Ours: Book Six in The Everett Gaming Series

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Ours: Book Six in The Everett Gaming Series Page 1

by Drew Sera

  Table of Contents

  Tuesday, March 4th

  Wednesday, March 5th

  Thursday, March 6th

  Friday, March 7th

  Saturday, March 8th

  Sunday, March 9th

  Monday, March 10th

  Tuesday, March 11th

  Wednesday, March 12th

  Thursday, March 13th

  Friday, March 14th

  Saturday, March 15th

  Sunday, March 16th

  Wednesday, March 19th

  Friday, March 21st

  Saturday, March 22nd

  Friday, May 9th

  Saturday, May 24th

  Drew Sera


  Book Six in The Everett Gaming Series

  Drew Sera


  Book Six in The Everett Gaming Series


  Drew Sera

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. No person, brand or corporation mentioned in this book should be taken to have endorsed this book nor should the events surrounding them be considered in any way factual. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.


  This book contains sexually explicit scenes, adult language and disturbing scenes that may be difficult to read or considered offensive to some readers. This book contains content that is not suitable for readers under the age of 18.


  Please do not try any sexual practice, especially those that might be found within the scope of BDSM/Fetish kink without the guidance of an experienced professional. Author is not responsible for any loss, harm, injury or death resulting from use of the information contained in any of its titles.

  Copyright © 2017 by Drew Sera

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission from the author.

  Cover photography by © Depraved Eros

  Cover Models Michael Smith, Camilo Hoyos & Jazmin Gauthier

  Interior Design by © Drew Sera

  Cover Design by Mayhem & Depraved Eros

  For everyone who fell in love with Colin, Sydney & Anthony

  Special thanks to: Greg, Michael, Krissi, Ashton, Randy, my beta readers and the Wicked Wonders Street Team. You each have had your hands in this series and my heart.


  1. Tuesday, March 4th

  2. Tuesday, March 4th

  3. Wednesday, March 5th

  4. Wednesday, March 5th

  5. Thursday, March 6th

  6. Thursday, March 6th

  7. Friday, March 7th

  8. Friday, March 7th

  9. Saturday, March 8th

  10. Saturday, March 8th

  11. Saturday, March 8th

  12. Saturday, March 8th

  13. Sunday, March 9th

  14. Sunday, March 9th

  15. Monday, March 10th

  16. Monday, March 10th

  17. Monday, March 10th

  18. Monday, March 10th

  19. Monday, March 10th

  20. Tuesday, March 11th

  21. Wednesday, March 12th

  22. Wednesday, March 12th

  23. Thursday, March 13th

  24. Thursday, March 13th

  25. Thursday, March 13th

  26. Thursday, March 13th

  27. Thursday, March 13th

  28. Thursday, March 13th

  29. Friday, March 14th

  30. Friday, March 14th

  31. Saturday, March 15th

  32. Sunday, March 16th

  33. Wednesday, March 19th

  34. Friday, March 21st

  35. Saturday, March 22nd

  36. Friday, May 9th

  37. Friday, May 9th

  38. Saturday, May 24th

  Drew Sera


  Tuesday, March 4th


  My phone told me that Colin, or at least his phone, was about two hundred yards away. I didn't want Sydney to get worn out and figured driving the short distance would be a better option for us.

  "What happened? I don't understand why we have to get him? Did something happen?" Sydney asked while she pulled on her sandals.

  Sydney worries so much about so many things. She had been doing better before Paul took her, but now she seems to be back to worrying and second guessing everything. Colin and I need to do a better job and focus on building confidence back into our girl. I needed to step up and not only calm Sydney down but Colin.

  I pulled Sydney into my arms and kissed her forehead while I tried to think of the things to say that she needed to hear. And maybe some things that I needed to voice.

  "Colin's not feeling very good, sunshine. He's afraid that he's not what you and I need to get better."

  I fully intended to continue, but hearing myself admit that I need to get better was a harsh reminder and slap in my face of all that has happened.

  I need to be able to move forward too.

  Sydney and Colin need me, and I need them to get better.

  I kissed her cheek and smoothed her hair behind her ear and then immediately pulled it back to cover her ear. She's sensitive about her ears since being back. Howard used to slap her ears while she blew him. She had been getting better about her ears, but this stint with Paul has made a lot of nervous habits resurface.

  "We need Colin," Sydney said with tears in her eyes. "He can't leave...he..."

  Tears spilled from her eyes, and I crushed her against my body. Calm her down. Talk to her!

  "Sunshine, we're not going to let him leave. We’re going to remind him that we need him."

  "Why did he just wake up and decide we'd be better off without him? I know he's been distracted the past few days and I assume it has something to do with the fight you and he had."

