I Walked With Her

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I Walked With Her Page 43

by Lisa Barrington

  Nick continues to stare back at me: “This night is going to undo me, isn’t it?”

  “Only if you let it Nick.”

  I bow down on him kissing him deep yet again. He pulls me against his chest. Again, the hair on his chest against my nakedness is erotic. He needs to rest. We are far from done. I am hungry. Though, I know how to be disciplined. Patient. I roll us onto our sides. Bring our kiss from passionate to endearing, letting him go tenderly. Pushing my hair back with my hands, I turn to lay flat on my back. We are beside one another. I rest my hands above my head. Fucking right now, would be delightful. I tell myself again, the wait will only make it better. It will be well worth it. We both not only have something to prove, it is clear how much we both do care. We both do need this.

  Frankly, I’m rather proud of myself for resisting my initial urge of throwing him on the bed, climbing on him and fucking him. Despite the need to slow my own squirming down, so I did not climax from my own antagonizing arousal. I am satisfied. I turn over, away from Nick.

  "Where are you going?"

  "To let you rest." I sit up enough to grab the blanket, pulling it up over us.

  Nick pushes it back down as he climbs on me placing each arm above my shoulders. "You are letting me rest? I am forty-one. I am not dead. You think after the pleasure you brought me, after your soliloquy, I am going to let you roll over and close your eyes?"

  "No you did not listen, Nicholas. I said, ‘let you rest’. My intention is to read as you do."

  "Read? Thank you. However, I do not need any rest. Fact is, I am feeling quite invigorated. Motivated by your speech actually. But very kind of you to offer."

  "Why of course. That is what I am here for."

  "No you are here for me to explore every millimeter of you." He kisses my cheek. "For me to pleasure.” He kisses my other cheek. "For me to tease."

  "Oh no, no, no. Pleasure I am all for. Teasing. No. I do not do teasing."

  "You don't do teasing? How exactly does that work?" Nick spreads my legs with his knee.

  "Nicholas James Gallo! I swear I will bite you. I swear it."

  "You are only making me want you more with empty promises like that.”

  Nick grabs my wrists bringing them over my head. I try to move them back, but he keeps one hand over both my wrists. He is in no means being forceful. He is firm though. He caresses the side of my cheek as he slowly drags it down my neck. He turns leaning his weight slightly off me. He runs the back of his hand over my nipple. It is erect and red. I am afraid if he touches it, again I may orgasm simply from it. All I can do is gasp not realizing I arched my back.

  "What if I blew right here without touching you? Would that be alright?"


  He puts his head so close to my breast. He gently blows on it, the slightest whisper of air. Bastard, he is killing me. I can't help but squirm. Dam we are both control freaks. The battle of wills begins. God I am so turned on right now. Six months of pent up sexual repression is going to explode tonight. Perhaps I should pray for us both!

  "I don't know Moe. I think we can do better than this. Don't you?"

  "Nick I did not tease you. You are not being fair!"

  "No you made it impossible for me to ever have a decent blow job ever again. Fair left this room exactly then."

  "Really?" I lift my head as I say it. I am surprised actually. Never has felt like I mastered that one. I smile with my question.

  "Really! Now lay here and take what I am most certainly going to enjoy giving. I am as much a control freak as you."

  "I am all for enjoying what you wish to give! But teasing, Nick?"

  "I would listen to you go on if I felt this were a grey area. Something that made you truly uncomfortable. This is not that. This is about control right now Moe. You and I both know it. You should have stayed on top. Have you ever been submissive?"

  "I am going too submissive your ass. I swear!"

  He runs the very tip of his finger over my belly. Making scrolls, lines up and down me. He moves toward my pelvis then back up along my hipbone. With his knee still between mine, I try to close my legs. I can see in his smile, his next intention. "Ah no. These will be staying open."

