Ours: Book Six in The Everett Gaming Series

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Ours: Book Six in The Everett Gaming Series Page 2

by Drew Sera

  Eight minutes.

  “Do you think he's okay, Colin?” Sydney asked me quietly.

  I nodded but told her that I didn't think he was feeling well. I knew he'd be okay, but was under the weather.

  Ten minutes.

  I was getting ready to get up to check on him and was going to take Sydney with me but the bathroom door opened and he emerged, zipping up his sweatshirt jacket. He made his way over to the table, grabbing a few mints from the hostess stand as he walked by. He looked a little pale when he sat down and popped the mints into his mouth.

  “What did you guys order?” He asked as he grabbed a menu.

  “Just the drinks and chips so far.” I kept my eyes on him as he flipped through the menu. “What looks good to you, baby?” I asked Sydney as I returned my focus to the menu.

  We ended up ordering a few appetizers to share. Sydney and Anthony both ate, but Anthony didn't eat nearly as much as he normally would have if he had been feeling like himself. As we finished up, Sydney said she needed to use the bathroom. Anthony and I both looked at each other. We were scared to let her out of our sight, and she had anxiety about leaving our sight. Anthony stood though and took her hand.

  “Come on, sunshine. I'll show you where the bathrooms are.”

  Without hesitation, she took his hand and followed him down the hall. He leaned against the wall opposite the women's restroom while I gave our server my card to pay. I didn't move my eyes from that corridor and let the receipt sit in front of me until I saw Sydney had come out and had her hand inside of Anthony’s. I quickly signed the receipts and met them by the door.

  “I need to get something out of the trunk, Col,” Anthony said as we approached the car.

  I started the car as we approached it and popped the trunk. When we got to the car, I opened the door to the backseat for Sydney to get in and closed it gently before walking to the back of the trunk where Anthony was. He had unzipped his sweatshirt jacket and was rummaging around in the bags.

  “Can I help you find something?”

  “Ibuprofen. I need a new shirt, too.”

  I looked at his shirt as he pulled off the sweatshirt jacket to reveal a dark, wet patch that ran just below the neck down the center of his chest.


  “I don't know really. I’m cold.”

  My guess was the fever. Anthony was cold earlier, and I remembered him turning the seat warmer on in the car. I knew where the ibuprofen was at and pulled it from my bag. I almost suggested his prescription strength medicine but was trying to give him his space and respect his decisions. At least the ibuprofen would be something. He pulled his damp shirt off and quickly pulled on a short-sleeved tee shirt along with a long sleeved henley.

  “Much better,” he sighed and took the four ibuprofens that I had for him in my hand. I balled up a fist and lightly made contact with his bicep. He headed around to the passenger side while I shut the trunk and then got in the driver's seat.

  I worried the entire way home about him. He obviously hadn’t been feeling well. He had the chills, a fever and had thrown up. His appetite was low, too.

  “Can we go to Pizza City tonight for dinner, Sirs?” Sydney asked and followed it up with a laugh at her multiple “sirs.”

  “Yes, sunshine,” Anthony answered with folded arms. He had his hands balled up between his arms and side to keep warm.

  As we got closer to home, I asked Anthony to adjust the temperature settings in the house using his home automation app on his phone. His tech obsession carried over to the house once he moved in. And honestly, I was pleased with that little aspect right now. By the time we walked inside, it was warm with a gentle flicker of the fireplace in the background.

  I'd get the stuff from the car later, and I wanted to make sure they settled first. I came downstairs with the thermometer, and Anthony stuck it under his tongue. He was leaning back on the couch with his eyes closed and Sydney was sitting next to him. Anthony didn't even open his eyes when it beeped, but I grabbed it.

  “One o one, Anth. Fever.”

  Fuck! I tapped the thermometer against my hand while I tried to reign in my anger. I wasn't angry with him, though I doubt running on the beach and sitting outside soaking wet all day was very good for him a few days ago. I’m pissed at myself. Matt told me to keep him out of the sun as much as possible because the sun messes up the effectiveness of the antibiotic. So much of what I was trying desperately to control was slipping out of my grasp. I couldn't even keep him healthy.

