First to Fall

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First to Fall Page 11

by Alexa Whitewolf

  There’s no doubt about it. Regardless of what I wanted before, this whole ordeal has only showed me that what I most desire has been right in front of me all along.

  I open my mouth, about to tell Dom everything, but growls interrupt me. Dom stops talking, instead crouching low and moving to shield me. I peak over his shoulder and see three wolves emerge from the thick bushes around where we parked.


  He throws a glance over his shoulder, but his eyes are no longer all blue. They’re rimmed with grey, fierce and alien. “I’m sorry.”

  I can’t even begin to understand his apology before my world—my reality—shatters.

  Dom’s entire form shimmers, a golden halo surrounding him. His body bends over until it’s almost in a curled-up position, and a groan escapes him, followed by a sound I can’t identify but that’s halfway between a snarl and a scream of pain.

  Under my bemused gaze, his limbs retract, claws and fur emerging from the previously human skin. His features, the same ones I’d been staring at merely minutes before, change and elongate into a muzzle. Razors-sharp canines elongate in his mouth, and another agonizing noise escapes him.

  In less than ten seconds, what’s left in front of me is not a human...but a wolf.

  ∞ 9 – Adevăr ∞

  “Three things cannot be long hidden:

  the sun, the moon, and the truth.”



  Everything was going great. Luz was relaxed, and I even forgot about Lucas’ glares today. For the first time, I had her all to myself without some kind of revelation hanging between us, and was enjoying the sparkle in her eyes.

  And then they showed up.

  I should have felt them coming, seeing as my senses are way sharper. But I was so engrossed in Luz, it was only when I heard a branch crack that I caught the danger.

  By that time it was too late to take flight, so fight was the only option left. Switching to wolf form was a no-brainer. If I wanted to protect Luz, it was the only way. Plus, this wasn’t just any pack of wolves—it was Aiden and his shadow trio.

  So that’s how I find myself on four paws, panting from my transformation, and still on the cargo bed of my pickup. A quick glance behind me confirms I’ve shocked Luz to her core, as she’s staring at me with her mouth open and wide eyes.

  There’s no way I can communicate with her in this form, so I jump off the car instead and land in the snow. I angle my body in the perfect position to watch the wolves approach, while keeping my back close to the truck.

  I’m the only obstacle between the attackers and my truck, where Luz is staying hidden. I can’t even think how I’ll explain this to her, or Lucas.

  We have strict rules about showing off in front of humans. Mainly because each one of us was hunted, in the past. There’s no elderly council or anything that enforces the law, only a consensus to adhere to the priorities Lucas, the guys and me put into place when we first bound ourselves as a pack.

  Jared, Aiden and the rest don’t have the same qualms. Plus, their kind of werewolf is the type whose bite turns you into one. Same as Lucas, they have venom in their canines, and any human they turn becomes one of them. At first, they’re only able to morph under a full moon, but Jared does a good job teaching them how to shift at any point in time.

  How do I know? Because I saved a few poor kids from his influence and helped them be on their way. One of the main reasons I have beef with Aiden: he loves biting. Which is why it’s even more imperative I keep him away from Luz.

  All this goes on in my head for about three seconds before Aiden’s growl gets my attention. I drop my mental guard in time to catch the last bit of his rant.

  You frolic with a human, here in our woods?

  There’s no point correcting him or his wrongly superior view of the world. Please. Since when do these parts belong to the Reapers?

  Aiden glances at his followers, signaling them, and they move closer. Since a month ago.

  Then you should have informed my alpha and I would have stayed out. Now let us go, Aiden. We both know you don’t want to start something you can’t finish.

  Technically, he can’t touch us. But it wouldn’t be the first time the Reapers broke a rule, only to ask forgiveness later. And I’m not ready to bet Luz’s welfare on Aiden’s word.

  I straighten to my full capacity, snarling their way until they stop moving. It’s a useless gesture, but I throw my head back and howl as loud as I can, putting all I can in it. If any of my brethren hear my call, they’ll come.