  "That's it Nicholas James Gallo. I swe-"

  His fingers are between my legs, parting my lips. He finds the center of me quickly. He moves circling with pressure against me then barely touching. It feels so good. I close my eyes, biting my lip hard. I taste blood. Nick stops. No! I am wide eyed again and alert! He has not let go of the same gaze into my eyes. I am certain I am flushed. I am speechless. I don't do teasing. I want to be the woman I was before Ben. No teasing. God why does it have to feel so good? This gives him control. This is turning me on more. Fuck, I really have changed. There will be parts of me no longer satisfied with only fucking. Shit!

  "Do you want me to do that again? If I touch you again. I will stop again. I am going to build this up for you until you can't take it anymore. My torturous behavior will be unlike any you may have experienced before. I can guarantee it will bring you one of the most intense orgasms you have ever. Though if you really do not want me to stop, I will. I am certain I can make you orgasm very quickly if I only went down on you. Either way you were right before. I have this night, right here, right now to make exactly what I want.”

  I lift my head up and down. Nick is still holding my hands firmly above my head. He is awaiting my reply. I am still thinking.

  He shifts his weight slightly on me. "So what would you like my lady?"

  "What do you think I want?"

  "Fine. Oral it is. I am dying to taste you." He lets go of my hands. Kisses me deep and rough. When our tongues let go, he looks in my eyes. "I am really going to enjoy this. This has crossed my mind once or twice. I feel compelled to admit it right now."

  I grab his face. "That isn't my answer. You didn't listen close enough to my answer. My, how you still assume when I answer a question with a question. I answered you, “What do you think I want?” You know that old saying, regarding never assume things?"

  "Well played. This battle of wills is immensely seductive. Do you know how much I enjoy an equal opponent? I have never liked anything being simple. You sure you can handle it Ms. Manale?"

  "I am pretty certain I can handle you Mr. Gallo."

  "I don't know. I actually don't think you are bluffing about teasing being something you do not do. With your need for control, well I think that was a very honest moment for you."

  "Does it matter? I still want you to touch me as you did. I want you to do it over and over."

  "I will commend your effort in trying to take back the control. There is something you are forgetting here. For all your experience in control, and sex for that matter, you have gathered in your ahem forty years. During most of that time, I was married. With marriage you see, you cannot do the same tricks each time. Unlike how it may have been for you with your lovers. You could tear each apart with the same one-two punch I am sure they never even saw coming.

  Now please do not mistake, I am sure you made them beg. Beg for more I am now truly imagining myself. I honestly believe that is probably how you left each man and woman. I am now one of them. You see-” Nick stops and traces the side of my cheek. “God your eyes are beautiful Max. Has anyone ever told you they are hypnotic. You make someone not want to look anywhere else.” Nick shakes his head.

  I am enjoying his little rant right now. I can’t wait to see where this leads. I clear my throat and break him from his stare.

  “What was I was saying? Oh yes, with marriage comes boredom and repetition. Sex becomes mundane. So, if you want to be satisfied, I mean really satisfied, more work is involved. Work, which I myself found as much desire in conquering, as the sheer mastering of my own skills. Stripping all boredom from the equation. Always having control not in an intimidating fashion at all, but in desire. Learning how to control a woman's orgasm more than she can. Do you realize where I am going with this?"

sp; I swallow hard. The word orgasm alone has me anxious and quite alert.

  "I am glad you are listening."

  He wants to play, we can play. Still my bedroom. "You are full of shit. You are talking a nice game. However, you are so full of shit. There is absolutely something to be said about fidelity and marriage. But, really? How many women have you really been with? You truly believe you have mastered such skills? How do you know your wife wasn't letting you believe you had control over her orgasm?"

  "Are you questioning quantity as in your case, over quality in mine?"

  "I have no quality? Really? Are you sure about that? Might be a very lonely rest of your stay. I am also certain I have something in that drawer beside you that can do all you are speaking about. As you watch me do it all to myself."