  Sydney was still very much in the dark about most of the stuff I scribbled out and threw at Colin's feet the other night. It's not fair to her. Yes, there are some horrid things going on for us, and once I feel like she's on better footing, Colin and I need to sit down and talk to her about a lot of it.

  "I told Colin a lot of stuff that was on my mind lately. It was a lot for him to digest, I think. And sweetheart, I will talk to you about it, but I'm just not ready for that yet."

  She looked in my eyes, and I wiped her tears away.

  "I’m patient and will wait you out, then.”

  Fuck, she's so good to me.

  We were ready to go find our better half. And Colin really was our better half. We needed him, but right now he was full of doubt and I needed to step it up and fix it.

  Sydney held my phone and helped guide me as I drove. The blip on the screen hadn't moved, so chances were that Colin was sitting somewhere. I parked at the pier and could feel the unease radiating off Sydney. I looked around and saw lots of people moving about on the sidewalks. I took hold of her hand and gave her a squeeze.

  "I'm not going to let go of your hand, Sydney. I won't ever let anything happen to you."

  I hoped she believed me. I needed her to believe that Colin and I would both always protect her. We lost her once, and I'll be damned if that ever happens again.

  I walked around to the passenger door and opened it for Sydney. Taking her hand in mine, I led us to the sidewalk and glanced down at my phone. We walked for a few feet, and I could tell we were moving in the right direction.

  "We're going the right way, sunshine."

  Every few steps I took, I lowered my head to glance at the phone. When I rea
lized we walked past my "Colin indicator,” I stopped and looked back and upward at the building where he must be…assuming the GPS was accurate. It was a restaurant with seating inside as well as on the deck facing the ocean. I tugged on Sydney's hand and entered. We were greeted as I removed my sunglasses and looked around for him.

  "Hi, would you like a table inside or out?"

  "Neither. We're meeting someone here. Tall guy, brown hair."

  I continued to look around and the hostess pointed to Colin sitting outside on the deck. I nodded my thanks and guided Sydney through the restaurant. My heart was pounding because I knew that I needed to say the right things. And I knew that the right things were in my heart. I just needed to figure out in seconds how to say them.

  Colin sat alone. His body was facing the ocean, but he was leaning over his knees, resting his forearms on his thighs. As we approached the table, Sydney practically ran to him. She surprised him, by tossing her arms around him. Once he realized it was Sydney, he stood and wrapped her up in his embrace. He stared at me the entire time he hugged her.

  He sat down and held Sydney on his lap, leaning her head on his shoulder.

  "How did you know where I was?"

  I laughed out loud and set my phone on the table.

  "Come on now. Technology and I are good friends."

  Colin nodded and stroked Sydney's back.

  "You helped find our girl with your technology skills."

  I was happy to hear him say our girl.

  "That's right, Col...our girl."

  The three of us sat quietly in an awkward silence for a few minutes, and a server brought over Cokes for Sydney and I. My heart continued to pound as I tried to think of the right things to say. Colin stroked Sydney's hair as she leaned against him and he gazed out over the water.

  "I'm sorry if I worried you two this morning."

  "You don't have to apologize, Col. I understand that stuff sometimes gets in the way and that you need some time to think."

  This wasn't coming out as I wanted it to. I rubbed on my chest and leaned back in the chair. I took a slow, deep breath.

  "Colin, so much shit has happened. I wouldn't have been able to make it through those weeks without Sydney if I didn’t have you—”

  He cut me off and was frowning.

  "Anth, you barely made it. I should have done more."

  I shook my head and looked down. I tried to avoid everything he did to help me.

  "I wasn't making things very easy. But, I knew you were there for me. I knew you would have done anything for me. And we got Sydney back...and you were still there for me, strong as ever. And for our girl."

  I reached out and took hold of Sydney's hand and gave it a squeeze. I took another deep breath.

  "I need to move forward. And I can't do that without you and Sydney. I need both of you...badly." I took a sip from my glass, hoping to give me a few moments to collect my thoughts. "I'm not used to having people around when stuff really goes south. I was a child when so much of that went on. I became an expert at dealing with things on my own. If I didn't think about it, I was all right. And it worked for me because there wasn't anyone around anyhow. But I know that's not the case anymore. I'm surrounded by people who want to help and can help. I can't promise that I won't try to run, but please...don't give up on me."

  Colin stood up and set Sydney down on the chair. He tugged on my sleeve until I stood and then he hugged me. He slapped his hand on my shoulder and gripped my arm. I tried so hard not to tense up, but I knew I had. Colin didn't let go of me until he was done talking.

  "All you have to do is try. Sydney and I will not let you down."


  Tuesday, March 4th


  I sent Matt and Blake a text this afternoon letting them know we were driving home today. I mentioned that I thought we could get together for dinner over the next few days. As I put our bags in the trunk, I got a text back from both of them.

