot of Provence, 31

  The Laboryouse Journey (1549), 75

  The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart, (Comenius), 163–164

  Lactantius, 71, 77

  La Doctrine curieuse des beaux ésprits de ce temps (1623), 138

  Lancilotti, 46, 49

  Lanz, Thomas, 140

  Laski, Prince Albert, 99

  Lazzarelli, Lodovico, 45ff.

  Leek, 185

  Lefèvre d'Etaples, 54, 55

  The Legacy of Islam, 73

  Legh, Thomas, 211

  Lennon, John, 223

  Leowitz, 101

  Lethe, 52

  Lexicon alchemiae, 63

  Libavius, Andreas, 131

  Liber de causis (Plotinus), 36

  Liber de confirmatione religionis ethnicorum, 28

  Liber perfecti magisterii (Geber), 39

  Libri de vita (Ficino), 78

  Lichfield, 77, 193ff.

  Lightfoot, John, 232

  Littler, Henry, 195, 214

  Lindsay, Sir David, Earl of Balcarres, 173

  Lorenzo the Magnificent, 49

  Lovell, Sir Thomas, 213

  Louis VII, 73

  Lull, Ramon, 123

  Luther, Martin, 104

  Lux in Tenebris, (Comenius), 164, 177

  Madimi, 97

  Magdeburg, 90

  Mahabyn, 30

  Mahé, Jean Pierre, 6, 70

  Maier, Count Michael, 128, 135, 140, 173

  Mainwaring, (née) Eleanor, 208, 209

  Mainwaring, Col. Henry, 209, 212

  Mainwaring, Peter, 194, 195 208

  Mainwaring, Philip, 211

  Mainwaring, Randle, 210

  Mainwaring, Thomas, 210, 234

  Mainwaring, Sir William, 210

  Mandaeans, 72, 73

  Mani, 73

  Marie de Champagne, 73

  Martill (sic), Charles, 221

  Masons Hall (Basinghall St), 226ff.

  Mathematical Preface, (1570), 172

  Maurice, F.D., 153

  Maximilian, Archduke, 81, 89

  McIntosh, Dr Christopher, 104, 158

  Medulla Alchimiae, 40

  Menippus, 62, 111, 114, 120, 147

  The Merchant of Venice, 83

  Mercurio da Correggio, Giovanni, 45ff.

  Merian, Matthieu, 136

  Mersenne, Marin, 154

  Merula, 49

  Methuselah, 50

  Meyerhof, Max, 29, 38

  Milton, John, 166

  Mithra, 158

  Monas Hieroglyphica, 29

  Moray, Sir Robert, 168ff., 197, 199, 200, 202

  Morsius, Joachim, 133, 135, 158

  Münster, 121

  Mutawakkil, 27

  Muthadid, 28

  Mysticism in Religion (Inge), 72

  Nag Hammadi, 55, 124

  Nagel, Paul, 132

  Naometria, 101, 107

  Nasoreans, 72

  Naudé, Gabriel, 139

  Nazirite, 158

  Nebuchadrezzar, 159

  Neoplatonism, 14–16, 136, 155

  New Atlantis, 35, 192

  News from Parnassus, 91, 123, 125

  Newton, Isaac, 62, 114, 154, 200

  Noah, 50

  Nollius, Heinrich, 131

  Norton, Thomas, 75

  The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age, 153

  Offey, Thomas, 193

  The Ogdoad reveals the Ennead, 15

  The Old Charges, 30, 212ff.

  Olympius, 14

  On apparatus and furnaces, 24

  On the life of Christ (Weigel), 121

  Opera omnia chemica, 40

  Opera omnia chemica (Kassel. 1649), 75

  Oratio de dignitatis homini, 62

  Ordinall of Alchemy, 40

  Origen, 52

  The Origins of freemasonry, Scotland's century, 73

  Ormus le Guidon, 73, 235

  Osiander, Lucas, 131

  Ostanes, 18, 42

  Ovates, 76

  Overchurch, 76

  Paddy, Sir William, 128

  Pan, 43

  Paracelsus, 63, 64ff., 88ff., 108, 113

  Parzifal, 31, 34, 74, 119

  Patton, General George, 235

  Payne, George, 230

  Pegasus, 136

  Penketh, Friar, 212

  Penketh, Richard, 195, 212

  Peover Superior, 210

  Perceval the Gaul, or the story of the Graal, 73

  Peregrinus, 144

  Petty, William, 169

  Philo of Alexandria, 70

  physika kai mystika, 71

  Picatrix, 34

  Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni, 44, 49, 52, 62, 75, 76, 95, 123, 154, 159

