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Ours: Book Six in The Everett Gaming Series

Page 3

by Drew Sera

“How is the sex going?” He asked. Neither of us spoke, and I sat there frozen on the spot. He quickly looked up and said that he meant to ask if the three of us were having sex and if there were any issues or triggers coming up. I nearly choked and ended up coughing hard.

  “We have it,” I quickly said and wanted to move from this topic.

  “Sydney, are you okay with the sex and the dynamic that you have with Anthony and Colin? Has anything come up that has made you uncomfortable?”

  Well, fuck. Why doesn't Chris just ask Sydney if Colin and I are taking advantage of her or binding her to a spanking bench? I instantly took offense. I know I shouldn't have, but I did.

  “No, everything has been good, except…” Sydney looked up at me prompting me to pick up where she left off. Fuck. I rubbed my hand over my face and looked at Chris. He sat there waiting with an eyebrow arched.

  “Sydney, what is going on that has you bothered?” He pointedly asked her. It was crystal clear that he wanted the answer from her and not me.

  “Anthony is...well, he's...he's not comfortable all of the time. And I don't know how to help or make it easier.”

  Fuck, she was breaking my heart. She cared about me, and it was very evident. I love this girl. Chris was assessing me now, which I hate.

  “Is that about how you see it, Anthony?”

  Fuck, fuck, fuck. I took a deep breath and thought. Sydney has been facing her fears, and I know it's not easy, but she's trying. It's time that I start doing it, too. I nodded and looked at Sydney.

  “Yeah. If there are any issues with sex, it's on me.”

  “Do you think that Colin feels the same?”

  “Yeah, I'm pretty sure he does. I know he's concerned. Maybe we should have this discussion when he can be here too. He's a part of our V and should be here for this kind of talk.”

  Chris nodded, and we decided to end there, thankfully. We told Chris we'd find out when Colin could attend and would get in touch with him for an appointment. We walked to the car quietly. I was anywhere but in the present.

  Once we got in the car, I wasn't sure what to do. I didn't want to leave her alone, though she insisted she was okay. I needed to be around her.

  “Sir, are you angry with me?” She ran her hand down my bicep, and I turned to face her and look in her deep blues. “Are you angry I said that I thought you were uncomfortable?”

  “No, sweetheart. I'm not angry with you. It's going to take some time; I've just got some things I'm working through in my head. It has nothing to do with how I feel about you or Colin, do you understand?”

  “I do. I know it will take time. I just wish I could help.”

  “Sunshine, you are helping. I can't explain it to you, but just you being around helps. I love you.”

  Now I knew that my issues were affecting Sydney and Colin and I needed to get it under control. I realized that I was needier after our chat with Chris than Sydney was. I wanted nothing more than to go home and sit on the couch with Sydney. But I knew that I was needed in the office for a 2:00 conference call with Cheng's team. Colin needed me for that.

  “Are you hungry, sunshine?”

  I took her to McDonald's and watched her eat her chicken McNuggets as if they were on the menu of a five-star restaurant. Just the smallest, simplest things made her day. We shared a McFlurry, and she was as happy as can be. I wasn't too hungry anyhow, but any trace of an appetite diminished as I recalled her time in the closet with the woman that Paul killed.

  “Sunshine, how would you like to spend the afternoon in the office with Colin and me?”

  “Am I allowed? I mean, I know you guys have things to do. I don't want to be in the way.”

  I smiled at her and told her she could stay in one of our offices when we have the conference call this afternoon. It was almost 1:00 and Colin would be getting back from lunch and would be preparing for the conference call. We parked in my parking spot next to Colin's Range Rover, and I sat still for a few moments thinking. I looked around and then reached over and took hold of her hand.

  “Sunshine, once we get out of the car, I won't be able to touch you.”

  “I know. I understand.”

  I was filled with guilt. It's fucking not fair to her. She bends to conform to everything Colin and I weave. We tell her when she can be touched by us and then in public places it's different, at work it's different and before she was abducted it was different around Matt's family. She just smiles and takes what she gets and doesn't ask for an ounce more.