  MR: I want to see you guys. Consider dinner tonight and let me know. Nothing fancy, just low key.

  BE: Glad to hear we will be seeing you guys. You were missed and in our thoughts.

  I was so lucky to have great friends in my life. No, they weren't just friends. They were family. Sydney and Anthony both seemed to be doing okay this afternoon after my morning caused them to worry about me. We took Sydney for a walk along the shore and let her take in the calmness. It would be our last here for a while at least. Work was picking up, and I needed to get my head screwed on straight for it.

  I glanced at the calendar on my phone while I waited for Anthony to lock up. Anthony's birthday was coming up soon. Matt and I usually take him out to dinner and then we'd go to Irons, but this year is different. Yes, there will probably be dinner, but now we've got our girl to share the celebration with. Sydney and I will figure out something nice for his birthday.

  Anthony walked towards the car from the front door and tossed me the keys over the roof of the car. Instead of getting in though, he stared at me.

  “Thanks, Col, for taking us away for a while. It was good for us.” I winced. I wasn't so sure about that now. “Seriously, Col. Look at all the shit I got out of my system the other night. Look at everything we did with Sydney.”

  I smiled at him and nodded. The past few days had been rough on all of us, but he did get some heavy stuff off his chest. I also learned about his neck trigger and will take extra care. And Sydney had a great time sitting outside by the ocean writing.

  Before getting on the freeway, we stopped for gas, and I had another moment of panic. I think I need to talk to Chris about this. I get a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach when separated from Sydney in public.

  I had swiped my card at the pump and just got the nozzle in when Sydney hopped out of the backseat and buttoned up her sweater.

  “We’ll run in and get us some stuff for the road. What would you like, Sir?”

  Anthony was walking around the back of the car; stretching as he looked at me. Panic must have been all over my face. Anthony gave me a small smile and took hold of Sydney's hand, instantly calming me. I knew he was going inside with her and when he's with her, I relax. As I pumped the gas and watched the sliding entrance door, I thought about how ever since Sydney came into my life, I've always been settled when I see Anthony with her. It had been like that all along and way before Paul.

  They both appeared, and I relaxed some more. Sydney and Anthony took care of our sugar needs for the ride home. The three of us talked about our photo shoot, again and we should have some pictures waiting when we get home. I had notified Matt of the delivery, and he was going to pick them up for us from our doorstep.

  Anthony had dozed off and woke up with a sudden jerk. I glanced over at him and then in the rearview mirror. Sydney was asleep.

  “Hey,” I said to him. I wanted him to know that I noticed and was hoping he'd tell me if he needed something. It was going to be a project to get him feeling comfortable to tell me when he needs something.

  “Sorry. I…” He stopped talking and looked out the window.

  I could hear him taking a few deep breaths, and then that fucking cough appeared causing him to reach for his chest. Fuck, I have been praying that he doesn't get sick. Matt told me that his system can't handle much right now and his immune system isn't back up to speed yet. Neither is Sydney's, but Anthony was more at risk to develop complications from a common cold or going to bed with wet hair. He kept coughing and was holding his chest and stomach.

  “Anth, maybe your water will help.” I kept my eyes on the road though I wanted to look over at him.

  Once the cough subsided, he was quiet but made a lot of nervous movements in his seat. His leg bounced, and he shifted around. He reached over and adjusted the heat setting that was facing him, and he flipped on his seat warmer. He was cold and obviously uncomfortable.

  “Can we stop? Barstow is coming up, and Sydney needs some food,” Anthony said and went back to looking out
the window while his leg bounced. “And, I'd like to stop.”

  Good, he was admitting he wanted to do something and needed something.

  “Of course, play around with the display and see if there's a place you'd like to stop.”

  I thought maybe it'd help keep him calm and keep his mind off whatever it was that had just woke him up. It had bothered him, but I wasn't going to press him in a confined car.

  “Sunshine,” Anthony turned and got her attention by shaking her leg. “Sweetie, we're going to stop for some food. Is there somewhere you'd like to stop and eat?”

  Sydney looked up at the display as Anthony read off the restaurants in the area. They asked my opinion, but I told them they could decide. They decided on a national chain restaurant, which I thought would be much better than fast food and it would give us time to sit down and relax a bit.

  The hostess took us to a booth, but Anthony didn't sit down right away and headed to the bathroom. He gave me a look as he left us at the table silently telling me not to leave her alone. No fucking shit. The server came by, and we took care of ordering drinks, and I ordered some chips and salsa for us. I kept my eye on my watch, and soon the drinks were delivered and then the chips. The server had come by twice to see if we were ready to order, but I told her we needed more time.


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