  Plato, 4, 44, 47, 59

  Plato of Tivoli, 29

  Plot, Sir Robert, 203, 205, 234

  Plotinus, 14–16, 36, 44

  Plötzkau, 90ff., 122

  Plutarch, 136

  Poimandres, 5, 43, 44, 45, 48, 55, 70, 77, 119

  Porphyry, 14–16, 44

  Prague, 99

  Prayer of Thanksgiving, 6

  Prestbury, 76

  Proclus, 28, 44, 161

  Psellus, 37

  Psychology and Alchemy (Jung), 74

  Ptolemy, 30

  Pucci, Francesco, 100

  Pythagoras, 4

  Quercetanus, Joseph, 19, 113

  Qumran, 72, 158

  Rabelais, 139

  Rathmann, Hermann, 134

  Reuchlin, Johann, 62, 134

  Revolutions of the Celestial Orbs, 59

  Richards, Raymond (Old Cheshire Churches ), 235

  Ripley Scrowle, 76

  Ripley, Sir George, 40ff., 76

  Rocquebert, Michel, 73

  Rogers, Norman, 212

  Rosarium philosophorum, 129

  Rose Croix et Societe Idéale (Edighoffer), 78

  Rosseli, Hannibal, 100

  Rosicrucian, 81 – 163

  The Rosicrucian Enlightenment, 98, 172, 176

  Rostherne, 211

  The Royal Society, 62, 75, 168ff., 196

  Rozmberk, Count, 100

  Rudolf, Emperor, 99, 100, 128

  Ruarius, Martin, 134

  Rudolph, Kurt, 72

  Ruland, Martin, 63

  Rupert, Prince of the Rhine, 232

  Ruysbroek, 123

  Saba, 73

  Sabbaoth, 72

  Sabians, 16, 26, 28, 31, 37, 44, 46, 50, 72

  St Chad, 73

  St. Paul, 161

  Sankey, Edward, 220

  Sankey, Richard, 195, 212, 220

  Sanseverino, 49

  Sarpi, Paolo, 162

  Savonarola, 47

  Scanlan, Matthew, 227ff.

  Schickhardt, Wilhelm, 131, 159

  Schwenckfeld, Caspar, 95, 115,116ff.

  Scott, Walter, 38

  Scultetus, Abraham, 164

  Sefer Yetsirah, 56, 57

  Seljuk (Turks), 38

  Sennert, Daniel, 133

  Serpentarius, 87, 104

  Sessorian Codex, 77

  Sheba, 73

  Sheldon, Gilbert, 198

  Sinán, 29

  Sion, Mount, 55

  Sixtus IV, Pope, 44

  Sleigh, John, 235

  Sloane, Sir Hans, 216, 220

  Smalkald, 121

  Smallwood, 195, 209

  Solomon, 157

  Sosenna, Carlo, 47

  Speculum Naturae (Vincent of Beauvais), 39

  Sperber, Julius, 134

  Spiritual and demonic magic from Ficino to Campanella (Walker), 77

  Sprat, Thomas, 169

  Stafford, 235

  Stevenson, Prof David, 73, 224

  Stiefel, 133

  Stock, Brian, 74

  Stoffel, Joannes, 140

  Stone, John, 223

  Stone, Nicholas (the elder), 227

  Studion, Simon, 101, 104, 109

  Suso, Heinrich, 123

  Swallowfield (Berks.), 196

  Tabula Smaragdina, 20

  Tantalus, 52

  Tat, 5

  Tauler, Joannes, 123

  Teologia Platonica, 47

  Teramo, 49

  Thabit ibn Qurra, 27–36

  Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum (1652), 41, 173, 197

  Themis Aurea (Maier, 1618), 135

  Theophrastia Sancta, 88

  Theophrastia Valentiniana, 122

  Theosebia, 24

  Theurgists, 16

  Thummius, Theodor, 131

  Tintinabulum Sophorum (1619), 132

  Toledo, 29, 34

  Trithemius, 176

  Troyes, 73

  Tübingen, 92 et passim Turbo, 137, 141, 143

  Turnebus, 61

  Turris Babel, 152, 163

  Tyrol, 83

  Uriel, 96, 97

  Uthulujiyya (‘Theology’, Aristotle), 36

  Utopia, 139

  Valdès, Peter, 159

  Valentinian Gnostics, 122, 155

  Varano, Guilio Cesare, 49

  Vaughan, Thomas, 170, 174, 175

  Vertue, William, 213

  Vincent of Beauvais, 39

  Vitalis, Hebraeus, 49

  Viterbo, 46, 49

  Vitruvius, Architectura, 157

  von Anhalt, Christian, 129

  von Anhalt, Ludwig, 129

  von Anhalt, Augustus, 90, 91, 135, 158

  von Eschenbach, Wolfram, 31, 33, 74, 119

  von Hessen, Landgrave Moritz, 91, 135

  von hylealischen Chaos, 63

  Wale, Thomas, 201

  Walker D.P. 77

  Wallis, John, 168

  Walter, Balthasar, 133

  Walton, Isaak, 163, 164, 182, 183

  Ward, Seth, 185

  Warnung für den Rosenkreuzer, 137

  Warrington, 195, 212ff.

  Weber, Johann, 132

  Webster, John, Academearum Examen, 185

  Wehe, Zimbertus, 131

  Weigel, Valentin, 95, 115, 121

  Weltbild und Astrologie in den grecheschen Zauberpapyri (Gundel), 70

  Wense, Wilhelm, 142, 162

  Wessel, Wilhelm, 69, 91, 140

  White Mountain, battle of, 162

  Whitmore, 208

  Widemann, Carl, 90, 158

  Wild, Eberhard, 159

  Wilkins, John, 169, 170, 196

  Williams, George (The Radical Reformation), 121

  Wilson, Sir William, 227

  Wise, Thomas, 226
  Wise, William, 226

  Windsor Chapel, 213

  Wotton, Sir Henry, 160 – 162

  Württemberg, 101

  Württemberg, Duke Frederick of, 103

  Württembergische Landesbibliothek, 104

  Yates, Dame Frances, 57, 77, 98, 153

  Yeshua ben Josef (Jesus), 160

  Yemen, 73

  Zacharias, 158

  Zane, Lorenzo, 49, 58

  Zeller, Michael, 115

  Zetzner, Lazarus, 76, 134, 137

  Ziegler, Philip, 129 The Zij (al-Battáni), 29

  Zoroaster (var. Zarathushtra), 4, 25, 72, 73, 93, 140

  Zosimos, 18–25, 72

  Zostrianos, 71

  Zurich, 64

  Zwinger, Theodor, 149




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