  With my next breath, I focus on Aiden. In dark gray with cold black eyes, he’s the epitome of nightmares. A jagged scar runs over his right eye, a remnant of a battle he lost—I know because I put it there.

  One of his buddies jumps, trying to pass over me and hop to where Luz is. I raise my paw and smack him over the muzzle, watching as he flies back and lands close to ten feet away, smacking into a tree. And this is where vârcolac power comes in handy—not only am I strong, but I’m stronger than your average werewolf.

  Except maybe Lucas.

  Still, my particular gifts are enough that I can hold the fort if faced with only these four. The Reaper I knocked down stays put, whining as he tries to center himself. Another breaks formation next, but I block his path.

  Think twice before you do this.

  He glances past my shoulder, sniffing the air. I think I will enjoy this. It’s been a while since I’ve had a human as succulent as yours.

  When he jumps, I’m done being merciful. I lunge with my muzzle first, biting into his neck and not letting go until he tears himself from me. I spit part of his fur—and skin—aside, then face Aiden and the remaining Reaper.

  How about you face me alone, Aiden? Unless you like being a pussy and having your men fight your battles for you.

  His snarl echoes in the area, and it’s answered by a few more. I back away uneasily. Fighting them, I have no problem with. But Luz... She’s like honey for their explicit tastes.

  I turn to the truck, but to my surprise she’s on the edge of the cargo bed, holding a crowbar of all things. She glances at me, frowning as if to make sure it’s me. I nod my head, not sure what to expect.

  Though technically she’d be safer up there, away from their coveting glances, I should have known my girl wouldn't sit still. She slides off, landing on her feet next to me. “Who wants a piece?”

  Luz bends at the knees, centering herself for better access. When Aiden’s last wolf jumps towards her, I want to knock him out. But Aiden chooses that moment to attack as well and pushes me away from Luz.

  I hear a cracking sound and narrowly avoid Aiden’s teeth while trying to peek at Luz. She must have knocked over the wolf by herself, because he’s whining a few feet away and she’s looking mighty victorious.

  The wolf in me howls his approval, but Aiden blocks my view—again. You’re really pissing me off.

  Get in line.

  We jump and scratch at each other, each protecting his neck. He gets in a good smack on my back, drawing blood, but I hit him hard enough to spin. Just when I think we might catch a break, more wolves emerge from the forest.

  And they circle us, making all escape impossible.

  “Um, Dom?” Luz’s voice is firm, but I feel her heartbeat increasing. “Got any ideas?”

  I wish I did. If none of the guys are here by now, it means they’re too far away to hear me—or they got delayed. Either way, we’re screwed.

  I’m about to shift and tell Luz to run off, when the stench hits me. Fuck no.

  Sure enough, to the left of the Reapers another bush parts, only this time it’s not another wolf that passes through. It’s the large black-haired creature, its back hunched over, canines dropping drool and yellow eyes glowing.

  Its beady glare settles on me, but rather than jump me, it lunges at Aiden’s pack.

  Their terrified howls draw my attention. More creatures emerge like insects, and then they’
re everywhere. For whatever reason, they spare me and Luz, avoiding us and concentrating on the Reapers.

  Without wasting a beat, I nudge her towards the truck, and she seems to get the gist as she hurries and locks the door behind her.

  I run to the other side, morphing human as I go. A nearby scream of pain pulls my focus, in time to see one of the monsters jump a Reaper. They roll on the ground, and the creature sinks its fangs into the wolf’s neck. A sizzling sound escapes from the bite, even as he shrieks to the skies.

  The hair at the back of my neck rises at the sound, something I’ve never heard before. What the hell are they doing to these guys?

  There’s no time to investigate, and no time for me to get dressed either. I hop naked in the truck, grabbing a blanket to dump in my lap—for Luz’s modesty, if nothing else. After a quick glance at her to make sure she’s strapped in, I’m gunning the engine like our life depends on it.

  Which, it kind of does.