  Still, I couldn't be the CFO who fucks up the CEO's life. If someone saw me hold her hand or even touch her, whispers would fly and then before you know it, Colin has a fucking mess on his hands.

  “Sunshine, you know it's not because I don't want to touch you. Fuck, I struggle to keep my hands to myself around you.”

  “I know, Anthony…Sir. I knew what I was signing up for. I understand.” She smiled that gorgeous smile and embraced me with her deep blues.

  I squeezed her hand and then got out of the car and went around to open her door. I whispered to her that I love her and then we proceeded to the building. Her friend Katie was standing at the security desk talking with a courier when she spotted Sydney. She waved and finished talking with the courier and then hurried over to hug Sydney. I could only stand to the side and watch her carry on with Katie.

  “Can you stay and talk for a while?” Katie asked her.

  Fuck. I had to walk forward and remind Sydney that Colin was waiting and that she should probably see him first and then maybe come back down to visit while we had the conference call with Cheng. I knew Colin wouldn't allow it, but we had to keep up the appearance that he and I weren't terrified to let her out of his sight or mine.

  We made it to the tenth floor of Everett Gaming and I felt like shit. I leaned on the wall in the elevator and stood a few feet away from her. I made no eye contact and didn't make a move to touch her. It was the longest elevator ride of my life.

  I walked towards my office with Sydney walking behind me and nearly stopped in my tracks when I saw Mitch standing at my secretary's desk. I kept my feet going though, nothing to hide. I wasn't the CFO fucking the CEO's girl. Okay, I was, but the CEO was fully aware. Hannah smiled as she looked up at Sydney and me.

  “Mr. Graves! Mr. Everett said you'd be in today. I see you've brought a guest. Hi, Sydney, it's so good to see you, sweetie. How are you?” Hannah asked excitedly.

  Soon there were a handful of people gathering around and suddenly I felt like I needed to get Sydney out from under all of these eyes. Mitch picked up on it and shooed everyone back to work and walked with Sydney and me into my office.

  “Sydney, you can have a seat there and I'll get Colin once he gets out of his meeting,” I said and pointed to the couch at the sitting area and Mitch took a seat in front of my desk. I hated how sterile I was sounding on account of Mitch being with us.

  “How are you feeling?” Mitch asked me.

  “Good, thanks.”

  “That hole in your chest heal up?”

  “Yeah, seems to have healed. We still on for 2:00?” I asked referring to the conference call, quickly shifting focus.

  “Yes, James is in a meeting with Colin and some guys from legal.”

  I nodded and took a seat behind my desk and glanced at Sydney. Sweet, kinky Sydney. She was playing with her phone while Mitch and I carried on a conversation.

  “Sydney, can I get you something to drink?” Mitch offered.

  “No, sir. I'm fine, thank you.”

  I don't know why hearing her call Mitch sir bothered me so much. Sir is reserved for Colin and me. No one else. I gave her a heated glare and she returned it with a naughty little smile that Mitch thankfully didn't see. Playful little thing that pushes all of the right buttons for me. Her naughty, playful smile was pulling me from my funk and sent a surge to my cock.

  “So, Colin lets you ride around in a car with this guy?” Mitch joked and teased with Sydney.

  “He's a
cautious driver,” Sydney said with a smile and went back to playing on her phone.

  Mitch nodded at her and then turned to face me while he addressed Sydney's comment. “Anthony's cautious because he's carrying precious cargo.” Mitch wasn't jerky about it.

  “I took Sydney to an appointment this morning since Colin had to be in early. He would have rather gone, of course.”

  Mitch looked back and forth from Sydney to me and then smiled.

  “He trusts you with very important aspects of his life. He knows she's safe with you, Anthony,” Mitch said quietly but gestured towards Sydney. Fuck, so he's noticed. “Well, I'm going to go prepare for our conference call. Colin should be done in about fifteen minutes.”