  Seeing the thermometer screaming one hundred and one at me was like it screaming that I failed. I tossed the thermometer onto the coffee table a little harder than I meant to and it bounced off, hit the floor and slid into the wall. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before I opened them. I had to get myself under control.

  When I opened my eyes, Sydney was looking at the thermometer on the floor, and Anthony was piercing me with his eyes. I nodded at him, owning up to my out of control behavior and recognizing that I need to get it under control. He took a deep breath which caused him to cough and reach for his chest.

  “Sunshine, go upstairs sweetie and start the tub for a bath. I'll be up in a minute.”

  Sydney looked at both of us and then went upstairs. Our eyes followed her as she climbed the stairs and then his shifted to mine.

  “Don't lose it around her, Col. She can't handle it. I know you're frustrated. You need to get that out. If you want to throw something or take a swing at someone or something, let it be at me. You don't want her to see you throw something or break something though. That's not you anyhow.”

  “I know, I'm sorry. You know I'd never hurt her.”

  “Col, don't be stupid. That thought never entered my mind. Wanna go upstairs and box. I’ll hold the bag, and you can pretend it's me. I know you're stressed.”

  “Working out will help. I'll go do that, but I'm not pretending the bag is you.”

  “Go blow off some steam and I'll go enjoy the tub with our girl. We can go out to eat afterward.”

  As always, Anthony had my back and was going to make sure our girl was calm and okay, and I'd go blow off some steam in the gym for a while.

  “Anth, are you sure you’re feeling up to going out?” I asked.

  “We don’t have to go out tonight,” Sydney added from the tub.

  “No. We’re going. The fever will subside. Go work out, Col.”

  As he undressed and got into the tub with Sydney, I got into some gym shorts and headed down the hall.

  Many thoughts crowded my head with regards to Sydney, Anthony, and Matt while I jogged on the treadmill. Sydney and Anthony were my number one priority. Period. Their happiness, health, safety, and needs were my responsibility. Sydney is used to violence being used against her when Howard was pissed. Paul also took the wrath of his frustration out on her. He also took his frustration out on Anthony over me while I was in China.

  I hopped off the treadmill and pulled on some boxing gloves and went over to the hanging bag. I pushed at it and thought. What was I the angriest over? That's easy. Paul abducting Sydney.

  Suddenly, the punching bag was Paul, and I pounded the shit out of it.

  “That's for taking her from us and using everything she was afraid of to break her down.” I punched the bag about a dozen times. “That's for fucking around with Sydney and Anthony at Irons while I was in China.” Punch, punch. “And hitting Anthony with a whip and fighting with him.” Punch, punch, punch. “And for shooting him.” I lost count at the number of punches. “And for making him shoot you.” Punch, punch, punch.

  My vision was blurry, and sweat was running down my face. I lightly pushed at the bag as I thought. Everything began to pour out of me as I punched the bag.

  Matt bringing Victor here. Victor twisting Anthony's consent. Gina feeling guilty over Sydney's abduction. Anthony's parents. Howard. The cold Anthony is fighting off. Sydney's nightmares. The stomach pain that creeps up on Sydney now and then. Sydne
y's parents. All of the physical and emotional havoc that Sydney has survived.

  I kept punching even though my vision was blurred.

  “Fuck!” Heaved out of my mouth as I punched the bag with everything I had.

  The bag had stopped swinging and was met with resistance when I shoved at it. I poured everything into punching the shit out of the bag so it would move. Anthony was standing there holding it.

  “Get it out, Col. I'm right here.”

  I blinked, and tears slipped from my eyes mixing with the sweat, and I started up on the bag again and finally just fell against it and held my arms on the side of the bag.

  “Sydney. Where is she?”

  “Drying her hair and getting dressed for dinner. Hungry?”