  We drive in silence for close to half an hour. My eyes dart to the rear-view mirror every few minutes to make sure we’re not being followed, but it doesn’t seem to be the case.

  I breathe easier when we pull over in front of Claws Auto Shop, back in familiar territory. “Go inside and wait for me. Please.”

  Luz opens her mouth as if to say something, but ends up nodding and listening. Once she steps inside, I lean my head back against the seat and inhale deeply, trying to gather my thoughts.

  What the hell was that all about? Why did the creature let us go? I know I have to report to Lucas about Aiden’s breaking the rules, but I also need to talk to Luz first.

  I pull a pair of sweatpants from the back on, then head into the shop, not bothering with a shirt. Lucas is deep in the garage, but Finn is with Luz, frowning at her pallor and muteness.

  “I got this.”

  He glances up at me, brow furrowed. “What happened to you?”

  For a moment, I think he means I’m hurt. A quick check of my chest and back in the entrance mirror confirms that’s not the case, but I also realize what Finn meant. There’s darkness in my face, and a haunted look to my eyes that he can probably see right through.

  Shaking my head, I turn back to face him. “I said I’ll handle this. What are you doing here, anyway? It’s Saturday.”

  Finn glances between us and says, “Lucas called all hands on deck. Didn’t explain why.”

  Gritting my teeth, I take a step towards my girlfriend. Finn inches away, his frown deepening. “Watch the back,” I order him, “and tell Lucas we need to talk. But we're using his office first.”

  My gaze clashes with Luz's and I hold my hand out to her. She glances at it, then me, and air rushes out of my lungs. I could drag her there, but if my transformation repulsed her, I don’t want my actions to traumatize her any more than what she already witnessed.

  When she reaches out and grips my hand, I breathe again.


  Dom stalks to Lucas’ office, almost dragging me with him. The entire time, I’m clinging to his hand going over in my head through what happened.

  He turned into a wolf.

  We got attacked by wolves.

  And saved by some... creature.

  For crying out loud, I should be freaked out, right? I mean this kind of stuff happens only in books.

  Dom lets go of my hand once we’re inside the office, and takes a few steps away. He paces back and forth, running a hand through his messy hair and over his face. I’m reminded of how he looked at me, his hand extended. Like he was begging me not to reject him, to give him a chance.

  Like I might be afraid.

  And in all due truth, I should be. Despite this, the main thing unfurling within me is an undeniable and possibly misplaced curiosity.

  I have questions, tons of them. But nothing I saw changed the way I think of Dom. Or Lucas and....

  My mind trails off. They must be wolves too, right? The way they all act, thick as thieves, almost reading each other’s minds.

  Yet I’ve been with them for a year and not once did I think....

  “Please say something.”

  I glance up at Dom, noticing his pained expression. He’s tense, and not in a good way. His mouth is down-turned, brow furrowed, eyes flat.

  He’s clenching his fists as if to stop himself from touching me. I’m distracted again, recalling the grace he morphed with, the way he fought. There's something primal about what I witnessed, despite the danger.

  And yeah, it was hot as hell.

  So perhaps the reason I have such an easy time with this whole werewolf thing is because of the books I've been reading.

  Or maybe I'm just weird.

  Or insane.

  Yet when I look at Dom, at the wariness in his eyes like he expects me to go running, I can only shake my head and laugh. “Well. That definitely explains your heat factor.”

  I see his eyes widen and I smile, taking a step closer.

  “You’re not....” He stops, struggling to find his words. “What, exactly, are you?”

  I tilt my head, moving closer. “Curious. I’m... really curious.”

  Dom gapes, searching my expression as if not believing me. “Curious?” A beat, then he shakes his head, muttering in Romanian under his breath.

  My feet continue to bring me closer to him. “I’d like to understand, at least, what you’re saying.”

  A short laugh escapes Dom, followed by a wry chuckle. “I’m trying to wrap my mind around why you’re not running for the hills.”

  I guess that’s fair. The question is, do I even know? And then, in a flash, I realize I do know, and it’s the simplest explanation of all. “Because I know you, Dom.”