  I nodded and my eyes were glued on Sydney as Mitch walked out of the room. I nearly jumped out of my chair when my phone vibrated.

  SB: I love riding around in the car with you, Sir.

  AG: I'd love for you to ride my cock in my car.

  I heard her giggle and looked up from her phone at me. She has such a pretty smile and infectious laugh. It was music to my ears and just the sight of her continued to improve my mood.

  SB: Shall I meet you in the parking garage, Sir?

  AG: No, little Miss Burke. You stay right there where I can see you.

  SB: Yes, Sir.

  AG: While we're on the subject, Sir is just for Colin and me. No one else, clear?

  SB: You and Colin own me. Body, mind, heart, and soul.

  Fuck me. I wanted to touch her so bad. She sat in the center of my couch and I glanced at my open office door. I could hear Hannah outside my door on the phone. The temptation was there to shut that door and kiss Sydney. I don't know what was driving me to think irrationally right now. Maybe it was the mere fact that I knew I couldn't touch her here. It'd be viewed as odd, sketchy behavior if I suddenly closed the door with the CEO's girl inside with me. Rumors would fly and then Colin would be in an awkward position. No, I just needed to keep my hands busy at my desk. Control yourself! I told myself.

  SB: Want to hear a secret?

  AG: Of course, sunshine

  SB: I didn’t think that you and Colin ever knew I existed when I first started working here.

  AG: I promise you that we knew your existence the moment you arrived here.

  SB: And here I am sitting on your couch in your office thinking about how I can't wait to get home so you can touch me.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck. I glanced at the open door again and watched employees shuffling around and chatting just beyond the threshold. I felt my cock harden and reached under my desk to adjust myself.

  SB: Hard, Sir?

  AG: Yeah, because of you.

  A giggle came out and she had me looking over at her. She certainly was playful and knew how to get a rise out of me. Literally.

  SB: If I slipped under your desk, no one would see me.

  Fuck! I dropped the phone onto the desk and scrambled to pick it up. Colin walked in rescuing me and stood in the doorway.

  “Fuck, finally,” I said and leaned back in my chair.

  Colin shut the door and went to sit by Sydney but kept looking at me.

  “I'm sorry, I didn't know you were bringing Sydney. How was Chris?” Colin asked with a frown.

  “Chris was the usual. We can fill you in later. I thought she'd be better off sitting in your office while we had the conference call.” I stood and walked toward them on the couch. I could feel my body charging the closer I got. I set my phone in Colin's hand so he could see what our girl has been up to. “She's been busy while you were in your meeting.”

  Sydney sat there smiling but eyed my fly. I glanced at the closed door again. It was closed, but not worth the risk. Colin was amused at our little naughty text kitten.

  “Miss Burke, are you trying to tempt my CFO and best friend?”

  Sydney leaned back in my couch, laughed and nodded. Colin kissed her lips and held her tenderly. My body ached to touch her like that.

  “Well, you're lucky that I'm perfectly fine with you tempting and loving him too. I wouldn't want it any other way. But, I do think you're making it extra rough on him, given the environment.”

  Sydney gave us her innocent look which made me harder. Colin deleted the sexy texts from my phone and then did the same with her phone. He looked at his watch and leaned back on the couch, wrapping Sydney up with him.

  “Tell me about the appointment this morning.”

  “We should talk later, it'll be better,” I suggested.

  He nodded and then took Sydney's lips. Fuck, I couldn't watch this here. “Look, baby. Anthony can barely stand it.” Colin reached up and massaged one of her breasts over her sweater. Fuck.

  “No, I can't stand watching that in here. I can't do anything about my needs in here.” I walked back to my desk in frustration and threw myself into my chair. Was I pouting?

  I glanced over at the two of them and Colin was deliberately waiting for me to look at him. When I did, he took her earlobe between his teeth. Fuck me! Those were mine. He chuckled as he pulled away from her and gave her cheek a kiss then came over and sat on the edge of my desk.

