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Battle for Cymmera

Page 16

by Dani-Lyn Alexander

  “The Book of the Ancients for starters. Everything needed to combat them is in that book.” Allura looked hopeful. “He didn’t leave it with you, did he?”

  Mia nodded. Tears poured down her cheeks. “But Chayce stole it from my room.”

  “Well, dear, I suggest you get it back. Either that, or you are welcome to remain here, in our kingdom, and give up Cymmera to Thaddeus.”

  Ryleigh shot to her feet. “No way. I’ll never give in to him.”

  “Good.” Allura bared her teeth in what could never be mistaken for a smile. “Now, we have to figure out how to get that book back. You will have the help of the faeries in defeating him. I won’t send my soldiers into battle. There are simply not enough.”

  She looked at Payton, who still sat facing Kiara while Kiara circled a soothing hand over her back. “If there were, I’d have gone in search of my daughter long ago.”

  She shook her head and looked away. “The few soldiers who remain must protect the Realm of the Fae. But I will offer your people safe haven while you fight. And I will offer your new prophet guidance on how to return to your realm. I may even be able to offer some assistance on how to defeat him.”

  Mia frowned. “How would we even know where to start looking for the book?”

  “Easy, it’ll be with Thaddeus. Within arm’s reach at every given moment. It’s his lifeline, his only guarantee at control over the Realm of the Dead. His only chance of survival.”

  Ryleigh’s hopes sank. “Great.”

  “If Thaddeus’s control wavers for even an instant, they will consume him. Then they’ll be set free.”

  “Can we take control of them if that happens?” The thought turned her stomach, but what else could she do? They couldn’t very well leave those creatures to roam free. “Can we return them to the Realm of the Dead?”

  “Only if we have the book. With the book, we can banish them and imprison them in their own realm.”

  “All righty then. I guess we have to find the book. But then what?”

  “Elijah would have been strong enough to wrestle control from Thaddeus. Possibly. A weaker sorcerer will definitely not stand a chance if he goes head to head with Thaddeus. But if your army can weaken Thaddeus, even distract him, my people may be able to help your sorcerer seize control.”

  “Okay, then I guess that’s the plan.” It didn’t sound like much, but it was better than nothing. At least they had a direction now.

  “Do you have a sorcerer?”

  Ryleigh shot Mia a questioning look.

  She gave a discreet nod.

  This just got better and better. She’d spent her whole life trying to shelter Mia, to save her the pain of losing the people she loved, to allow Mia the childhood Ryleigh had been robbed of, to keep her from having to grow up too quickly. Ryleigh’s entire existence had revolved around keeping Mia safe, and now she was supposed to involve her in this mess? “Yes.”

  “Very well. Send him to me.”

  It wasn’t too late to back out. She could shelter Mia once again. “Her.”

  “Her? Your sorcerer is a female?”

  “Yes, is that a problem?”

  Allura pursed her lips and tilted her head, studying Ryleigh closely.

  If a female sorcerer was a problem, it would save Ryleigh the trouble of having to decide whether or not to involve Mia.

  “No, I’ve just never heard of a female sorcerer before. Interesting.”

  “Isn’t your sorcerer a female?”

  “Faeries have no need of sorcerers. We have our own ways of magic.”

  “Oh.” She’d have to stop assuming all realms worked the same as Cymmera. Obviously, she still had a lot to learn. Hopefully, she’d live to learn it.

  “I will not leave my realm, but I will help you. We have strong magic. I will have my daughter, Luna, work with Mia. She can teach her some things that will help.”

  “Whoa.” Ryleigh held her hand up. She hadn’t yet named Mia, yet Allura’s eyes twinkled with knowledge. “Mia?”

  “Of course. She is your new prophet and sorcerer, is she not?”


  “Did she not open the portal to our realm?”

  “Well, yeah, but…”

  “But nothing. Within her lies your only chance at victory.”