  Nick drops his head. His forehead is almost pressed to my own lips as he speaks. "Did you really just say that? Envisioning you, masturbating? That is distracting. I can’t believe you went there. Now that is all I see."

  "I can and I will."

  "God I do not doubt it.” Nick lifts his head to look me in the eyes again. “Now back to what I was saying. How many women do you think I have been with?"

  I shake my head. "Nick I don't want to answer that."

  Nick runs his hand quickly between my legs. Stopping at my opening. I breathe in. "Do you want me touch you? Place my finger slowly inside of you?"


  "How many women do you think I have been with?"


  Nick smiles and I can see madness within him also. He too capable of a devilish grin. Perhaps, he genuinely has imagined such a time like this with me. Imaging this desire, feeling wanted, heightens my pleasure even with the slightest touch. "You are much more fun to play with." He slowly pushes a finger inside me. I take him. I move down on him, pushing him deeper in me.

  "No." Nick is quick to respond He pulls out. "Oh my god you are so tight. Jesus I am never going to get through this. Are you always this tight? No, don't answer that. Please do not answer that." He bows his head a moment. He rolls slightly off me again.

  For a moment, I feel the slight defeat on his behalf. Two points to my naturally taut vagina! "Yes, actually I always am. I am blessed." I grab Nick's hand pushing his finger back inside me as I place one of my own with it. I tilt my head back and moan. I need this. I need him inside me. I don't want to talk now. I want him.

  His head is up. "You are going to kill me. I told you I may lose myself in this."

  "At least ten less than fifteen."


  I am moving. Circling on us both. "How many women I think you have been with. At least ten less than fifteen and no, I don't think you were completely faithful. You are too controlling. Your children fulfilled you but your marriage did not. Not in the end that is. You are a man who needs it all. You travel, you looked and I believed you found. Not that I care. I am no one to judge. However, I do not think you were faithful to Liz in the end. Same as I do think you had some fun before you met Kelly. I do believe you when you say; you haven't been with anyone since her. I have no question that you are going to be quite exquisite in what you can do to me, but I will not buy the talk you are dishing out because you’re singing to the choir at this moment. Now, if you will please get on with this. You think you can make me come only when you want. Let's do this. Please blow my mind. Kind of like I did yours." I pull my hand away. I lay them both above my head.

  Nick withdraws. Running his hand over his head. He laughs. It is that “oh fuck”, kind of laugh. Not the “ha-ha” kind of laugh. "This bed, this room, is my death isn’t it? Am I allowed to take a smoke break? So well played, these last few minutes it is clear you may exceed my arrogance. You have played this all longer and better than I have. For once I am at a loss for further words."

  "Ah no! Either you finish what you started or I will. I told you to rest. But no, you didn't want to."


  "No, do not say it."

  "You do not even know what I am going to say."

  "I'd rather stop you before you say something you will regret."

  "All I was going to say, that tattoo. This new one. It's complete and utter bullshit embedded forever. This one you shall regret."

  Chapter Seventy-Eight

  At that very second. Nick moves down on me. He is in me with his fingers and on me with his tongue. He pushes my legs completely apart. Control. It has been so long. I talked the talk. Now I must, must walk the walk. Focus on keeping control. Think of something else Max! God I can't think of anything else. His tongue moves over me, sliding through me. He has done this many times. It is exquisite. My legs tremble. My body is telling my mind to go fuck itself. I can almost feel him smile in me as, he knows. Shit! He stops at that exact moment.

  "You taste like flowers."

  "It's called Lavender."

  "Oh is that what that is? Quite nice."

  I throw my head against the pillow. Every muscle in my body is tense. My legs tremble still. Every cell inside throbs starves to be further touched.

  "Since you agreed to my terms and feel capable of handling anything I can do to you. You won’t mind if I excuse myself for a moment." Nick is up quickly.