  I nodded, and he helped me out of the boxing gloves, and we headed back to our bedroom. I thanked him for giving me some time to get some frustrations out and for keeping Sydney with him. I quickly hopped in the shower so we could go eat. I had thought about seeing if Matt and Gina wanted to meet us but decided against it. The three of us still needed some time to ourselves.

  We took my Range Rover to Pizza City and Anthony volunteered to drive. I wanted to ask him how he was feeling and check his fever but I shelved it for the time being. He sat across from Sydney and me, and he gazed intently at her while we ate. His appetite was low again and he tried keeping some coughing to himself unsuccessfully.

  “Are you guys going to the office tomorrow?” Sydney asked.

  “I have to go in, baby. Some things have come up on the Cheng deal that I need to be in the office to tend to.”

  I glanced at Anthony. He said he also needed to be in the office. I began to panic though because neither of us has left her alone since the abduction. Normally, I could rely on Matt, but I don't think she felt comfortable enough with Matt right now. Fuck, and since we were back in town, she had an appointment with Chris tomorrow.

  “I can stay by myself. I can write.”

  I stroked her cheek and looked into her eyes. Sydney is a very strong young woman, but she’s had so much shit tossed at her. I looked at Anthony and reminded him about her appointment with Chris.

  “I'll stay home in the morning and go with her to see Chris. Then I'll bring her home and come to the office.”

  I looked at Sydney and she smiled. She felt comfortable with that, and so did Anthony and I. Then she'd only be home by herself for half the day.

  “Fuck,” Anthony said under his breath and then looked up at me. I didn't have to ask though. His stomach was being difficult again and he excused himself and headed to the bathroom.

  “Poor Anthony,” Sydney said as she watched him head to the bathroom.

  “I know, baby. But, I've meant to get you alone for a moment. Anthony's birthday is next week.”

  Her face lit up and she clasped her hands together. I told her we needed to put our heads together and do something for him.

  “I was thinking you and I would do something for him, just the three of us. And then maybe do something with some of our friends. Matt, Gina, and Blake. Maybe a few guys from Irons.”

  “Will it be okay to have Matt over?”

  “I'm working on that part, baby. You see if you can come up with something tomorrow afternoon when you have the time to yourself.”

  Anthony came out of the bathroom and I flagged down the server to pay. He looked flushed and had his sleeves pushed up.

  “Col, I'm going to be outside. I need some cool air.”

  I nodded and told him we'd be right there.


  Wednesday, March 5th


  I wasn't looking forward to today. Colin and I needed to be in the office and Sydney had an appointment to see Chris. Before she was abducted, the appointments with Chris were bothersome enough, but since she's been back, they have been intense.

  I was awake but hadn't opened my eyes yet. I wanted to stay in this lazy state with Sydney tucked under my arm. I was flat on my stomach with my head sideways facing the center of the bed where Sydney was at, and my arm was wrapped around her.

  Colin had to be in the office by 8:00 a.m. for a series of meetings he had lined up for this morning. I would have attended them too, but I was going to see Chris with Sydney. I heard some noise in the bathroom and then in the closet before I finally opened my eyes. Colin was up and standing in front of the mirror messing with his tie. I sat up and pulled Sydney to sit on my lap. She was wide awake, and I could tell she was nervous. She always gets nervous on days we visit Chris. I hugged her against me and kissed her cheek.

  “It'll be okay, sunshine.”

  Colin came over and sat down on the bed and looked Sydney over. Sydney admitted to being nervous, and we tried to calm her worries.

  “You're going to be fine, baby. You’ll have Anthony by your side. Then tonight the three of us will sit down and talk about your appointment with Chris.”

  Colin was going to help Sydney get ready while I jumped in the shower. I let my mind wander in the shower to the upcoming appointment with Chris and then the conference call with Cheng later this afternoon. The steam from the shower caused a bunch of crap to loosen in my chest, and I couldn't help but let a cough out. I stood still in the shower knowing it was only a matter of moments before Colin came in. I also knew that I needed to man up here soon and see a doctor about this cough. I couldn't risk this getting worse. I've got Sydney and Colin to think about.