  The blow came like a punch to the gut. Ryleigh clutched her stomach and doubled over. She couldn’t allow Mia to fight this battle. She didn’t want Mia anywhere near this mess. The thought of returning to the human realm briefly flickered through her mind, but she shoved it right back out again. Like it or not, this was her responsibility, and she would never shirk it. But putting Mia in harm’s way was more than she could take.

  Of course, if Elijah were still alive, she’d not only involve him with no hesitation, she’d seek his guidance, be grateful for his input. And trust his judgment. How could she not offer Mia the same respect and trust? Especially when Ryleigh had been so hurt just recently that Mia hadn’t trusted her.

  Mia cleared her throat. “I was able to open the portal to enter your realm, but it was a violent entry. I’m not sure I did it right.”

  “My dear, you shouldn’t have been able to do it at all. My realm is uncharted for a reason. We’ve hidden here for hundreds of centuries. Ever since Daygan invaded. It would take extreme power and extreme goodness and pureness of heart and soul to open that portal at all. Don’t worry. Next time, it won’t be so violent.”

  “But I can’t find a way out.”

  “Because there isn’t one. At least, none any other than a faerie can open.”

  Mia sucked in a breath.

  Allura laughed. This time, a melodic tinkle. “Don’t worry. Luna can open the portal for you to leave, but you will have to return to Cymmera on your own.”

  “Thank you, Queen Allura.” Ryleigh bowed her head.

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t do more, but I cannot risk the people I have left.”

  “I understand.” And she did, but she didn’t like it. Allura exuded an undercurrent of steel. She seemed a bitter rival, a fierce defender. Ryleigh would have liked to have her at her back. But she’d take what she could get.

  “Your Majesty?” Cyenne perched on the edge of a chair facing Allura. “Mother, please, allow me to accompany them. I will be of great help to Mia. You know that.”

  Allura turned away from Cyenne. “Excuse us a moment, please.”

  She and Cyenne moved to a far corner and engaged in a hushed conversation. Allura’s cheeks flushed, and her arms waved wildly.

  Empathy flooded Ryleigh. She knew exactly how the other woman felt.

  Mia leaned close. “Are you okay with all this?”

  She shrugged. “What else can I do? At least I can leave the citizens we were able to save here and keep them out of harm’s way. But I’m going to have to take my army and some of the guard with me.”


  Ryleigh slumped, the weight of responsibility too heavy a burden. “I can’t be responsible for any more deaths.”

  Mia stroked Ryleigh’s cheek, a gesture she hadn’t repeated since she was a small child and caught Ryleigh crying over her parents’ deaths a few times. After that, Ryleigh had been more careful to cry alone. “You weren’t responsible for Elijah’s death.”

  “How can you say that?”

  Mia huffed out a breath. “Look, Ryleigh. I’m not supposed to tell you things you don’t need to know. Elijah was very clear about that, and I want to do this right. It’s important to me. So, after this, I’m going to ask you to trust me and trust my judgment.”

  Ryleigh nodded. She felt the same way about becoming queen, so she could only respect Mia’s need to do as she’d been taught. Whether Ryleigh wanted to accept it or not, Mia was now Cymmera’s prophet and sorcerer. At least, she would be once she gained more knowledge.

  “Is it a deal?”

  Ryleigh laughed a little. “Yeah, it’s a deal.”

  Mia glanced around to be sure no one was listening, then leaned close and lowered her voice even more. “You’re not responsible for Elijah’s death. He didn’t have to die there. He chose to. It should have been Jackson that died in that throne room.”

  Ryleigh’s head reeled. “What?”

  “Elijah sent him to Argonas after Chayce and took his place. Don’t fault him, Ryleigh. He loved him like a son and did what any father would have.”

  Her heart shattered. “Oh, Elijah.”

  “I’m sorry to interrupt.” Allura stood over them, wringing her hands. The first nervous gesture Ryleigh had seen from the woman.

  Still whirling with images of Jackson suffering Elijah’s fate in the throne room, Ryleigh lurched to her feet, then gripped the back of the chair to keep from collapsing. She struggled to bring her head back to the present.

  Allura frowned. “Are you all right?”

  “Fine. Thank you.”