  “We need to head to the conference room,” Colin said and I nodded, trying to clear my head. “Baby, come give Anthony a hug and kiss and then I'll take you to my office.”

  I tried to discourage it. I shouldn't touch her in this building. I was barely hanging onto my self-control as it was.

  “Col, we shouldn't do this here.”

  “The door is shut. She can hug you and kiss you. It's not like you're getting up on your desk for a quickie. Besides, I think you need it.”

  I held my breath until her arms wrapped around me. Pure heaven. I bent to give her a quick kiss. It was just a light, quick kiss until my tongue got involved. I was able to keep myself in check though and pulled away from her and then Colin gobbled her up.

  “Better?” He asked me and I nodded. “I'll take her to my office and meet you in the conference room.”

  I took a few minutes to calm myself down and make sure my hard on was gone before I went to the conference room.


  Wednesday, March 5th


  Our fragile little kitten sure had Anthony in knots. I proudly held her hand as she and I walked around the corner to my office. She sat down on my couch while I got her a bottle of soda from my wet bar.

  “Col,” I looked up at Anthony's voice to see him standing in the doorway. He tossed me a bag of M&M's and Sydney's face reflected happiness. It had a yellow sticky note on it with a note that said ‘I want to fuck you hard.’ Under it was a dick oozing cum.

  I shook my head but smiled. It was good he was thinking about sex. I handed Sydney the candy and saw the smile appear on her face.

  “Thank you,” Sydney whispered to him. He winked at her and moved away from the door.

  “Baby, I have to go into a meeting now. Do not move from this office.”

  I winced when I realized that the last part came out sounding a little harsher than I had intended. Sydney looked up at me, and I could tell it stung some. Shit. I took her cheek in the palm of my hand.

  “Sydney, I'm sorry. That came out rough. Please stay here.”

  “I won't leave your office.”

  I kissed her, and on my way to the conference room, I let my secretary, Leslie, know that Sydney was in my office and asked her to check on her in a little bit.

  I took my seat at the head of the conference table with Mitch and Anthony on either side. James sat next to Anthony and was teasing him while we were waiting for Cheng and his crew. Cheng was in New York this week visiting one of his hotels there, and it sounded like he was going to be in New York until his trip to Vegas on the 17th. After the conference call, I was going to talk to them about the options for Cheng's entertainment desires. Cheng was a little older than I was, so I doubted he was looking for much in the club scene, but I've been surprised before, so I was trying not to assume. And this was the U.S. as oppose
d to Macau, so there was a chance he'd want to be in a club. I really had no fucking clue, but I hoped James did.

  During the call, we got right down to business and gave him a status on the delivery of the gaming machines. He had an end of April grand opening scheduled with our gaming machines being delivered a full month before the opening. We were sending a tech team to Macau to make sure everything was in excellent working order. We talked about the time frame and Cheng said he'd make arrangements for the team and put them up in mini-suites at a neighboring property. As we were wrapping up the call, Cheng said that he was looking forward to his trip to Vegas and was very interested in meeting the rest of my team in person. When we hung up with them, we began talking about the Cheng visit.

  “Did you find anything out about his tastes?” I asked James.



  “Oh, I'm not so sure.”

  “Fuck, really? Please don't tell me he's into hookers, booze, and drugs.”

  “Hmm, not all of those. At least not all at once.”

  I tossed my pen on my notebook and leaned back.

  “Great, I've managed to lock in two beautiful international contracts with a drunk, womanizing addict,” I said.

  “Oh, no Colin. We don't have any proof he's an alcoholic or a drug addict.”

  The four of us laughed, and suddenly I felt as though heavy weights were on my shoulders again. Only this time it was from the business side of my life.

  “I'm just messing with you, Colin. I spoke to his right-hand man, and he suggested some dinners, cocktail parties and that sort of thing. He made mention though that Cheng would enjoy a few social events at some clubs. There will be fifteen of them in their group for us to plan for. So, where would you like dinner reservations made and for how many?"


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