  “Fuck!” I quietly hissed and frowned at my bullet wound. I had been cleaning it in the shower and wasn't paying attention and used that fucking rough sponge on it. Not a good idea. It was a fucking gross wound, and there were a few places that had become dry scabs and were flaking off. I have been doing a good job of cleaning it and putting the medication on it, but that fucking sponge tore off one of the scabs, and now it was bleeding a little. Colin will go through the fucking roof if he sees this. I got out of the shower and put a bandage over it and shook my head at myself.

  It was close to 8:00 when I made it downstairs and into the kitchen. I sat at my place, shoveled toast and some fruit in my mouth then chased it with juice…that fucking pill. I hoped my stomach would keep calm.

  Colin and Sydney were eating breakfast, and I received his glare that told me he heard my cough. He didn't say anything though, but I knew that I needed to get it looked at.

  “Baby, let Anthony take care of you after the appointment with Chris. When Anthony leaves you home this afternoon to go to the office, I want you to call Gina. She can come over if you'd like.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Colin looked up at me, and I reassured him that she was in good hands. He needs that reassurance right now. I know he gets a panicked feeling when she's not in his line of sight and I'm trying to get him to relax a bit before he heads to the office. I knew that if she was a wreck after seeing Chris that I'd decide if I was going into the office. She was our priority.

  Shortly after Colin left, the antibiotic had its way with me. Fuck. After I freshened up, it was time for Sydney and me to go see Chris. I held my car door open for her and attempted joking with her.

  “It's nice to sit in a man's car again, huh, sunshine?”

  She smiled at my car jab and shook her head laughing. When it came down to it, Colin's Range Rover and Matt's Mercedes were manly SUVs. I'd possibly even give Colin's BMW Alpina some masculine qualities all based on the amount of power under its hood. But still, they were no match for my BMW M6. And, Sydney loved my car.

  As I was opening her door to help her out, my phone alerted me of a text. I glanced at it and then handed it to Sydney.

  CE: Take good care of our girl and tell her I love her.

  She ate it up, and as we were walking towards the door, she squeezed my hand. I knew she was nervous and reminded her that she was safe and I'd be right beside her. We sat in front of Chris, and he asked about our trip. It was an easy conversation for us to ease into but then he, of course, had to throw a fast ball in there.
  “How are the nightmares, Sydney?”

  “They aren't every night, but I still have them.”

  Chris nodded, and in typical Chris fashion, he asked her to tell him about her most recent nightmare. Fuck, really? Does he purposely try to upset her? No wonder he's such good friends with Matt. Sydney sat still and then looked downward.

  “Does the dream scare you that much that you don't want to talk about it?” He asked her but didn't get a response. “Let me ask you, was the dream based on something that actually has happened or was it fictitious in nature?”

  “Real,” she whispered.

  “Is it an event that happened before you were abducted?” She shook her head. “Was it during your abduction?” She nodded, and her hand began getting antsy in mine.

  “It's okay, sunshine. You're safe, and you're doing fine.” I kissed her forehead.

  Chris continued to ask small questions, and he got small answers until it finally cracked open and anger seared through my chest. Colin really needed to be here. Sydney explained that Paul would threaten her and scare her into not giving him a reason to whip her or break her skin. He wanted her to be still while he fucked her or else. Sickly enough, or else quickly became a threat to put Sydney in a closet. He knew she was uneasy with closets. Not only did Paul have that fear of hers dialed in, but he had an added surprise for her in that a dead body of the other girl waiting in the closet. I could feel the sweat forming on my forehead and chest.

  “Sydney, did Paul lock you in the closet where he kept the body of the other woman?” Chris asked her calmly and quietly. His forehead was creased, and I could see he was bothered.

  She seemed to zone out, but I squeezed her hand and encouraged her to answer Chris. Her answer was a nod. I had to loosen my tie. Chris looked over at me knowing that this would have a heavy impact on her.

  Chris was writing lots of things down and then switched gears to something more pleasant and personal. Very personal.


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