  His expression grows even more bemused, if that’s possible. By this point, I’m close enough to wrap my arms around his neck, which I do while he doesn’t move a muscle, and seems to be barely breathing.

  “For the last year, you’ve been my friend and confidant, always there when I needed someone. Seeing you change into a wolf, while it was extremely unexpected and quite literally surprised the shit out of me, doesn’t take away from the fact that I. Know. You.”

  When he frowns, I untangle one hand and smooth down his brow. “It’s no different than if I’d found out you were a drug lord, or a spy or...” I shrug, running out of options. “This isn’t some delayed reaction situation where I’ll be screaming murder as soon as I can wrap my head around it. Have some faith in I trusted you.”

  Dom’s gaze, which has been focused on my features the entire time I was talking, softens and he closes his eyes, breathing in relief. When he opens them again, the blue is brilliant and full of life once more and I smile.

  “Can you talk about it? With me, I mean.”

  He makes a face that tells me he shouldn’t, but follows it with a shrug. “I’ve already morphed in front of you, so not much more trouble I can get into.”

  “Were those other wolves as well...?”

  “Yep. That was Aiden, whom you’ve had the pleasure to meet. Jared wasn’t there, but three more of their gang were. Which, by the way, you handled superbly.”

  He rewards me with a light kiss, and I grin up at him. “Thank you. Were you born like this or?”

  “Born. As far as I can remember, to be honest.”

  “And you’re a werewolf? That’s the correct term?”

  Dom grimaces again, almost as if debating to reveal something. After a beat, he says, “I’m a vârcolac.”

  “A what?”

  “Vârcolac. It’s a Romanian werewolf that lives deep in the Carpathian Mountains. Legend has it we could bite the moon to get power, which is what led to a blood red moon.” He chuckles, shaking his head. “As cool as that would be, I’m afraid I only get the extra strength and ability to shift at will. Plus, I do have a certain affinity for moving faster across distances during a time of full moon.”

  I gape, trying to wrap my mind around all this. “That’s cool.” An understatement as
far as those go, but my brain is swimming in questions. “Will your bite turn me?”

  Dom's face darkens at that. “No. The only way you can become a vârcolac is by carrying the gene as I do, or if a vârcolac mixes their blood with yours. However, Aiden’s and Jared’s bites can turn humans—that’s how they create their wolves.”

  The mention of blood brings another, more important, question to mind. “You were hurt, weren’t you? What happened to the wounds?”

  Dom glances down at himself, noticing the lack of scratches. “When I turn back to human, the transformation regenerates my skin and I find myself naked, but without a single scratch on me.”

  I frown, distinctly recalling he’d been hurt, once. “But that morning, when you came into the shop and you had that scratch on your cheek...”

  He thinks for a second, trying to remember, then his expression lightens and he chuckles. “Oh, that. Courtesy of Finn. We had a, err, skirmish the night before and he got in a lucky swat. His blows don’t heal as quickly.”

  When I open my mouth to ask why, he places an index on my lips. “I will only say the reason behind that is related to a particular ability of his, but I cannot explain further. It’s not my secret to tell. And on the topic of my buddies, neither Finn nor Tristan’s bites can turn you, but Lucas’ can.”

  “Lucas?” I can feel my eyes at the confirmation. “So him and Finn, Tristan...”

  “Yep, they’re all like me.”

  “And they’re all vârcolacs?” I try to wrap my mouth around the unknown sounds and manage to replicate the way Dom said the word.

  “Nah, they’re different.”

  “How different?”

  “Lucas is a regular werewolf, like Jared. Finn and Tristan....” He trails off, shifting in place and avoiding my stare.

  After a beat, I nod in understanding. “I get it. I’ll ask them directly.” His relief is palpable, but I’m too wired to stop with the questions. “Jared and Aiden then, what’s their problem with me?”

  “The Reapers are what you’d call fanatical werewolves. They don’t like mixing of bloods—wolf and human—and can get nasty about it.”


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