  She stared at her another moment but thankfully let the matter drop. “I will send Cyenne with you. She’s my second eldest and my strongest healer. Very skilled with magic.” Allura stared directly into Ryleigh’s eyes. “I am trusting you to protect her.”

  “I will fight to my death to defend her.” The sentiment was heartfelt. She understood Allura’s reluctance to send her daughter and was so filled with gratitude for the help she’d do anything to keep the fragile woman safe, but there was no way she could guarantee her safety. “But that’s all I can promise.”

  “Yes.” Allura nodded. “I understand.”

  “Now we have to figure out where to look for Thaddeus.”

  “That’s simple, dear.” Allura shot her a wicked grin. Her four front teeth sharpened to dagger-like points. Fire burned in the depths of her catlike green eyes. “You simply remove Chayce Maynard and re-ascend the throne of Cymmera. Thaddeus will find you.”

  * * * *

  Jackson rounded the last curve in the tunnel and entered the back of Ophidian’s cave. “That’s the best we can do.”

  Dakota sheathed his weapon. “I’m pretty sure we got most, if not all, of the savages and ice creatures.”

  Ranger propped his hands on his hips and stared back into the tunnel entrance. “The smoke creature is probably gone. And even if it’s not, I doubt it could manipulate the dragons.”

  Hopefully, not. The last thing they needed was an attack from their own dragons. “Set them free, and let them comb the caves and tunnels. They’ll find and destroy anything we missed.”

  Dakota jogged ahead to see to the dragons.

  Ranger strode toward the plateau at Jackson’s side. “You know we’re going to have to give up searching for Mia for the time being, right?”

  The thought of giving up on trying to find her sat in his gut like a lead weight, but he had no other choice. “I know.”

  “We’ll come back, Jackson. We will find her.”

  He nodded, too choked up to answer.

  “That’s a promise.”

  He clapped Ranger on the back. “Thanks, man.”

  He nodded. “Where do you want to start looking for everyone else?”

  Jackson had struggled with that decision since they’d returned to the tunnels after the encounter with Chayce. The dungeons of Cymmera would only hold a handful of people. Even if they packed them into the cells, they’d never fit the entire population of Cymmera. “I assume if Chayce took control of Cymmera, he gained control of Argonas as well. Even with Caleb in Argonas to fight, I doubt he’d have been able to get much support. The citizens of Argonas are too afraid of Chayce to rise up with Caleb.”

  “So you think they’d have just given up?”

  Jackson shrugged. He couldn’t be sure, but he didn’t hold much hope. “Those people were tormented by Daygan, but Chayce still took his place easily enough. If they didn’t rise up then, I can’t assume they would now.”

  “Even with strong leadership?”

  “I just don’t know. Let’s start in Cymmera. If we don’t find anything, we’ll search Argonas.” No doubt the tunnels and caves throughout the mountainside Thaddeus had been using were numerous enough to confine such a large group of people. Even though the Death Dealers had destroyed a good portion of them, there were surely others they hadn’t had time to search for.

  Jackson exited the cave, then squinted while his eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight.

  Dakota stood on the plateau, staring toward the castle.

  The fires they’d left burning had either burned themselves out or been extinguished by someone.

  “Where is everyone?”

  “I don’t know. When I got here, everyone was gone. Except Max.” He gestured to the wolf, still sitting erect in the center of the plateau.

  “The dragons?”


  “Have you tried calling them?”

  Dakota shot him a dirty look.

  Of course he would have tried to summon them.

  “All right. Let’s go.”

  “Go where?”

  “We have to get back to the castle. And it’s a long walk.”

  Ranger and Dakota climbed over the first rocky ledge and began their descent.

  Jackson started after them, then stopped. He’d been comfortable enough leaving Max when the others had been there, but he certainly couldn’t leave him out here alone. “Are you coming, boy?”

  Max whimpered and jumped to his feet.

  The air shimmered.

  Max jerked back.

  “Hold up,” Jackson yelled over his shoulder. He yanked his sword free. His ears popped.