  I sit up panting. What is he doing? Grateful he has not headed for the kitchen. He is not going to smoke. He is mostly certainly making a scout’s best effort to tease me for sure. I cannot touch myself. Truth is I am enjoying the torture. He heads straight for my closet, emerging quickly.

  “Close your eyes, Moe. If, you are so certain you are capable of handling me, you will close your eyes now. Do not think I have not noticed you are already. You keep them open when we talk, but you close them immediately when we touch. It is all right with me. Now close your eyes Mackenzie.”


  “Perhaps you cannot handle being teased as you thought?”

  "How long before you touch me again?"

  “Close your eyes.”

  I close my eyes. He is good. I have never allowed this. He is lucky when it comes down to it; he is my best friend. I can hear him walk toward the bed.

  The bed dips slightly as he sits on the side of it. "I wouldn't make you wait, well not very long. I will make certain you cannot finish anything yourself. That dear, would never leave my thoughts. Every time I close my eyes in the future I would most likely envision it."

  No. He isn’t. Nick ties my wrists above my head. Nick leans over me. He brushes my lips with his. “You drew blood when you bit your lip earlier. Do you know that?”

  My eyes fully open I do not leave Nick’s gaze. “I enjoy pain.”

  “Yes I realize that from the number of tattoos. Understand pain is not something you will find in bed with me. Waiting, well that is something entirely different.” Nick is up and leaving. First, he lets the drapes go on each side of my bed. “These are really lovely. How they sway with the breeze."

  I follow him with my eyes.

  He stands beside my bed. "God you look incredible laying there. I know you are thinking I am solely enjoying the view of seeing you submissive, but what I am really looking at your imperfections. If only you could see, what you find so unappealing are actually the parts of you that make you beautiful.”

  I am not sure what to say back. I try to sit. With my hands above my head, I may have lost weight but abdominal muscles I have not gained. “You are not going to smoke are you?”

  “No, you asked me not to do that. Didn’t you?”

  “Where are you going Nicholas James Gallo?”

  “Again with the full name! The longer you ask me questions, the longer you are lying there alone. I will be right back. I told you, marriage was mundane at times. Trust me.”

  Before I can say another word, he is gone. I slam my head back on the bed. He was doing so well. Truth, I was so close. Maybe it is better he stopped. The idea of me finishing quickly, oh the satisfaction that would give him. Finally, my legs are silent. The breeze against my body is making t
his all so much more difficult. I wish I had a cigarette at this moment. What are the chances he will defy me and bring them back for us both? If he is not smoking, what is he doing? What can he possibly think I have not done in this life?

  Well that was faster than I expected for him to come back. Thank God. I can only turn my head sideways to see him. He has a glass with him. He climbs on the bed. He straddles me, not resting all of his weight on me. He has ice in the glass. I smile. Oh no, he is once again going to feel defeat. I am going to enjoy this. It does feel good when one runs ice over your body. This a change from the mundane? I think not.

  “Ice. Oh, Nicholas dear it has been too long for you. Ice dates back to the movie ‘9 ½ weeks’. My very old friend, that was what, the 1980’s? Dear, it is 2014. Besides, as clear as I am that I usually do not engage in teasing, ice is pleasure. My wrists tied or not, I am sorry to disappoint you, but ice is not reinventing the game.”

  “It is unfortunate when you underestimate me. Have I not proven my skills in editing, recreating an old story? Make what I desire work for me? My work ethic crosses over into all avenues of my life. You are not the only one who can talk the talk. If I am to die here, I am going to hear you beg before I do. My young friend your naivety makes this more inviting. Seems I may teach you a thing or two still. If you feel so strongly you know what this overflowing cup can bring you, I am still craving that smoke. I will even untie you. Even let you finish yourself as I go relax outside. I have had quite the spectacular orgasm already. Come to think of it. I am a bit sleepy. It is a shame you did not enjoy my tongue exploring you more. I was so enjoying myself.”


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