  A portal opened in the center of the plateau.

  A woman strode through.

  Max spread his front feet, lowered his head, and growled.

  “It’s all right, boy.” Jackson sidestepped toward Max and reached for him. He couldn’t risk the enormous wolf attacking the woman before he could find out who she was. “Who are you?”

  The woman reached into her skirt pocket.

  “Hey, what’s going—” Dakota ripped his sword free.

  Another form shimmered through the portal.

  Mia emerged onto the plateau facing the woman. “Hey, we did it.”

  The stranger lifted a small tube. “We have company.” She gestured toward Jackson, Ranger, and Dakota.

  “Dakota,” Mia sobbed and threw herself into Dakota’s arms.

  He caught her in a tight hug, still holding his sword ready and eyeing the stranger over her shoulder.

  Noah emerged immediately behind her. “Jackson?”

  “What is going on, Noah? Where were you?”

  He turned and looked over his shoulder, then stepped to the side as Tristan emerged.

  A small flicker of hope tried to surface. The Queen’s Army. If Ryleigh had died in the throne room, these men should have died with her. It was their duty to die protecting her. A duty none of them seemed to take lightly.

  The strange woman stood motionless, tube held in front of her, stare riveted on Jackson as if sensing he was the most dangerous.

  Jimmy emerged behind Tristan.

  Max howled.

  Mia still clutched Dakota, sinking into his embrace.

  “What are all of you doing here?” Jackson strode toward them. “Do you not know your duty is to your queen? I thought I made that clear to you.”

  Tristan opened his mouth to speak, but Noah interrupted. “What are you talking about?”

  Jackson clenched his fists, tightening his grip on the weapon he held ready. He’d wanted an excuse to destroy Noah White since the day he met him. Since the day he first recognized his feelings for Ryleigh. Those feelings should have made him a fierce protector.

  Ranger grabbed his arm. He leaned close. “Stop, Jackson. If Ryleigh couldn’t be saved, their next responsibility should have been to the princess.”

  He was right, but it really didn’t matter.

oah looked at Tristan and frowned. “Jackson, what are you talking about?”

  “Ryleigh. I found her…” Remains. He choked on the word, couldn’t force it out. “I found her sword in the throne room. Where were you while she was fighting? While she was dying?”

  Tatiana strode through the portal, then stopped short and looked back and forth between Jackson and Noah.

  “Dying?” Noah bristled, inflating his chest. “You really think I’d leave her to die?”

  “I found scorched remains in the throne room. Her sword was lying beside them.”

  Some of Noah’s defiance fled. His expression softened.

  Tatiana started to say something.

  Noah held out a hand to stop her. He moved forward until he stood only a few feet away from Jackson. “She’s not dead, Jackson.”

  Everything in him stilled.

  “I wish you had more faith in me.” He gestured toward his men, who now stood on the platform. “More faith in us.”

  “I…” What could he say? He’d been devastated at the thought of her death, and he’d wanted to make sure everyone paid.

  Noah shot him that damn charming grin. “Don’t worry about it, though. I’d have flipped out too.”

  He nodded.

  “She’s still in the clearing with Queen Allura. The queen wanted to go over a few last minute things with her alone. Cyenne will hold the portal open until she’s ready.”

  “Allura? From the Realm of the Fae?” The frail woman who’d come through the portal first made sense now. A faerie. But that was the only thing that made sense. His head spun, and he shook it to try to clear some of the confusion.

  “Yeah. It’s a long story.”

  “I bet.”

  Noah laughed.

  The grief Jackson had been suffering finally loosened its grip. His legs threatened to buckle. He choked back tears. “She’s not hurt?”

  “Nah, man. She’s all right.” He looked behind him as if for support, then moved closer. “I do have bad news, though.”

  Jackson’s heart tripped.

  “I’m so sorry, Jackson. Elijah didn’t make it. You have my word if we could have saved him, we would have.” He shook his head, his face lined with grief. “By the time we found out what was happening, it was already too late. We saved as many as we could while still protecting Ryleigh.”


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